Victory at Yorktown (50 page)

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Authors: Richard M. Ketchum

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sieges, ritual for

Simcoe, John Graves

Sireuil, de (captain)



requisitioned by British

with smallpox

as soldiers


Smith, Joshua Hett

Smith, Mildred

Smith, William

Smith, William, Jr.

Society of Friends

Soissonnais regiment


American army in

British holding

Cornwallis command in

fighting in

guerrilla movement in

possibility of campaign in

war in

South Carolina

British attack on

carrying war back to

situation in

South Carolina militia

South Carolinians

southern command

Greene head of

southern deparment

Lincoln commander of

situation in



Spanish Main




Stansbury, Joseph

Staten Island


appeal to, for troops

failure to provide food for army

not producing soldiers

and pay owed to soldiers

represented in Congress

responsible for raising funds

Steele, Mrs.

Steuben, Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von

division commander at Yorktown

and Washington's farewell

in Yorktown

Stewart, Alexander

Stewart, Walter

Stiles, Ezra

Stirling, Thomas

Stony Point

Stormont, Viscount

Strafford, Earl of

Strickland (hangman)

Stuart, Charles

Stuart, Gilbert

Suffolk, Lord

Sullivan, John

Sumter, Thomas

Surrender, The

Symonds, Thomas

Tallmadge, Benjamin

Tangier Island


Tarleton, Banastre


ostracized at surrender

pursuit of Jefferson

and siege of Yorktown

submitted resignation

at Yorktown

Tate, Samuel

Ternay, Chevalier de

death of

Thacher, James

Thicketty Creek

Tilghman, Tench

taking news of Cornwallis's surrender to Continental Congress




in Carolinas

in Connecticut

at Kings Mountain

in New York City

in North Carolina

plan to protect

Tornquist, Carl Gustaf

Touraine regiment

Tower of London

trade, international


Trawley, Lord


of Arnold

treaty ending war

treaty of commerce

Treaty of Paris


victory at

Trinity Church


Trumbull, Jonathan

Tucker, St. George

United States of America

Valley Forge

Varick, Richard

Vauban, Sébastien Le Prestre de

Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de

Washington's “suggestions” to

and peace treaty

Verger, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine de


Lafayette at

news of Yorktown victory at

Ville de Paris

Vioménil, Baron de

at Yorktown

Vioménil, Comte de

at Yorktown


armies heading to

concentrating allied armies in

conquest of

Cornwallis's move to

decision not to send troops to British army in

importance of subduing

reinforcements from


Virginia assembly

Virginia Continentals

Virginia dragoons

Virginia House of Burgesses

Virginia militia

(sloop of war)

Walker, Benjamin

Walpole, Horace

Walsingham, Lord

war in America

end of

lost by Britain

not over

risks in

see also
American Revolution

War of Jenkins's Ear

warfare, change in dynamics of

Washington, George (His Excellency; the General)


dedication to freedom

efforts to discredit


as leader

life mask by Houdon

in Manhattan

personal characteristics

relationship with Lafayette

risks in battle

Washington, George, as commander-in-chief

and André death sentence


army moved to Verplanck's Point

army to New Jersey and the Hudson

and Arnold

avoiding decisive battle

and Congress

and Cornwallis's plan to protect Tories

finishing war in South

and the French

and French fleet

and French officers

and Greene

heading south

on Hudson

inactive campaign

and issue of soldiers' pay

journey to Yorktown

meeting with de Grasse

messages to Congress

and military conspiracy

and Morgan

and mutiny

in Newport

in Philadelphia

plan of operation

plan to capture

plan to capture Clinton

and planned attack on New York

praise for Greene

problems faced by


and Rochambeau

Rochambeau loaned money to

and siege of Yorktown

and siege of Yorktown: capitulation terms

and siege of Yorktown: Cornwallis's letter to

and Tilghman mission

troops' confidence in

using blacks as soldiers

and victory at Yorktown

visit to Mount Vernon

and Wayne

in Williamsburg

Washington, Martha

Washington, Samuel

Washington, William

Watchung Mountains

Wayne, “Mad Anthony”

headed south to reinforce Greene

and mutiny


Webb, Samuel

Weedon, George

in siege of Yorktown

Virginia militia

Wentworth, Benning

Wentworth, Charles, Marquis of Rockingham

Wentworth, Paul

West Indies

British islands in

British squadron

engagements in

fleet sailing from

in trade

West Point

Arnold and/at

French at

plan to seize


security of

West Point garrison

Wethersfield, Connecticut

Wheelock, Eleazer


White Plains

Whitehall, instructions from

William, Prince

Williams, Daniel

Williams, James

Williams, Otho


camps at

French headquarters in

Lafayette at

march to

Te Deum sung at

Washington in

Wilmington, North Carolina


Windward islands


Clermont-Crèvecoeur on

Wormley Creek

Yadkin (river)


British at

British surrender at

Cornwallis at

damage to


monument in

movement of cannon toward

naval engagement deciding campaign in

pounded by allied artillery

selected as post and fortified

siege of

soldiers leaving

terms of capitulation

troops transported to

victory at

victory at: importance of

victory at: news of, reaching England

York Island

York River

de Grasse fleet in

Young, Thomas

Also by Richard M. Ketchum


Decisive Day: The Battle for Bunker Hill

The Winter Soldiers: The Battles for Trenton and Princeton

Saratoga: Turning Point of America's Revolutionary War

Divided Loyalties: How the American Revolution Came to New York

The World of George Washington

The Borrowed Years, 1938–1941: America on the Way to War

The American Heritage Book of Great Historic Places

Faces from the Past

Second Cutting: Letters from the Country

The Secret Life of the Forest

Will Rogers: His Life and Times

What Is Communism?


The American Heritage Book of the Pioneer Spirit

The American Heritage Book of the Revolution

The American Heritage Picture History of the Civil War

American Testament: Fifty Great Documents of American History

The Horizon Book of the Renaissance

The Original Water Color Paintings by John James Audubon

for the Birds of America

What Is Democracy?

Four Days


M. K
has written a number of books about American history, including five others on the Revolutionary War:
Decisive Day, The Winter Soldiers, Saratoga, Divided Loyalties,
The World of George Washington.

As editorial director of book publishing at American Heritage Publishing Company, he edited many of that firm's volumes, including
The American Heritage Picture History of the Civil War,
which received a Pulitzer Prize Special Citation.

He was the cofounder and editor of
Blair & Ketchum's Country Journal
, a monthly magazine about country living.

Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, he graduated from Yale University and commanded a subchaser in the South Atlantic during World War II.

He and his wife have a sheep farm in Vermont and are active conservationists.

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Copyright © 2004 by Richard M. Ketchum

All rights reserved.

eBooks may be purchased for business or promotional use. For information on bulk purchases, please contact Macmillan Corporate and Premium Sales Department by writing to [email protected].

First Edition 2004

Maps designed by Jeffrey L. Ward

from The Pierpont Morgan Library / Art Resource, New York

eISBN 9781466879539

First eBook edititon: July 2014

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