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Authors: Virile (Evernight)

Virile (12 page)

BOOK: Virile
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“Gods, my love.” He shuddered before her and eased away, his softening cock slipping from between her lips, nearly numb from stretching around his girth and holding him so tightly. He dropped to his knees, and she winced when they hit the hard floor, but his concern was for her. His hands skated down her cheeks and touched her mouth. Semen and spit coated her lips and chin, and she’d never felt so powerful.

“You weren’t supposed to swallow this first time, Adara,” he gently scolded. “Or choke yourself. I was accustoming you to how I like to be served.”

She remained silent, just looking at him. This was really different, like a fulfilling ritual or something. She’d even give him the
part. Kellis sighed and leaned to kiss her. On her forehead—of course.

“Are you all right?”

“I’m fine.”

“That was the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen,” Orion groaned. “You normally last so much longer, brother.”

“Shut your mouth!” Thorn unleashed his ire on Orion before Adara could feel compared, although a hint of it spoiled her pleasure at, well, pleasuring Kellis. Orion looked stricken, such a strange look on such a masculine face, and apologized.

“I beg your pardon, my sweet. It’s just that you unraveled my twin with such dedication! You look absolutely beautiful with his cum on you. And you will wear mine shortly.”

Adara involuntarily shook her head. She couldn’t suck him too. Her jaw ached like crazy now.

“No, little one, Orion wouldn’t be so crass as to ask you to serve him as you served Kellis. He wishes to play with your breasts.” Thorn immediately reassured her.

She looked down at herself. Orion had teased her nipples unmercifully when she was strapped down to that chair. Her nipples beaded harder at the thought, and the brothers chuckled, damn them. They missed nothing, but then there were three of them and only one of her. Kellis drew her to her feet, still looking a little shell shocked—he hadn’t even responded to his twin’s jab.

Orion tenderly wiped her face and led her to the chair. She shivered and resisted. She both feared and longed for yesterday’s experience.

“It’s okay, my sweet. I won’t restrain you.” He placed her on her back and clambered up to kneel on either side of her, her hands trapped under his thighs. There was no need to restrain her. His bulk ensured she couldn’t move. Thorn’s head dipped between them, and he sucked a nipple—hard. When he withdrew his mouth the bud was elongated and he captured it between his fingers to pinch it harder. Orion placed a little silver circle over the end and it slid down to replace Thorn’s fingers. Orion squeezed the clamp and Adara shrieked a little as it crimped her sensitive flesh. They did the same thing to the other nipple, and even knowing what was coming didn’t make it easier.

“Breathe through it and wait, my sweet. I promise it will be all right.”

As she became accustomed to the bite of pain, something interesting happened. Her pussy, already softened and wet from satisfying Kellis, quivered, as though connected to her nipples. Her legs moved restlessly, dangling behind Orion.

“This won’t do,” said Kellis. He stretched her legs out on the stirrup boards, and she appreciated the support. Despite their weird interests, they absolutely took care with her.

A tinkle of a slender chain dangling before her eyes made her lashes flutter as she tried to take it in. Lifting her head a little, she saw Orion attaching the chain to the circlets on her nipples. He tugged experimentally and the twinge of pain enthralled her, her pussy quivering again. Bad influence indeed. Thorn held an open jar and Orion dropped the chain, allowing it to pool in her cleavage while he dipped his fingers into the container, leaning back to slather a shiny substance over his jutting cock. What? She immediately found out before she could ask.

Leaning over her, Orion fit his cock between her breasts, lifting the chain free as he did so. As he pulled it up and took up some slack, her mounds enveloped him, that infernal tugging on her nipples making her crazy. It hurt yet it didn’t, and without the collar impeding her ability to move her head, the visual was impressive. His boner shuttled back and forth in the now slippery lubricated tunnel created by her cleavage, squelching loudly, and pre-cum beaded at the tip. His breathing became audible, and his face flushed.

Someone was playing at her pussy—nothing intrusive—just little touches and flirts. Her thighs parted wider, and a finger traced her entrance. She wanted it inside of her to compliment the strange feeling in her breasts, a spiraling, throbbing ache of sorts.

“Tip your head down, Adara.” Orion sounded desperate but a vein of authority was present in his voice. She dipped her chin and his cockhead bumped her lips. She opened without being told and tasted his salt and musk. It was easy to accept part of the head and lash her tongue against it each time he pushed in. He was staring down at her, as was Kellis—so it was Thorn at her pussy—and their faces twisted with lust at the sight. Orion’s twisted more so and he went rigid on the down stroke. Spurts of cum heated the valley between her mounds, and he groaned loudly.

