Village Matters (22 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Shaw

BOOK: Village Matters
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Ralph said, ‘Don’t worry, they’ve behaved excellently for two such small people.’ He patted their heads, but Beth reached up and pursed her lips. She wanted to give him a
kiss. So he bent down and she kissed him. ‘Bye, bye, Raff. Bye, bye, Moo.’ She leapt off the threshold and landed on the stone step. Peter caught her hand before she ran into the road. The four of them waved and went up Church Lane to the rectory.

Muriel and Ralph stayed by the door to say goodbye to all their guests.

‘Thank you for coming.’

‘Glad you enjoyed it.’

‘Thanks for your help.’

‘Thank you again, it’s been lovely.’

‘Mind how you drive after all that champagne!’

Arthur and his wife Celia were among the last to leave. Arthur shook Ralph’s hand and said, ‘Thanks, Ralph, for inviting us. I’m very pleased about the houses, it’s a grand gesture which will revitalise the village.’

Ralph smiled. ‘Thank you, I’m glad I’ve got your approval. Glad you’ve forgiven me! That grandson of yours, Sebastian, is a charming boy, you must be proud of him.’

Arthur acknowledged the compliment and said ‘We’re proud of the girls too, aren’t we Celia?’ They stepped out into the road and waved goodbye.

Harriet kissed Ralph and Muriel and said, ‘Glad you got your own way, it’s a very good thing for the village. I knew they’d all come round in the end.’

Jimbo said, ‘Got to dash, children home from school soon. Thanks for a lovely time. Come along, Harriet. We shall be late.’

Muriel fell into bed that night completely exhausted. She listened for Ralph bringing up her camomile tea. She needed something to calm her jangled nerves. Still, the
whole event had been a complete success. She’d provided far too much food, but most of it she’d put in the freezer for another time. So many people had come to the ceremony. Thank goodness they’d all decided to approve. She couldn’t bear disharmony, no, she really couldn’t.

She could hear Ralph coming up the stairs. He laid the tray on her bedside table. ‘Thank you for making it such a splendid day, Muriel. You were wonderful. Can a husband give his very best and only wife a thank-you gift?’

‘Oh Ralph!’ Muriel sat up. ‘Have you bought me a present?’ He sat on the edge of the bed.

‘Yes, I have. It took a lot of choosing. I do hope you like it. I do know it’s the right size.’ From his dressing-gown pocket he took a small velvet box. Muriel almost snatched it from him. She’d never grown blasé about his gifts; she was still as she had been as a child, so grateful that someone thought enough about her to buy her a present.

She lifted the lid of the tiny box and inside, nestled in the black velvet, was the most beautiful diamond ring she had ever seen. It had a big central diamond and on either side a triangle of smaller diamonds. The stones glinted and sparkled in the light from her lamp.

‘Oh Ralph, I love my engagement ring but this . . . why, it’s wonderful. Just wonderful.’ He put it on her finger and it fitted perfectly.

She kissed him and said, ‘Thank you, dear, from the bottom of my heart. I’m so happy. I’ve got you, and everyone in the village likes what we’re doing about the spare land, so everything in the garden is lovely. I couldn’t be any happier. No, I really couldn’t.’

Chapter 24

But there was just one matter which was worrying Muriel, and she hadn’t yet found the right words to introduce it to Ralph. Considering the blinding mistake she’d made when the problem first arose, it was more than likely she never would find the right words.

She decided to ask Jimbo’s advice. No, she’d ask Caroline’s advice; Jimbo was too involved. Yes, she’d ask Caroline for coffee, no she wouldn’t, because she couldn’t guarantee Ralph wouldn’t be in. No, she’d go to the rectory or perhaps catch Caroline in the Store or helping at the church with something. Yes, she’d ask her then. Because it was already 1 November and only four more days to go. He’d read the leaflet with his morning post, he must have seen the posters in the church hall and in the church porch, and yet he’d never said a word.

No, she wouldn’t wait, she’d go round this morning. Caroline never minded visitors, though sometimes it was possible to catch her at the most inopportune moments. Alex and Beth had certainly changed the lifestyle in the rectory. She remembered the day she had called round with some things for the white elephant stall, and there was
water dripping through the kitchen ceiling because Alex had managed to turn the washbasin tap full on and it had overflowed, Beth had scribbled on some work Peter had ready to go to the printers, and Caroline had just found that Alex had come down the stairs with a crayon in his hand and drawn a line on the wallpaper all the way down.

Muriel called about eleven. Sylvia had taken the twins out for a walk in their pushchair, in the rather vain hope that they would both fall asleep for a while. Caroline was clearing up toys, and Peter was in his study.

‘Is it Peter you’ve come to see?’

‘No, it’s you. Is it convenient?’

‘It is. I’m just about to stop for coffee. Then when Sylvia comes back I shall take over and she can have hers. Come through into the kitchen.’

