Waiting for Romeo (25 page)

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Authors: Diane Mannino

BOOK: Waiting for Romeo
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“No. It’s a
ring.” I explain and hope I’m not in for the same earlier grief I got from Bryn and Chloe.

“Hm.” Rosemary stares at me then moves around the counter. “You know what I think?”

“Oh, Rosemary. I got an earful from Bryn and another girlfriend all morning long. I would tell you if I was engaged. You know that, don’t you? You’d be one of the first to know.”

She pulls me into her arms and gives me a quick hug. “I know that, honey. I’m just thrilled things are going so great with Logan.” She picks up my hand again and looks at my ring. “It’s gorgeous. I was just going to say I think he’s madly in love with you to give you a ring like this.” She sighs.

“It is pretty. He gave it to me on Valentine’s.” I smile at her. “I can’t tell you what a relief it is you aren’t giving me a hard time about it.”

She laughs. “You must have really gotten an earful this morning. But that’s what friends are for. They were happy for you, right?”

“Oh, sure. They just enjoyed teasing me about whether it was an engagement ring or a promise ring.” I shrug.

“I can understand that.” She smiles. “But I won’t even go there since I know that subject has been exhausted. When I said I think he’s madly in love with you to give you a ring that wasn’t everything I was going to say. I think, is a bit of an understatement, obviously he is madly in love with you. But what I was trying to say is by giving you a ring like this I think his intentions are clear.”

“I thought you said you weren’t going to go there?” I raise a brow at her.

She laughs. “I said I wouldn’t debate with you whether or not it’s an engagement ring or a promise ring. But I do think he’s giving you this ring because he’s telling you he sees his future is with you. Right?”

“Yes, do you think I was wrong to accept it?” I wonder if she thinks I’m being too hasty.

“No, honey. But it’s quite a turnaround from our last discussion about whether or not you could forget. We talked about love being an endless act of forgiveness and you told me you could forgive, you just weren’t sure you could forget.”

I laugh. “Good point. But didn’t you also tell me when you find the person you want to be with if you still find you want to be with that person despite whatever problems you might have had in the past…that it’s true love?”

She smiles. “That’s true. I guess I gave you some good advice then. Well, the bottom line is you’re happy. Right?”

I nod and smile at her.

“I’d be happy too, with a ring like that.” She laughs at her own joke and I can’t help but laugh along with her.

She moves back behind the counter and gathers the paperwork together. I know our discussion is over, but I’m still curious about the police being here when I arrived this morning.

“So, why was the detective here this morning?” I ask as I start to straighten a nearby shelf of shorts.

“I didn’t tell you already?” She asks at the same time she accidentally drops some of the papers from her hands.

“Uh-uh.” I say, bending over to help her pick up the invoices.

“They know who broke into the store.” She says as we both stand back up, facing each other.

“Oh? Did they make an arrest?” I ask, wondering if the cigarette ashes led them to the burglar.

“Well, it’s a bit more complicated.” She says and I know immediately Logan and I were right about our earlier suspicions.

“The boy almost overdosed. He was in the hospital and now he’s in rehab. Can you believe that? It’s so sad. Addiction is truly a tragic thing.”

I think of Sebastian and wonder if rehab will help him. I really hope for his sake it does. I suppose it’s a step in the right direction that he’s even there especially since I wasn’t so sure he’d actually go to rehab.

“Emilia, what’s wrong?” Rosemary stares at me.

“His name is Sebastian.” I say because I don’t even need to ask.

“Yes. Do you know him?” She asks.

I don’t even know where to start.

“Yes. He’s a friend of Logan’s. Well, actually they used to be friends. It’s good he’s in rehab. He obviously needs help.”

“They aren’t friends anymore?” I can see Rosemary trying to connect the dots.

“No. It’s a bit complicated. They were friends and roommates up until about a month or so ago. Well, their friendship was already a bit strained before they had a falling out.”

