Wait Until Midnight (9 page)

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Authors: Amanda Quick

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Historical, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Historical Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

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"The tall, distinguished gentleman is Mr. Julian Elsworth," Caroline whispered. "He is the most fashion-able practitioner of psychical powers in
London at the moment. He gives occasional public demonstrations here at Wintersett House, but most of his sittings are conducted in private homes in the most exclusive circles"

She sounded far too enthusiastic about Elsworth, Adam decided.

"I've heard of him," he allowed. "We've never been introduced."

"A formal reception in his honor will be held here later this week," she said. "It will be followed by a demonstration of his abilities. There is certain to be a very large crowd."

"And the short gentleman?"

"That is Mr. Reed. He is the president of the Society for Psychical Investigations and the publisher of
New Dawn."

At that moment Elsworth glanced up from the photo-graph that Reed was holding in front of him. He gave Adam a brief, considering look. Then, evidently dismissing him as unimportant, he turned to Caroline with a dazzlingly bright smile.

"Mrs. Fordyce," Elsworth said. "A pleasure to see you again."

"Mr. Elsworth." She gave him her gloved hand and then politely switched her attention to the shorter man. "Mr. Reed."

She glanced speculatively at Adam. "Allow me to present Mr.—"

"Grove," he said before she could decide what name to use. "Adam Grove."

The two men nodded politely but it was clear that Caroline was the one who interested them.

Reed's pale eyes were intense and serious behind the lenses of his eyeglasses. "Welcome back to Wintersett House. Have you returned to continue your literary re-search or have you finally decided to honor the Society with a demonstration of your own psychical powers?"

Adam tightened his grip on Caroline's arm. Psychical powers? What the deuce was this about?

Unobtrusively, she tried to free herself. He realized he was holding on to her as if she were in danger of being swept away by some invisible force. He quickly loosened his hand, but he did not release her. For some reason, everything in him was screaming at him to keep her as close as possible.

Caroline smiled politely at Reed. "As I told you the other day, sir, the item in the press was incorrect regarding several of the particulars of my demonstration at the tea party."

"But I spoke with Mrs. Hughes myself," Reed insisted. "She was very impressed by what she witnessed that day."

"Please believe me when I tell you that I do not possess any gifts that would be of interest to the researchers of the Society," Caroline said.

Reed's smile held a mix of understanding and approval. "Your natural delicacy of feeling becomes you, Mrs. Fordyce, but there is no need for alarm. I would not dream of putting you on a public stage. Rest assured that the tests would be conducted in private according to the strictest standards of science."

"I must decline," Caroline said firmly.

Elsworth raised his winged brows. "I fear you are being far too modest, madam. According to the piece in the paper you were evidently able to read the minds of several of the ladies who were fortunate enough to be present at Mrs. Hughes's tea."

Unfortunately, I have nothing to demonstrate to the Society," she said, more forcefully this time.

Reed nodded several times. "As you wish. I would not dream of trying to press you into doing something that would cause you discomfort." He paused and lowered his voice. "I expect you heard the tragic news of Elizabeth Delmont's death?"

Shocking," Caroline said.

"We here at the Society are all quite stunned." Reed shook his head. "She was a medium of great talent."

Elsworth glanced back toward the lecture hall where Irene Toller had given her demonstration. "Not everyone held that opinion."

Adam's interest in the conversation went up a notch. "Yes, we did gain that impression from Mrs. Toller a few minutes ago."

Reed grimaced. "I'm afraid there was some professional rivalry between Mrs. Toller and Mrs. Delmont. Powerful mediums are often quite jealous of each other's gifts."

"She implied that dark forces from the Other Side were responsible for Mrs. Delmont's death," Caroline said neutrally.

Elsworth looked pained. "According to the sensation press there were some peculiar elements about the murder that will no doubt sell a great many copies of the papers."

"What sort of elements?" Adam asked with what he was fairly certain sounded like idle curiosity.