They chatted about this and that, and when the coffee was ready Caroline sat in her rocking chair and said, ‘I’m all ears.’ Muriel sat at the kitchen table because rocking chairs made her feel seasick.

‘The Bonfire Party.’

‘Oh yes. Are you going?’

‘Well, that’s just it. Normally Ralph and I discuss everything, but I made such a mess of it at the dinner party I daren’t mention it, and he hasn’t either. Are you going?’

‘Apparently most of the village is waiting to hear what Ralph is doing.’

‘Oh dear. I desperately want to go. I know it won’t be the same as when I was a child, but it was the highlight of the year for me. The smell of the woodsmoke, the cold wind up on the field, the feel of the hot potato through my gloves, and the frizzling of the sparklers. I loved it all.’

‘Well, Peter and I . . .’ The doorbell rang. ‘Excuse me,
I’ll go and answer that. Peter’s writing his sermon, he won’t want disturbing.’

Muriel could hear voices in the hall, and then Peter’s study door opening. Caroline came back into the kitchen and said, ‘That was Craddock Fitch for Peter. Peter and I are going. With it starting at six, we’re taking the twins for an hour and then coming home.’

‘I see.’

‘Me being me, I think being honest is best. Quite simply, ask him if he’s going. Straight out. If he definitely doesn’t want to go, but if you decide you do, come in the car with us. We can squeeze you in, the only problem is I think the fireworks will frighten the children, they’re a bit young for revelling in loud bangs, so we may come home early. It will be good fun, won’t it? It will be quite like old times, really, for you.’

‘I won’t go if he won’t, thank you all the same. No, I couldn’t.’ She gazed out of the kitchen window, deep in thought. She was being childish. She wouldn’t mention it. She hadn’t got Caroline’s sound common sense. No, she’d leave it to Ralph.

They heard the study door open: Peter’s voice boomed out across the hall. ‘Caroline! have you a minute?’

‘Excuse me, I won’t be long.’

Muriel heard a shriek of delight from Caroline, a lot of laughter, and her saying, ‘Unbelievable. Many, many thanks. Greatly appreciated. The village will be delighted. We can go straight ahead now. That’s solved all our problems, believe me.’

What on earth were they talking about? The front door shut and Peter and Caroline came into the kitchen. Peter was waving a piece of paper in the air.

‘Muriel! Believe it or believe it not, Craddock Fitch has
just given us fifteen thousand pounds for the church central heating! Can you imagine that? Look, here it is.’ He held the cheque for Muriel to see. In bold, confident writing were the words ‘fifteen thousand pounds’ and a flourishing signature; H. Craddock Fitch.

In a tone somewhat less than enthusiastic, Muriel said, ‘How wonderful.’ This cheque made matters even worse. Fifteen thousand pounds to buy himself the position of Lord of the Manor. That was Ralph’s place. Yes, it was. He was the gentleman. Close to tears, she stood up, thanked Caroline for the coffee and her advice, and went home.

Peter and Caroline looked at each other.

Peter asked. ‘Should I go after her?’

‘No, leave it. She and Ralph need to get things straight between them. This cheque blessed well won’t have helped, though. You can see his strategy, can’t you? Paying for the heating, reintroducing the Bonfire Party, buying Pat’s cottage. It’s as plain as the nose on your face. An awful lot will depend on whether Ralph decides to go to the Party on Saturday.’

Muriel found she’d locked herself out, so she had to ring the bell.

‘I’m so sorry, I forgot my key.’

‘You’re back early. I thought you would be gone for the morning. Caroline busy, is she?’

‘Sylvia had the twins out in the pushchair, and Peter was writing his sermon, so we had the kitchen to ourselves.’

‘You didn’t stay long, though?’

‘No, I didn’t. Oh, you’ve had coffee.’

‘Yes, I am capable of making my own you know, my dear. Well, sometimes.’

‘I see. I’ll just go and do some little jobs upstairs. I’ve the ironing to put away, and I want to get your suit out ready for the cleaners and . . .’

Ralph took her hand. ‘Muriel, my dear. What is the matter? I can see you’re upset. Tell me, please, and if I can put it right I shall. Nil desperandum.’

‘I don’t want to hurt
and most of all I don’t want to hurt you. But I have done, or rather I
do. Now I can’t mention it again.’ Muriel paused for a moment and then continued. ‘But I’ve got to.’

‘Come in the sitting room and sit beside me and tell me everything. What are husbands for if not for solving problems?’

‘But that’s just it. You
the problem.’

‘Me?’ He struck an attitude of mock despair. ‘Are you – are you wanting a divorce? So soon! So soon!’

‘Ralph! How could you? I’m going to come straight out with it.’ She took a deep breath and asked, ‘Are we going to the party on Saturday up at the Big House?’

He let go of her hand. ‘Ah!’

‘Apparently the village is waiting to see what you are going to do.’

‘Are they indeed?’

