Waiting... On You (Force Recon Marines) (24 page)

BOOK: Waiting... On You (Force Recon Marines)
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She wanted to cry with joy, but she shook
her head and bit her lower lip anxiously. “No, no.” She uttered a nervous
little laugh. “I’m not involved with anyone, and I haven’t…you know…since you
left.” She felt her cheeks burn with intense embarrassment.
For God’s sake,
she was a doctor! Why was this so difficult?
“It’s just that I really know nothing
about making... well, having sex. I haven’t done it.... except that once… with
you.” Humiliated and furious with herself for stammering, she pressed her lips
together and ducked her head to hide the tears that had sprung to her eyes.
“This is so pathetic at my age! I’m not even on the pill.”

She so wanted to please this man that she’d
adored all her life. She was terrified of disappointing him. It was so risky to
open herself up this way.

“Oh, Hanna....” The amusement in his
voice didn’t help. She started to spin away from him, but he caught her in his
arms and pulled her tightly against his broad chest. “Honey, I’ve had lots of
experience, being a soldier. One nighters are full of that, but absolutely no
real intimacy. I want what we had three years ago.”

“That was a one nighter,” she reminded
him in a small shaky voice that was muffled against his t-shirt.

“That was genuine intimacy between two
people who actually gave a damn about one another,” he insisted. “I’ve never
had that before.” Lifting her head off his chest with one finger, he looked
down at her. “I’ll teach you whatever you want to learn.”

Oh lord! Seeing the intensity of the
desire in his eyes and hearing the husky timbre of his voice sent shivers of delight
through her. When his mouth curled into another one of his sexy, crooked grins,
it sealed it for her. She melted into his arms, unable to resist him a moment

“You excite me, sweet Hanna. Just be
yourself. It will be more than enough. And I brought protection, hoping this
would happen tonight.”

Then he lowered his head and took her
mouth in a kiss that was hot and sweet and deep. Her arms rose to twine around
the thick column of his neck. The kiss went on and on until he abruptly pulled
his tongue out of her mouth and licked her lips.

“All night…” he explained, taking a
nibble of her lower lip “…I’ve wanted to lick off that frosted pink lipstick
you’re wearing.” Stepping back, he swept his eyes over her. “I knew you’d be
wearing long-sleeved pajamas to bed, too.” He chuckled as he ran both hands
down her arms. “At least they aren’t flannel.”

They were a baby blue silk with
embroidered roses on them. “I was wondering what you wore to bed.”

“Just skivvies, as we call them in the

His fingers went to the first satin
covered button on her top. It slipped slowly from its button hole. After that,
he went to the second and third ones. When he finished slipping all her buttons
from their holes, he slid both his hands inside, to caress her shoulders, then
her upper back in slow sensuous strokes that left her aching for him to move
those skilled long-fingered hands to her exposed breasts.

“Can we make love now, Doctor? Are you
sure you’re sober enough to clearly consent?”

He was teasing her, and she wrinkled
her nose at him. “I wasn’t that drunk!”

“No?” He laughed and pulled her hand
to the opening in his boxer shorts, where his erection rose high and hard.
“Well, I’m that horny.”

Feeling a tremor rock her, Hanna
wrapped her fingers around the prominent evidence of his desire and squeezed
the hard thick length. “I can feel that,” she murmured. “So, stop talking and
do something about it, Colonel.”

Expelling a deep breath, he laughed.

In one proficient move, Nick swept the
silk pajama top off her shoulders, exposing her to his instant assessment.
Hanna just as instantly moved her hands to cover her bare breasts. Had they
undressed each other like this before? No man had ever seen her naked, except
Nick, and that had been in the dark. She was immediately self-conscious.

He took her hands and gently set them
aside. “You’re too lovely to hide a thing.”

Oh, if he only knew how long she’d
been waiting to hear him say these kinds of things to her; to look at her the
way he was now― with heavily lidded passion glittering in his smoky eyes!