“Hm. Let me take a guess. Did this falling out have something to do with you?” She puts her pile of papers back on the counter and then looks towards the front door. “Boy, I’m glad it’s a slow morning otherwise I’d have to lock the front door and put up the closed sign so we could talk.” She laughs.

“I know you have work to do. Maybe we should talk about this all later?” I shrug.

“No way. Let’s talk now. I finished the accounting and we have no customers. It’s the perfect time to talk plus I’m curious about this boy. I’m surprised he and Logan were friends.”

“They had some things in common…they both liked to party…a lot.” I say.

“Ah. I get the picture. And, they are no longer friends because Logan figured out if he wanted to have a future with you, he needed to put an end to his partying. He made a wise choice in more ways than one.”

“Well, you don’t quite have the whole picture. There was also a girl in the middle of it all…our future hung in the balance…not just because of Sebastian, but because of her as well.” I say, quickly.

She sighs. “I don’t need all the details, Emilia. But it sounds like the bottom line is and the most important thing is Logan chose
over them and that lifestyle. And, thank God because I know neither one of us would want to see Logan in a similar predicament as his former friend.”

“You’re right. I won’t get into it all, but basically he fell off the wagon the night of his birthday.” I take a deep breath and continue. “I had never seen him like that…I was completely devastated. Logan broke my heart, but I know it would break my heart to see him the way Sebastian is now.” I feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

“Oh, honey.” She grabs my hands. “He’s figured out what’s important to him and to his future…all you have to do is look at this.” She lifts my hand up with the diamond band. “Just look at this and be reassured. Okay, sweetheart?”

I don’t know why, but my tears won’t stop running down my face.

“Does Logan know how much you worry about him?” Rosemary asks and then the answer hits me.

I wipe my cheeks and swallow. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I started crying about this. I’m fine…we’re fine.”

Rosemary squeezes my hands. “Don’t be ridiculous! I totally understand and it’s perfectly natural that you worry about him. Addiction is a disease, Emilia. I’ve told you many times…I’m here for you.”

“Thank you.” I pull her in my arms and hug her tight.

“My pleasure, honey.” She pauses then leans back and takes my hands in hers again. “But does Logan know you worry about him?”

“A little. He told me basically what you said…he knows he was throwing his life away and he didn’t care about his future until…”

“Until he met you.” Rosemary finishes my sentence and tears swim in her eyes. “Now, you’re making me cry.” She muses as the front door opens and our first customers enter the store.

Rosemary gives me a quick hug and quickly pulls herself together.

“I’m glad we talked.” She winks at me.

“Me too. By the way, did the police say Sebastian is responsible for all the burglaries?” I say, softly.

“I just know our store and the other one that was broken into. It sounded like he’s guilty of all of them, but the detective didn’t say. She just made a reference to always knowing it’s an addict when nothing is stolen but cash or whatever drugs they can find. I guess they found some prescriptions were missing from some of the houses.”

“Oh.” I make a mental note to see if any of my medications were taken. It’s something I wouldn’t notice since I refuse to take them. “And, how does that all work…does he get arrested after he gets out of rehab? I think I’d definitely stay there to avoid jail.”

“Well, I kind of doubt he’s going to jail. I know we’re not pressing charges and I’m pretty certain the other storeowners aren’t either. I can’t speak for the other owners, but Sam and I feel bad for the guy. We’d rather him get himself cleaned up then have his life completely ruined.”

“Sebastian is lucky you feel that way…hopefully he realizes it and doesn’t still completely ruin his life.”


I KNOW I’M SAFE TO WALK HOME after finding out Sebastian is not only behind the rash of burglaries, but he’s also in rehab. When I check the clock, it’s after six just as Sam heads in the front door to pick up Rosemary. I’m about to walk out the back door when Logan grabs me around my waist.

“Hi there, beautiful.” Logan’s arms pull me tight against him. He leans forwards as his lips find mine.

“Hi.” I breathe under his mouth. “This is a nice surprise.”

He leans back and gazes down at me. “You weren’t planning on walking home by yourself in the dark…were you?”

