Void (39 page)

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Authors: Cassy Roop

Tags: #Romance

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Other Books by Cassy Roop


The Price of Love



The Celtic Knot Series

Ashley’s Bend

Figure Eight


Axel Hitch

You would think after 6 books, this would be easy by now, when in fact it gets harder every time. I have been blessed to be able to pursue this dream and I wouldn’t be where I am if it weren’t for all the awesome people who helped me along the way.

Thank you to my mom for always having my back and helping me to believe I can do anything.

To my husband for the countless times he has took on the responsibility of watching our 3 spawn so that I can write or design. For always telling me I can do this when I want to quit sometimes.

To my street team, Cassy’s Lassies for being rock solid. You are a very special group of ladies and I love you all wholeheartedly!

My betas—for your honesty, your critique, and for calling me on my shit. Thank you for the late night chats and for the plethora of Stuart Reardon pics to keep me motivated.

Emma and Desi—I write the words, but it is the two of you who make them perfect. Your talent for the written word is remarkable and not only am I blessed to call you my editors, but my friends as well.

To Aleatha Romig and Harper Sloan for giving me the much needed confidence boost I was needing. The fact that you read (and loved) my book is astounding to me. I can tell you how remarkable it is that two of the top authors I look up to the most enjoyed something I wrote. Thank you!

My IndiePendent girls. You have been with me through the beginning and I couldn’t have picked a better crew to be on this journey with! I love you all dearly.

To my readers. It has been one hell of a year. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love and support. I appreciate the pimps, the love, and the messages you send me telling me how much you love my stories. It is because of you that I keep my laptop open and the words flowing.

About The Author



Cassy Roop is a fitness goddess by day and romance author by night. When she isn't writing furiously on her next novel, she's making books look beautiful inside and out as a graphic designer. She has an unhealthy obsession with peanut butter, pedicures, and all things Les Mills group fitness. She has been known to juggle seven children at a time (not all hers!) and has on occasion been seen purchasing clothes that aren't athletic apparel (although rare).

She released her debut, The Price of Love, in March of 2014. The Celtic Knot Novels are her first erotic romance series and Books 1 and 2, Ashley's Bend and Figure Eight both reached #1 in Erotic Thrillers on Amazon. Book 3, Triquetra, releases September 22, 2014 and book 4 the companion novel, Axel Hitch in December of 2014.



Coming Soon:



All's Fair in Love and War- Military Romance- 2015



Connect with Cassy





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