Waiting for Him (10 page)

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Authors: Samantha Cole

BOOK: Waiting for Him
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She jumped at the sound of his deep sexy voice. “Wh-what?”

Pointing at the large house they were parked next to, he said, “We’re here. You okay?”

“Um, yeah. Sorry.” She blushed. “My mind was elsewhere.”

“Yeah, it’s been a long day. Com’on. Let’s get a room and climb into bed.”

Oh boy.

Chapter 11

While Benny was in the bathroom, Kat stood in their bedroom and stared at the king-sized bed. Due to some local couple getting married over the weekend, there was only one room available at the B&B. It was a large room with a sitting area as well, and Benny had offered to sleep on the couch. But by the look in his eye when he said it, Kat knew the couch was not where he wanted to be. He wanted to be in the big bed…with her. Together. Naked. And if she was honest with herself, she wanted all that and more.

She thought back to the kiss they’d shared in the motel before Jake had interrupted them. Kat hadn’t known which end was up, or whether she had been coming or going. All she knew was, she’d been lost and didn’t want to be found. Lost in Ben’s arms was where she always wanted to be, and, Lord help her, she wanted more. She’d longed to rip off his shirt and explore the hard chest her breasts had been crushed against. His cock had been stiff against her abdomen, and she’d wanted to climb his body and wrap her legs around his hips, so he’d have been lined up with her pussy.

Recalling the delicious moment had her wet with desire. She might be inexperienced, but there were things the human body knew instinctively. And her body wanted to mate. Here. Now. With the one man she’d been waiting for all these years.

The toilet flushed and she jumped. Hurrying, she pulled the covers back and climbed into the bed. She’d only brought one of her duffel bags with them, so she was wearing the T-shirt and shorts she’d worn to bed last night. They weren’t exactly sexy, but hopefully she wouldn’t be wearing them long. Losing her virginity while people were trying to kidnap her was not the way she wanted it to happen. But she did want it to happen with this man. The man she’d been waiting for since she was seventeen.

Taking a deep breath, Kat pulled back the covers on the other side of the bed in a blatant invitation for Benny to join her. And waited. God, she was so nervous. What if he turned her down? What if she did something wrong? He would know instantly she wasn’t experienced, wouldn’t he? Would it turn him off?

The bathroom door swung open and Kat’s eyes flashed to Benny’s as he walked into the room. She knew the moment the pulled back covers registered in his brain because he froze and raised his eyebrow at her. She gushed, “There’s no, uh…no reason for you to sleep on the couch…I mean, we’re adults, right? And, I…”

Her words trailed off and Benny smiled at her nervousness. She was sitting on the side of the bed closest to him and he stalked over then sat down beside her, crowding her a little. Her heart began to pound in her chest as her eyes dropped from his intense stare. “If I share this bed with you, Kitten, sleep will be the last thing on my mind. I want you. I want to be on top of you, under you, behind you, and
you. If it’s not what you want, too, then say the word and I’ll sleep on the couch.” He glanced over at the offensive piece of furniture. “No matter how much it pains me to do so.”

Wetness coated Kat’s panties and she was close to cumming from his sexy voice alone. Her hands twisted together in her lap. “I want…I want you to sleep with me…I mean, not sleep-sleep, but…”

* * *

Boomer chuckled and covered her trembling lips with his fingers. “I know what you meant, Kitten. Damn, you’re beautiful when you blush. Just like back in high school.” He moved his hand to cup her cheek, yet continued to brush her lips with his thumb. He’d thought she’d be too tired and stressed for intimacy tonight, but sex was a great stress reliever. His dick had hardened when he saw all the signs of her arousal—rapid pulse, increased breathing, swallowing hard, and nipples pebbling under her thin shirt. When her eyes had dropped to her lap, the natural reaction of a submissive excited him.

Fuck, her plump bottom lip was made for him to nibble on. He couldn’t wait any longer and leaned forward, replacing his thumb with his lips, teeth, and tongue. Groaning at the taste of her, he plunged his hand into her hair and held her in place while his mouth and tongue did wicked things to hers. His other hand found her breast and massaged the lush flesh.

When her hands went around his neck, he pulled away and she whimpered at the loss of contact. “Wh-what’s wrong? Did I do something wrong?”