“Um. Maybe. Well, yes, actually.” I stammer.

He frowns. “Emilia, I told you it’s not a good idea to go wandering around by yourself, especially at night.”

I laugh. “I’m not wandering. I was going to take about a five-minute walk home. I love your concern, but it’s so not a big deal.”

“Do I need to remind you that someone was following you?” He asks as he takes my hands in his.

Then I realize maybe he hasn’t heard about Sebastian. It amazes me he could spend the day with Sam and this topic never comes up. I know men don’t talk to each other about their feelings, but what do they talk about when they are out floating in the water for hours on end?

“You surfed with Sam today, right?” I ask, gazing up at him. He looks at me confused, no doubt, wondering where I’m going with this.

“Yes. Why?” He asks.

“I’m curious. What do you guys talk about when you’re out there in the water for all that time?” I ask as he slides his hand around my waist and we start to walk.

“Mostly the waves…you know Sam. He eats, breathes and sleeps the surf so that’s pretty much all he talks about. Of course, he once in a while asks me about my girl, but that’s about it.”

“I like you calling me your girl.” I smile, sweetly at him.

He returns my smile. “Can I buy my girl something to eat? Are you hungry?”

“No, thanks. I had a late lunch with Rosemary unless you want to grab a bite.”

“Sam and I ate some fish tacos at Shoreline a little while ago. I was thinking of you…we haven’t been there in a while.”

“Shoreline Café…I remember a certain waitress having quite a thing for you. I’m sure she was happy to see you there with no girl.” I tease.

“Well, I’m not sure about that since I only have a thing for you, babe. Do you want to go to my place or yours?” He asks as we walk together down State Street and then turn the corner to the residential area.

“Mine…I told Bryn and Chloe I’d hang with them for a little while and then we can go to your place, but I have to warn you I actually need a little bit of sleep. I have to meet Coach Walker at the track early in the morning.”

“I think we should be able to manage that. So, how was your day with Rosemary? I’m sure all you two talked about was the surf, right?” He chuckles at his own joke.

I laugh with him. “It was fine…pretty quiet. Incidentally, she liked this lovely gift you gave me.” I hold up my hand.

“Ah. What did she have to say about that?” He asks. I can’t help, but wonder if he has some sort of a spidey sense and knows that we discussed his past.

“She says you’re a lucky guy.” I giggle.

He laughs as he suddenly grabs me and kisses me tenderly on my lips.

“I agree with Rosemary.” He gazes at me as he pulls me tight against him. “But I’d like to be even luckier.” He leans down and then runs his nose against mine.

“Ha. It didn’t take you long to start trying to convince me.” I kiss him briefly on the lips then take his hand in mine, pulling him with me as I walk. I glance at him and he looks amused.

“You do realize you’re breaking my heart, right?” He stares at me, his expression is unreadable. I stop and turn towards him. Taking his hands, I put them on my waist and then reach my hands around his neck.

“Aw. Now, you’re not playing fair.” I reach up and touch his face. “What happened to taking our time?”

But his mood shifts to something more serious. “Taking our time? I think I said something about not needing more time to figure out we’re perfect together. Besides, you didn’t say anything about playing fair.” He says, softly. “Look, you told me I need to be sure about wanting to spend my future with you. Isn’t that right?”

I nod.

“Well, I am sure. In fact, I’ve never been more certain of anything in my entire life. I know you’re reluctant and I said we’d take one step at a time because the last thing I want you to do is to run. But that being said, I do want you to know, without a shadow of a doubt; I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

I take a deep breath and exhale, slowly. “I love that you’re so passionate about our future together. I hope you know I want my future to be with you, too. But I also hope you mean it when you say we’ll take one step at time because I do think that’s what we need to do. If you can promise me that, I promise you I won’t run and I’ll stay here in Santa Barbara after graduation to be with you…as long as you still want me to do that.” I murmur.

I wonder for a moment how I will break this news to Bryn, but I push the thought to the back of my mind. I still have a few months to figure everything out.

