Viper's Hope (Anguis Defenders Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Viper's Hope (Anguis Defenders Book 1)
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A sound down the hall made her panic. Someone was coming! Hope raced in the opposite direction stopping at various locked doors, till one opened.

The massive room was filled with boxes of cargo but thankfully no aliens as Hope quickly glanced around before she ran over to a pallet of stacked boxes. Hope wedged herself between them and the wall. She didn't know what else to do but hide till she could figure a way out of this mess.

In less than twenty-four hours she'd been faced with a series of impossible events. It was all starting to take a toll on her. Hope sobbed quietly as she huddled on the metal floor of the ship.

"Stop crying Hope." She admonished herself as she shook her head frantically.

She was mad at herself for crying. And then she was mad at herself for not giving herself a fucking break considering all this crazy bullshit.

"I doubt anyone would've done any better coping with any of this crap." Hope coached herself as she dashed away her tears.

At the moment nothing could've shocked her any more than she already was, not even if Big Bird followed by the Seven Dwarves walked through the door. But still her emotions were all over the place.

Hope pulled her knees up to her chest to prop her head as she listened to the foreign sounds of the alien vessel. The metal floor was cold, but she was strangely warm all over. Her skin was flushed, and she felt overwrought with adrenalin.

"I hope I'm not having a stroke or a heart attack or something." Hope bit her lip as she tried to assess her unusual symptoms.



"Call medical! Viper is tearing up his quarters." Canebrake yelled at Ophidian through his comm as he stood outside the enraged males quarters.

The sound of destruction and fury from within was horrific. Why had the Prognatus lost his mind?

"Don't approach him!" Ophidian yelled, but it was too late the door opened and Viper charged Canebrake growling out his feral rage.

Viper knocked Canebrake back against the wall, baring his elongated fangs. Viper tilted his head, sniffed the air and started to stalk away, huffing loudly. The male was out of his mind. His usually round pupils had shifted into thin slits. Viper's procudit fangs and the clavum spikes on his arms were fully extended. He raked his claws along the wall in agitation.

"Is the human female in his room?" Ophidian demanded through the comm.

Canebrake glanced inside.


"Dammit." Ophidian replied. "We need to find her before Viper tears the ship apart!"

Canebrake barked orders to security into his comm as he followed his crazed leader. Canebrake pulled his stunner and fired.

The first shot did nothing but anger Viper. Viper turned and charged Canebrake.

Thank Kadru his second shot did the job taking the seething male down before he could tear out Canebrake's throat.

It was unbelievable. Just a single shot should've been strong enough to drop even the mighty Hecca beast, let alone an Anguis male. What the hell!

"What did you do?" Ophidian demanded as he raced around the corner.

"I stunned him. He should be out for a bit." Canebrake replied with more than a bit of aggravation.

"Doubtful. He's going to be up soon and as mad as ever if we don't find that female!"

"I don't understand. Why?"

"She's his subeo!" Ophidian stated with a shake of his head.

"How is that possible?" Canebrake asked in shock. How could an alien female be the Prognatus' subeo?

"I don't know but Viper told me what was going on just before lights out. He almost ripped my head off when I suggested we move her to the hibernation dorm." Ophidian grimaced "This is not good. We need to find her and secure them both. If she tries to fight him while he's like this he'll accidentally kill her. The human won't understand and she's not built like our females. He'll probably tear her throat out as he attempts to make her to submit." Ophidian bristled.

"We could tie her down." Canebrake suggested.

"That's fucking awful!"

"Is it worse than being dead?! You've seen how weak these humans are." Canebrake spat back.

"I don't like it! But I don't know what other options we have." Ophidian admitted in regret. "Find the female and put her in one of the secure cells. I'll lure Viper into the adjoining one. Shit I really don't like this. Viper is going to kill me!"

"We've got movement in cargo bay three." Canebrake relayed the security report.

4 Taming the Beast



A strange smell filled the room making Hope sputter and cough. Her vision started to blur and close in as her head nodded to the side.

"Oh god they found me. I'm being drugged!" Hope realized with mounting fear.

"NOT AGAIN!" She cried out.

Hope desperately tried to hold her breath, but it was futile. Panicked, she started to hyperventilate instead, which only made it worse. Her head lolled forward feeling too heavy for her shoulders.

"I just need to keep my eyes open."

Everything was getting dim.


Hope came to confused and lethargic. Someone was loudly banging on metal and growling, viciously, as her eyes fluttered open.

"Who's messing with my wrist?" She wondered groggily.

Hope pulled away but found that she could only tug her hand back a few inches.

Hope's eyes flew open to find herself face down on a padded cushion, with her hands restrained by her head, and her ankles chained near her hips, forcing Hope to lay in a crouched position on her elbows and knees. It dawned on her in horror that she'd been stripped nude.

For the first time during this whole ordeal Hope cried out in abject terror.

The thunderous banging increased, and the growls turned to roars so frightening Hope almost fainted. She could see a metal door ahead that was deeply dented in several places. Several more dents being added to the first as some wild creature demanded to be set free.

