Viking Love Beyond Time (Time Travel Romance) (26 page)

Read Viking Love Beyond Time (Time Travel Romance) Online

Authors: Kathryn Anderson

Tags: #Trading, #Mission, #25th Century, #Futuristic, #Time Travel, #Space Travel, #Romanc, #Vikings, #Earth, #Female Captain, #Ship, #9th Century, #Adventure, #Sea King, #Adult, #Erotic, #Sexy, #Black Hole, #Time Warp

BOOK: Viking Love Beyond Time (Time Travel Romance)
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Rorik crouched down beside her and took her hand, the last thing she felt like doing was pulling away.  She turned to look at him, feeling, as she did so, her stomach do its funny little dip.  He turned her hand palm upward and kissed each of her fingers in turn.  “I want to make love to you, Alodie” he said suddenly.

She gasped but did not try to move away.  He leaned forward and unfastened her headrail.  Her plaits, unconstricted, fell down heavily across her shoulders.  It never occurred to her to resist him, her will was just not strong enough.  She was twenty three years old (or was it nineteen, the black hole travel had confused her), a virgin, desired by some of the most eligible and handsome men in the civilised galaxy, none of whom had merited a second glance on her part, and now this huge barbarian was about to take her and she could not think of anything she wanted more.

He folded the headrail neatly and laid it on the ground, then pulling her limply to her feet he took the hem of her gunna and pulled it over her head.

Clad now only in her form fitting kirtle and thin shift Alodie began to move backward, followed by Rorik step for step.  It was a token, nothing more, she knew she was not going to deny him - he knew it too.  Feeling a tree behind her she stopped.  “My love” he murmured and taking her chin in his hand he gently kissed her.  She felt fire flow through her veins and, unable to stop herself, she arched her body to his.  He fumbled with the strips fastening her plaits and unloosed them.  “Shake your head” he whispered.  She obeyed him and her hair fell like a golden shower round her shoulders.  He stood back and looked at her, silently.  “You are the most beautiful woman in the world, Alodie, do you know that?” he said at last.

“Thank you” the words came out as a croak.

He enfolded her in his strong arms and kissed her forehead, her eyes, the tip of her nose, her lips.  She felt his manhood hard against her belly, straining against the cloth that constricted him.  Unable to stop herself she reached up and put her hands on each side of his head and ran her fingers through his crisp, dark curls.  Moaning deep in his throat he felt for the fastenings on her kirtle and pulled it open, his tongue plundering her mouth and rendering her almost faint.

Running her fingers across his immense shoulders she felt the corded muscles under his thin linen jerkin.  Her kirtle fell with a whisper of material round her ankles and, as if in a dream, she was lifted out of it and clad only in her shift, carried like a baby to a clump of soft grass under the trees.

A secluded glade and a beautiful man - this was what she had fantasised about when she was a hard nosed starship captain - for once she was not in control, she was letting herself drift.

Rorik laid her down and, kneeling above her, began to untie the lacings of his jerkin, the leather was knotted and he swore as he fumbled with it.  “Let me, Rorik” she whispered.  He dropped his hands and looking at her smiled, his green eyes twinkling.  After a second or two she had unfastened the knot and he shrugged off the garment.

Losing all shreds of modesty Alodie wonderingly ran her hands over his massive chest, losing her fingers in the thick black curls.  He did not carry an ounce of excess fat, his body was a mass of lean muscular power.

Her shift was only loosely laced and she was naked under it.  He pulled apart the tapes which tied it together, rendering her bare to his gaze.  He stared at the ripe golden fruit of her breasts, her flat stomach and the smooth silken skin of her hips then, with a moan of desire, he let his gaze travel to the darker  blonde triangle between her long shapely legs.  Climbing to his feet he unfastened the cross gartering of his shoes and kicking them off, began to unfasten his belt.  Alodie modestly pulled the edges of her shift together over her breasts but he leaned down and gripped her wrists with his hands.  “No Alodie” he said in his deep voice “do not cover such beauty” with that he shook off his braeis and stood naked before her.

His manhood, freed from the confines of his
, stood huge and erect.  Alodie swallowed, audibly.  Seeing the fear in her eyes he knelt and gently pulled open her legs.  “I have spent a lifetime trying to find you
min helt
, do not think that I will allow myself to hurt you” he whispered.  He began to kiss her, feather light kisses on the inside of her ankle, moving up her calf to her inner thigh.  Alodie bucked and moaned as he began to run his tongue across her belly and up, up until he was circling her right breast in a steadily narrowing arc, licking her nipple until it became a taut peak of desire.

Her body felt vibrant, alive, her mouth dry with passion - moaning aloud she raised her hips toward him, brushing his manhood with her mound.  His answer was to take her nipple into his mouth and draw gently on it, sending thrills of ecstasy soaring through her very being.

Her mind was a whirling maelstrom of irrational thoughts.  This was wrong, she knew it was wrong but it felt so right.  Gently she placed her hands on his buttocks and pushed him toward her.  The Viking needed no further invitation.  Taking the rounded firm globes of her bottom in each hand he began to slide his hard length into her.  She was wet, very wet, but she was a virgin.  She tensed herself for the stab of pain.

Rorik, on discovering his way impeded, paused and looked down at her quizzically with his warm green gaze; irrationally, Alodie felt like weeping, weeping for joy. “So that bastard Edmundson has not defiled you Alodie” he murmured “good, now I will kill him quickly, not slowly as I had planned to do.”  Alodie was too lost in emotion to take in what he was saying to her “I will try not to hurt you too much my Valkyrie” he whispered and eased his way gently inside her.  She winced as her membrane tore but then, as he began moving evenly inside her, the pain subsided and gave way to wave after wave of pleasure.  She wrapped her long slim legs around his waist and pushed herself onto him, taking all he had to give.  He moaned, shuddered and all too soon she felt his manhood throb as he released his seed into her womb.

