Read Vision of Seduction Online

Authors: Cassie Ryan

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance

Vision of Seduction (15 page)

BOOK: Vision of Seduction
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"You like me filling you, don't you? Imagine how it would feel with me

moving inside that sweet ass, stretching you wide. After you get used to it,

we could even find another man with a big cock so we could both fuck you

at once—front and rear."

She squirmed against him, and a soft whimper escaped from her.

Aedan leaned over her and captured her small breasts in his hands as he

slowly withdrew and then plunged back inside her. "Say it, Sela." His voice

sounded strained, and he nipped the side of her neck with his teeth. "Give

us what we both want, or it's going to be a long and frustrating night." He

pinched her nipples between his thumbs and fingers, enjoying the way the

nubs hardened under his touch. He pulled her petite nipples as he began a

punishing rhythm, plunging inside her, his balls slapping against her labia.

Her silky sheath welcomed him with each thrust, her breathing becoming

harsh and fast as her internal muscles massaged him seductively, tempting

him toward release.

He growled as he pulled out of her with a wet, sucking sound,

accompanied by an outraged gasp from Sela.

"What's wrong?" he asked, not really expecting an answer. "Do you want

more?" He smacked her ass hard, leaving another full handprint

overlapping the last one. The sound of flesh hitting flesh sounded loud in

the quiet of the room, as Sela shook her head in denial.

Two fingers traced over her slit and dipped inside her sweet pussy. He

carried her juices up to the pink ring of muscle that guarded her tight ass.

The tips of his fingers slowly circled the sensitive rim, gently probing the

enticing opening.

Sela arched toward him—as much as her position allowed— and he smiled

as triumph flowed through him. He slid his cock back inside her pussy as

he pushed his index finger inside her ass, slowly stretching her.

A long, low moan broke from Sela, and he pulled out his finger and his

cock before sliding them both inside her welcoming channels again.

Aedan set a slow, steady rhythm, stretching her ass wider with each slow


Small sounds of need spilled from Sela's lips as every movement ratcheted

energy through his body, which sizzled between them everywhere their

skin touched.

Her tight internal muscles clamped around him, and he forced himself to

pull out of her and step away.

"Aedan!" Her head thrashed from side to side, and she renewed her

struggles against the restraints. "Damn you!"

"Tell me you want my cock inside your ass, Sela." He teased her anal

opening with his fingertip. "Tell me you want me to dominate you, mind

and body, and I'll make you come for the rest of the night in ways you've

never imagined."

"Fuck you, Aedan. Make me come. Now." Her voice held the imperious

note of command it held outside of their game. "I'm calling this off, Aedan.

Make me come right now, or you'll wish for death."

"If this is truly over, break our truce and use your magic." He continued to

tease her tight pink pucker with his finger and slid just the aching head of

his cock inside her pussy.

"Make me stop, Sela. Make me do as you ask, or be honest with yourself

and with me and tell me what you truly want."

Soft mewling sounds were spilling from Sela's throat as he teased her

mercilessly for several minutes.

"You like anything that rides that fine edge of pleasure. Just think how

exquisite it would feel." He slid his finger inside her ass to the knuckle and

enjoyed her gasp and groan as her muscles clamped around him. He

plunged his cock back inside her pussy, but kept the rhythm slow and his

penetration shallow.

"You've ordered me to fuck humans in the ass while you watched. I've seen

your reactions and how horny it made you." He continued to tease her

body but pulled out any time she neared release. "Tell me what you want,

my beautiful little whore. Tell me honestly, and I'll give it to you


"Shut up! Just make me come, Aedan. I swear you'll pay for this." She

bucked as much as she was able inside the restraints, her torso twisting

from side to side and both her tight sheaths squeezing him hard from her


He reached inside his pocket and pulled out something he had brought for

just this occasion—nipple clamps. Pulling out of her body, he leaned over

her and let her see the shiny metal clips attached by a chain.

"You had better not fucking touch me with those, or I'll clamp them on

your balls, you slimy son of a bitch!" Sela renewed her struggles.

Aedan grabbed another handful of her hair, which slowed her struggles

enough for him to close each tight clamp over her erect nipples.

Sela moaned and then stilled as she absorbed the new sensations.

He slid his cock inside her again and teased her ass with his finger while he

reached around her to pull gently on the chain attached to the nipple

clamps. As her tender flesh pulled and tugged, Sela cried out, and a new

rush of moisture coated his cock, making her channel even more slick.

Minutes slid by as he continued his slow assault on her senses,

withdrawing if she got too close to release. He remained relentless in his

sensual torture until she could barely speak, her voice hoarse and scratchy

from screaming and moaning. Both her ass cheeks were bright red from his

open palm, and her entire body quivered with suppressed need.

Aedan's cock felt as if it would split open at any moment from the immense

pressure of his need. But he had sworn that when he pumped his come

inside her tonight, it would be in victory or not at all. She wasn't the only

one who could be stubborn.

"Finish this, Sela. You're the strongest woman I know, which is why I want

you." He reached around to slowly massage her clit—the first time he had

touched the sensitive bud since they had begun.

She jumped from the contact, and her body continued to quiver

underneath him as a small whimper sounded deep inside her throat.

"Accept this, ask me for this, and only behind closed doors will I be your

dominant. Everywhere else, I will be loyal and obedient to you. It's

everything you want. You need only ask for it. Right now."

Tense silence hung between them until, finally, Sela relaxed against her

restraints, her head sagging into the vee created by her bound arms. "I

want your cock in my ass, Aedan."

