walkers the survivors (10 page)

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Authors: Zelda Davis-Lindsey

BOOK: walkers the survivors
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"Just so you know, Joe, Mason should be here in a few minutes so you better be done with me by then cause he is going to yell at you."

"Great,"  he mumbled, "that's all I need.  Okay, you're done, just keep that arm still.  It was a straight through shot which is why you lost so much blood, you have two holes in your arm.  I have some antibiotics I want to give you so roll over."

"Why can't you give it to me in the arm.  Why do I have to bare my ass?"

"Cause I'm the doctor here, not you.  If you need help, Sarah is just outside the door."

So I rolled over, jerked my pants down far enough for 'the doctor' to stab me in the ass.  But I was laying there all nice and cozy when Mason came bursting in the door.  I mean that literally.  He'd have to repair it.

"What the hell happened?  I can't leave her alone for five minutes...ok, it was longer than that..well, you know what I mean.  Never mind.  How bad is it?"

"Bullet when through the upper part of her arm and out the other side so it isn't bad but she's lost a lot of blood and will need to rest a few days."

That got my attention, "No way am I laying in bed for a few days.  You said it wasn't life threatening so I plan to be up about in the morning."

"No you aren't"  Two voices sounded like one.  Then Mason sat on the edge of the bed.  "You scared the shit out of me, so you have to stay in bed as long as Joe says."  Before I could say anything, he raised his hand, "If I have to tie you to this bed I will but you WILL do as Joe says.  End of story." 

I narrowed my eyes at him and he did it back to me.  I started to say something and he put his finger against my lips.  "Nothing you can say will change my mind.  So go to sleep."  With that he kissed my forehead, left the room and talked to Joe in the kitchen.  I finally realized we were in the camper. 

I woke up to being tortured again.  Well, to be fair it was only Joe changing my bandage but it was still torture.  He checked my pulse, temperature and then pried my eyes open and squinted at me.  "If I were dead, that would wake me up."  I mumbled.

He chuckled, "If you were dead, I wouldn't be doing anything.  How are you this morning?"

"Morning?!"  I tried to sit up only to discover I had no strength.  "What the hell have you done to me.  I'm weak as a baby."

"Nothing.  The blood loss makes you weak.  We need some iron pills for you but I can't find any anywhere.  Sarah will bring you something to eat later but don't try to con her into feeding you what you want.  You'll get broth.  Mason will be along in a bit to tell you how yesterday went but don't let him stay too long. You need to rest."


"Yes, I know."  He chuckled again, as he tapped my foot under the covers and left.  I must of dozed because Mason was opening the windows and letting the sun in when I opened my eyes again.  I watched his fine butt move about the room before my eyes got heavy again.  Time had moved forward again when I woke to Mason sitting in the chair next to me reading a book titled "Ghosts of the New Mexico".

"God, that's all we need roaming around.  Ghosts."  It came out sounding like a frog croaking but he understood.

He slowly lowered the book then winked at me.  "You missed breakfast but Joe wouldn't let Sarah wake you.  I hope I didn't wake you cause Joe will kill me."

"I may kill him before this is over.  I want to know about the baby that shot me."

"What baby? Oh, you mean Mikey.  He's a friend of Bobbies and was hiding out in the basement of that house you  were in.  He was supposed to be gone but overslept.  He stubbed his toe on the top step and when he stumbled the gun went off..  He's really upset about it and wants to say he's sorry but we're putting him off so you'll be awake for it."

"Well, I'm not prepared to hear an apology cause I'm pissed."  I was running out of steam and knew it.  I hated being this weak. I still had to go to the bathroom yet.  "Hold on to that thought and help me to the bathroom first?  Then you can tell me about the trip to town."

He helped me take care of business and when my head hit the pillow I was out.  All this sleeping was getting on my nerves but I there didn't seem to be any help for it.  Later when I opened my eyes to Joe checking my pulse he motioned to the other side of the bed but I didn't have to look to know Mason slept quietly beside me.  Joe gave me another pain pill, tucked me in then left me to la la land once more.




                                                                      CHAPTER 10




     If I didn't know better I'd say that table was getting farther away instead of closer.  I'd managed the restroom and now I was very slowly making my way to the kitchen table in the camper.  By the time I got there all I wanted to do was go back to bed but I sat heavily in the seat instead and opened the curtains to peer outside.  I wanted coffee in the worst way so I wasn't surprised to see Mason heading my way with two steaming coffee mugs.  Mean old me was interested in seeing how he opened the door with his hands full, so when the door opened easily I was almost disappointed to see a little person holding the door for him.

The little person in question was a stranger so I figured out it was my attempted assassin.  I was relieved  not to see any weapons as he followed Mason inside. Mason stopped briefly trying to hide any surprise at my mutiny then sat the mug in front of me and I lost all desire to whine.  I inhaled the heady aroma of coffee then took a sip before sitting back and smiling.