Alodie’s first thought was of anger with herself that she could have wasted all these years being afraid of such a wonderful thing, then decided that it would not have been so wonderful with anyone but Rorik.  She kissed the top of his dark head, he looked up and, smiling at her, withdrew.  “The next time I make love to you, you are going to enjoy it too” he muttered and rolling onto his back he pulled a juicy stalk of grass and began to chew it, thoughtfully.

“I enjoyed it then” replied Alodie, taking a piece of grass also.  It tasted sweet.

The Viking shook his head.  “You thought you did, you were a maid, the pain spoiled it for you, the next time we make love you too will climax”

Alodie looked up at the sky, it seemed almost impossibly blue, the trees soughed gently above them and somewhere in the distance a curlew called. “We should get back, Rorik” she said “they will discover us soon”.

He took her hand and, drawing it to his lips, kissed it.  “I will be leaving in two weeks Alodie, when Alfred has the gold I will be sent back.   Marry me, come and live with me in my steading in
and we can raise handsome  sons and beautiful daughters”

Alodie felt the tears spring into her eyes, she blinked them away.  “I can’t Rorik” she whispered “I am married to your King Herger, have you forgotten that?  By your laws, married”

Rorik laughed deep in his throat “You can safely leave King Herger to me, now come for a swim.  With that he leaped to his feet and running naked to the pool, jumped in.  Alodie paused for a moment then, shedding all remaining inhibitions, laughed and joined him.    The water was a translucent blue and pleasantly warmed by the sun.  They broke the surface at the same second and laughing, fell into each other’s arms.  The sun beat down, the birds sang and little white clouds scudded above them.  Alodie felt wonderful - for the first time in her adult life she was truly happy.

At length they climbed out of the water and lay naked whilst the sun dried them.  Taking Alodie’s hand in his the Viking nuzzled her fingers. “I want to make love to you again Alodie but will not, your body needs time to heal”

She felt a stab of disappointment, and wondered whether Luke Owen would have been so thoughtful.  Then he pulled her to him and cuddled her, kissing the top of her head and running his hand across the velvet of her hip.  She felt his manhood throbbing hard against her leg and took it in her hand “Odin, Alodie, don’t” he moaned. 

She laughed, wickedly “Why not, don’t you like it?”

“Like it?  You little minx!” he rolled on top of her “I love it but I have told you, you need time to heal and I am a man of great willpower” with that he kissed her lips again, then her eyes followed by her nose.

Alodie glanced up, the sun was beginning to sink further to the West, starting to cast long shadows.  “We really must be getting back Rorik, otherwise my reputation will be worth nothing” she whispered ruefully.

Sighing, he sat up and stretched his great arms above his dark curly head, his muscles rippling in the late afternoon sunlight.  “Aye, you’re right, Odin confound it, we had better go back to
- separately though, you first.  I will stay out until full night saying that I was looking for you, I will, of course, take you as far as the edge of the forest” Alodie nodded in agreement, and getting to her feet collected her clothes.

Herger looked at her as she stood before him in all her naked glory, her hair falling like a golden waterfall over one shoulder, he marvelled at the swell of her firm young breasts and the sweep of waist and hip, her long shapely legs.  She turned and smiled and he felt his heart do another somersault.  She was incomparably lovely and she was his “Loki’s balls but you’re beautiful” he said aloud.

She knelt down and put her hands on his shoulders, sapphire blue eyes met emerald green.  “Tell me, Rorik” she said “I must know, if I had refused you, would you have taken me by force?”

He shook his dark head.  “Nay Alodie, t’would always have been your choice but you are not a light woman, I took your maidenhead - why did you let me and not Luke? He’s a handsome man”

Alodie dressed quickly then turned to him “After what you saw the other night you can ask that?  No, apart from the fact that he is a bragging, boastful bully, it was not right with Luke, he is stronger than I am in body but not.....” she tapped her head “not in here, in the brain where it matters, I have no respect for him.  I would have made him a terrible wife”

“And what sort of wife will you make me Alodie?”

Her smile faded “no sort of wife at all.  I am already the wife of one of your leaders.  If King Herger ever discovers what has happened between us he will probably try to kill you - as will Luke if he finds out” she added, almost as an afterthought.

She walked over to where the horses were still contentedly cropping the grass.  The Viking laughed to himself and climbing to his feet, hastily dressed, Alodie came back leading them.  “I must get back now Rorik, which way do I go?”

“Nay, sweeting, as I said, I will lead you to the edge of the forest, within sight of
gates then...............”

Suddenly there came a crash from behind them and the unmistakable sound of men and horses.  “Head back to
, Alodie” he hissed “due west - head toward the sun, I’ll say I could not find you”.

Leaping onto Shadow’s back and wheeling her round Alodie galloped into the trees at the edge of the clearing just as Luke, Oswy, Aelfric, Edric and ten heavily armed housecarles rode in from the other side.


Luke was in a violent rage.  After the fiasco of the night before he had gone back to Oswy, Edric and Aelfric and proceeded to get horribly drunk.

He spoke to no one and glared at Alodie’s door imagining the scene on the other side, toying with the idea of running up the stairs, blasting down the door and psi gunning the son of a bitch there and then but discretion overcoming valour, he decided it would take too much explaining away and if the Viking got to his sword first the outcome would be self evident.

Rorik unnerved Luke.  It took a lot of admitting, even to himself, but the Viking made him feel inferior.  He was the sort of clever bastard who, if he had been born in the twenty fifth century,  would get  top marks in the
Training School
entrance exam and worse, he was sure Alodie was attracted to him.

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