Someone shuffled nearby and Hope heard a rumbling voice, but it wasn't Drogo. Where was he?

"Let me go! Please." Hope pleaded, but it fell on deaf ears.

They spoke and Hope listened trying to figure out what was going on, but she could barely hear over the blood thundering in her ears as her heart beat staccato in her chest. Hope was going to pass out if she didn't calm down. She tried to breathe slowly, but it didn't work. Instead she cried desperately as she tugged harder at her bonds, attempting to get free.

The crazed animal on the other side of the door screamed in rage.

The voices receded and Hope heard a door bang shut. They had abandoned her with an enraged monster in the cell next door. With mounting terror Hope wondered what manner of beast could beat through a thick metal door like that.

The abused door in front of her groaned as it cracked open several inches then halted, the deep dents preventing it from sliding into the wall.

A scream ripped past her lips as Hope realized the aliens were sacrificing her to the crazed beast.

Hope curled into a tight ball, tucking her bare ass against her heels, and pulling her elbows in to her breast as she pressed against the mat. It didn't matter, she was prone, unable to flee the thing on the other side of that door.

A feral roar echoed through the small cell as clawed hands speared through the opening and began ripping back the door as if it were nothing more than a tin can. The creature on the other side panted and snarled as it forced its will upon the portal.

Hope watched with wide eyes as first a spiked forearm then leg emerged. When the creature's face appeared, Hope gasped in shock.

She almost didn't recognize Drogo as he pushed himself through the opening. His eyes were intense as they focused on her. The dark green was ringed with a brighter green that glowed, his pupils long narrow slits. Upon seeing her Drogo froze, the frightening growl in his chest subsided to a chuffing sound.

Something wasn't right with him. He'd been aggressive before but now he appeared more animal than man. He hadn't even been this way when he gripped that other alien's neck. He'd dented a metal door over dozen times and made noises that had even his own people nervous. He was going to kill her.

"Please!" Hope pleaded, her sob choking her as she tugged at her wrists.

Drogo sniffed the air with deep huffing breaths as he stalked towards her, his massive body swaying in a predatory way. He crouched by Hope's head and took her outstretched hand. His grip was firm and warm as he tugged at the cuff.

Hope cried out as it pulled painfully at her wrist.

Drogo froze his eyes boring into hers. Hope could tell he didn't hurt her intentionally but a few smarting tears still pushed at the corners of her eyes, mixing with the rest.

Drogo's face was at the edge of hers, he rubbed his nose against Hope's cheek followed by his cheek, caressing hers. His face nuzzled her hair and burrowed into her neck.

Hope bit her lip trying not to panic that his large canines were at her throat as she felt his mouth open.

This was it, he was going to tear her throat out. She sobbed but didn't dare move.

Instead Drogo's tongue explored the crook of her neck, laving the sensitive skin beneath her ear before flicking the lobe. Hope couldn't help the shiver that worked through her as her blood heated and that odd tingle returned.

The things his tongue did weren't unpleasant but the substance in his kiss compounded the sensations. What was he doing to her with the strange chemicals he exuded? She wasn't sure she wanted this, and yet her body responded, pushing her fear of death to the back of her mind.

"Please." Hope pleaded more to herself than anything.

Drogo growled softly as his hand reached out and brushed along her bare side. His touch was firm as he explored, finding her breast. Drogo followed his hands with his face, nose and tongue, lapping at Hope's ribs then the swell of her breast.

She would have asked what he was doing, but it was becoming clearer by the moment. He hadn't been all hands the night before, he'd resisted touching her. But now he wasn't acting like the man she met, it was like some animal possessed him. What happened to Drogo and why was she being served up to him on padded platter?

Drogo crawled down Hope's body till he reached her behind.

"Oh god!"

His hands, thankfully free of claws, gripped her hips. His strong fingers dug into her flesh as he held Hope's waist. She'd have bruises but thankfully he didn't hurt her too much.

Drogo's nose brushed across the back of Hope's thighs just below her ass. His hot breath teasing as he panted.

"Is he sniffing me?" Hope shook her head. This couldn't be happening.

Drogo released her hips from his tight grip and she no longer felt his hot breath.

Hope sighed hoping his curiosity was satisfied, till large fingers moved across her nether lips. Hope whimpered as she bucked forward.

Drogo was intently focused on Hope's exposed behind and there was nothing she could do to cover herself.

He snaked one arm beneath her waist, banding her tight as he rocked her back towards him.

She felt Drogo's fingers splay her cleft before his hot wet tongue reached out and took a long leisurely swipe from her clit all the way to her ass.

He emitted a deep groan of satisfaction.

Hope's breath stuttered in her chest. Intense almost burning heat spread out from the path Drogo licked, making her impossibly hot all over. Another shiver wracked her body, liquid adrenalin coursing through her as Drogo continued to taste her. The sensation zeroing in on her intimate flesh.

Hope couldn't help the gasp that passed her lips as he worked the tip of his firm tongue into her and lapped at her slit. Drogo growled, and it vibrated Hope's clit and a spot just inside her vagina. Despite her resistance a gush of moisture flooded her core, eliciting yet another growl as Drogo explored her swollen nub with his tongue.

