Walking on Sunshine (18 page)

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Authors: LuAnn McLane

BOOK: Walking on Sunshine
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“What?” she asked when he fell silent. “I can hear you thinking.”

“You have good ears.” Garret glanced her way before putting his attention back on the winding road. “You make me smile.”


“Just by being with you. We could be digging a ditch and I'd still be happy as long as you were by my side.”

Mattie leaned her head back against the headrest and laughed.

“Okay, that wasn't exactly Hallmark quality but you get what I mean.”

“No . . . I love it,” she said softly. “And I completely understand because I feel the same way, Garret.”

“Thank God.”

“That I feel the same way?”

“Yes, that . . . but thank God we've finally arrived at your cabin.”

“You covered the one hundred miles really fast,” she said with a laugh. “I'll race you to the front door!” With a squeal she scrambled from the car and ran laughing through the rain. She fumbled with her keys until he took them from her and opened the door.

“I'm soaked!”

“Then we better get you out of those wet clothes, pronto.”

“Excellent idea!” Mattie made a mad dash for her bedroom and Garret followed in close pursuit. She paused to click on a small decorative lamp, casting the room in a soft glow.

Wet clothes landed with a plop against the hardwood floor. Mattie and Garret fell against the mountain of pillows, kissing and caressing, skin sliding against warm wet skin. “I've wanted to feel your naked body next to mine, but the reality of it is blowing me away. I can't believe that you're in my arms, Mattie.”

“Better than digging a ditch?” she asked, and then kissed his shoulder.

“Way better,” Garret said, and then pulled back to look at her. He'd waited for this moment and wanted to slow down as much as his passion would allow. She was in a half-sitting position, leaning against the pillows. Her hair, still damp and slightly curled, looked like spun gold against the stark white bedding. “God, you're beautiful.” He traced a fingertip over her cheek and then down her neck until he reached the valley between her breasts. She remained still and allowed him to look his fill.

“Am I?”

“Yes.” He cupped her full breasts. “Perfection,” he said softly, and looked into her eyes.

She swallowed hard, but her gaze didn't waver. “Thank you.”

Garret rubbed his thumbs over her nipples until her breath caught and she arched her back. Leaning down, he kissed one breast and then the other and then sucked a nipple into his mouth.

With a soft moan she threaded her fingers through his hair. “Oh God, that feels . . . mmm . . . amazing,” she said, making Garret smile. He knew that making love to Mattie would be organic and natural.

“I love how you taste and how you feel, Mattie.” Garret explored her skin, lightly caressing her everywhere. She urged him on with little gasps and sexy groans. Her hands moved to his shoulders and then slid down his back.

“The feeling is mutual. Oh, but I want . . . ,” she said, but sucked in a breath when his fingers trailed over her mound and then slid inside her wet heat.

“This?” He moved his finger in slow circles and watched the play of emotion on her face. She closed her eyes and her breathing became shallow through slightly parted lips.

“Yes . . . ,” she said. “Oh yes.”

Garret increased the pressure just slightly, dipping his fingers in and out. She felt so warm and silky against his hand and looked so utterly gorgeous while in the throes of passion. He longed to lick her, to taste her, but he couldn't tear his gaze away from her face. He plunged his finger deep and then touched her with a barely there caress until she arched her hips in a silent plea for release. Still, Garret held back, wanting her to be wild with desire for him. When she opened her eyes he replaced his finger with the pad of his thumb and she climaxed with a soft and oh so sexy throaty moan.

Garret rolled to the side, almost painfully aroused, and dug into his wallet for a condom. He quickly sheathed himself and then slid his body against hers. Garret looked at her flushed face and then kissed her parted lips before entering her in one fluid, gentle stroke. “God, you feel so good.”

“I love having you inside me.”

“It's where I belong.”

“Mmm . . . yes.” She wrapped her legs around him while he made slow and steady love to her, bringing her back to the brink of an orgasm. “Oh, Garret.”

