Vow Unbroken (28 page)

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Authors: Caryl Mcadoo

BOOK: Vow Unbroken
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in line behind Henry. Before noon, just like he'd said. And the team hardly acted tired at all. The people everywhere excited her, and Becky obviously couldn't wait to get down. Since the outskirts of the settlement, Sue had searched the crowd for her neighbors, but hadn't seen any.

Levi walked up next to the side opposite her. “Hey, Auntie.” He pointed up a hill. “After our turn, Mister Henry's planning on blowing the mules up there by the big post oak.”

Becky stood on the wagon seat. “I want to go play.”

Sue knew her daughter so well. “I suppose that'll be all right. Don't go far; stay in sight.”

“Whoopee! Catch me, Levi!” She sailed through the air and into his arms, and then squirmed to be down. He held on, though. “Let go, put me down! I'm going to play.”

He held her even tighter, but she squirmed and looked almost too strong for him. “See that big oak over there?” He pointed, then tickled her with his pointing finger.

She wiggled and giggled. “I see it; I see it. Now put me down!”

“That's where our wagons will be when we get done here. Understand?”

“Yes! All right, let me go now! Bye, Mama! Come on, Blue!”

Levi stood there a minute. Becky ran toward the children with her tail-wagging shadow on her heels. “I'll pull your wagon up if you want to get on down, too.”

“Well, thank you, son. I'll take you up on that.” She took his hand and climbed down.

Henry pulled up close when the buckboard in front moved off, and Levi urged the second team forward, then locked the brake and hopped down. Sue straightened her shawl and watched him get to work helping Henry without a word. The man grained using his hat while Levi hauled water to the barrel and filled the bucket to give the mules a drink.

She stretched her back and then lifted her hat and fanned herself a bit before heading down toward the tables. A woman stepped forward and offered Sue her hand. “Hello, saw you folks pull in.” She smiled and looked toward a group of children. “That's my daughter, Nancy, over there who your little girl's playing with. My name is Louise, Louise Koiner. I have a fresh pot of coffee if you'd like to sit a spell.”

“I'd be proud to, thank you. I'm Sue Baylor.”

The lady took her arm. “I have a son, too, Michael. How old is your boy?”

“Fourteen, he's my nephew, but I've raised him, so he is mine.”

The woman led Sue to their campsite and spread a quilt. “Richard dear, would you please hand me that cup right there?” He did, and she poured it full. The coffee smelled wonderful.

wagon, then drove it up next to the first one. He made sure all the mules rested in the shade, then jumped down, checking the sun's position. Another half hour might be in order. He strolled to where he'd seen Sue visiting and, on the way, spotted Rebecca with Blue right beside her.

He then found Levi with boys about his size. He grimaced when Levi took what looked to be a coin from one of the others. Henry shook his head, certain the boy's aunt wouldn't approve; she'd asked if he was a gambler. Maybe the boy needed him even more than he thought.

A man greeted him with an extended hand. “Good to meet you, Mister Baylor; your wife tells me you're on the way to Jefferson.”

Covering her mouth, Sue made a little choking noise. Henry took the man's hand and shook vigorously. “Name's Buckmeyer, sir. Patrick Henry Buckmeyer. Go by Henry.”

Sue cleared her throat. “I employed Mister Buckmeyer to help me get my lint to market.”

The man touched the brim of his hat. “Sorry for the misunderstanding; pleased to meet you, Henry.”

He nodded and let himself be introduced all around, then listened politely to the conversation for a bit before excusing himself. “Good to meet you folks.” He turned toward Sue. “With your leave, boss, I'll be about finding someone who's traveled the trace from here to Jefferson. Care to join me? Or do you prefer to visit a little longer?”

She rose. “No, no. That's a good idea. I'd enjoy accompanying you, Henry.” Turning, she leaned in and hugged the lady. “Thank you, Louise, for your hospitality.” She faced the men and took their leave, as did Henry. He held out his arm, and she hooked hers through it.

He headed toward the springs. “Could I ask a question?”

“Of course.” She smiled as if he'd walked right into a trap. “If I can ask one of my own.”

“Deal.” He took two steps. “You still in love with your husband?”

