Voices of Islam (118 page)

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Authors: Vincent J. Cornell

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Bowing, prayer position symbolism, 34 Buddhism, 54–56, 55, 65

Burckhardt, Titus, 141 Burning the enemy, 242

Al-Buti, Sa‘id Ramadan: on combative Jihad, 209, 219–20, 224, 233; on

defensive Jihad, 224–25; on Jihad of Education (
), 209–12, 233

Buwayh, Mu‘izz al-Dawla ibn, 118 Buyids, 118

Caliphate, as governmental system, 113

Caliphs, legitimacy of, 115 Calligraphy, 140

Call of Abraham, 4 n.1; Hajj pilgrim recitation of, 2–3
See also Talbiya

Call to prayer.
See Adhan
(call to prayer)

Cairo, Egypt, 187

Carpets, 81, 126

Carret, Marcel, 143–45 Casting of Lots Pillar, 83 Catholic Christians, 140

See Moussem


Celestial bodies, prayer posture and, 29–30

Cemetery: devotional act prohibition, 88; Medina most hallowed, 84–85

Chains, 111, 116, 121

Chants, 55

Character, perfected level, 23 Charity.
See Zakat

Children, Yashrutiyya Sufi order and, 180

Christ, 131, 134

Christianity, 134, 170

Christ-like nature,
(primordial nature) and, 140

Circle(s): about Ka‘ba, 2, 21–22, 61; of

body, 18; invocation, 180; knowledge, Sufi learning, 178; life part of, 137; of

responsibility, 129; spiritual, 126–

27; Sufi dance, 58–59, 65

Circle of Unconditional Lovers, 23–24 Clothing: purification of, 17; spiritual

conducive, 28–29

Cole, Juan, 120

Combative Jihad, 209, 211, 212–13; authority for declaring, 219–24; as communal obligation, 235;

conditions for, 214, 219–31; conduct rules for, 241–48; conscription for, 236–37; continual, against non-Muslims, 232–35; expulsion as grounds for, 226–27; fighters in, 235–38; first instance (legislation) of, 213–15;
(may- hem) and, 229–30; killing of non- combatants and, 241–42, 243–44,

247, 246–48; between Muslims,

239, 246; peace-seeking obligation and, 239–40; political rebellion as, 239, 249–52; possibility of success and, 229–31; prisoners of war and, 248–49; religious oppression as grounds for, 227–29; self-defense as grounds for, 224–26; suicide attacks and, 244–49; women and, 238

Communal identity, ‘Ashura and, 112, 122

Communal prayers, 35 Communication, prayer as unmediated,


Companions of the Prophet, 60 Completeness, as divine level of world,


Comprehension, by spirit of self, 127 Connection, ritual prayer, 11 Consciousness: of God, 62, 64;

transformation of individual, 55 Conscious participation, prayer and, 10 Conscription, for combative Jihad,


Contrition, as attitude of fear, 139 Conversion, spiritual path and, 140 Covenanters, 217

Covenants, servitude and, 168 Covering: spiritual significance, 25–27;

veil, 25, 105–9

Creation: circles of, 129; as doors of heart, 128–29; God and, 65–66; Ka‘ba as pole of, 22; prayer posture and, 29–30; as state of prayer, 44

Creativity physical energy, 18

Creator: personal account, 182; prayer in response, 9–10

Creatures, love for God’s, 162

Cross-cultural differences, evil and, 136

Daily cycle of prayer, 20 Daily life, prayer in, 34–35

Daily prayers, 13–14; in Medina, 89;

number, 41

Da’irat al muhibin
(Circle of Unconditional Lovers), 24

Last Days and, 88 Damascus, Syria, 186, 187, 189 Dance.
See Raqs

Dar al-Hijra,

Dar al-Iman,

Al-Dardir, on Jihad, 211, 220, 224 Darkness, veils of, 132

Darqawi, 176

Darqawiyya Sufi order, 176

(entreaty), 11

Ad-Darqaˆwˆı, and Merton, Thomas, 148–49


Dates, Medina, 91

(presenting the message of Islam).
Education, Jihad of

Dawn prayers.
See Fajr
(dawn prayers) Day of Arafat, 3

Day of Judgment, 12–13, 21, 30, 82,

85, 129

Day of Resurrection, 17

Death, 129; fear of, 139; Medina

graveyard visitation, 84–85; resurrection, 140; spiritual and physical, 154–55

See Adab
(decorum) Deeds, evil and thoughts, 138 Dervishes, 59

Desirable acts.
See Mustahab
(desirable acts)