Nick reached out to caress her with
his fingertips, just a light brushing back and forth across her nipples. They
pebbled instantly. He used his knuckles and lightly rubbed the peaks, then
cupped each round globe in his palms, lifting them, then squeezing them
together gently.

“I’ve wanted to smother and die here,”
he groaned as he briefly pressed his face between them. “So butter soft.” He
kissed the tip of each breast. “So perfect and exquisite.”

“You’re making me blush, Colonel.”

His words of praise were interlaced
with kisses that left Hanna breathless and gasping. After lifting his head from
her, his thumbs and forefingers caught the peaks of her breasts and tenderly
rolled them, then pulled. The tugging sent a ribbon of pleasure all the way to
her pelvis. She felt the backs of her knees touch something, and was surprised
to find he’d backed her slowly toward her bed while he’d been undressing and
touching her.

He started to untie the drawstring to
her pajama bottoms, but she stopped him. She needed to touch his bare skin,
too; to feel him less clothed.

Her hands slipped under his t-shirt,
pushing it up the rippling sides of his torso. “You need to lose some clothing,

“Take off whatever you want.”

Taking him up on his offer, she pushed
the soft white cotton up over his head as he bent to accommodate her. When he
straightened again, the tips of her breasts brushed against the dark sprinkling
of hair on his chest.

Hanna shivered with delicious
pleasure, and Nick groaned as he tried to wrap her in his arms. Boldly, she
pressed her hand to the center of his chest to stop him. “Let me touch you—
feel you.”

He stood with his hands on her waist.
She lifted them away and placed them at his sides.

He groaned. “You’re going to make this
hard, aren’t you?”

“Harder,” she corrected with a wicked

He muttered something under his breath
which she didn’t quite catch, but it didn’t really matter. She was completely
distracted by his body.

It was magnificent. Lifting her hands
to his torso, her fingertips began to chart every sculpted angle, curve, and
bulge. He was an anatomy class in living 3D detail.

He was a big man, tall and muscular,
but it was all efficient, well-honed muscle. His pectorals were remarkably
carved and defined, to the point of having a deep indentation down the middle
that disappeared into a flat, washboard stomach. His commanding shoulders were
rounded with muscle that flowed into chiseled biceps and strong, lightly haired
forearms. Even his elbows had muscle. Every part of his rock hard body exuded
strength and power. And it all rippled delightfully every time she caressed

The soft pads of her fingertips
wandered all over him. Being new to the act of lovemaking, Hanna wondered if
his nipples were as sensitive as hers. She touched them experimentally, then
did what he’d done, and caught one between her thumb and forefinger. He sucked
in a sharp breath.

Emboldened, she took one in her mouth,
rolled it gently between her teeth, then circled it slowly with the tip of her
tongue, while she continued to torture the other with her fingertips. Nick
uttered a deep groan. Pleased, she slid her hands down his sides and slipped
them inside the waistband of his boxers. Her long fingers slid around to mold the
hard curve of his buttocks. Her nails dug in to grip him. Lord, he had the
firmest butt! Muscular, even there! She couldn’t resist rubbing herself against
him, making a little swivel motion with her hips. It was just too much fun to
have him all to herself like this. Her mouth continued to play with his flat
dark nipples, while her hands ran all over him.

Nick growled low in his throat and
pulled her hands away from him at last.

Hanna looked up, embarrassed. “Oh! I’m
sorry. I told you I wasn’t any good at this.”

He captured her chin between her thumb
and forefinger, his mouth quirked with amusement. “I like what you’re doing,”
he reassured her. “It’s just that I need....”

“What?” she asked eagerly, wanting
desperately to please him and not make a fool of herself.

“You— in that bed with me, soon.
You’re killing me with all this one-sided touching.”

“Oh.” She let out a breath of relief.

Impatiently, his fingers worked the
bow on the drawstring of her pajamas free. Loosened, the silk bottoms slid down
her legs to the floor. She stepped out of them, completely naked. Before, when
they’d made love, they’d undressed each other in a rushed frenzy, then come
together under the bedcovers so eagerly and urgently, there hadn’t been time to
be aware of all this baring of flesh.