The words were so soft, he barely heard them. Elation owed through his

body, and he wasn't about to push his luck by asking her to repeat those


Aedan pulled his cock from her pussy and repositioned it at her ass. Her

sheath had been so wet he was still coated with her juices. He pushed

inside her tight ass in one steady thrust as she stretched to accommodate

his girth—until his stomach was flush with her ass.

Sela cried out, the sound scratchy and desperate and ending on a long, low

moan. "Fuck me, Aedan."

Her hoarse whisper was all the encouragement he needed, he grabbed her

hips in his hands and began to thrust inside her in a steady rhythm,

changing the angle as her body relaxed to accept him.

Sela's body was so primed that after only a few more thrusts, she cried out

her release, her entire body shuddering, her ass tightening around his cock

as internal spasms rocked her.

The pressure inside his own body built to the breaking point until finally

he exploded, his come shooting deep inside her sweet ass. He continued to

thrust deep, wanting to extend his victory for as long as he could.

Finally, he collapsed against her back, panting, his body still joined with


"Three hours till sunrise." Sela's voice was nothing but a croak, but the

words made him smile.

"Don't worry, my queen. I plan to use every minute."


Katelyn rode her glossy black mare a few lengths back from Grayson as

they traversed some of the most verdant countryside she had ever seen.

After a rocky first few minutes at the stables, during which Grayson had

had to remind Katelyn which side of the horse to mount from, she'd picked

it back up almost as if she'd never stopped riding. Granted, her ass and

thighs would be so sore in the morning she wouldn't be able to get out of

bed, but for now, she was in pure heaven!

Several years ago, she remembered driving through Tennessee and

thinking there was no more beautiful location in the world.

That was before she came to this world.

Vibrant colors in every hue imaginable dotted the landscape in the form of

flowers, shrubs, bushes, birds, small animals, lizards, and even fish. The

scent of fertile earth and all manner of blooming plants filled Katelyn's

senses and lifted her spirits. With every turn of her head, some new sight

filled her with delight and wonder.



She stiffened in her saddle, and wondered where that last thought had

come from. This was most definitely not home.

Sure, she enjoyed Grayson's company—and, all public nudity aside, the

people here had been kind and generous. However, that didn't mean she

could just pick up and leave the life she'd worked so hard to make for

herself. Her store, Rita, her apartment...

Katelyn racked her brain for a few more minutes for things to add to the

list of what she would be leaving behind, but none seemed to come readily

to mind.

"Damnit!" Just because she couldn't think of any didn't mean they didn't

exist. She was sure there were dozens of other things she could add to her

list if she really thought about it.

The sound of her horse's hooves hitting the ground in a steady staccato

made a rhythmic counterpoint with Grayson's. He rode only a few feet

away, his dark hair brushed back by the wind.

As she looked over, Grayson waved and began to slow his horse. Curious,

Katelyn did the same. She followed Grayson, reining her mount until they

faced back toward the castle.

She patted her horse's glossy black neck and then glanced up.

Katelyn's breath caught in her throat, and her lips parted in shock.

This castle—she'd seen it before.

More than seen it—she'd created it inside her imagination when she was a


The neighborhood parents were reluctant to let their little darlings play

with the strange girl down the street (who seemed to know when their pets

would die or when their parents were getting divorced), so Katelyn had

created her own playmates.

Her parents had supplied her with dolls and toys, and her fertile

imagination had filled in the rest.

Several Barbies, Lego people, handsome princes, fun monster sidekicks—

and, of course, herself, cast as the heroine, played in literally every room,

pantry, and dungeon of the castle before her.

The handsome prince never saved her—she had usually saved him, or they

had partnered together to beat an evil wizard or whatever villain her

imagination could conjure. No, Katelyn had never allowed herself to be

cast as the wimpy girl who needed a boy to save her.

She nearly smiled as she remembered the arguments she'd had over just

that issue with her imaginary prince. Her hungry gaze raked over every

inch of the castle, allowing the happy, long-gone memories to seep into her

like a balm. How many years had it been since she'd even thought about

those happy afternoons?

A flag fluttered in the breeze atop the highest tower of the castle, and when

the wind whipped it open to reveal the flag design, she gasped and buried

her fingers in her horse's mane to keep from toppling from the saddle.

A curved sword crisscrossed a rose on a purple background.

Katelyn's hands grew damp, and she had to concentrate to pull air into her

lungs. She remembered drawing that crest everywhere as a child. In fact,

several of her teachers had scolded her for scribbling it in the margins of

her assignments.

"That can't be. ..." She said the words out loud, hoping that they would

start to compute with her logic. A deep knowing rang inside her, but her

analytical side still demanded satisfaction, and doubts began to crack the

edges of her confidence.

Did this mean she really was locked in a rubber room somewhere, and this

was just another fantasy? Suddenly weary, she allowed her eyes to slip


"Katelyn?" Grayson's warm voice rolled over her, and she had the urge to

wrap herself inside the comfort it offered and stay there. He laid a gentle

hand on her arm. "What is it? You look like you're about to pass out."

She opened her eyes and forced her gaze back to the castle to each familiar

turret, brick, and window. A lump of emotion clogged her throat, and she

swallowed hard before speaking. "You grew up here, living inside the

castle, right?"

"Yes, I was born inside the castle. Why?" Grayson's voice held concern and

something softer she couldn't pinpoint and didn't have the energy to

decipher just now.

The gentle breeze toyed with the flag as if mocking her, and her gaze was

drawn to the small white tower beside it: a squat, round room with two

slitted windows and a cone-shaped roof.

BOOK: Vision of Seduction
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