“Mattie . . . beautiful Mattie.” Garret kissed her and then stroked her faster, deeper, and when he felt her climax he found his own sweet release. A hot wave of pleasure washed over him unlike anything he'd experienced before and he knew why. What they'd just shared went beyond sex. His heart thudded with the knowledge and he had trouble not telling her, because he wanted her to know how much he cared for her. He didn't know how to verbalize what he was feeling other than professing his love for her, but he was so afraid it was too soon and that Mattie might not believe him, so he somehow
remained silent. Instead he rolled to the side and held her close, hoping that she might feel his love through the beat of his heart.

As if in response to his silent admission, she placed a flutter of light kisses on his chest and then rested her head on his shoulder. After a few moments he said, “Mattie?”

“Yes?” she responded in a lazy, satisfied tone. She started tracing her fingers over his skin in small circles.

“I . . . I want us to be together.”

She stopped drawing circles and raised her head. “You want me to be your girlfriend?”

“Yes, love, my girlfriend. I want us to be exclusive. Do you . . . do you want to?”

Mattie laughed.

“Um, that wasn't the response I was hoping for,” he said with a frown.


“No?” Garret felt crestfallen.

“No, I meant you're just so doggone cute. And when you say gar-el in that English way of yours, I just melt.”

“Wait. I'm confused. So, is that a yes, then?”

“Yes!” She leaned down and gave him a quick kiss, but he held her there and kissed her thoroughly. “Well, now I get to stake my claim. Every girl in Sully's had her eye on you tonight.”

“Really? I didn't know. Maybe I spoke too soon, then,” he said, and was rewarded with a playful shove.

“Surely you noticed.”

“Mattie, love, I only have eyes for you,” he said, and trailed a fingertip over her bottom lip. “I know it sounds like a cheesy line, but I'm telling you the total truth.”

“Garret, I believe you.” She smiled. “I understand because I feel the same way.” She kissed him softly, sweetly. “Will you stay with me tonight?”

“And sleep on this white cloud?”


“Do I get to take a bubble bath in your big tub?”


“That just sealed the deal.”

“And since tomorrow is Sunday I get to sleep in.”

“And I'll fix you breakfast.”


“As long as you're okay with toast.”

Mattie laughed. “I'm totally fine with toast with a side of Garret Ruleman.”

“Mmm . . . and you shall have it. And you know the best part?”


“We still have all night ahead of us.”

“Oh so true.”

“I'm going to go to the bathroom and then we must get beneath the covers,” he said, and she gave him a sleepy nod.

“Don't be too long.”

“I won't,” he said, and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead.

Garret padded across the hardwood floor and entered the big bathroom. He marveled at this unexpected turn of events and then gazed at himself in the mirror. “Don't screw this up,” he said to his reflection. “Mattie Mayfield is a gem.”

When he reentered the bedroom Mattie had turned the bed down and was beneath the covers. When he scooted in beside her she sighed and snuggled close. “Mmm . . . I like having you in my bed,” she said in a sexy sleepy voice that had him immediately aroused.

“And I like being in your bed. You know I usually suffer from insomnia, but I think tonight I'll sleep like a log.”

“Because you're sleeping on a cloud?” she asked with a low giggle, and looked at him with half-lidded eyes.

“No, love.” Garret brushed a lock of hair from her face and then shook his head. “Because I'll be sleeping next to you.”

Mattie kissed him and then asked, “Have you always been this romantic?”

“Never. But you are my inspiration.”

“Oh, Garret . . .” She sighed and then placed her hand on his chest. “You are so good for me. . . .”

“And you for me.” Garret put his hand over hers and waited until he heard soft and steady breathing. “Sweet Mattie, I love you so.” He knew she was asleep and he couldn't wait for when the time was right to say those words directly to her. But he told himself to take one step at a time. He wanted her to feel how much he adored her before he said the words.

Garret smiled, thinking that he couldn't wait to tell his mum that he was in love. She'd want to meet Mattie straightaway, so he'd have to start making plans for a trip to London in the near future. Garret thought that it was pretty crazy that he'd traveled all over the world and met the girl of his dreams in a small town in Kentucky.