Reed heaved a troubled sigh and lowered his voice. "There were reports that Delmont's séance room was turned entirely upside down as though by some powerful supernatural force. Furniture scattered about like so much kindling." He paused for effect. "They also noted that a mysterious pocket watch was found next to the body."

"What is odd about a pocket watch?" Adam asked.

"According to the correspondent, the watch was broken," Elsworth explained, "most likely at the time of the murder. The hands were stopped at twelve o'clock." He smiled humorlessly. "Midnight is often viewed as a particularly significant hour in the world of psychical research, you know"

"Some feel that it is the time of the night when the veil between this world and the Other Side is most easily breached," Reed added with a somber, knowledgeable bob of his head. "It is all extremely disturbing."

Caroline glanced at the picture in his hand. "I see you have a photograph."

"Yes, indeed." Reed brightened and held it
for her to view. "I was just showing it to Elsworth here."

Caroline leaned closer for a better look. "It is very intriguing."

Adam studied the picture over her shoulder. The subject was an attractive young lady seated on a straight-backed chair. An amorphous, ghostly image of another woman appeared to hover in the air behind the head of the sitter.

"It was taken by a member of the Society," Reed explained enthusiastically. "The medium is apparently able to cause manifestations to appear."

"The problem is that no one trusts spirit
any more." Elsworth was clearly bored. "Too easily faked, I'm afraid."

"Like so many things," Adam said.

Caroline shot him a reproving glance. He
not to notice.

"Shall we go, my dear?" he asked. "It is getting late." "I am in no rush," she said.

"You have evidently forgotten our
he added, maneuvering her toward the door.

For a moment he feared she would dig in her pretty heels but instead she made her good-byes to Reed

Outside on the front steps of Wintersett House, Caroline paused to remove her dainty green parasol from the chatelaine that secured it to her waist and opened it with a snap. "Really, Mr. Hardesty, there was no need to be rude. Mr. Reed is not only the president of the Society, he has done a great deal to promote serious, scientific psychical research."

"Scientific psychical research? Now there's a contradiction in terms if ever there was one."

"And as for Mr. Elsworth, you should know that in some quarters he is considered to be the heir to the crown of D. D. Home. They say that like Home, he can actually levitate his body."

"If you believe that, Mrs. Fordyce, may I suggest an interesting investment opportunity that has recently come to my attention? It involves a diamond mine in
Wales. The stones are just lying about on the ground there, waiting to be scooped up by anyone with a bucket. You are bound to make a fortune."

"That is not amusing, sir. For your information, Mr. Elsworth has been examined several times by psychical re-searchers and pronounced genuine. One investigator claims that both Mr. Home and Mr. Elsworth may have descended from werewolves and that is why they have such extraordinary powers."

He looked at her, brows raised, and said not one word. She had the grace to blush.

"Very well," she said gruffly, "I'll admit that particular thesis is rather unlikely. But I would remind you that Mr. Elsworth has something else in common with D. D. Home. His sitters have included the most exclusive people in

"I have news for you, madam. It has been my experience that the exclusive sort are just as gullible as everyone else."

"They say the queen herself requested a séance after
Prince Albert died."

"Yes, I have heard that gossip." He guided her down the

Unfortunately, grief-stricken people, no matter their rank, are notoriously easy victims for those who would take advantage of them."

"I do not know why I even bother to try to hold a logical discussion on psychical research with you. It is obvious that your skeptical opinion has been set in granite."

"That is not true" He angled her across the street to-ward his carriage, a dark, unadorned vehicle that could easily be mistaken for an anonymous cab. Because the vehicle did not draw attention on the street, he preferred to use it on the occasions when he elected not to walk to his destination. "As it happens I am very eager to discuss the psychical talents of one particular individual."

. "And who might that person be?" she asked, looking quite wary.