Big hand gripping the chain, he tugged hard once, and she felt her pussy gush, the finger at her entrance dipping inside on the deluge. She clamped on it, but it eluded her and she wanted to scream in frustration. All this sexual business with the twins was leaving her feeling highly aroused and unsatisfied. What had she been missing all this time?

“My sweet Adara.” Orion kissed her forehead and released the chain. He sat back and surveyed the way he marked her with satisfaction written all over him. Kellis unclipped the chain and wiped her skin as Orion dismounted. His cock glistened, at half mast above his sac. He took her hand and Kellis took the other as Thorn stepped between her legs.

His erection, longer and as wide as his brothers’, looked angry to her relatively inexperienced eye. The flanged head was redder, and the heavily veined shaft appeared to swell. She knew where it was going and knew it would fit, at least on an intellectual level, but a frisson of fear etched her belly. Thorn looked into her, staring past any pathetic shields she thought to throw up between them, his hand casually pumping that monster between his legs. Lube gleamed against the dark skin. Words weren’t necessary.

The twins steadied her as he notched it against her gate, the chair a perfect height for him if he bent his knees. The flared crown stretched the circle of flesh guarding her entrance and pushed inside with excruciating slowness as she sucked in air. She felt herself stretch to accommodate him as his hands gripped beneath her knees and tilted her up. He surged in and straightened, impaling her to the hilt, his balls slapping against the curve of her buttocks. Her bottom half was lifted from the chair, and she was left resting on her shoulders. She shuddered as the walls of her channel stretched and adjusted to his girth, feeling his incredible hardness.

Thorn waited patiently, looming above her, his features strained, the skin over his cheekbones taut. His position enabled him to press deeper from that angle, and he suddenly took advantage, unleashing a storm of thrusts that stole her breath. This was possession, pure and simple.

Powerless to meet his driving jabs, she could only take what he gave her as he continued to stare into her soul. She refused to lower her eyes, even as he worked that spot high inside her sheath, the one he’d used before to bring her off. His pelvis couldn’t grind against her clit in this position and she fought to stave off a vaginal orgasm, wanting him to lose control before she did. His efforts faltered ever so slightly as she used her muscles to clamp and caress him, lifting her pelvic floor, striving to make her actions unpredictable as she struggled for supremacy.

But there were three of them and only one of her, and two sneaky hands crept up and freed her clamped buds. Coupled with Thorn’s renewed effort to work her G-spot, Adara was undone, blood rushing to fill her nipples, an erotic pain, the orgasm blindsiding her, wrenching a scream from her throat. She clenched hard and shook wildly from the release, Thorn’s shudder and low moan signifying his own as he emptied himself into her. His seed scalded her as Adara felt him slip free, the mingling of their respective climaxes anointing her thighs and flowing over her buttocks.

Snatching her up, either oblivious or ignoring how messy she was, he carried her back to the bed. He went down with her, twisting to land beside her and yank her close. His face was impassive, and she couldn’t read anything from him, but his actions spoke loudly. She vaguely considered that he hadn’t won fairly then dismissed the competitive aspect. It was only sex, and freaking amazing sex at that. Never mind those meaningful looks and all. She intuitively knew her heart was at risk and scrambled to protect it by not examining anything further than the physicality. Once again exhausted, she welcomed sleep. Her last thought was that if this was all she did during her stay, she’d become a total hedonist.


Thorn cradled his beloved as she slept the sleep of the well used. Penetrating her body, coupled with falling into her eyes, fulfilled him as never before. Oh, he knew she fought his supremacy even then, and might have succeeded if not for his brothers’ aid—but it just underlined how she needed the three of them to finally surrender. Adara couldn’t fully come into her own until she gave over and trusted them with her total pleasure and her heart. He knew she was counting the days to the expiration of the contract, and it was up to them to distract her from that particular task. He cursed the need to keep the prophecy from her, but it was written and thus simply—was.

Recognizing Adara’s intelligence didn’t make things easier—she was going to try to puzzle things out if they didn’t keep her occupied. They had a farm to run, however, and he’d expected a sweet, meek woman who would have acquiesced almost immediately so hadn’t planned for a lengthy seduction. Not that he wouldn’t wish for that now. Adara was everything to him—and to the twins.