Garret turned sideways and pulled Mattie close. With a sigh he brushed her hair to the side and then kissed her shoulder. She murmured something and sighed. After a while Garret closed his eyes and thought for the first time in his life everything felt so right and he was going to do whatever it took to keep it that way.


I Could Have Danced All Night

hose, sending a gentle spray of water onto the potted plants dotting Shane's pool deck. When she was unhappily married her garden had become her sanctuary and had brought her much needed peace. Nourishing the plants and watching them thrive kept her feeling alive and somehow connected to the earth when her world had been crumbling all around her. Laura Lee had cultivated flowers that attracted butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds so she could enjoy the beauty of nature; she'd been adding some of those same plants around the pool and deck area at Shane's. While he'd given her permission to purchase whatever she wanted, Laura Lee enjoyed taking clippings and growing plants from seeds.

She hummed “We're All Alone” while she watered not only because she adored the Rita Coolidge classic but because she'd slow-danced to the love song with Shane on Saturday night. She'd managed to keep busy yesterday doing nonstop chores at her own house in an effort to keep the man off her mind, but as soon as she spotted Shane coming in from his morning run, all she
could think about was dancing with him. The memory of swaying in his arms made her so hot and bothered that she considered turning the hose on herself!

Laura Lee looked at the tranquillity of the pool and sighed. Perhaps she'd take a refreshing dip after she finished making Shane's lunch. Even though he wasn't supposed to be home until late in the afternoon, she thought he might like a light chicken wrap or a tossed salad before dinner.

While she watered the growing collection of plants, Laura Lee thought she might start an herb garden in the bay windowsill in the kitchen so she could garnish his food with fresh organic seasonings. She tried to tell herself that she did so much because Shane paid her an insane amount of money for such an easy job, but she knew she simply wanted to please him. “Making him happy is my job,” she said, trying to justify her need to impress him at every turn.

But she damn well knew better.

Of course, Laura Lee was doing pretty well hiding her growing feelings for him. At least she hoped so. “And then he had to go and give me the slow dance of all slow dances,” she muttered.

Laura Lee knew that she shouldn't dwell on Saturday night, but her blasted brain refused to listen. She closed her eyes and relived the heady feeling of having her hand tucked in Shane's while they glided across the dance floor cheek to cheek. And on top of everything else he'd smelled divine. When she got home she'd realized the lingering scent of his aftershave had clung to her blouse and she'd refused to wash it like some sort of love-struck fool.

“Because that's what I am,” she whispered, and then shook her head so hard that her ponytail swung back and forth. And not only could Shane dance like a dream, but when he'd started singing along with the song, goodness, she'd, well, nearly swooned. Seriously how much could a girl take, for Pete's sake?

Laura Lee closed her eyes and relived the evening
one more time before sternly telling herself to file the memory away once and for all. Her fantasy was fueled by the fact that after Mattie and Garret left, Shane had stayed by her side for the duration of the night. And to make matters worse Shane talked to people about her almost as if they were a couple. At one point Laura Lee actually wondered if he was doing so to get her used to the idea because perhaps that was what
wanted as well, but then she quickly discarded the notion as sheer folly. She also warned herself to stop having dinner with him nearly every night, but she could never find the will to refuse.

“Tonight,” she said firmly. “Tonight I will come up with an excuse to have his dinner warm and ready but then go home where I belong.” The thought, however, made her feel a bit sad. With a frown she realized that she'd been watering the pot of purple and white petunias too long and abruptly turned the hose away. Earlier she'd put a load of towels in the washer and then realized she'd forgotten to add detergent! And the entire reason for her scatterbrained behavior stemmed from daydreaming about her super-sexy boss.

And he wasn't just sexy. Shane McCray was kind and giving. He received constant requests from charities and he made a generous donation to each and every one either with money or donations of signed CDs and memorabilia. And the man made her laugh! She shook her head, thinking that she felt more at ease with Shane, a huge celebrity, than she'd ever felt with her ex-husband. For just a moment Laura Lee allowed herself to fantasize what it would be like to be Shane's woman. What would it feel like to kiss him?

