V.S.O.P.: A Very Special Love Story (8 page)

BOOK: V.S.O.P.: A Very Special Love Story
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“Man, I don’t know what she do. I ain’t hit it before.”

“What?! You ain’t hit that yet, and she already just popping up on you?” Big Mike asked astonished. “ Yea, leave that broad alone. If you give her the dick, she’ll probably be on some ‘Thin Line Between Love and Hate’ type shit.”

I waved them off. I wasn’t planning on sticking my shit nowhere near her. And after tonight, I wasn’t messing with her anymore anyways. I couldn’t give Tiana what she wanted so I wasn’t even going to play with her emotions.



We sat and kicked it for a few more minutes, then I made my way back to Tiana and whispered in her ear, asking her if she was okay.

“Not really, my head hurts.” She frowned, as she brought her little fingers to her head and began to massage her temple.

“I told you that I would drop you back off to the hotel, but, you insisted on coming.” I teased with a smile.

She smiled back, “ I just wanted to be with you, but you’re all up in your friends face like I’m not even here.” She pouted, looking like a little brat.

“I told you that I was chilling with the fellas. Don’t you see-”

I stopped mid sentence as my eyes caught Renee as she walked into the club with her daughter, and some other chick that looked like her daughter’s friend. My baby was looking good as fuck in a simple pair of skinny jeans and pumps. Her beauty was effortless and I loved that about her.

I had completely forgotten that I was standing there next to Tiana. Renee had me all in, until Tiana tapped me on the shoulder.

“I know that you are not standing here gawking over some ratchet tramp in front of me!” She shifted her weight to one foot, her eyes going from Renee and her crew, then back to me.

My face completely screwed up. I never saw this side of T, and I didn’t like it. I didn’t have any obligations to her, she wasn’t my woman, and now I was so glad that I never had sex with her. “Chill out, man.”

“No! I’m not feeling this ghetto hole in the wall, I’m catching a contact from all of this weed smoke, and I’m ready to go!” She screamed.

I couldn’t believe she was acting like this. But, I had one better for her. I pulled out a wad of cash from out of my pocket and peeled off two hundred dollar bills. “Here call you a cab. I’m not ready to go.” I scanned the club, looking for Renee again. I spotted her by the bar. She better not had ordered a drink. She promised me that she wasn’t going to take another one.

“I’m not about to catch no cab Diesel. And damn, just go jump her bones why don’t you.” Tiana squeaked, pushing my hand away. She just didn’t know, I planned to touch every inch of Renee’s body.

I ignored Tiana, and did as I was told. I left her sitting there and made my way to my baby. I eased up behind her just as the bar maid handed her a drink. “What you drinking?” I whispered into her ear from behind, inhaling the sweet scent of her perfume.

“Sprite on the rocks.” She chuckled, turning around to face me. Her whole face lit up as we stared at each other eye to eye.

“Yea, right let me taste it.” I teased stepping closer into her personal space, and wrapping my arms around her. I didn’t mean to disrespect T like this but I couldn’t help it. Renee attracted me like a magnet to metal. I couldn’t keep my hands off of her.

“Move Diesel. I don’t want your nasty mouth on my stuff.” She giggled pushing me away.

I gripped her tighter. “You wasn’t saying that last night.”

“Get a room freaks!” Her daughter shot, shaking her head. She was the splitting image of Renee and it amazed me. Diamond looked more like her sister than her daughter.

I waved at her. “That’s your mother playing. That’s what I was trying to say.”

“Unt uhh. My momma isn’t no hotel type of chick.”

“She sure ain’t.” The girl next to her co-signed, folding her arms across her chest.

“I’m just messing with y’all. I’m gone be yo’ step daddy. She gone be my wife one day and she don’t even know it.”

Renee began to blush and it was so cute to me. I felt like a teenager with his first crush all over again.

“Ewwee look at Renee all cheesing. You smiling so hard that I know yo’ cheeks hurt.” The friend said with a giggle.