"Why, you, of course, Mrs. Fordyce. I cannot wait to hear all of the details concerning the demonstration of psychical powers that you gave at Mrs. Hughes's tea"

Durward Reed waited until the pair had disappeared through the front doors of Wintersett House before he turned back to his companion.

He did not care for Julian Elsworth. With his aristocratic airs, cold intelligence and strange psychical talents, the man made him nervous. There were times when he was convinced that Elsworth privately held him in contempt. But there was no denying that, with his entrée into Society, Elsworth had brought a great deal of important attention and credibility to Wintersett House.

"The more Mrs. Fordyce denies her own gifts, the more I am convinced that she does indeed possess them," Durward mused aloud. "I must find a way to overcome her natural, entirely proper feminine qualms and convince her that she could make a tremendous contribution to the field of psychical research."

Elsworth shrugged. "She makes her living as a writer, not a medium. If you want to gain her attention, I suggest you offer her a contract for one of her novels."

Durward was briefly struck dumb by the cleverness of the suggestion.

"Good lord, man," he said when he could find his voice, "that is a brilliant notion. If I published her next book in
New Dawn, I
could attract an enormous number of new readers and a great deal of attention to the field. I must give this some close thought."

Inspired, he rushed off toward his office to ponder the details of the plan that was already taking shape in his mind.

No doubt about it, Elsworth was an enormous asset, even if he was decidedly unnerving.


"It was all a great misunderstanding," Caroline said, looking both annoyed and resigned. "My so-called demonstration of psychical powers was meant to be nothing more than an amusing entertainment for Mrs. Hughes and her guests."

"An entertainment?"

"My aunts play cards with Mrs. Hughes and her friends several times a week. They asked me to stage the performance as a surprise. Emma and Milly were aware that in the course of my recent research, I had learned some of the tricks used by those who profess to possess psychical powers. They thought the ladies would enjoy a demonstration of how the practitioners achieve their effects."

"Mrs. Hughes, I gather, took your parlor tricks seriously?"

"I'm afraid so," she said. "It transpired that she has friends who are active in the Society for Psychical Investigations. One of them, in turn, spoke with a correspondent for the
Flying Intelligencer."
She widened her hands, palms up. "One thing led to another and the next thing I knew there was an item in the paper. It was all rather awkward, to say the least."

"Typical sensation journalism. Very few facts embedded amid a vast amount of melodramatic fiction."

She wrinkled her nose. "I will admit that at times the press does not always report events with the accuracy one would like." She broke off, glancing around with an air of abrupt concern. "Where are we going? I must return to
Corley Lane
. I have several more pages to complete today."

"I will see you home in my carriage, Mrs. Fordyce."

"Oh" She hesitated, looking taken aback, as though the notion of allowing him to escort her back to
Corley Lane
had disconcerted her.

Across the way, his coachman, Ned, saw them approaching. He jumped down from the box to open the door of the vehicle.

Caroline appeared to come to a decision. When they reached the far side of the street, she halted near the carnage.

"Thank you, Mr. Hardesty, but I took a hackney cab to Wintersett House today. I intend to return home in the same manner."

Her unwillingness to get into his carriage annoyed him more than he wanted to admit. He cast about for a lure he could use to entice her into the vehicle.

"Very well, Mrs. Fordyce, you must do as you please," he said, politely regretful. "I had hoped to take the opportunity to discuss our observations of Irene Toller's performance today while they are still fresh in our minds, but if you insist on returning home on foot—"

She looked startled. "You wanted to compare notes?"

"Yes. It had occurred to me that together we might come up with some conclusions that could well elude either of us independently."

Excitement sparkled in her eyes. "I see. I hadn't considered that possibility."

"However, if you do not wish to accompany me, I certainly understand. I realize that our association did not get off to a promising start. My fault entirely."

"Hmm." She glanced at the waiting carriage with an uneasy expression.

She could not have made it more plain that she did not trust him. He wondered if she would be equally reluctant to join Julian Elsworth in a carriage.

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