Waiting for Rain (39 page)

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Authors: Susan Mac Nicol

BOOK: Waiting for Rain
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“Christ, Toby, your man is something else! With those moves, he’s enough to turn a straight man like me into fancying blokes.” Lucas was grinning in pride. “He was bloody incredible. Trust him to drop his bloody trousers. The man’s a tart.”

“I’ve told Lucas we might get him lessons from Rain on the pole dancing if it gives him a bum like Rain’s,” Tammy said with a snigger as Lucas looked at her with a warning glint in his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by someone bounding Tigger-like out of the theater and thumping him on the arm. Rain was hyped up, dressed back in his jeans and checked shirt, with a glow to him that made me think of the way he looked after sex. His bag was in his hand.

“I heard that, and I’d be glad to teach you a few moves, my friend.” He reached out for me, pulled me into his arms, and kissed me fiercely. I felt his hardness pressing against my groin and wished we were somewhere more private.

He whispered into my ear. “I am so turned on, and I want you very badly. Guess we’ll have to wait a while. I can feel you enjoyed it too.”

He released me and looked at me with anticipation. “So, what do you think, lover? Did I do all right?”

“Christ, Rain, you did better than all right,” I said huskily. “You were fucking fantastic.”

He grinned proudly. He bounced around, and I could see he was adrenaline fueled. I regretted that I wouldn’t get to channel all that energy my way sooner.

Tammy hugged him, her eyes sparkling. “You were awesome, Rain. God, Toby is a lucky man to have someone like you giving him private shows in that living room of yours. The air must sizzle when you two are alone. It must be like having your very own porn studio.” She giggled.

I opened my mouth to inform her loftily that it was indeed an honor, and Rain filled it with his tongue. He kissed me in front of the whole crowd as if there was no tomorrow, his hands pulling me to him in a clinch that melded us together. I heard nothing, knew nothing other than the feel of his body against mine and his mouth on mine.

When he let me go, it was just as well he still had his hands wrapped around my waist, or I would have melted to the floor in a puddle of pure ecstasy.

“Steady on, Rain,” Lucas chortled. “You’ve made Toby all faint now. The man looks as if he needs a stiff one.”

He laughed loudly at his wit, and Rain grinned. Just then there was a loud comment from somewhere behind me.

“Good Lord, such an open display of lust is simply disgusting. Can’t you keep it private, you two? It’s bad enough we have to put up with the whole town seeing you half-naked on stage, Rain, but doing that in public is just not on. There are children present, you know.”

Rain’s face flushed with anger as he faced Brett Manson-Cooke, one of the town councilors. He’d also been the one who’d given me a lot of trouble when we were arranging the whole fund-raising show. His thin face was red with disgust, and his tall, spare frame loomed over the people around him. He looked like some sort of malevolent crane.

“I didn’t think there was a law against kissing in a public place, Brett,” Rain said angrily. “And we’re not hurting anyone.”

Brett sneered. “I can’t believe people paid to see such a display of wanton sexual perversion in there.” He waved at the theater. “People’s morals appear to be a little skewed lately.”

Lucas stepped forward, his face mild but his tone warning. “I’d not say that too loud, Brett. There are people that might take exception to that. Especially seeing as how it was all done for a very good cause, and these two fellows volunteered to help and expected nothing in return.” He motioned toward Rain and me. I saw Simon and Luis making their way toward us through the crowd. Simon’s face was thunderous, and I guessed he’d heard Brett’s words from where he’d been standing, not far away. He reached us and stared at Brett, his eyes flinty. I could see he was about to speak, but I had something to say first.

I stepped forward. “I’m sorry you feel that way, Brett. I appreciate the pole dancing might not be everyone’s taste, but the people in there actually paid to see it. We didn’t force anyone to be there.” I felt Rain’s arm encircle my waist protectively.

Brett saw it. His eyes narrowed. “Toby, I know you’re a homosexual, but you’ve never really flaunted it, and I’ve always been grateful for that.” I heard his pompous, arrogant words with a sense of disbelief. “But since meeting Rain, I have to say you’ve become a little more—what shall we say—flamboyant. Can you blame people for getting a little more physical toward you?”