“We think one of us should stay with her at all times, Thorn.” Kellis finished cleaning the chair while Orion carefully sterilized the nipple clamps. They took good care of their equipment, particularly now that Adara was theirs.

He agreed and sorted through the demands of the upcoming weeks. “You two arrange it between the two of you about tomorrow—but no more cryptic remarks, nothing to pique Adara’s interest!”

Orion’s face tightened, but he dipped his head in agreement, as did Kellis.

“I’ll bathe Adara while you put together our meal.” Making meals and keeping the house relatively clean was wearing, and worse—it took time away from her. He’d contacted Cenna and thankfully the old woman had agreed to come immediately. She was one of the few well aware of the prophecy and comfortable with their preferred lifestyle. Adara would likely protest being unclothed around her, but she would be given no choice. It was their way, and she’d simply have to come to accept it.

Cenna was intensely maternal, and Thorn hoped Adara would connect with the other woman. But then he’d hoped Ronnie might have been a friend of sorts to their intended, maybe even have mentored her. It again occurred to Thorn that he’d made some miscalculations along the way, but he could only go forward and learn from his mistakes.

Regretfully, he woke Adara with strokes over her back and buttocks. She came awake like a young grimalkin, stretching her full body luxuriously, until she met his eyes. She then stiffened and made to move away. He prevented her retreat by tightening his arms and held her steady until she grudgingly relaxed, bottom lip flexing into a pout that she immediately corrected. Ah, progress.

“I’ll bathe you, agapi mou, and feed you. Perhaps you’d like to tour the rest of your home after we eat.”

A cautious nod accompanied by a flare of interest in her remarkable eyes pleased him and he bore her to the bath. She would need a soak after his fucking—she’d had to stretch considerably to accommodate him, and his cock lifted in remembrance.

Chapter Nine


“I can’t go for breakfast like this if there’s someone else in the house.” Adara wanted to stamp her foot, and it was all she could do to keep her voice down and make her tone reasonable. Besides, the much larger plug inside her was uncomfortably large, and she shifted minutely to better accommodate it—at least he’d fingered her to climax during the insertion.

Orion stroked her cheek and lifted her hair from her shoulders to spill it down her back. She shivered at his touch despite herself. They were always touching her—drifting, slight contact, mostly affectionate, but she felt the need behind them and knew it was mirrored in herself. It was as if they’d tapped into a hither-unknown part of her sexuality, and she craved more and more.

Two days had passed since Thorn had sex with her. He’d bathed her sweetly and fed her as promised, then left her to sleep with the twins. She supposed it was because four in a bed was awkward, but when she’d expressed her opinion neither of the twins would look at her. Strange. They were on some sort of rotation, yet Thorn had slept with her the first two nights…there were several little mysteries that made her head ache, but she didn’t have much time to think on it. If they weren’t talking about the planet and their farm, about all of their businesses, they were being sexual with her. Kellis and Orion had both had sex with her outside of the playroom, albeit with less intensity if similar skill to Thorn. It tended to cloud her brain.

The tour of the big house had been enlightening—they all had a bedroom decorated in definitely masculine colors, so the one she slept in was clearly for their women. She resolutely didn’t think about Ronnie or any women who’d gone before her. Each bedroom and a guestroom had its own bath, and there was another bath right off the great room. The dining room and kitchen she had seen, but the sun room—that was a misnomer, considering the dearth of windows—was built off the kitchen and opened up into a greenhouse. Adara decided that she would spend as much time as she could there. The scent of herbs and vegetables, as well as a few flowers she had yet to identify, reminded her of home, the humidity offsetting the harsh climate outside the walls.

Kellis promised her a tour of the staff quarters in the near future, apparently in a sprawling unit just visible across the yard. Beside that were tall structures housing various machinery and the crafts they used to travel. Their home wasn’t based in the pockets of vegetation Virile boasted, something she hadn’t understood until they explained they didn’t choose to use arable land for anything other than their crop.

“Please don’t make me,” she pleaded, hating the idea of yet another woman seeing her naked, and Orion’s blue eyes darkened with indecision. She waited for him to think it through, already knowing that with Orion she might make a show of resistance and implore him—and he’d consider it. He continued to respect her need for privacy in the bathroom, even if he’d shoved another damn plug in her bottom.