She showed no change of expression but patted his arm. “Andy and I met my last year in school; he only courted me a few months, but I suppose I loved him. Lord knows I missed him something terrible after he passed, but I did my grieving. With so much suddenly on my plate, wasn't much time for sadness. I believe God's healed my heart.”

He liked her answer, but it led to another question.

Before he could frame it, she pulled him to a stop and stepped out in front. “Why'd you have such a reputation as a layabout?”

He smiled and looked to the ground, shaking his head. “Best I can figure, it started four years ago. One night, I ran into a couple of men I knew from the war. They told me about Jackson finally getting voted in.” He shrugged. “They also were hauling a big load of rotgut. We got to toasting our new president.

“Next thing I knew, the three of us were under their wagon drunk as skunks, and it was the middle of the next morning. Of course, it happened right by the Jonesboro ferry, so every gossip who didn't see me heard about it soon enough. Mother got twenty-something reports.”

“Are you accustomed to drinking a lot?”

He smiled at her. That was two questions. “No, ma'am. Never liked beer; haven't had a drop of hard liquor since. I was sick for a week.” He held a hand up. “Back to the layabout thing. Wasn't too long after, maybe January or February of
'twenty-nine, anyway three of Mother's lady friends came to visit.

“I'd been out hunting most of the night. You should have seen the disapproving looks when I came out of my room midafternoon rubbing sleep from my eyes. Mother wasn't the type to make excuses; she hated gossips anyway. I figured between that and the time at Jonesboro—throw in not going to church with Mother—must have kept tongues wagging to this very day.”

Sue nodded. “You're probably right. I heard how sorry you were more than once. Can I ask why you didn't attend services with your mother?”

“What's this, a three-for-one deal?” He laughed. “I'd like to delve in and find out exactly what you heard sometime, but right now, I've got another question of my own to get us back to even.” Besides, he deemed his a more important topic. “Our third night out, you cried yourself to sleep. What was that about?”

“Oh, a combination of things. Recounting Andy's accident earlier—that's a recurring nightmare—made me miss Andy and my daddy.” She shook her head. “The wagon getting stuck, not trusting God. Doubtin' I'd get to Jefferson.” She glanced toward where the church family sat, then turned back. “Plus, I thought I'd missed a chance and let the Lord down. Just one of those nights, I guess. You'd be safe in saying I was feeling all sorry for myself, doing a little wallowing in self-pity.”

Something pulled his attention away from Sue; she followed his gaze. Levi squared off with one of the boys, and a man hurried toward them.

Henry nodded. “Come on, looks like Levi might need some help.”

Her nephew held out his open hand, palm up, obviously arguing, but she couldn't hear exactly what was being said. The other boy glanced at the man hurrying over. “Pa! This son of Satan's bilking me.”

Henry broke into a lope. For a few strides, Sue matched him, then pulled ahead.

The father stopped next to his son. “Wait just one minute here.” He stared sternly at Levi.

For a few beats of her pounding heart, Levi stared back, then looked away just as Henry reached the fast-growing circle of onlookers. He turned back. “I'm no cheater; beat him fair and square. Your boy owes me two bits copper.”

The man looked at his son. “That true? Were you gambling?”

“He made me, Pa. Said I couldn't play with them if I didn't.”

The real bilker's pa turned back. “That right?”

Levi shrugged. “Yes, sir. All of us were matching for money when he first came up, but we didn't make him play. He watched awhile then wanted in the game.”

The man drew his boy behind him and stepped toward Levi. “Are you a child of God, boy; saved and properly baptized?”

“Well, no, sir. I—”

“Then you are a son of Satan, like my boy said. You need to repent and be baptized, or you're going straight to Hell, condemned for eternity! Sure as me and mine will go to Heaven.”

Sue stepped into the circle. “You, sir, need to shut. Your. Mouth.”

“I'll tell you one thing.” Levi joined her. “I may be Hell bound, but your son's a cheatin' liar. Last I heard, God doesn't
cotton to either. A bet's a bet, sir, and I expect him to pay up. You want to go to your pocket, that's fine with me.”

“Why, you little devil.” The man lunged toward Levi. Sue moved to step in from of him, but a blur suddenly appeared from her left.

Henry stood between her and the man. “Levi is not a devil. Your boy played, he needs to pay.”