“Of course, I still want you to stay here.” He pulls me into his arms and kisses me passionately.

We are in our own world, but when some students walk by, making their way to a party or bar, they applaud and whistle at us, bringing us back to the here and now.

We both laugh as Logan takes my hands in his and we approach our driveway.

“It was the irresistible temptation of spending time in our hotel beds that got you to want to stay in Santa Barbara with me, right?” He laughs.

“Surely, I don’t know what you mean.” I smile at him and arch a brow.

“I’m pretty sure you know
what I mean. And, when you come with me back to my place later I’ll show you.”

“Ah. Are you trying to lure me to your place under false pretenses again?” I bite my lower lip to stifle a laugh.

“Oh, no…no false pretenses.” He grabs me around my waist just as we approach the front door and kisses me, deeply.


THERE’S AN INTENSE GAME OF BEER PONG going on between Bryn, Chloe, Josh and Tyler when we walk in the house. The music is so loud they don’t hear us when we walk in the room. The boys are on one side of the table, the girls on the other side and, by the way Bryn flails the ping-pong ball, not even remotely landing near the table, it’s obvious the girls aren’t winning.

“I think I know who’s winning.” I lean up and whisper in Logan’s ear.

He nods and laughs.

Chloe is the first to see us. “Heeeyyy, come and play.” She slurs.

Bryn stumbles over and grabs my arm. “Yes. We need you, Emilia. We’re beating the shit out of the boys. Logan, you go and try and help them out. Lord, knows they can use it. Josh, isn’t that right?”

“Yeah, you’re kicking my ass, Bryn.” He laughs.

“See?” She pulls me towards her side with Chloe. “How about we play winners?” I glance at Logan, and wink, letting him know I have no intention of joining their competition. I know the girls’ team is a sinking ship and I have to run, early in the morning. A hangover is not an option.

“Come on, Em. I know you just don’t want to play because you have to run in the morning. First of all, we’re winning and second of all, you can just power through a hangover. I’ve seen you do it before.” She giggles.

“Sorry, Bryn. You two look like you have this game under control. I don’t want to mess you all up. Besides, you know I only play vodka pong.” I openly lie and hope she’s too drunk to call me on it.

“Ooohhh. Let’s switch to vodka.” Chloe shouts above the music. “We’ve got this in the bag.”

The boys just shake their heads and laugh, while Bryn looks like she’s carefully reviewing her options.

“Nah. Let’s just stick to beer. Sorry, Em. We’ll play with vodka next time.” She says so apologetically that I pin my lips together to keep from laughing. If she only knew how ecstatic I am they aren’t switching to my supposed preferred drink of choice for their drinking game.

I pout, slightly just so she thinks I’m a little disappointed. “No worries…count us in next time.” I say, walking backwards, making my way towards Logan. He takes my hand in his and we are just heading out of the kitchen when Chloe runs over to us and gives us both a big hug.

She bounces back from us, excitedly and leans towards Logan. “Congratulations!” Chloe says, beaming at him.

I know exactly what Chloe is referring to, but when I glance at Logan, who looks completely at a loss, I start to laugh.

“Congratulations on your promise slash engagement!” She grabs both of our arms and bounces again.

Logan looks amused. “
.” He says, slowly, carefully enunciating every letter, clearly for my benefit.

I roll my eyes, shake my head, and smile back at him.

Chloe looks at us both and giggles. “Well, like I told Emilia, either way I’m all for it!”

Then from across the room Bryn shouts at her. “Chloe, get your little ass back over here!”

Before Chloe turns from us, she flashes one more mega-watt smile and then heads to reconvene with Bryn in their inevitable defeat.

“I like Chloe’s enthusiasm.” Logan says as we head up the stairs so I can grab my overnight bag with a few essentials.

“You didn’t hear the half of it. This morning she was talking about setting a date and picking out gowns.” I laugh.

“Hm. She’s enthusiastic and brilliant.” He grins.