“Whatever, Kita. He straight, ain’t nobody cheesing.” Renee shot, cracking up with laughter as I began to tickle her.

“Y’all are so cute. Seriously, I’m glad that you put a smile on my mother’s face. I can’t remember the last time that I saw her this happy.”

Beyonce’s ‘Bow Down’ came onto the radio. “This my song! Come on Diamond, let’s hit the dance floor.” The friend, whose name was Kita, cooed grabbing Diamond up and dragging her to the dance floor, leaving me and Renee alone.

“I make you happy, baby?” I asked her, sitting at an empty seat along the bar and pulling her in between my legs. My eyes temporarily caught Tiana’s eyes and the look on her face could have killed three men. I quickly looked away, but I knew that I was going to have to get rid of Tiana quick before all hell broke loose.

“Yea, you do, even though you had me worried when you stormed out the house this morning.”

“Scared of what?”

“I thought you wasn’t messing with me no more. And I realize that I don’t want to lose you. You don’t have to worry about me buying anymore alcohol. Scouts honor.” She chuckled, putting one hand to her chest and raising the other.

“I don’t think I could ever not mess with you. And it’s not about you drinking. I’m worried about your health. I don’t want nothing to happen to you.”

I was craving to be inside of her right now. Our chemistry was electrifying. It was like when I was with Renee, I forgot about everything else.


I never expected to run into Diesel coming to Teresa’s. I knew that he was stepping out, but, he didn’t mention where. Kita and Diamond asked me to come out with them for a second and I did, needing to do something before my boredom led me to taking another drink.

I saw him all up in that chick’s face, and now she’s staring over at us like she’s ready to kill somebody. I didn’t trip though. Diesel was with me now, so obviously the chick couldn’t have meant too much to him.

I wasn’t the type that reacted before I knew facts. I liked to observe things then set it off if need be. All I know is that if she started up, I was definitely going to shut her down. I eyed her again before I focused back on my beau.

“Nothing’s going to happen to me. That chick sitting in the VIP over there might end up having a heart attack, though.” I pointed to the chick and Diesel’s eyes followed my finger to the VIP section. She rolled her eyes at us and I let out a giggle.

“You better go get your girl in check right quick before I end up doing it for you.” I warned him, sensing that things would pop off at any moment. I was actually starting to wonder who she was. I just know that Diesel wasn’t talking all that ‘I’m your man’ crap and he was playing me. I wasn’t even going for that.

“She’ll be ok.” He waved me off. I could tell that he was surprised by my calm demeanor.

“Then why is she coming over?” I asked, motioning with my head. “ You better get her. I don’t play with kids. I’ll show her ass how Joy Road and Dexter I really am.” I warned, as Diesel hopped up from the chair and coolly made his way over to the girl stopping her before she reached us.

I leaned back against the bar, taking a sip from my Sprite, and watched. They definitely knew each other, they definitely had to be fooling around, and I definitely felt played. If I hadn’t showed up, there isn’t no telling what would have went down. Diesel admitted that he was a man-whore, and I concluded that he still was!


I was having an episode. I have never been so humiliated in my life. I couldn’t believe that Diesel would be all up in another chicks face while  I was sitting right there. My whole body was seething with anger, as I watched them interacting. He had never looked at me the way that he was looking at this woman. Did he know that I could ruin his life with the blink of an eye?

My legs began to shake profusely. I was trying my best not to go ballistic and cause a scene. This negro didn’t know who he was fucking with though! He got me looking stupid in front of all these people that I don’t know. I’m sitting with the girlfriends and they’re giving me the eye like I can’t control my man. Fuck them too! I rolled my eyes, focusing on Diesel and the tramp.

Wait a minute! Did this bitch just point at me? Are they staring? Oh so they’re talking about me. I reached my snapping point and I was about to go ballistic!

I hopped up from my seat and marched over towards them. His tramp and I were locked in a stare down and I promise I was going to knock that smug look off of her old ass face. Classless whore!