The man looked around the circle of young men, who chimed right in.

“Levi's the one telling the truth.”

“Yeah, your son made the bet.”

“And he lost, too.”

“Yeah, fair and square!”

Others gathered on its perimeter, the circle now two, even three deep in places. The man leaned back a bit, then stuck out his jaw. “Our money is for the Lord's work.”

Levi stepped up next to his protector. Sue loved having Henry on her side. The boy touched Henry's arm. “It's fine, sir. If he allows his boy to be a cheater, so be it. It's only two bits.”

Henry looked from the man to Sue, then exhaled. “All right then, it's your call, son. You ready? Best we be leaving.”

“Yes, sir. I am.”

The man's voice boomed from behind him. “You still need to repent, boy! Hell's fire awaits you. Tomorrow is never promised.”

Henry spun around. “If you don't shut your loud mouth, I will shut it for you.”

“You cannot silence God's message or his messenger.”

Henry balled his fist and moved closer. Levi grabbed his arm. “Leave him be, Mister Henry, please. Ain't worth it.”

Sue pulled on his other arm. “Henry, don't let that chowderhead get your goat. Let's leave.” For a heartbeat, she thought
he wasn't going to come and tugged harder. He glared at the rude preacher but finally came with her. Levi followed. She slipped her hand into Henry's.

Levi cupped his fingers beside his mouth. “Hey, Bitty Beck! Time to go. Come on.”

Her daughter put her hands on her hips. “But I'm having so much fun! Can't we just stay a little longer? I have a new friend.” She turned and went back to her game.

Sue could hardly believe it. “Rebecca Ruth! Now! I know you hear me.” She turned toward the children. “You do as Levi told you, young lady, and get over here! We're leaving.”

Becky stomped her foot but obeyed. She marched up the hill staring at the ground the whole way. On arriving, she pinched up her face at her cousin. “I don't know why we have to go so soon.”

The troublemaker called again. “Repent, stop your sinning, and be baptized, boy, before it's too late.”

Sue spun. “Oooo!” She faced her nephew. “Get her into the wagon, Levi.”

He grabbed his cousin's hand and kept walking.

Becky wiggled. “Stop! You're hurting me.” She stuck her tongue out.

“Come on, and then I won't!” He stuck his out right back. “You're so spoiled, you stink!”

“Levi! How old are you?” Sue turned from her nephew to the girl. “Rebecca Ruth, behave!” She stormed down the hill. “Now, you listen to me, Mister Preacher Man. You'd best not say another word to my boy. Do you understand me?” She shook her finger in his face. “Love is patient and kind, and you're being nothing but ugly and rude, sir. We are to lift up the name of Christ, and then He—not you or any other man—will
draw men to Himself. Or haven't you read the Good Book? ‘There is therefore now no condemnation'!”

“To those who are in Christ, sister. Your son admitted by his own word that he isn't walking after God, but the devil. Why, he led my son straight into sin, and then tried to bilk him.”

That scripture had backfired on her. Flustered, she tried to think of another about not condemning. “I have no doubt in my heart that Levi will one day come into God's Kingdom, sir, but not from being ridden with guilt and shame by the likes of you! He'll accept Christ because of love, not the hate you peddle or your so-called Christian son's bad example.”

The man waved her off. Pieces of scripture raced past her mind's eye, but she couldn't grab ahold of any. Oh, she wanted something to hurl at this self-righteous oaf. “You low-down—”

“Sue, come on, let it go.” Henry gently took both her elbows from behind and spoke close to her ear. “There's another thing about love to remember; it hardly even notices a wrong done. Let's get on back on the trace.”

She let him turn her around. “Jesus told that woman caught in adultery that He didn't condemn her, didn't He?”

“He did.”

She glanced over her shoulder at the offensive croaker, then back to Henry again. “I wish I knew the scriptures better! And could quote them when I needed to.”

He didn't answer.

She did know the Bible, but it all got mixed up sometimes. Be angry and sin not. How could she do that? Henry did. How could he remain so calm and composed in light of such injustice? Like, like—just like Christ. She shook her head and stared at the ground. Her actions certainly hadn't glorified the Lord. Yet she was the one claimed to belong to Him.

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