To make love to him?

Oh, it had been so long since Laura Lee was intimate that she wondered if she still knew how to satisfy a man. And at fifty-five was she still attractive? She was in decent shape, but still . . . “Oh, stop!” she shouted skyward.

“Stop what?”

Startled, Laura Lee spun around and squirted Mattie directly in the face. “Oh, sorry!”

“Eeeeek!” Mattie shrieked, but in her good-natured way simply laughed while wiping the water from her cheeks. “That went up my nose!”

“I'm so sorry,” Laura Lee said again, but she was having a hard time not laughing. “You did sneak up on me, you know.”

“No, I didn't. I called your cell phone, but you didn't answer, so I thought I'd come over and see if you were here. When you didn't come to the door I took a chance and came back here, since your van was in the driveway. You seemed to be in a world of your own. Who were you talking to?”

“Myself.” Laura Lee pointed to a towel draped over a chair. “I didn't mean to douse you, Mattie.”

She shrugged as she patted her face dry. “Well, it's hot out and you cooled me off a bit. Do you have a minute? I have something to tell you.” Light danced in her eyes, telling Laura Lee that the news was going to be good.

“Sure.” Laura Lee put the hose down and gestured toward the umbrella table. “Have a seat, dear heart.”

Once they were in the shade, Mattie said, “Um, Garret and I are, well, sort of dating.”

Laura Lee felt a flash of joy. “Sort of?”

“No . . . well, we are.” She put her hands up to her cheeks. “Is that crazy or what?”

“Oh my gosh! That's wonderful news!” Laura Lee jumped up and gave Mattie a quick hug before sitting back down. “So, how did this come about?”

“Well, I have a feeling you played a part in it, you little matchmaker.”

“Who?” Laura Lee put a hand to her chest and then looked over her shoulder. “Oh, wait. Do you mean me?”

“Don't even try to act innocent. Yes, you.” Mattie gave her a long, knowing look. “Garret gave me a ride home Saturday night.”

“And?” Laura Lee drew out the word. “You have to tell me more than that little tidbit.”

“We . . . we kissed.” She lifted one shoulder, and her cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink, suggesting that they did more than just kissing. “We spent the entire day together yesterday doing nothing. Just hanging out, you know? Watching movies, sitting by the lake. I didn't even know I knew how to loaf around like that, but Garret said he was an expert and taught me how,” she said with a laugh. “He said that he had loafing down to an art.”

“Good! You need to know how to kick back and relax. It's healthy.”

“I know, right?” Mattie raised her hands. “Who knew?”

“I'm so happy for you, Mattie. Garret is quite an interesting guy. I like him a lot and I think you two make a cute couple.”

“I never pictured myself with someone like him, Laura Lee. I have to admit that it's exciting but sort of surreal.” She inhaled a deep breath and then looked out over the pool. “Am I setting myself up for major heartbreak? I mean, is he going to wake up one day soon and come to his senses?”

“He's already come to his senses by realizing what a catch you are, Mattie. And it's about time someone did.”

“But I'm just . . . you know . . . a boring little breakfast cook.”

“Oh, sweetie, I can't answer the heartbreak question. Look at me. I mean, I married an accountant. Jack was an ordinary small-town guy going to the same college as me. If anyone had asked me if he'd ever cheat on me or talk down to me the way he did, I would have laughed in their face. So I think you need to look at the person and how he treats you and forget all about the whole fame and money thing.”

Mattie angled her head at Laura Lee and gave her a pointed look.

“Oh no . . . don't even say it. Garret isn't your employer. You don't have that obstacle in your way.”

“Well, now, I wasn't gonna mention that at all,” Mattie said. “But you must have been thinking a lot about your situation or you wouldn't have made that comment.”

“Mattie . . .”

“No way.” Mattie wagged a finger at her. “You said it, not me, so you can't take it back.”

“I was speaking in general terms.”

“Don't even try that angle.”

“Okay, then we're talking about you, not me. This is your news, your day,” she insisted, desperately needing to change the subject.