BY THE TIME WE GET TO LOGAN’S PLACE, it’s already after ten o’clock. We manage to escape the beer pong competition, but stop to grab a bite to eat at a café on State Street before making our way to his condo.

“So, you prefer vodka pong?” Logan asks, as we sit, curled up on the couch, facing each other.

I smile.

“You know I think you’re a bit of a
.” He teases.

“Yes, well, like I said you’re rubbing off on me.” I pause a second. “You want to watch a movie or something?”

“Or something.” He says, softly.

I lean forward and kiss him, gently on the lips then gaze into his eyes. “Thank you.”

“For?” He looks confused.

I sit back against the couch and look at him. “For meeting me after work and taking me to dinner.” I smile, sweetly at him.

“You know you never did answer my earlier question.” He drapes an arm around my shoulder.

“Yes. I actually do prefer vodka over beer…might be fun to play margarita pong.” I slip my shoes off and tuck a foot underneath me.

He shakes his head. “No…not that question. I meant earlier…when you were about to wander home. In. The. Dark. By. Yourself.” He says the last words, slowly, making his point.

“Oh, right.” I smile. “I got totally side-tracked earlier…that’s why I was asking you all about what you guys talk about in the water when you’re out surfing for hours and hours. I was surprised Sam didn’t mention it. But you’re right…Sam eats, sleeps and breathes the surf so I can see why it might slip his mind.”

“Are you going to tell me, baby? Or do I need to guess?” He looks amused.

“Sorry…side-tracked again. When I got to work this morning the one detective…the woman…Detective Fernandez.” I pause and Logan nods for me to continue. “She was leaving the store when I got there. Rosemary said the police know it was definitely Sebastian who broke into the stores. She’s not a hundred percent sure about the other burglaries, but she’s pretty certain he was behind them as well.”

“Well, our suspicions were right. God, he’s a fucking moron. The last time I heard from Seraphina, he was headed to rehab, but I suppose he’s in jail now.”

Her name runs a chill down my spine, but I fight my overwhelming need to scowl at him and just nod.

“No. He’s in rehab. Rosemary said she and Sam aren’t pressing charges and either are the other storeowners. She said they feel bad about him almost overdosing and they would rather him get help then have him go to jail.”

“Sebastian is really lucky they aren’t pressing charges. I just hope he realizes that and gets himself together.” Logan murmurs more to himself than to me.

“I agree.” I sigh.

“And, so you thought it was a good idea to walk home by yourself because Sebastian is in rehab?” He asks, a bit sarcastically.

“Why not? You’re worried about that person following me, right?” I stare at him.

“Yes.” He looks like he wants to say more, but I quickly continue with my explanation.

“Well, no one has followed me since then. Sebastian has had his share of troubles and I haven’t heard or seen him at all, so I think it’s safe to say he was the one following me that day. Now, that he’s in rehab and getting help for his issues…I’m certain I’m safe to take a short walk by myself without worrying. Don’t you?”

“Maybe, but I would feel better if you didn’t walk by yourself, regardless of whether or not there is or isn’t an apparent threat. It’s not a good idea.” He says as he gently caresses the back of my neck with his thumb.

I know he’s worried about me, but I decide to change tactics. “You know I love that you worry about me.” I lean closer towards him and reach my hand behind his neck, thrusting my fingers into his hair. My lips just barely touch his.

“I think we’ve exhausted this topic for now, but don’t think I won’t keep bugging you about being safe.” His lips are warm against mine.

Our kiss deepens as I lean against him and we fall back on to the sofa. One hand is at the back of my neck while the other is spread against the middle of my back, pulling me closer to him. His tongue caresses mine as his hand moves up my sweater and I savor the feel of his touch against my skin.

I push against him as his hands wander over my waist and then up towards the hook at the back of my bra. He unhooks it with ease as we slide on to our sides, our mouths never parting. Pulling my sweater up, I’m startled when there’s a knock at the door, but Logan ignores it and continues kissing me.

“Logan someone is at the door.” I breathe and think déjà vu, remembering the time his mom showed up while we were in bed in Montecito.

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