Cenna had apparently arrived late last night, amidst a flurry of excitement that woke Adara, not that she was allowed to get up and meet the woman—then. All three brothers clearly held considerable affection for their former caregiver, their nanny it turned out. Their parents had died a long time ago, something Kellis alluded to, although hadn’t provided any details. She supposed it was because of his grief and hadn’t wanted to pry. Regardless of how pleased the men were about Cenna’s arrival, Adara wasn’t going for breakfast in her birthday suit.

“Thorn has decreed that you eschew clothing in the house, my sweet,” he began. “I can understand your ambivalence, but assure you—”

“Please, Orion.”

“Cenna has prepared breakfast.” Thorn stalked into the room. He didn’t look pleased, chiseled lips set in a straight line, dark eyes narrowed. “She travelled some distance and has to be tired, yet she made the meal.”

Well, crap. Now she’d been rude to an elderly lady because she was tardy. Orion forestalled her attempt to speak.

“Adara is uncomfortable with her nudity around a stranger.”

“Cenna is hardly a stranger, Orion.”

“Maybe not to you,” she muttered, once again words destined to annoy
Thorn falling from her ungoverned mouth.

The silence stretched out and it was Thorn who broke it. “I’ve arranged for a punishment board to be placed in the playroom. You’ll add to the list, Adara, if you choose to dress. You already have four punishments tallied.”

Whoa. Punishment board? Four?
? It didn’t take a big brain to figure that one out, and she’d think on the board thing in a moment. She could choose to cover herself in front of the new housekeeper and pay the price later. Her buttocks heated thinking about it, and she was so embarrassed…he was methodically stripping her of her free will, never mind her clothes. She glanced at Orion who didn’t give her anything back and those infernal tears of powerlessness sprang up and spilled over.

“I’ll go as I am.”

Satisfaction warred with what looked suspiciously like sorrow on Thorn’s features, but she dismissed the latter emotion as being fanciful. When he reached to brush the wetness from her cheeks, she flinched away and dropped her gaze.


Managing to look at him again, his visage slightly distorted behind the moisture standing in her eyes, he nodded his head gravely. “Good girl.”

Good dog. Good pet. Fuck him. And fuck that little kernel of feeling pleased she’d
pleased him
! “I don’t want you hitting me again.”

Score—but it backfired.
He was back to being annoyed again, and she supposed he’d spank her anyhow and she’d still be going for breakfast naked. Tears snaked down her cheeks and dripped off her chin. She sniffed and twisted her head away as Orion offered a linen square, then made her way out the bedroom door to the kitchen.


Godsdamn it! Thorn clenched his fists and motioned Orion to follow Adara. His brother needed to step up and not allow Adara to change the most basic of their expectations rather than leaving her defiance to Thorn to deal with. Or was
in the wrong? Was he expecting too much of their intended?

After sinking into her tight sheath that never-to-be-forgotten day, joining with their bride in the marital sense, he hadn’t thought of much else. Knowing how tender she would be, he’d left her to sleep with his brothers because he didn’t trust himself not to take her again. Both Orion and Kellis had restrained themselves until the following day—Thorn had watched both times as his brothers made love to her. They didn’t fuck her harshly yet possessed her all the same.

Kellis kissed her awake and lifted her over Orion who settled her on his cock, easing her down with care. They allowed Adara to take as much of Orion as she wanted, unlike how Thorn had imposed his will on her. Not that he’d undo the experience. Her full buttocks caressed Orion’s thighs as she rode his cock, that glorious hair spilling down her back, an incredible contrast to her porcelain skin. Thorn had altered his position to watch her breasts bounce, those heavy, luscious mounds begging for attention, and as if Orion read his mind his hands captured them, the flesh spilling through his fingers.

Adara moaned as Orion then pulled and twisted her nipples—Orion was such a breast man—and her pace faltered until Kellis reached to where she and Orion were joined. Thorn couldn’t see what Kellis did—he didn’t need to—he knew his brother had found Adara’s clit and provided yet another distraction. Adara rose up and her head fell back, her profile in sharp relief before Thorn’s covetous eyes as she took her pleasure, pushed over the precipice by Kellis’s touch, filled with Orion’s cock. Orion’s face had twisted with both pleasure and love as he came with her.