"Your such a pushover,"  Mason said as he sipped his mug.  The elf at the door quietly sat on the edge of the sofa, staring at the floor.  I looked at Mason and he just shrugged.  Well, hell.

"Hey you,"  I said to the monster, "come here."  He slowly stood up, still staring at the floor and walked towards me about two steps.  Two very small steps.  I had the urge to yell at him to see if he would jump but he was so pathetic looking I finally gave in.

I patted the seat next to me and softly said, "Come sit by me for a minute then you can go play with the others."  I thought for a second he was gonna bolt out the door, but he made his way to me but refused to sit.  Okay.

"What's your name?"

"Mike.  Michael Flannery but people call me Mikey." in a voice so low it was almost a whisper.

"Are you the one that shot me?"

"I tripped,"  he said, suddenly  looking me straight in the eye.  "I ain't never shot no one in my life, that was living.  I wouldn't have shot you but I tripped over that top step and the gun went off.  I wouldn't shoot you on purpose cause you're so pretty."  I felt my eyebrows climb into my bangs and glanced at Mason.  Yep, he was hiding a grin behind his coffee mug.
You laugh and you'll wear the rest of your coffee.

"Well, I wouldn't want you shooting anyone cause they're ugly either.  I'm gonna be fine so stop worrying about it.  Do you think you could sneak me something out of the kitchen to eat?  I sure am hungry."

"Oh, no ma'am, I sure couldn't do that. Dr. Joe said he'd skin me alive if I let you talk me into feeding you outta a 'sense of obligation.'  What ever that is.  So, no ma'am, I'm sure sorry.  I sure couldn't do that.  No way, no ma'am,"  As he talked he walked backwards stepping closer and closer to the door.  As if by miracle he turned at the door, opened it and was gone.  Just. Like. That.

Mason did laugh then.  "Boy, you sure have a way with the young, JD.  All that sweet talk would just make me giddy."

"Shut up about it and tell me about the trip."  I mumbled and settled back to enjoy my coffee.

"Ah, yes, the trip.  Well, it was a pretty standard B&E (breaking and entering) except for the part where Randy...let me see, to explain..I know, remember the pet store in east Texas?"  Oh yea I do remember that.  It was the day I met Mason and yes, it was in a pet store.  We had just decided to leave when he turned toward the door and came face to face with a walker.  Only the glass of the door separating them.  Mason did a sort of dance before he headed quickly to the back of the store.

"I almost forgot that...did Randy scream like a girl?"  We both laughed about it for a minute. Mason didn't scream like a girl, but did an impressive two step before recovering.

Before he could continue, Joe stuck his head in the door.  I groaned and started to put my fingers up in the sign of the cross but the one arm still didn't work.  Mason saved the day by loaning me one of his fingers but it lost some of its effectiveness.

"Very funny and here I was gonna let you up for the day."  He grinned big when he saw that I was already up for the day and without his approval.  "I saw Mikey headed to the back yard at a good clip, you get the chance to sweet talk the boy did ya?"

I sighed and looked at Mason. "Told ya."  he even smirked, which wasn't a good look on him.

"Sit Joe or leave but I am gonna hear about the trip.  I've been waiting long enough."

"I'll go scare up something for you to eat while Mason tells his tale, then back to bed for you."  He jumped out the door making me wince cause the last time I tried that I took off several layers of skin.

"Where was I?  Oh yea, we hit several electronics stores making Dukes day, a child's store making the ladies day, a grocery store getting some much needed supplies and a small convenience store before heading to the next mall.  We couldn't stop cause some bright soul hung several wind chimes out of reach near a Mexican restaurant.  Must of been a hundred a walkers.  Randy said some of them started to follow us but when we got far enough away they turned back to the wind chimes."

I listened to his voice drone on about the different stores and traffic stops and found my mind wandering.  Mason must of noticed because the next thing I remember was him helping me up and walking me to the bed.  Because of the coffee, I had to make another stop but he finally had me sitting on the edge of the bed when Joe came in with another cup of coffee.  Cross that out, it was beef broth.  I managed to gag it down before falling asleep with my head on Masons shoulder.  Not a bad place to fall asleep I must say.

I only cat napped but it was a healing sleep and I felt a lot better when I woke up.  Lacy was sitting by my side reading a magazine.  I don't know where she gets them but I'm betting Randy got the new ones. 

She must of read my look because she pulled the covers back and helped me take care of business before helping me to the kitchen again.  She pulled a bottle of colored water from the fridge and set it on the table taking the seat across from me.  I took a sip of raspberry tea and grinned big.

"Now, that's what I'm talking about."  She smiled as I downed the whole bottle then got another from the fridge.  I noticed the thing was full of em, then noticed they were very cold.  "Dukes been busy I see."

"Yep, he has a whole trailer load of solar panels and knows how to use them.  The guys feet have hardly touched the ground since they've been back.  Mason threw a fit to get this place done so you'd have lights and cold tea. He's so sweet, sis."

