Voices of Silence (59 page)

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Authors: Vivien Noakes

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Walker, F.C.

Contributor to

To a Bad Correspondent in Camp

Waring, John

The Unknown Warrior

Warren, G.B.

The Battle off Jutland

Waterhouse, Gilbert
(d. 1916)

Commissioned into the 2nd Bttn, Essex Regt, May 1915; initially reported missing presumed killed, 1 July 1916, he is buried at Serre Road Cemetery No. 2

The Casualty Clearing Station

White, Don

Flying Cadet Donald S. White, Aviation Section, AEF.

The Air Raid

To Those Who Wait

Wilkinson, Eric Fitzwalter

Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, 8th Bttn, West Yorkshire Regt, October 1914; to France, 1915; awarded MC, July 1915; twice wounded (once gassed); wounded again at Thiepval, 1 July 1916; promoted Captain, February 1917; killed in action, 9 October 1917, during the Third Battle of Ypres (Passchendaele). His body was never found, and his name is on the Tyne Cot Memorial

To a Choir of Birds

Wilkinson, W.J.

March up to the Colours

Williams, Eliot Crawshay
(later Crawshay-Williams) (1879–1962)

Joined the army in 1900 and served in India. Assistant Private Secretary to Winston Churchill in the Colonial Office, 1906–8, and to Lloyd George as Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1910; appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the Royal Horse Artillery and commanded the 1st Leicestershire RHA in Egypt and Sinai, 1915–17; attached HQ Northern Command, 1918–20. After the war became a novelist and playwright

A Soldier’s Testament

June in Egypt, 1916


Sonnet of a Son

To the Nations

Willis, George

To my Mate

Wilson, Eugene Edward

Lieutenant-Commander US Navy. He retired from the US Navy in 1930 with the rank of Commander, and became eminent in naval aviation

Der Tag

Stories for Our Sons

Wilson, Theodore Percival Cameron

Enlisted as a Private in the Grenadier Guards, August 1914; commissioned into the 10th Bttn, Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regt); to Flanders, February 1916; served as Staff Captain with the 51st Brigade, May 1917–January 1918; mentioned in dispatches, 1917; returned to his bttn and was killed during the German offensive on 23 March 1918. His body was never found, and his name is on the Arras Memorial

On Leave

Wodehouse, Ernest Armine

In the Scots Guards. Older brother of P.G. Wodehouse. Won the Newdigate Prize in 1902; before the war he was Professor at Deccan College, Poona; after the war he returned to India

Before Ginchy

Quantum Mutatus

Wolstencroft, C.

The girlfriend of Private Percy Martin of the Accrington Pals

[Have you seen the Pals, sir?]

Young, E. Hilton

Was a Lieutenant in the RNVR at the outbreak of war; served at sea and with the Naval guns in Flanders; awarded DSC; promoted to Lieutenant-Commander; fought in the British force against the Bolsheviks, 1919; awarded DSO. After the war, became a politician

In the Third Year of the War


, M

A Train Errant: Being the Experiences of a Voluntary Unit in France and an Anthology from their Magazine, 1915–1919
, Hertford, 1919

Accrington Observer and Times

Aussie: The Australian Soldier’s Magazine
, 1918–19

Beaumont Bull. The Magazine of the Beaumont Detachment of the Flying Cadets
, 1918

BEF Times with which are incorporated The Wipers Times, The ‘New Church’ Times, The Kemmel Times & The Somme-Times
, 1 December 1916–26 February 1918

Blighty, A Budget of Humour from Home
, issued free to Members of the Royal Navy and the British Expeditionary Force

Burnley Express and Advertiser

Country Life

Craigleith Hospital Chronicle
, printed for the Proprietors by Oliver & Boyd, Tweeddale Count, Edinburgh, December 1914–Spring 1919

Daily Chronicle

Daily Herald

Dead Horse Corner Gazette: A Monthly Journal of Breezy Comment, Published, when possible, by the 4th Batt. First Canadian Contingent, BEF, on Active Service
. London and Manchester, 1915–16

Depot Review
. Base Stationery Depot Rouen, Army Service Corps. Typewritten sheets. Editor Pte D. Large, Circulation Manager Pte H.C. Battcock, Printing Manager Pte C.J. Hough, 1915

Evangelical Christendom

Evening News

Fifth Gloucester Gazette: A Chronicle, Serious and Humorous, of the Battalion while Serving with the British Expeditionary Force, on Active Service
, 1915–19
Fragments: The Wounded Soldiers’ Magazine
. Heywood Auxiliary Hospital, 1917–18