A rumble came from his chest. “Are you kidding? No, you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just…” He sighed heavily. There were things he had to tell her. “Kitten, when it comes to sex, I’ve changed, and I’m not sure what your response is going to be.” His cock was yelling at him to shut the fuck up and get on with it, but his brain and heart were telling him this was important. He couldn’t go any further without telling her about his wants and needs. Her submitting to him was something he craved, and he didn’t think he could live without it.

“What is it?”

The wariness in her voice was killing him. “When I’m with a woman…in bed…I need to be in charge…of everything. I like to…shit, this is the first time I’ve ever been nervous about telling a woman this. I’m a Dominant, Kat. Do you know what that means?”

Her eyes widened in surprise, but for some reason she didn’t seem as shocked as he’d expected her to be. “Um, it means you’re into…um…tying women up and spanking and stuff. The opposite of ‘vanilla’ sex, right?”

He wasn’t sure why he was stunned with her answer. After all, she’d been reading Kristen’s book about BDSM. “Yeah. That’s part of it, but it’s so much more. It’s about a power exchange. While a Dom may seem to be in charge of the scene, it’s the submissive who has all the power.”

Kat’s eyes narrowed in confusion. “I don’t understand. I mean, I’ve read books on the subject, but it’s hard to separate fact from fiction sometimes.”

“Yeah, well, a lot of books out there give false impressions of the lifestyle. You see, when a Dom and sub are scene-ing, or playing as it’s also referred to, then a sub sets all the limits and boundaries. There are lists we use at the club and they cover every form of play—what a sub enjoys, wants to try, or absolutely will not do under any circumstances. A good Dom will honor that list. He’ll push the sub’s limits, but if the sub says her safe-word, all play stops. So, you see? A sub has all the power.”

She was biting her bottom lip again and he used his thumb to rescue the abused piece of flesh. “What are you thinking about, Kitten?”

“I guess I don’t understand what people get out of it. I mean, if a sub has all the power, like you said, then what does a Dom get out of it?”

Getting uncomfortable in his current position, Boomer stood and circled the bed. He lay on his side facing her and propped his head up with his hand then rested his other hand atop hers over her abdomen. His thumb rubbed her wrist in small, sensual motions as little goose bumps appeared on her skin. “A Dom gets satisfaction in knowing he has his submissive’s trust that he’ll take care of her. Her submissiveness is his greatest pleasure, and in return, his greatest desire is to give
pleasure beyond her wildest dreams. Her mind, body, and orgasms belong to him, and he treats each as if they are the most precious gift in the world, because they are.”

Kat’s pulse sped up again as he spoke. He could see she was struggling with something, but waited it out. He couldn’t rush this—it was too important.

“Can I ask you something?”

From her tone, he wasn’t sure it was something he wanted to hear. “Of course, baby. You can ask me anything you want.”

“You…um…you dropped a note in the bathroom this morning. From Tanya.”

Shit. He didn’t even realize his secretary’s call-back note was missing. He’d forgotten all about it. “And you want to know about her and the club.” She nodded and he sighed. “Yes, I belong to a private club. Ian and Devon own The Covenant, and it’s in the first building at the Trident compound, but you’d never know it from the outside. Tanya is a friend, nothing more. We’ve played in the past, but there is nothing between us relationship-wise. I don’t have a girlfriend, if you’re worried about that. I would never cheat on a woman I was in a relationship with.”

“I didn’t think you would.”

He interlocked their fingers and squeezed. “Well, honesty is a big part of my lifestyle, so I just wanted it on the record. And the lifestyle is a big part of my life.” He took a deep breath and forged ahead. “I want you to be part of my life too. We can start off slow. I’m not going to handcuff you and do wicked things to you…well, at least not yet. But I’d like to introduce you to my lifestyle and show you how good things can be between us. Can you give me…us a chance?”

Her hesitation was killing him. He prayed her answer wasn’t ‘no’. Holding his tongue, he noticed Kat shift nervously. “There’s, um…something I need to tell you. Something important.”

Oh, God help him. This was over before it’d begun. His wariness crept into his voice. “Okay. You can tell me anything, Kitten. Whatever it is, we’ll deal with it.”