“Why is it all so scary?”

“Because love is the most powerful emotion of all. To be loved is what we seek most in this life. It's what we were put here for, really.” She sliced a hand through the air. “Everything else is all trivial in the end.”

“I never really thought of it that way.”

“It's true. I mean, even if you're watching a movie full of action, what we care about is the hero and heroine getting together in the end.”

“Well, hell's bells.” Mattie shook her head slowly. “I feel like I've just jumped off a cliff and I'm free-falling!”

“Exhilarating, right?”

“Um, yeah, but I just hope I find my wings and don't land with a huge splat at the bottom.” She smacked her hands together to demonstrate.

Laura Lee laughed. “Oh, sweetie, I don't think that's going to happen. Sure, there will be bumps in the road, but for now don't worry and just enjoy the ride.”

“Don't worry, be happy,” Mattie sang, making Laura Lee laugh again.

“So, did you tell your mama about you and Garret yet?”

“I'm gonna give it a little time first.”

“How about your brothers?”

“Not yet. I'm gonna take Garret to the next bonfire at the marina. You're the first to know.”

“Well, I'm honored and I won't say a thing to anyone.”

“I'm so lucky to have you as a friend.”

“And the same goes here.” Laura Lee felt a tug of emotion. Mattie was a friend and also felt like the daughter she always longed for.

Mattie leaned forward. “Oh, and I heard that you danced with Shane. Tell me all about it.”

Laura Lee shrugged. “It was a dance, nothing more.” She hoped her voice sounded casual.

“Do you want more?”

“Even if I did, it's pointless. Why can't everybody see that?”

“Maybe because it isn't pointless. It's pretty obvious that Shane is into you. I mean, that man talks about you like you're his girlfriend.”

“But I'm not. I'm his housekeeper. We spend so much time together and we're just becoming close because of that.”

“But are you falling for him, Laura Lee? You can tell me, because your secrets are safe with me as well.”

“Of course I'm
to him, but look, I had my Cinderella night. It's enough,” she insisted, but looked away from Mattie so she wouldn't guess the truth. “Once you've been hurt the way I've been trampled on, it's pretty hard to do it all over again.”

“No, now, there's where you're dead wrong. I think it's even more reason to give it a shot, because you
happiness after what you've been through. Think about it that way.”

“Okay, I admit that I have thought about it. Look, I think that Shane is a really good man. But he's rich and famous. I would just be a passing folly and risk my job in the process.”

“He seems pretty down-to-earth to me.”

“Mattie, there is more at stake here than my feelings.”

“What if he wasn't rich and famous? What then?”

“I'd go after him in a heartbeat,” Laura Lee admitted without really thinking.

“Yes, you said that out loud, so don't even try to take it back.”

Laura Lee put a hand over her mouth.

“No, you don't. Talk to me.”

“But he is rich and famous, Mattie. The man is way, way out of my league.”

“That's nonsense just like the whole I'm-too-old-for-love thing you tried. Look at multimillionaire Mitch Monroe and Nicolina Diamante. That one example busts through the whole age thing, because they are both over fifty. Plus, Mitch is super rich while she was a struggling jewelry maker. And she wouldn't have to work another day in her life, but Mitch supports her jewelry shop because it's her dream. So you have a double whammy where they're concerned. It sure didn't stop them from falling in love, now, did it?”

“An exception to the rule.”

“I'm finding out that there are no rules where love is concerned. You heart doesn't care about any of that stuff. You as much as said so yourself. In the end love is everything.”

“But my brain does care.”

“Okay, well, then I'll keep going with examples to shut your brain up. Not only was Noah Falcon a famous baseball player, but he was a soap opera star too. That didn't keep him from falling in love and marrying high school drama teacher Olivia Lawson. Garret's rock star dad and Maggie McMillan are yet another prime example. Do I need to keep going? How many more exceptions to the rule do you need? And I suppose I'm an example too.”

“No, you don't have to go on, but that doesn't mean I should believe in a fantasy that will never happen.”

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