My heart lurched as I realized he was referring to Neil’s attack on me. I knew Manson-Cooke and Neil’s dad, Digger, were good friends. Rain growled behind me, and his arm round my waist tightened in his anger. I was about to reply when Simon walked up to Brett and gazed directly into his eyes. Brett stepped back, a little intimidated by Simon’s stance. Simon’s voice was sibilant when he spoke, like the hiss of a snake. It was very disconcerting and a tone I’d never heard before.

“What about me, Brett? We’ve known each other for some years, not as friends, because I really don’t like you, and I think you’re a bloody bigot. But what would you say to me if you knew I was like Toby?” His words were challenging, and I saw Luis move toward Simon. My boss’s body was taut with anger.

“You’re not one of them,” Brett spluttered. “I’d know.”

Simon grinned nastily and pulled Luis to him, planting his lips on the man’s mouth with such abandon that poor Luis staggered backward. But his hands entwined in Simon’s hair as the two men kissed passionately. I couldn’t say that whole barn hushed, as it was just too big a space for everyone to see what was happening in our small area. But certainly the immediate area around us grew silent as everyone turned to watch the blatant display of affection between two men. I thought that Simon had chosen a particularly spectacular way to come out to the town, and I felt a surge of pride at him.

Brett was looking like a guppy out of water as his thin-lipped mouth opened and closed, as if he was unable to take a breath. His horrified face made me giggle, and I couldn’t help the snort of laughter that left my mouth. That snort led to a fit of full-blown giggles, and before long I had tears streaming down my face as I laughed. Rain gazed at me in wonder, his mouth twitching, until his face creased in smiles and he was chuckling with me.

“Oh my God, Brett, your face!” I managed to splutter. “Like a bloody gobsmacked fish.” The words made me giggle more, and I held on to Rain as my sides ached from laughter. Lucas and Tammy were watching us as if we were loony. Simon had finally released his poor lover from his clutches.

Luis looked none the worse for wear. He had a triumphant grin on his face. “I have to say, Simon, that was extremely fun.” His Spanish accent was soft.

Simon gave him a satisfied smile. “You said I had to do it sooner or later. I guess it was sooner.”

Luis reached out and caressed his cheek softly. “You were amazing,
. Truly like a lion facing down a gladiator.”

I had the feeling Simon was definitely going to get lucky tonight with the look of admiration on Luis’s face. Simon waved an imperious hand in front of Brett’s still-openmouthed face. “So, now there are a few more ‘flamboyant’ individuals in the town to contend with,” he said loftily. He gestured around to everyone in the immediate vicinity. “I swing both ways, ladies and gentlemen. Get used to it.” He pulled Luis closer to him. “And Luis is not just my friend; he’s my boyfriend and my lover. So, Brett, put that in your pursy little mouth and smoke it.”

The people around us clapped and cheered. A few of them turned their backs in disgust, but most of the crowd seemed to have enjoyed the display. Brett stared from Simon to me, then back at Simon again.

“Well. I have to say—” He was obviously at a loss for words, so instead he simply turned and strode through the crowd, disappearing from view. Simon walked over to me, drawing me in for a hug. His hands tightened round my waist as he whispered in my ear.

“It had to happen sometime. And defending you, my boy, is a good enough reason for me to have done it now. No one talks to you like that.”

I nodded as he drew away. Luis looked a little sad at the affection Simon was showing me. I felt a surge of compassion for the man. I hoped Simon and he would work out.

Rain stepped up to the plate, drawing me to him and planting a smacking kiss on my cheek. “That was the best coming-out speech I’ve ever heard,” he said excitedly to Simon. “You, Simon, are one brave man.”

Simon shrugged. “I’m sure I’ll be able to manage any fallout. Actually, this whole event has shown me that there’s far more support than otherwise for us. I’m really gratified at that.” He turned to Luis with a look of tenderness. “Shall we get back to what we were doing at the coconut shy stall and let these other lovebirds do what they have to? I have a yen for you to win me that stuffed panda I’ve had my eyes on.”

He winked at me as he led Luis by the hand toward the stall.

Lucas had his arms around Tammy’s shoulders. “I guess after all this excitement we should go and enjoy a few of the attractions ourselves. This corner seems to be filled with bloody gay men putting on public displays of affection.” He gave a mock scowl. “What’s the bloody world coming to?”

Rain laughed as he punched him on the arm. “Bugger off, you hairy git, and go and enjoy yourself. We’ll see you around later.”

