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Authors: Dawn Stanton

Waiting for Us (19 page)

BOOK: Waiting for Us
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"Go pack your bag so we can hit the road."

"Yes sir," I jokingly reply while walking towards my bureau.

"Oh and Hails, don't bother packing pj's because you won't need them," He says with a smirk that has his dimple peeking at me.




The ride to the beach house is uneventful. We were lucky not to hit any traffic and we arrived around ten o'clock. I love being outside at night in our neighborhood. It's so peaceful and serene with the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. I step out of Marcus' truck and take a few deep breaths, savoring the smell of the saltwater. There's nothing like the initial breaths I take whenever I arrive here. It's like a ritual to me and it's always the first thing I do. The fresh air is so clean and unlike the city fumes I inhale on a daily basis.

         We grab our bags and make our way inside his house. It's hot and stuffy inside due to the house being closed up tight.  We open some windows and put our bags in Marcus' room before heading down to the beach. There are a couple of large boulders just before we reach the dunes that flank the path leading to the beach. We leave our flip flops on one of them and Marcus clasps my hand with his as we step onto the sand for the first time. It feels cold and soft under my feet and I take a moment to savor the sensation, wiggling my toes in it. This is another one of my "beach rituals" and Marcus knows enough to stop and let me have my moment before we continue on. The tide is on its way in, but there is still a good amount of beach left for us to walk on. We walk slowly along the shoreline just at the edge of the sea. The contrast of the warm, humid air with the coolness of the water gently washing over my feet is intoxicating to my senses. We make our way slowly along in comfortable silence, enjoying the tranquility that only the ocean can provide until we come to a bend in the shoreline. There are no houses near this part of the beach because the surrounding area is conservation land and no one can build on it. This is one of our favorite spots to sit and watch the waves and we may have taken advantage of the privacy it has to offer, a time or two in the past.

“Do you want to sit for a bit?” Marcus asks me. I nod in agreement before sitting down in the dry sand. He lowers himself down beside me and puts his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in close to his side. I always feel so tiny when he holds me in his arms. His muscles are so large I feel like they completely engulf me, making me feel safe and protected.

“I feel so at peace when we’re here,” I say wistfully. “I wish we could stay here forever.”

“Me too. When we’re here life slows down and it’s like I can feel the everyday stresses just slipping away.” He runs his fingers through the ends of my hair as he says this and I shiver in reaction to his touch.

“I love that I can make you physically react to the smallest touch from me. It’s such a turn on.” He whispers huskily in my ear and once again I shiver, this time from the gravelly tone in his voice. He nips my earlobe before gripping the back of my head with his left hand. I arch my neck in reaction as he cups my face with his other hand. Even in the dim lighting cast by the moon I can see his smoldering gaze locked on mine. “You were made for me baby and I’m never going to stop proving it to you,” He growls out before possessively taking my lips. This kiss isn’t smooth and subtle. It’s passionate and a bit punishing. I’m sure it has something to do with my work situation, but it doesn’t matter to me what’s inspiring it because it’s hot. I grip his hair in my fists and kiss him back with everything I am. This is how I tell him all the things I want to say but can’t seem to find the courage to. I’m not good with the pretty words and I’m not always the most affectionate, but I can show him how much I really do love him by pouring it into our kisses. He pulls me on his lap so I’m straddling him without losing contact with my mouth. His strength is such a turn on to me. I love that he can effortlessly maneuver me around wherever he wants me. We joke about the fact that he likes to throw me around in bed, but it’s true. Making love with Marcus is very physical and it’s always exciting. I never know what he’s going to do next and I love that because it keeps it interesting and fresh.

“I need to get you back to the house so I can lay you down and taste you. I’ve been thinking about it all day.” He nuzzles under my chin with his nose as he says this.

“Oh God,” is all I can manage to get out before he connects our mouths again and grips my hips, pulling me down to grind on his hard cock. He groans into my mouth from the contact as our tongues continue to rub and lick.