Hope's body betrayed her, and she pushed back into his mouth. His hot breath teasing her moist swollen lips. She couldn't help but imagine his strong body crouched behind her, tasting, taunting. Unbelievably a wanton ache was building in her pelvis, making her pussy quiver around his seeking tongue.

Hope couldn't believe she was about to come, chained to the floor of a spaceship as an alien ate her pussy. It had to be his odd drugged kiss that made her want him. No man she'd ever known had ever consumed her so ravenously. That mixed with the chemical euphoria and Hope was quickly coming undone.

Suddenly Drogo pulled back and Hope heard tearing. She looked over her shoulder to see him pull his shredded pant from his muscular thighs. The hard cock he exposed immediately changed Hope's mind about her brief interest. He was much larger than he'd looked in the bathroom.

Drogo's large shaft jutted out from his waist. It looked as big around as her wrist with a thick head. The ridges that lined his tool studded the entire length. There wasn't only a ridge above his cock but also below. It didn't look out of place on him but it certainly wasn't human.

Drogo's skin coloring shifted excitedly, ranging from shades of red, yellow and tan then back again, like a chameleon on crack.

His hand gripped his length, and it seemed to kick at the stimulus swelling larger.

Hope knew what was about to happen and there was no way it was humanly possible. He would tear her from the inside out with that monster cock.

Hope frantically pulled forward but the shackles wouldn't allow her to get away. Her brief pleasure again replaced by fear.

Drogo reached out with one arm, recaptured her hips and pulled Hope back towards him.

She whimpered, but it went unnoticed.

He rubbed his shaft along her wet lips coating himself in her slick moisture. Her channel quivered as the strange pleasurable, tingling heat followed where he touched her with his broad shaft. The odd chemical pleasure mounted again mixing with the physical stimulus. It was so intense Hope felt lightheaded.

Drogo positioned his engorged cock at the mouth of her vagina and started to push forward.

Hope gasped at the painful burning stretch and gripped the mat as he continued to invade her pussy. The head of his cock twisted, then popped past her strained opening and she panted to keep from crying out.

Drogo kept going and Hope started to panic, desperately trying to pull forward.

Drogo growled, and the rumble vibrated through his cock like an earthquake rocking her already strained core. Hope struggled more attempting to get free of the impaling beast but Drogo held her tight.

He arched over her back, caging Hope with his body. The move caused Drogo to sink into her even further and she cried out from the impossible fullness.

"Everywhere, I feel him everywhere." Hope reeled trying to catch her breath.

Drogo captured Hopes shoulder with his teeth and clamped down piercing her skin. She screamed in pain as his fangs sunk into the curve of her neck.

The burning sensation in Hope's neck turned into a blissful warmth that relaxed her, but didn't numb a thing. She still felt everything, EVERYTHING, but now she couldn't struggle. Drogo kept her pinned as his hips curled forcing even more of his length into her resistant body. Hope choked with the intensity of the invasion.

Where would he end? She could feel every one of the ridges on his shaft as they burrowed in and rubbed along her moist channel. Hope trembled from the almost pleasurable friction.

Drogo slid back a bit then grunted as he pressed forward, burrowing even deeper which caused her trapped breath to heave out with a gasp. On his next stroke Drogo gave a sharp thrust forward, his hips slamming into the back of her thighs.

Hope screamed out as her pussy clamped down in response to his offending member.

"Oh God!" He was all the way in. She couldn't breathe the intense fullness making it impossible for her to draw a full breath.

Drogo groaned into Hope's shoulder causing his massive length to pulse, abrading her raw pussy. His long strong fingers flexed as they gripped her hips, holding her still, while he braced his weight on his other forearm.

For a moment Hope thought he split her in two, tearing her tender flesh. His cock was overwhelming as it filled her beyond capacity. His thick crown rammed against her cervix, those ridges pushing at her quaking walls.

Every groan he made rocked through her, eliciting uncontrolled tremors in her stretched vagina. The ridge above his shaft poked at Hope's ass teasing the sensitive nerves of that tight opening. The corresponding ridge beneath his cock, rubbed at her swollen, over sensitized clit, sending another unbidden flood of moisture into her channel.

Drogo didn't move as Hope became accustomed to his unbelievable size. The odd sensation from his mouth at her neck spread through Hope, making her nipples pucker. Liquid desire was running through her veins, demanding she submit to the dominant man. The pheromone induced lust wound its way down towards her core, zeroing in on her womb with a vengeance.

Hope couldn't help but twist her head to breathe him in. He smelled like sex, dark and earthy with a hint of pine. What started as fear of some rabid animal transformed as Drogo possessed her body.

Just as Hope started to get used to Drogo buried balls deep, he started to move again. The acute burning ache morphed into deep seated need. He slid in and out, slow at first then gaining in pace and intensity.

Hope groaned and cried out each time she felt him hit the far recesses of her pussy. With every deep thrust his strange anatomy rubbed deliciously at her clit and ass, sending jolts of electric pleasure through her body.

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