"Yea, that pet store done us both a favor."

     "Never mind.  What's for supper?  Don't tell me beef broth cause I ain't drinking it.  I want food."

"Joe said if the broth stayed down you could eat with us tonight. So  They'll be over in a bit to carry you..."

"I'll walk or I stay here.  This is ridiculous.  It's a flesh wound for Pete's sake.  I can walk."  To prove it I started to get up from the booth.

"Hang on a minute sis, I need to talk to you about something before you go inside."  She sighed and squared her shoulders which made me very nervous.

"What, Lacy?"

"Okay, first off, we threatened to cut Masons tongue out if he even mentioned it, so don't yell at him.  Well, as far as that goes don't yell at me either."

"Why would I yell at anyone, except the little person who tried to blow my head off and I didn't yell at him.  For that matter, I don't see Mason letting y'all tell him what to do."

"Well he was against it...cause he hates to keep anything from you but we know how he gets flustered, and then stuff comes out of his mouth that doesn't make sense..."

I laughed, "Yeah, I know what you mean.  Remember that time..."
     "JD, will you let me tell this?"

"So tell it. What's the problem?"

"All right, well, they brought back a couple who he says is married and she says...well, actually, she won't say one way or the other."

"Lacy, I'm hungry here."

Heaving a giant sigh, Lacy braced herself and blurted it out.

"She wants Mason."  She quickly nodded her head like she had just revealed the national secret.  I just sat there and waited for her to get to the rest of it.  Nothing.

"She wants Mason for what?"  She frowned, and cocked her head to one side.  I just lightly shook my head and nodded it a bit to tell her to finish it.

"That is, JD.  She wants Mason.  He saved her and he's her knight in shining armor and 'he's so cute'.  Blah, Blah Blah"


"So, did anyone tell her that he is taken?  And what's Mason got to say about this?"

"Gee, JD do ya even think he's noticed?  We've all told her he was taken but she either doesn't believe it cause you've been laid up or is ignoring it.  She doesn't do anything when her husband, or whatever,"  waving her hands about wildly like me when I can't explain anything right, "is around, but as soon as he turns his back she is hanging on him..."

"Who? Mason?  She's hanging on Mason?  What?  His hands tied or something?"

"You should see him trying to get her hands off him, then he runs off to do some errand. He thinks she's just thankful but that girl has other things on her mind...and his name is Mason."

"Well, I guess it's about time I rejoined the land of the living.  Don't ya think?  But I can't go like this, I need to clean up first."  I started to get up when Lacy glanced out the window. 

"Better hurry, Mason and Joe are headed this way to take you to dinner.  Hurry and I'll delay them.  I put some nice perfume on the night table next to your bed."  That stopped me for a minute but seeing the guys round the camper spurred me on and I was safely ensconced in the bathroom when they came inside the camper.  I could hear voices but I treated myself to a good hair brushing, along with my teeth, and spritzed a touch of perfume in the air and stepped into it.  When I exited, I found a nice blouse of Lacy's laying on the bed and quickly pulled it over my head.  I was fighting to get it over my bandaged arm, when Mason chuckled.  When my head emerged from the soft silk I saw those eyes of his and that smiled and could do nothing else but kiss him.  Did I mention I had just put on some lipstick?  His eyes made me some promises that I waggled my eyebrows at and he kissed me hard enough to make my toes curl. 

"Maybe we could have supper here tonight.  Just the two of us." He whispered against my lips.

"If we did, we wouldn't eat any food and I'm starved, cowboy.  Walk me to dinner?"  He sighed like he was disappointed then turned and offered me his arm.  It would have been more romantic if we could have gotten out of the camper that way but there was some jostling and bumping before I finally got my feet on gravel and headed to the cabin, a man on each arm.

I could tell people were happy to see me because nearly all of them were standing on the porch with big smiles.  I could also feel just a bit of tension in the air.  Sarah looked at Lacy who just nodded her head a bit making Sarah smile.

"Hey girl,"  I said to her as we approached, "I hope something simple is on the menu tonight, cause I don't want you to go to any trouble for me.  I am starved though, so a T-Bone steak with baked potatoes would do."

"Don't even think about it, JD.  Let your stomach adjust first."  Joe said as he helped me up the stairs.

"Would fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn and peas work with a bit of peach cobbler for dessert?"

"Ah, a girl after my own heart."

We were laughing when we entered the dining room so the 'lady' in question was a little put off by the crowd.  She sat at one of the small tables with another young man and they looked to be around their early 20's, tired and haggard like most of us looked but she was pretty, sort of.  He was nice looking but his eyes were hard.  Cold.  They were blue so the hardness made them look icy.  She looked at me with a frown on her pretty face so I had to say hello.  Right?

"Hello, I don't think we've met.  I've been a little under the weather and Joe is a hard doctor to get around."  The doctor in question, harrumphed as he headed to the kitchen.  "My name is JD, and you are?"

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