Lucas chortled. “I have a feeling we won’t be seeing either of you anytime soon. It’s just as well there isn’t a bloody garden hut here.” He dove out of the way of Rain’s forceful punch and disappeared, pulling a giggling Tammy with him.

My lover turned to me, and the look in his eyes made me quail. “As for you, my sexy man, I think we have somewhere to be. I have something I want to give you.” He grinned as he started walking toward the open doors of the barn. “Let’s get home first, though. Try and behave yourself in the car.”

The short drive home was intense, as the air of sexual anticipation was immense. The sun was starting to set as darkness crept in. Rain’s hands touched mine every chance he got, sparking the fire in my belly and groin. When we got to his place and let ourselves in, Sheba wagged her tail at the sight of us but made no move to get up from her cozy spot by the unlit fireplace. Rain turned to me, his face darkened with desire. I imagined he saw the same expression on my face.

“Go into the bedroom and get undressed,” he whispered huskily. “I’ll be along in a minute.”

I nodded, going into the bedroom. I turned on the bedside lamp, flooding the room with soft light. I hastily took off everything I was wearing, heaving a sigh of relief as my cock sprung free. It was aching and needy, and I really needed Rain. I climbed eagerly on to the bed, lay back against the down pillows, and waited for my lover. I was so hyped up by the night’s events that I thought all he’d have to do was touch me and I’d explode. I knew this wasn’t going to be a long, drawn-out night for either of us. This was going to be short and oh-so-bloody explosive.

And when he walked back into the room wearing the same outfit he’d danced in tonight, I just knew I was in for a rough time. His eyes glittered as he saw me naked on the bed, my erection rearing up against my stomach, already wet, hard, and ready. He swallowed as he stood over me, the tight leather of his trousers highlighting his own erection. He still wore the leather wristband. I heaved a deep breath as he regarded me with sultry eyes.

“You look really slutty lying there like that,” he whispered as he crawled onto the bed beside me. “I like it.”

“God, Rain, you look incredible in that outfit.” My mouth was dry. “I have never seen anything sexier than you tonight.”

Rain leaned down and flicked his tongue over the head of my cock.

I hissed in pleasure as my body rose off the bed. “Rain, please. I’m so bloody horny I can’t wait,” I begged as his tongue stroked the length of my swollen shaft. “I need to feel your mouth around me.”

“First, you need to undress me,” Rain murmured. “I want to feel your hands on me.” He knelt next to me as I sat up, then slowly pushed the waistcoat off his shoulders and tossed it onto the bed. I leaned forward and kissed him, my tongue searching hungrily for his as I slid down his zipper. He moaned softly as my hands touched him, the full, hard length of him pressing urgently against my fingers. I pushed him back on the bed.

“Lift up your hips so I can get the bloody things off,” I growled. “They’re so damn tight I don’t know how you’ve managed to keep the blood circulation going down there.”

He chuckled. “I had no need of circulation. It all went to my cock the minute I saw you sitting in the audience watching me.” He wriggled his hips as I pulled the trousers down. I had to spend quite a bit of effort to get them off, they were so tight, and he’d been sweating, which made it worse. He gave a soft laugh as I battled with his clothing, a sound that sent my blood racing to my nether regions. One fierce tug and they were off, and I salivated at the sight of him, his cock hard and red, just waiting for me to take it in my mouth. As I bent down to fulfill my fantasy, he stopped me.

“Toby, wait. Do you still have the collar I gave you?” His quiet words made me shiver. I nodded. “Then do me a favor. Put it on me.”

His breath hitched as he spoke, and his deep breaths left no doubt this was turning him on. It was certainly doing something to me, the thought of putting that scrap of leather round my lover’s neck making my cock ache more. I stood up and went to the pants slung over the chair. I took the collar out of my pocket and went back to the bed. Rain looked at the scrap of leather, his eyes dark, his face greedy. I was so turned on my hands were trembling. I wrapped the collar round his neck, fastening it at the back as his eyes watched my face. When it was on, I leaned back to look at him. He looked like a decadent sub lying there, splayed out for me, with only the silver studs shining in the dim light of the room. I felt all-powerful, like some demigod about to anoint a servant.

“Now, do you believe I’m really yours, Toby?” he whispered softly. “This is symbolic. I belong to you, and I love you so much. I wanted to tell you just how much.”

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