Galloway Advertiser and Wigtownshire Free Press

Gazette of the 3rd London General Hospital, Wandsworth
, 1915–18

Glasgow Herald

Glasgow News

Goodwill: A Journal of International Friendship
, 1915–18

Honk: The Voice of the Benzine Lancers
, Troopship A. 40, France, 1915

Kamp Knews: The Official News-ance of the 3rd West Lancs. Brigade RFA
, 1914–18

Kemmel Times, with which are incorporated The Wipers Times & The ‘New Church’ Times
, 3 July 1916

K[ite]. B[alloon]. Tonic, Royal Naval Air Service, Kite Balloon Section
, 1915

Land & Water

Liverpool Review: An Illustrated Monthly

‘New Church’ Times, with which is incorporated The Wipers Times
, 17 April 1916–29 May 1916

New Crusader: A Journal of Enquiry into the Foundation of War
, published by the Committee for the Promotion of Pacifism, Nelson, Lancashire, 1916–19
New Statesman

News Sheet
, issued by the Central New Bureau for Private Circulation Only, HO Camps, published by the No Conscription Fellowship, n.d.
Nineteenth Century

Peeko Journal, the Organ of ‘P’ Company RAMC, No. 16
Ripon, [1915–16]


Rising Sun: A Journal of the A[ustralian] I[mperial] F[orce] in France (with which is incorporated ‘The Honk’)
, France, 1916–17
Saturday Westminster Gazette

Somme-Times, with which are incorporated The Wipers Times, The ‘New Church’ Times & The Kemmel Times
, 31 July 1916


Summerdown Camp Journal: The Journal of the Summerdown Convalescent Camp, Eastbourne, Sussex
, 1916–19

The Dump, the Magazine of the 23rd Div.
, 1915–17

The Fledgling: Monthly Journal of No. 2 Flying Corps Cadet Wing
, Hastings, 1917

The Gnome: The Magazine of the RFC Middle East Brigade
, 1917

The Lady: A Journal for Gentlewomen

The Moonraker
. The magazine of the 7th Battalion, Wiltshire Regiment, 1917

The Mudhook, with which is incorporated ‘Dardanelles Dug-Out Gossip’, Journal of the 63rd (RN) Division
, Boulogne, 1917–19

The Nation
. In 1921 this became
The Nation and The Athenæum

The Ploughshare: A Quaker Organ of Social Reconstruction
, 1912–15

The Quirk, the Magazine of the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, Royal Naval Air Service
, 1917

The Swallow: A Monthly Journal Issued by Members of the Friends’ Ambulance Unit, Uffculme Hospital, Birmingham
, Birmingham, 1917

The Tribunal
, published by the No Conscription Fellowship, 1916–20

The Wit, the Organ of the RAMC Training Centre, Ripon
, Ripon, 1916

Winchester Whisperer, Fortnightly from His Majesty’s Prison, Winchester
, MS journal published by the prisoners of Winchester Gaol, n.d.

Wipers Times
, or
Salient News
, 12 February 1916–20 March 1916


Alchin, Gordon (‘Observer, RFC’),
Oxford and Flanders
, B.H. Blackwell, Oxford, 1916

Alington, C.A., DD,
Eton Lyrics
, Clement Ingleby, [1925]

The Book of William: With Apologies to Edward Lear
, Frederick Warne, [1914]

Asquith, Herbert,
The Volunteer and Other Poems
, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1915

Barnes, Ronald Gorell,
Days of Destiny: War Poems at Home and Abroad
, Longmans, Green, 1917

Bendall, F.W.D.,
Front Line Lyrics
, Elkin Mathews, 1918

Bewsher, Paul,
The Bombing of Bruges
, Hodder & Stoughton, 1918

Borden, Mary,
The Forbidden Zone
, William Heinemann, 1929

Bower, John Graham (pseud. Klaxon),
Songs of the Submarine
, McBride, Nast, 1917

Bowman, Archibald Allan,
Sonnets from a Prison Camp
, John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1919

Box, William,
Forty Poems
, Chester & Long, 1944

Brown, J.L. Crommelin,
Dies Heroica. The War Poems: 1914–1918
, Hodder & Stoughton, 1918

Cannan, May Wedderburn,
In War Time: Poems
, B.H. Blackwell, Oxford, 1917

The Splendid Days: Poems
, B.H. Blackwell, Oxford, 1919

The Tears of War: The Love Story of a Young Poet and a War Hero – May Cannan, Bevil Quiller-Couch
, ed. Charlotte Fyfe, Cavalier Books, Upavon, 2000