She said something to Diesel and he turned around, looked at me, then started to make his way towards me. Now he wanted to pay me some attention. Tssk. It was far too late!

I continued to weave my way through the crowd until me and Diesel met up. He stepped in front of me, blocking my path. “What’s up, T? I know you not about to start no shit, man.” He had the audacity to fuss.

I gave him the sour face. He must have me confused with one of these ratchet scallywags from this disaster of a bar that we were in. I am a bad bitch, I work hard, I have my shit in order, and I was too smart for the games that he was playing.

“Me starting shit? You’re the one that brought me here, then you’re all up in some raggedy old granny looking bitch’s face? To make matters worse y’all all pointing and shit. If y’all got something to say, say it to my face!” I was rolling my neck so hard that I thought it would fall off. Then I looked around Diesel and gave that tramp an ice grill so cold that she should have frozen oven.

“You’re tripping T. I offered to drop you off. And furthermore, I ain’t your man and I didn’t ask for you to fly up here!” He yelled at me, throwing his hands in the air in frustration.

A few speculators began to stare. We were causing a scene, but, I didn’t care.  I didn’t understand how he didn’t see that I was down for him. I stuck around for two whole years, catering to him, trying to be the perfect woman. I know that if we just gave it a try it could be something serious. But, he just didn’t see it.

It was like the more he pushed away, the harder it made me want to try. But now, I was ready to say fuck it and go upside his head, and that tramp’s head! I thought, looking around him to give her another ice-grill. To my surprise, she was standing right behind him.

“You got something to say?” She smartly asked, pissing me off! Up close the woman was gorgeous. She didn’t have on any make-up or anything. I was sick, but, I kept my poker face.

She seemed to have caught Diesel off guard, because he whipped around, holding her back.”Chill Renee. I got this.” He told her, rubbing her arms all lovingly.

“Yea, run along Renee. We got this!” I antagonized her, with a chuckle. My rage meter was skyrocketing and I was seconds from lashing out.

Renee must have not liked me saying anything to her because she lunged at me. Diesel held her back and I began to cackle in her face.

“You better get her Diesel. I promise this isn’t what she wants!” She warned.

“Davon doesn’t have to get anything sweetie. I’m ready to go can you please take me back home.” I shot intentionally trying to get under her skin. I bet the broad didn’t even know his real name. And if this was his girl, I wanted her to know that we came together.

Diesel looked back at me with a look that could kill. He didn’t say anything and I shrugged him off.

“What? You brought me here. I’m ready to go now. I don’t even know why I wasted my time flying out to see you!”

“Really Diesel?” She stopped trying to come for me and placed her hands on her hip. “So you started an argument with me this morning just so that you could get away to be with her?” She looked hurt, and I was satisfied. I wanted to rub it in her face a little more but I figured that I had done enough damage.

“Man, it ain’t even-”

She cut him off throwing her hand in the air. “Whatever.” Then she looked at me. “You can have him little girl. I don’t fight over niggas that ain’t mine.” Then she stormed off.

“That was just childish as hell.” Diesel told me. I could tell he was angry as he rotated between giving me the screw face and watching ol’ girl as she made her way to her little friends that she came in with.

“Yea. Yea. Are you gone take me back to the hotel or not?” I asked throwing that attitude right back.

“Not! Don’t call my phone no more Tiana.” He told me walking off.

Tears of anger  began to sting my face as I charged after him. I gave him a shove and he stumbled a bit. “Fuck you Diesel. With yo’ old Viagra needing ass.” I continued to spew out obscenities, attempting to embarrass him as much as he embarrassed me. I pushed him again before he whisked around, pointing at me.

“Keep your hands to yourself Tiana! I’m not putting my hands on you so keep yours to yourself.” The seriousness in his face told me that I’d better take heed to his warning and I did.

“Fuck you!” I spat storming off and outside of the bar.

Once outside, I let out a broken whimper. I had so much planned for us. I expected this trip to be the start of something great. Instead it backfired.

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