Desire (worldly).
See Hubb al-dunya

(worldly desire)

Despoilation, prohibition of, 242–43 Destiny, disobedience and, 44 Destruction, in Name of God, 64 Devil, God and denial of, 133

(remembrance), 127; of Allah, 66–69; books as, 60–61; definition,

57; direct, 58–59; door of truth

and, 128–29; of God, 63–64; of

the heart, 59; heart and, 126; Muhammad science of, 60; as polish of heart, 129–30; shaykh as, 62; silent, 59; standing, 59; Sufi master, 194; Sufi practice, 146–50; true persons of,


Dhikr al-niswa al-muta‘abbidat al- sufiyyat
(Memorial of Female Sufi Devotees) (Sulami), 167

Al-Dihlawi, Waliullah, (Shah), 33 Al-Dimashqi, Isma‘il, 180 Direction, faced in prayer, 21–22 Direction of prayer, 4; Mosque of


See Faqir
(disciple) Disobedience, as submission to destiny,


Distractions, ablution and, 18 Diversity, Islam, 112–13

Divine: pray as ascension to, 42–44; remembrance of, 65

Divine Attributes: of Beauty and Majesty, 26; grace, 28; heart and extinction as, 149; two mystical type of, 159

The Divine Comedy
(Alighieri), 131– 32

Divine Essence, 28

Divine House, Ka‘ba and, 21 Divine inspiration, humans, 63 Divine Names, 58, 158

Divine play, 132

Divine Presence: ablution and, 19; Circle of Unconditional Lovers, 24; mosque symbolism, 36; prayer and, 42; purification of heart, 23; Shadhiliyya Sufi method, 194

Divine Service, 44–46

Divine Unity.
See Tawhid
(Divine Unity)

(poetry collection), singing of, 57

Doors of heart, 128–29

Du‘a (supplicatory prayer), 10–11 Dust, prostration and, 31

Earth (dry), purification rituals, 17 Eckhart, Meister, 140

Ecstatic dance, Sufi, 58–59 Education, for women, 178 Education, Jihad of (
), 208–13,


See Nafs

Egypt: ‘Ashura commemoration, 112; Sufis, 59; women revival movement, 188

Elite culture, 120–21

Emanations, spiritual hierarchy and Divine, 23

See Hijra
(temporary emigration) Emigration Road, personal account,


Emotions: eleven levels of, 128; thoughts of heart and, 127

Emptiness, seeker essential, 149–50


Emptying, Sufi and Catholic practices, 140

Energy, spiritual and physical, 18 Enlightened individuals, guide as, 23–


Enmity (
, 231 Eradication, of evil, 137
165 n.6

See Wajib
(essential) Essential love, 161–62

Eve, 22

Evening prayers.
See Isha’
(night prayers)

Evil: absence of God, 131–38; attractiveness of, 137; eradication, 137; ontological basis of, 131–32; as

real force, 132; vs bad, 135 Exaltation of God, servitude and, 169 Existence: Merton and al-‘Alawi, 146;

as separation, 131; symbolism in prayer cycle, 20–21

Experience, five realms of, 126 Expulsion, as condition for combative

Jihad, 226–27

See Fana’

sunan. See Sunan nafila (

Eyes, veiling of, 25

Face(s): Merton and al-‘Alawi, 146; of self and God, 146

Face of God, Islam as seeking, 44 Fahd bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud (King of

Saudi Arabia), 80

See Al-shahada

Al-Fa’iz al-Daghestani, Abd Allah, Shaykh, 40

(dawn prayers), 20; symbolism, 20

Family of the Prophet, 116–17; graves, 84–85

(extinction): al-Mursˆı, Abuˆ ’l ‘Abbas, 151; as attribute of God, 149; shaykh, as Sufi extinction, 193;

Sufi disciples, 196; Sufi states, 193

(disciple), 156 n.2 Farahi, Hamid Uddin, 223

Fard kifaya
(communal obligation), combative Jihad as, 236

Farthest Mosque.
See Al-Masjid al- Aqsa
(Farthest Mosque)

Fatima (daughter of Prophet), 85, 94 Fear: absent from saints, 141–42;

blessed state of, 139–42; geometric design and, 139–40; servitude and, 169

Fear of God.
See Makhafa
(fear of God) Feelings, thoughts of heart and, 127 Feminists, ignorance of Western, 105
(contemplation): door of truth

and, 128; first endless level of heart, 127; heart and, 126

Fiqh al-Sunna
(Sabiq), 212, 213 Fire, prohibition on weapons of, 242 First Mind, 33–34