Carstairs, Carroll,
My Window Sill
, William Heinemann, 1930

Chapman, John Jay,
Songs and Poems
, Charles Scribner’s, New York, 1919

Corbett, Lieutenant-Commander N.M.F.,
A Naval Motley: Verses Written at Sea during the War and before it
, Methuen, 1916

Coulson, Leslie,
From an Outpost, and Other Poems
, Erskine Macdonald, 1917

Cranmer, Elsie Paterson,
To the Living Dead and Other Poems
, C.W. Daniel, [1920]

de Stein, Sir Edward,
The Poets in Picardy, and Other Poems
, John Murray, 1919

Dearmer, Geoffrey,
, William Heinemann, 1918

Dobell, Eva,
A Bunch of Cotswold Grasses
, Arthur H. Stockwell, [1919]

Dowsing, William,
War Cartoon Sonnets: Being Sonnets Based on Louis Raemaekers’ War Cartoons, in Six Volumes
, volume VI, for the author, J.W. Northend, Printer, Sheffield, 1917–18

Drinkwater, John,
Swords and Ploughshares
, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1922

Eastman, Max,
Poems of Five Decades
, Harper, New York, 1954

Ewer, W.N.,
Five Souls and Other Wartime Verses
, The Herald, 1917

Satire and Sentiment
, The Herald, 1918

Foxcroft, Charles T.,
The Night Sister and Other Poems
, Methuen, 1918

Frankau, Gilbert,
The Guns
, Chatto & Windus, 1916

The Poetical Works
, volume I,
; volume II,
, Chatto & Windus, 1923

Freston, H. Rex,
The Quest of Truth and Other Poems
, B.H. Blackwell, Oxford, 1916

Fyson, Geoffrey F.,
The Survivors, and Other Poems
, Erskine Macdonald, 1919

Gellert, Leon,
Songs of a Campaign
, G. Hassell, Adelaide, [1917]

Gibson, Wilfrid Wilson,
, Elkin Mathews, 1915

Collected Poems
, 1905–1925, Macmillan, 1926

Golding, Louis,
Sorrow of War: Poems
, Methuen, 1919

Gordon, Hampden,
Our Girls in Wartime
, pictures by Joyce Dennys, John Lane, The Bodley Head, [1917]

Rhymes of the Red Triangle
, pictures by Joyce Dennys, John Lane, The Bodley Head,


Grindlay, I.,
Ripples from the Ranks of the QMAAC
by 3617, I. Grindlay, Erskine Macdonald, 1918

Hamund, St John,
The War Men-agerie
, illus. Walter H. Cobb, Grant Richards, 1915

Harvey, F.W.,
A Gloucestershire Lad at Home and Abroad
, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1916

Ducks and Other Verses
, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1919

Gloucestershire Friends: Poems from a German Prison Camp
, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1917

Head, Henry, MD, FRS,
Destroyers, and Other Verses
, Humphrey Milford, 1919

Hennesley, Edmund,
Love Songs of a Soldier
, Nisbet, 1918

Herbert, A.P.,
Half-Hours at Helles
, B.H. Blackwell, Oxford, 1916

The Bomber Gipsy and Other Poems
, Methuen, 1918

Heywood, Raymond,
The Greater Love: Poems of Remembrance
, Elkin Mathews, 1919

Hill, Brian,
Youth’s Heritage
, Erskine Macdonald, 1917

Hogben, John,
The Highway of Hades: War Verses: With Some Prose
, Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1919

Holmes, Captain W. Kersley,
Ballads of Field and Billet
, Alexander Gardner, Paisley, 1915

More Ballads of Field and Billet and Other Verses
, Alexander Gardner, Paisley, 1915

Jenkins, Elinor,
, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1915

Kennedy, Revd G.A. Studdert,
Rough Rhymes of a Padre
, by ‘Woodbine Willie’, MC, CF, Hodder & Stoughton, [1918]

The Unutterable Beauty: The Collected Poetry of G.A. Studdert Kennedy
, Hodder & Stoughton, 1927

Kerr, R. Watson,
War Daubs: Poems
, John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1919

Laing, Allan M.,
Carols of a Convict
, Headley, [1918]

Lawrence, Margery,
Fourteen to Forty-Eight: A Diary in Verse
, Robert Hale, [1949]

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