It made Hanna uneasy. She didn’t want
Nick to be disappointed with her. But he soon chased that concern away by
caressing her from shoulders to buttocks and back up again, murmuring to her
all the while how lovely she was. Eventually, he stepped out of his boxer
shorts. When Hanna saw how rampantly aroused he was, her entire body quickened
and quivered.

Gripping her hips now, he ground
himself against her, returning her earlier teasing. The slow circular motion
extracted a funny little whimper from her. It was glorious to be naked in each
other’s arms, and so much better than all the memories she held of their first
time. The real Nick was much better than her dreams. He was so big and warm and
hard all over!

And she loved the way he was kissing
her, invading her mouth with his tongue, ravishing her, tasting her, devouring
her. He was so good at it. He seemed to know instinctively what she liked. She
wondered if it was a natural gift, or if it was her. Whatever it was, she
reveled in it as she stood in the circle of his arms and let him kiss her for
long endless minutes.

Finally, uttering another deep throaty
growl, he pressed her backwards, onto her odd shaped bed. She scooted toward
the pillows, thinking he’d join her, but he gently grasped her ankles and
pulled her back to him until her legs were dangling over the bottom of the
mattress. Standing between her knees, he braced his arms on either side of her
and leaned over her body.

Hanna watched, trembling, as he began
kissing her body. The journey started at her breasts. He buried his face
between them. They were indeed ample enough to smother him.

Inhaling her scent, he sighed and
lifted his dark head to look up at her. “For three years, I’ve had fantasies of
you looking just like this— spread out naked before me so I could taste every
inch of you.”

His revelation made her blush hotly
and whisper his name. She reached for him, but he shook his head and gave her a
devilish grin. “I’m going to enjoy my fantasies first, pretty doctor.”

Her head fell back onto the mattress
as his mouth moved back to her breast and began to suck on a nipple. When he’d
had enough of one, he proceeded to the other. She felt the tug of pleasure all
the way to the pit of her stomach.

His tongue made a slow sweep from peak
to peak, between her breasts, then wandered between her ribs to her navel,
where it dipped inside to swirl erotically. All that was exquisite torture, but
when he reached her tummy, he took gentle sucking bites that made her breath
catch sharply. In response, his teeth raked her quivering flesh, making her
moan and curl her fingers into his dark hair. She expected him to go lower, but
he surprised her by straightening.

She pushed up on her elbows to stare
at him, flushed and trembling. “Nick?”

“Shhh....” He soothed her by rubbing
slow massaging circles over her well-kissed tummy. Then, surprising her, he
reached back for her leg, lifted it, and kissed the instep of her right foot.
With gentle bites, he nibbled his way to her ankle, then to her calf and the
back of her knee. Finally, his mouth traveled to the inside of her thigh and
slowly moved toward his goal. His breath was hot and moist against her skin.
His journey was painstakingly slow, and by the time he found the honey blonde
curls between her thighs, Hanna was completely undone.

Floating in a sea of desire, she was
certain every bone in her body had melted. She’d read about this, but never
imagined it could be so staggeringly wonderful. The part of her ever-curious
mind that was still functioning knew there was a term for what he was doing to
her. But the exploration of his mouth was more like an oral feasting. When he
lifted her bottom and dove more deeply into her, she nearly lost her mind.

One sensation after another tore
through her body, making her throb and tingle and spiral upwards until she was
writhing and squirming beneath his wicked tongue. Despite her glasses, her
vision blurred as she teetered on the edge of an jolting orgasm.


Weak with building pleasure, she
pushed up on her elbows and looked down at him. She felt suspended on the edge
of a cliff. His big long-fingered hands looked so dark against her soft pale
skin. His thumbs were moving over the wet folds hidden by blonde curls,
caressing the ache, but not dispelling it.

BOOK: Waiting... On You (Force Recon Marines)
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