“I, um…I mean, I’ve never…shit, this was easier in my head…I’ve never had sex before.” The last five words came out in a rush and she stared at their twined hands, not daring to look at him.

Boomer froze.
Huh? What the fuck!
Was Kat saying she was still a virgin? She was twenty-nine years old! How the fuck had she made it to twenty-nine and never have…never done…
holy shit!

Clearing his throat, he tried to remain calm and not freak her out. “Uh, wow, um…damn, didn’t see that coming. How…I mean, why…shit, help me out here, Kat. I’m not mad or disappointed…just shocked you never…that you’re still a virgin.” Yeah, well, that all could’ve been said a lot better. He reached up and touched her chin, turning her head so she was looking at him. She was embarrassed, that was evident. But she had nothing to be embarrassed about. In fact, he was thrilled no other man had ever taken her. “Don’t be embarrassed. Talk to me, baby. You said earlier you wanted to have sex with me. If you want to do this, we need some communication here. I need to know things in order to make it good for you. The first time can be uncomfortable if I don’t do things right.”

“If you’re talking about breaking my…you know…I did it years ago with…”

His eyes narrowed and he growled. “With who? You just said you were a virgin.”

“I am! But just because I’ve never been with a man, doesn’t mean I didn’t have urges and needs. So I took care of it myself, with…”

“A vibrator,” he finished for her.

Kat nodded, her cheeks getting redder by the second.

“Damn, that’s hot. The thought of you…shit!” Boomer hadn’t thought he could get any harder than he already was, but the images bombarding his brain were sending his hormones into overdrive. He was wishing he’d changed into a pair of sweatpants because he was going to have zipper marks on his cock from his jeans. He needed to keep his inner beast in check or he’d scare the shit out of her. “I have to ask, baby, why haven’t you ever had sex before? Don’t tell me there was never an opportunity. You’re gorgeous and must be beating them off with a baseball bat. I know you were in hiding and all, but after starting a new life in Portland, there had to have been guys who tried to get you into their beds. Otherwise, it doesn’t say much for the male population in Oregon.”

She snorted. “Please, I know I’m not ugly, but I’m far from gorgeous. I’m a plain-Jane, nothing special.”

Was she kidding him?
Growling again, Boomer snatched her hip and tugged until she was on her side, then sent a stinging slap to her left butt cheek.

“Ow! What was that for?” Her eyes were wide with shock…and something else…arousal.

“Rule number one of my world, Kitten, is you never…
…put yourself down. It’s one of the fastest ways for you to earn a punishment. There is no way you’re a ‘plain-Jane’. I still remember the night of my party, and I told you how beautiful you were to me. But it doesn’t even come close to how beautiful you are today. You’re the woman who walks into a room and men instantly want you in their beds. But then you speak, and they want to fall down on their knees and worship you. You’re sexy as sin, both inside and out, and I want to prove it to you. But you still haven’t answered my question. Why haven’t you had sex before now?” He knew it was ridiculous to hope she’d been waiting for him. Waiting for a time when she could be with him again. But that’s what he was dying to hear from her lips.

“I don’t know. I mean, I dated a few guys, but it never felt right. It felt like something was missing. And now I think I know what it was.”

Boomer held his breath.

“It was you, Benny. None of those other guys were you. My heart and my body always knew it wanted you and no one else.”

His heart felt like it was going to burst from his ribcage. Hauling her against his hard chest, he grasped her hair. “Jesus, that’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard.”

Rolling on his back, he pulled her with him and claimed her mouth again. Tasting…savoring…marking her as his. His other hand slid down her back until it reached her ass and he gripped her cheek. A thought popped into his frazzled brain and he tugged on her hair to break their lip-lock. Breathless, he said, “Kitten, I need you to tell me this is what you want. I’ll make it good for you, I promise. We’ll keep things ‘vanilla’ for now, but I’m going to give you a safe-word anyway. If I do anything that scares or hurts you, say the word ‘red’. I’ll stop immediately, and we’ll talk about what’s wrong, okay?”

Kat tried to nod, but his hand was still holding her hair. “Yes. This is what I want. And if anything doesn’t feel right, I’ll say ‘red’.”

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