Kellis took her almost immediately afterwards, displaying his intimate knowledge of women. Adara would be soft after her orgasm and slick with Orion’s seed—able to take Kellis with ease. The younger twin had settled himself between her wide spread thighs and rocked into her with smooth and restrained movements, Orion stretched out beside them, murmuring soft endearments. Adara had audibly protested another orgasm so close on the heels of the first, but Kellis cajoled with his usual charm and Thorn admired his brother’s technique even as he fiercely wished to be in his place. Adara’s vaginal orgasm, her G-spot prodded by his brother’s cock, made her loose a tiny scream, and her knees jerked up to clamp Kellis’s hips as he emptied himself into her with a shudder and accompanying groan.

Thorn didn’t make love—but then he’d never loved a woman before. He fucked his women restrained, and dominated them for his enjoyment, yet he thought he might want to feel Adara’s small hands touching him the way she had caressed Orion’s chest and abdomen before she collapsed on him. Even Kellis received a stroke of her slender fingers on his cheek. In that moment he decided that while he still expected Adara’s submission, it didn’t have to be about domination all the time. So then why had he just forced her to choose in a no win situation? He reminded himself that their intended would wreak havoc if not properly trained and tried to take comfort in that, preferring not to think about how he’d made her cry yet again.

As he entered the kitchen, Cenna was facing away from Adara, obviously giving her some privacy. Orion had settled her on his lap and all that was visible were her breasts, and even those spectacular sights were essentially covered by the flowing strands of her hair. Kellis hovered with a cup of coffee, offering it to Adara who was clearly unable to still her trembling lips to take a sip. Tears still tracked down her face, and Thorn’s heart hurt, actually clenched like a fist grasped it and squeezed—hard.

“Adara is lovely, Thorn.” Cenna addressed the food she was stirring in the pan. “I am honored to meet her.”

Hearing both a hint of anger and understanding in her tone, he forced himself to answer as if everything was normal. “She
lovely, Cenna,” he agreed, “And we appreciate you coming back after all these years to work, and not just to visit.”

“Take your place. The food is ready.” Cenna served four plates as he’d requested, placing two on the countertop in front of his brothers and Adara and one on the other side for him, taking her own to sit at the end. Kellis’s bulk served to screen Adara, and Thorn appreciated Cenna’s foresight. He sat across from their woman who didn’t acknowledge him other than to accept the best morsels he chose from his plate and reached to press against her lips. It was a visible effort for her to swallow them so he paced his efforts, wishing she’d look at him but reluctant to order her to do so. He thought he’d rather deal with her pouts and fierce anger instead of this quiet sadness. The only thing she easily swallowed was the nectar.

As soon as the meal was consumed, punctuated by desultory comments from Orion in particular who asked after Cenna’s family, with a few added insights from Kellis, Thorn pushed back his stool.

“Take Adara to the playroom,” he quietly instructed. “I’ll join you there once I speak with Cenna.”

Adara cowered into Orion—literally cowered, and Thorn hardened his aching heart. Kellis shot him a look but said nothing, merely offered Adara his hand to draw her to her feet, keeping his body interposed between her and Cenna. Cenna wasn’t looking anyway, apparently finding her food of great interest.

“Nice to meet you, Cenna.” Adara’s musical voice was a thread of sound, and he realized how difficult it had been for her to speak. He appreciated her good manners even more.

“And you, my dear,” their old caregiver replied. “I will see you later today.”

As soon as his brothers and Adara were out of sight, Thorn turned to Cenna. Her careworn face turned his way and faded blue eyes twinkled as her lips turned up.

“You’re as inflexible as your first father was, Thorn.”

“You saw her, Cenna. You know the prophecy. If I allow her any leeway she’ll gainsay us.”

“You’ve all waited a very long time for your wife. I understand that. And for her to be prophesized is truly a miracle. But she is clearly new to your lifestyle. I would have thought she would have been apprised…”

Trust Cenna to cut to the chase. “I won her in a bastra game. I negotiated a one month contract before I knew she was star promised and meant to be. And she’s submissive, Cenna. I see past her feistiness. Deep down she longs to be cared for. She lost her parents at a young age as we did and has no one but a ne’er-do-well brother—he gambled his precious sibling away!”

Thorn filled Cenna in on their insistence that Adara join them almost immediately after seeing her image, albeit a misleading one, and his determination to ensure her safety and pleasure. He omitted nothing but his longing to make love to her.

“She appears to be adjusting to the twins well enough,” Cenna commented.

“She hates me,” he offered, glumly.

BOOK: Virile
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