“I want you so fucking bad baby. I’m not waiting till we get back to the house. I need this pussy now.” He says, laying me back in the sand and quickly yanking my shorts and panties down my legs and over my feet. He kneels between my legs, undoing the snap and zipper on his cargo shorts before pushing them down his hips enough to free himself. He grips his cock in his hand and runs it up and down my slit, teasing me. I moan and lift my hips towards him.

“Is this what you want baby?” He asks once again sliding through my wetness and rubbing the head of his cock back and forth on my clit before plunging inside of me.

“Yes.” I cry out in pleasure at the feeling of him inside me. He immediately starts to thrust his hips forcefully setting a quick and hard pace. He lifts my lower body as he moves underneath my legs, leaving my ass resting on his thighs. This new position tilts my pelvis making his cock rub me in the perfect spot causing me to moan continuously as he fucks me hard. I love when he’s like this. It makes me feel so desired to see him lose control and just take me. I can feel my orgasm building and I rub myself to help make it happen.

“I love... when you... touch yourself... baby... so hot,” He says raggedly, his breathing harsh and labored. He lifts my legs up over his shoulders placing my weight on my shoulders in the soft sand as he pounds into me at a frantic pace. I cry out his name as I find my release and he’s right behind me, his hips jerking through his orgasm. He lowers my legs so they are wrapped around his hips and he leans down taking my lips in a sweet kiss. We’re both still breathing heavily as we lay there still connected.

“Wow.” One word he utters, but it says it all.

“This seemed like a great idea but now that we are about to put sandy clothes back on, not so much,” I say laughing.

“We’ll just have to shower when we get back to the house,” He says. I laugh because I know how much he loves shower sex.

“Can we use the outdoor shower?” I ask. I love the shower his mom added at the side of his house. It’s enclosed so the neighbors can’t see us in there. There’s something so decadent and forbidden about showering outside in the fresh air. Especially at night, when we can look up and see the stars overhead.

“Of course we can Hails,” He says as he lifts off of me and starts to fix his clothing. I stand up and pull my panties and shorts back on after shaking the sand from them. One huge drawback of beach sex is that I now have sand in every crease and crevice on my body and I can’t do anything about it till I get in the shower.

“Next time we have beach sex I’m on top,” I tell him with a groan as I take a few steps. “I have sand in areas that sand should never be in.” I joke. He barks out a laugh as we start to walk back to the house.




We spent the rest of the weekend mostly on the beach or in bed. It was so nice to be able to relax and enjoy each other’s company without any outside distractions. Marcus made me breakfast in bed on Saturday morning and I returned the favor on Sunday morning.  He took me out to dinner on Saturday night to a new Mexican restaurant that just opened and I drank four margaritas before we went home and had hot drunken sex. I can’t wait to do that again.





Chapter Twenty-Five

June 2015 - Marcus


This weekend together without distractions, was just what Hailey and I needed after the bombshell she dropped on me Friday night. I tried to hold it together and not overreact when I first heard, but I literally felt my stomach sink. I’m usually not such a pussy about things, only when it comes to Hailey. This girl owns my soul and I can’t even imagine a single day without her in it. She’s my best friend and the truest one I’ve ever had or could ask for. Whenever something good or bad happens in my life, she is my go-to person and I know I’m hers. That’s why it bothered me so much that she wasn’t upfront with me about what has been going on with Cory at work. She usually tells me everything important. I was very disheartened to hear that she still harbors feelings for that dickhead, even after he hurt her so bad. He’s long overdue for an ass kicking from me. It’s inevitable that one of these days my fist will finally meet his face and it makes me feel a sense of satisfaction. He is way out of line for what he has been putting her through at the office. Just the thought of his cocky ass touching her makes my blood boil. Hell, just the thought of him talking to her daily practically sends me over the edge.

I need to make sure I’m there for her to confide in when she has concerns about Cory and not feel worried about what my reaction might be. Either way, it’s going to suck, but I’d rather have her be honest than keep things secret. I can’t help but worry that things will escalate between them and whether it stops after a kiss or continues much further will be up to Hailey. I know she has always had a strong attraction to him and that as a young teen she fantasized about one day marrying him. I’d like to think that after the past year she and I have been in our pseudo-relationship, she will remain faithful to me, but only time will tell. Sometimes it’s hard for me to stay hopeful about where she and I will end up. I see forever with this girl and I’m not sure she can see past right now.