(mayhem): prohibition against creating, 229–30; as unnatural, 250–


(primordial nature): Muhammad and Christian and, 140; original sin as, 136

Five Pillars of Islam:
61; Hajj as, 2–3; prayer, 9; ritual prayer, 12–13;

worship, 42

Flagellants, 111

See Hijra

The Flowers of Evil
(Baudelaire), 133 Force, evil as real, 132

Forced conversion, prohibition of, 217–18

Forgetfulness of Divine reality, 137 Freedom, Beirut, Lebanon, 191

Free will, 134–35; Islamic concept, 10 Friday noon prayer.
See Jumu‘a

noon prayer)

Friedlander, Shems, 125–30

Funeral prayers: Merton and al-‘Alawi, 154–55; sunset prayers and, 20

Futayma, 171

Gabriel (Archangel), 14, 32, 96;

Muhammad and, 60 Gate of Mercy, 90 Gaze, covering of, 25


(the Rich), as divine name, 158

Al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid, 127, 152;

161; Merton, Thomas and, 148

Al-Ghazali, Ahmad, 161–62

Gifts of the Truth
(Yashrutiyya), 176 Glorification, prayer and, 44

Gnosis, Merton, Thomas and, 152 Gnostic: ascent in Sufi practice, 146–

47; teachers, 60

God: choice of goodness, 138; Circle of Unconditional Lovers, 23–24; creation and, 65–66; as creator personal account, 182; denial of devil and, 133; destruction in Name of, 64; essential love doctrine, 161–62; evil as absence of, 131–38; four affirmations of greatness, 155; as good, 132; infinity and self-negation, 132; as Light, 28; love, 23–24, 160; as male and female, 172; Names and Attributes, 158; necessary attributes, 149–50; prayer role of, 10; punish- ment of evil, 136–37; remembrance materialists, 63; sinners sent to Hell, 134–35; spiritual comprehension,

127; spiritual engagement, 167; Sufi

extinction, 193; union with, 140; water symbolism and, 18; worldly imperfection and, 135; as Worshiped One, 158

God’s Presence, perfection of prayer, 41–44

Gold, 141

Golden Age, 132

Good: God as, 132; reality and supreme, 131

Goodness, God and choice of, 138 Government, caliphate, 113

Grace, Divine Attribute of, 28 Grave(s): Baqi’ visitation, 94; Martyrs

at Uhud, 86–88; prohibition of worshipping at, 93; visitation of, 84

Groaning, in Sufi practice, 146–47 Guerrilla war, as combative Jihad, 231

(presence), Sufi dance as, 58–59

of the Qur’an, 57, 58

Hagar, 1, 4 n.3

Hajj (pilgrimage), 61; institution of, 2; practice of, 2–4; ritual prayer, 42; as Sufi, 62

Hakki, Ibrahim, Shaykh, 27 Hamshadh, Abu Mansur ibn, 172 Hands, ablution spiritual significance,


Hani bint Abi Talib (Umm), 248–49

Haqa’iq al-tafsir
(The Realities of Qur’an Interpretation) (Sulami), 168

Al-haqiaqa al-Muhammadiyya

(Muhammadan Reality), 28

(prohibited), Ka‘ba as, 21–22

(the Sanctuary).
Proph- et’s Mosque

Harrat al-Wabra, 78–79

Al-Hasan al-Shadhili, Abu, Shaykh, 67 Hasan ibn Ali, 85, 113, 115–17

Hatib ibn Abi Balta, 251

(lust), ablution and, 19

(The Living One), 58, 64 Heart: ablution and, 18; Arabic words

covering, 125–26; as attribute, 149as attribute of God, 149; closing of, 128–29;
of, 59; emotional stations and states of, 128; entry into, 126–27; five levels of, 126; level and purification of, 23–24; as mosque, 27; Prohibited Mosque and sanctified, 23; softening of, 62; spiritual guidance, 125–30; spiritual levels within, 127–28

Heavenly bodies: daily prayer, 20; prayer posture and, 29–30

Heavenly kingdom, circles at Ka‘ba, 23–24

Hebron, 1

Hell, God sending sinners to, 134–35 Henry, Gray, 131–38

Hermitage, Merton and al-‘Alawi, 145 Hidden.
See Khafa

Hidden heart, 128

Highest knowledge.
See Ma‘rifa

(knowledge of God)


Hijar Isma‘il,
4 n.3 Hijaz Railway, 90–91

Hijra (emigration),
75, 122 n.1 Hindu: chants, 55; doctrine of

tendency, 137

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