‘Matters are even worse than that. You know he’s buying Pat’s cottage, and who can blame her? Well, now, this morning, he’s been to the rectory and given Peter the fifteen thousand pounds to pay for the church heating. Something we couldn’t expect he could refuse, either. So now you know it all. And I’m sorry and I don’t know what to do. And oh! Ralph I
want to go to the party, but if you say no then no it will be.’

Ralph stood up and went to the window looking out over the green.

‘Has he, by Jove? Determined devil, isn’t he? Just think. When my father went to war in 1939 he owned every cottage in this village. His ancestors gave the church the land it stands on, he owned the woods, the fields, the spare land, Prior’s Farm, and his word was law round here. In the space of just fifty years all I own is this house, which I’ve had to buy, and now the spare land and by the middle of next year eight houses on it. Times change.’ He stood lost in thought. Muriel sat watching, twisting her handkerchief round and round in her hands. Twice she nearly spoke, and twice she resisted the temptation.

When he did continue, his tone was so vehement he made her jump. ‘I’m damned if that chap is going to get the better of me. Financially he very definitely has the edge, but where the people of this village are concerned, if I can keep faith with them, he won’t win in the end. He might think he has, but he won’t have. So yes, damn it, we shall go, and we shall damned well enjoy ourselves, or at least look as if we are. Make sure everyone knows.’

Muriel clapped her hands and rushed across the room to him. She took his hands in hers and kissed them both. ‘Oh Ralph, what a good decision. How absolutely perfectly right. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure they all know. That Oriana Duncan-Lewis will spoil it for me, her lighting the bonfire, indeed! But I shall look the other way till she’s done it.’

Ralph smiled indulgently. ‘It won’t alter anything, doing that.’

‘No, it won’t, but it will make
feel better! I really think I might need some extra bits and pieces for lunch. I’m off to the Store.’ She set off with a glad heart; in fact she felt like standing in the middle of the green and shouting out her news to whoever cared to listen. She just hoped the Store
would be full of people and then the news would spread like wildfire.

Sadie Beauchamp was at the till when she went in, and best of all there were plenty of customers about.

Sadie called out, ‘Morning, Muriel. How’s things?’

‘Oh very good, thank you, Sadie. Yes, very good indeed.’ In a loud voice she asked, ‘Shall we be seeing you at the bonfire on Saturday?’

Barry’s mother’s head popped up over the top of the breakfast cereals. ‘You going then, Lady Templeton?’

‘Oh yes, indeed we are. My husband and I are really looking forward to it. Let’s hope the weather’s good.’

‘Oh, well, that’s all right then, we didn’t want to miss all the fun.’ She raised her voice and shouted, ‘’Ear that, everybody? Sir Ralph’s going! I hear there’s going to be a big buffet in the marquee! They’ve been putting it up this week.’


‘Oh yes, Mr Charter-Plackett’s catering so it’s bound to be good.’

‘And there’s going to be toffee apples and presents for any children going.’

‘And Mr Charter-Plackett’s doing the fireworks, isn’t he, Mrs Beauchamp?’

‘Yes, he’s up there now planning it all.’

‘Hope he’s got some o’ them mighty big rockets. I love seeing them going up.’

‘There’s to be a Guy Fawkes. Specially made with fireworks in ’im.’

‘No! Just ’ope it doesn’t look like old Fitch! Not after the last time. Right put the lid on it, that would!’

‘Who’s lighting the bonfire, Mrs Beauchamp?’

‘As I do not have the ear of Mr Fitch, I’m afraid I can’t help you on that score.’

Barry’s mother nudged her neighbour. ‘Liar. We all know she knew him years ago, and they’ve been seen out together. Sat in the back of his Roller with the chauffeur strutting his stuff in the front.’

‘No! Really?’

Barry’s mother nudged her neighbour again and whispered, ‘Bit of blooming good luck for her and not half, he’s a right catch, with all that money. Bit of a cold fish, but so what? Wouldn’t mind him myself.’

‘Get on, what would your Vince say?’

‘I wouldn’t ask him!’ They chortled together behind the cereals, but Muriel ignored them. If Barry’s mother knew, then the whole village would know before long. Satisfied with her efforts she paid for her shopping and left. As she stepped out into Stocks Row, she found Sheila Bissett tying Pom to the post Jimbo had provided for dog owners.

‘Good morning, Sheila.’

‘Good morning, Muriel. I do miss seeing your Pericles out and about. I expect you miss him too.’

‘Oh yes, I do. Good morning, Pom.’ She bent down to stroke him. ‘He does do well for his age, doesn’t he?’

‘Shall we be seeing you on Saturday? You and Sir Ralph?’

‘Yes, you shall. We’re really looking forward to it.’

‘Oh good. It’ll be a bit upsetting for you both, but time marches on, doesn’t it? We all have to adapt.’

‘Yes, we do. Let’s hope it doesn’t rain.’

‘Let’s hope so.’

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