Chapter Twenty-Six

June 2015 - Cory


The weekend passed by without seeing Hailey and I’m surprised by how much I actually missed her. This girl is turning me into a total pussy and I’m actually okay with it. I’m excited for nine o’clock to roll around so she can come in here throwing all kinds of sass and attitude at me. Hailey is a contradiction of epic proportions. She comes off as this quiet, reserved woman and then when you get to know her you realize she is full of passion. I had the privilege of seeing that first hand when she and I practically set one another on fire when we had sex five years ago. To this day, I’ve never felt that level of intense hunger with anyone else. That has to mean something… I like to think it means she’s the woman I’m supposed to be with. I just have to convince her of that and I’m not sure how. Especially since she's in some kind of relationship with Marcus. Pfft, Marcus. I can’t believe those two are still together. It’s not that he’s not a good guy because I know he is. He’s just too nice for her. She will be bored soon enough of him being her “yes” man and want a real man to take charge. He doesn’t stand a chance with her long term and I almost feel bad for him... almost. She’s too fiery and passionate for Marcus and it’s only a matter of time before he gets burned. 




  Hailey knocks on my door at nine o’clock on the dot and I take a deep breath, bracing myself for the impact of seeing her for the first time in a few days. She looks so beautiful, I swear, sometimes looking at her hurts my heart and today is no exception. She has on tan linen, knee length shorts paired with a silky black sleeveless blouse and little black thong sandals. Her toenails are painted royal blue and damn, even her feet are sexy. There is no safe zone anywhere on her body for me to look at that doesn’t provoke sexual thoughts. She even has adorable, bony little elbows. I groan internally and put a smile on my face.
“Good morning Hailey.” I’m going to act as though she didn’t run out of here on Friday like the hounds of hell were chasing after her.

“Good morning,” she says with a small smile. “How was your weekend?” She asks me and I’ve got to admit I’m a little surprised by this. I thought for sure she would try to keep our conversations to a minimum today.

“My weekend was good but pretty boring. I ran some errands and played some basketball, but that’s about it.  How about you?”

“Marcus and I went to the beach and stayed at his house. His mom’s gone away so we had the place to ourselves. It was so nice to be back there. It made me wish I could stay there for the summer like I used to.” She says wistfully.

Damnit. It’s not enough that they live in the same apartment, she had to go away with him too. I rest my head back on my chair and close my eyes for a second, willing myself to calm down. I need to find a way to spend more time with Hailey outside of the office so she can see who I really am. She still has me labeled as a manwhore in her mind and I’m not. I never really was. I’m not saying I’ve been an angel, but I’ve never really been big on one night stands. I’ve had some friends with benefits over the years and a couple of relationships, but my number of sexual partners is still relatively low compared to most of my friends. I’ve had more physical contact with her in the last two weeks than I have with another woman in over six months now. I work in a constant state of arousal with her nearby. Just a whiff of Hailey’s soft floral perfume can make me hard as a rock and if it weren't for me taking care of myself in the shower each morning, I’d probably lose control, throw her over my desk and fuck her senseless. Just the thought of that makes my dick twitch so I quickly shift our conversation to work related topics.

“I have court this afternoon if you want to come with me and observe you can or you can leave early if you’d rather.”

“I’d actually love to come watch you in action,” She says excitedly. I want to tell her that she can see me in action, up close and personal anytime she wants, but I don’t. I bite my lip instead, holding it in before answering.

“I’m leaving here at noon and I told Candy to order lunch and have it delivered here by eleven thirty. I ordered you a Greek salad so if you want something else make sure you talk to her.”

“Thanks, Cory, I appreciate it and Greek salad is great. You know how much I love those.”

“Okay, let’s get down to business. We’ve got a lot to accomplish in the next couple of hours."

BOOK: Waiting for Us
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