Wanderer's Escape (35 page)

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Authors: Simon Goodson

BOOK: Wanderer's Escape
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So we've agreed that we're all wonderful and that the operation went really well,” Sal said, smiling.  “But the question is where do we take everyone?  We can't keep this many people on the ship for long, the conditions aren't cramped down there but they aren't luxurious either.”

Jess, Ali, Sal and Elizabeth were sat in the flight deck.  With the living area overrun with children it was the only place to hold a conference.

“Gonna be tough finding anyone that'll take that many, especially ex slaves,” said Elizabeth.  “Or finding somewhere you can bloody trust not to sell them to the next slave trader!”

I think I know exactly the place,” said Jess, smiling.  When he told them the others grinned too.  Somehow it was perfect.


As the Wanderer dropped into real space near Glory Falls several ships immediately changed course to intercept, blasting out warnings and threats.  Ignoring them Jess opened a channel to Glory Falls station itself.

Governor Demery, would you kindly ask your ships to stand down.  I think we've already proven they wouldn't stand a chance against the Wanderer, and as you can see she's packing a lot more firepower than she did last time.”

After a few seconds the governor appeared, such a shocked look on her face that Jess couldn't help but laugh.

“Yes, of course,” she said.

She gestured to someone off screen.  The approaching ships broke off their demands, though two continued with only a slight course change.

“Those two will escort you in,” she said.  “We both know there's no need, but my people's confidence is fragile right now.”

That's fine.  Please extend my thanks to the two captains.”

I will.  Without wishing to be rude I have to ask why you are here.  I never expected to see you again.”

Well Governor, as you kept reminding us before, you owe us.  Now it's time to pay that debt.  We have a number of rescued prisoners looking for a home, or a safe place for a few months before they travel on.  Nearly four thousand of them.  I want Glory Falls to take them.  All of them.  Will that be a problem?”

The governor sat back in her chair, whistling through her teeth and looking thoughtful.  Finally she spoke.

“We certainly do owe you.  Nearly four thousand?  A few months ago I'd have laughed in your face.  Now though... well, we are really short of people.  Crewing the fleet has taken a lot of people, and we are trying to expand too.  Improve our weapons.  Grow more of our own food.  If those prisoners are willing to work for their place, to obey our rules, I'll welcome them with open arms.”

I think I can guarantee that,” said Jess, then he smiled.  “And you may find their special skills particularly useful.  They were working on an orbital farm.  If you want to grow more food, these are the people you need.”

From that point the conversation turned to logistics and planning.  The governor had to prepare her people, arrange living quarters, guides, registration of the influx.  In the end it took more than a day to transfer all of the prisoners.  Nicholas chose to stay, pointing out that his expertise in growing food would be sorely needed.  Tales of his previous kindness had spread and he was welcomed by all of the prisoners.  Jess could tell he was truly happy to be dealing with them as people, not as slaves.


As the Wanderer turned to head out of the system the governor called again.

“I wanted to say thank you, once again,” she said.  “I'm glad we could help, but I don't consider the debt paid.  I doubt it ever will be.  If by some strange chance you ever find yourself in this region of space again you will always be welcome.  You've changed the destiny of so many people, not just the slaves you rescued or our people that you saved – the whole station is now securing itself, making sure we can stand up for our rights.

I suspect that wherever you go danger will follow, so I won't wish you a quiet journey.  I will just say I hope you stay safe and happy.

Thank you Governor.  If we are ever back then we will stop by and see how you are doing.  Goodbye.”


The Wanderer jumped, turning towards Kershel V.  Ali's home.


Curled up beside a sleeping Ali, Jess found it impossible to sleep.  With the bedroom lights dimmed he could just make out the back of her head, the curve of her shoulder, as she slept with her back to him. 

They would arrive at Kershel V next morning.  Ali had been excited all day but Jess was worried.  His stomach felt like it was full of acid, his chest was tight and tears threatened to fall.  Kershel was Ali's home.  He was sure she'd want to stay, to be with her friends, to return to the life she had known.  A life he couldn't share, not with his link to the Wanderer.  The thought of losing her was like a knife in his chest, but he couldn't say anything.  If staying would make her happy, if it was what she wanted, then it was what she must do.  More than anything else he wanted her to be happy.  He let out a deep sigh.

Something is obviously wrong, are you ready to tell me yet?”

Jess jumped at Ali's voice.  She rolled over to face him, the lights brightened slightly so they could see each other's faces clearly.  Steeling himself Jess managed to speak without a quiver in his voice.

“You're so excited about reaching Kershel tomorrow.  Aren't you?”

Of course I am!  It's my home.  There are people there I haven't seen since I was kidnapped.  I want to see them all.  And to see their faces when we return all the children.  That's not the problem is it?  How can it be?”

It's your home,” he said flatly.  “You'll want to stay there, won't you.  You should.  It's your home.”

Oh.  Ohhhh...”

She stared at him, eyes wide, studying his face.  She reached out with both hands and held his face gently.  It was too much, a juddering sob ripped through him and tears started to fall.  Ali grabbed him in a fierce embrace, clinging to him.

“Oh Jess... I'm sorry.  I didn't think.  I'm so sorry.”

He shuddered again, her words reinforcing his fears.

“Jess... my Jess... no.  No I won't stay there.  I'm not even tempted.  I'm sorry I worried you.  I should have said it
my home.  This is my home now.  This ship.  Mostly because you're here, but also because I've seen how big the universe is, how much there is to see.  Even if I didn't love you, how could I go back to my quiet old life?  And I do love you, more than I can ever tell you.  I want to be with you forever.  Don't ever doubt that.”

Jess managed to pull away enough to stare into her eyes.

“Really?” he asked in disbelief.

Really!” she insisted, then dragged his face in for a fierce kiss.

As Jess started to accept her words his body started to react to the passionate kiss.  With his worries banished Jess found he was wide awake for a whole different reason, and soon discovered that Ali felt the same.  They made love passionately, fiercely, both collapsing exhausted when they finished.

“I love you!” Jess said intensely.

I know,” Ali replied softly.  “I love you too.”

They held each other close, kissing softly.  The kisses soon turned more intense and they both found they weren't quite as exhausted as they'd thought.

When they finally fell asleep later that night Jess slept without worry for the first time in what felt like years.


Chapter Thirty One

Jess smiled at Ali as Kershel shrank behind them.  As they jumped and the station disappeared tears ran down her cheeks.  Jess leaned in and hugged her, knowing that despite the tears she didn't want to be anywhere other than where she was.

They'd spent three days at Kershel.  The sight of parents and families being reunited with children they'd given up for lost would stay with Jess for the rest of his life.  It more than balanced the weight of the lives he'd taken in the battle for Iona. 

The people of Kershel had taken Ali's new friends to their hearts, even the alien Teeko.  For the first time since escaping slavery Jess felt comfortable and relaxed whilst not on board the Wanderer.  Admittedly he had the ship scanning space for any threats, but that was almost a reflex now.  They'd all insisted on sleeping back on the ship, even Ali.  Some scars still ran deep.  Even in the safety of Kershel they didn't feel comfortable falling asleep, letting their guards down completely.

Alex's family in particular had thanked Jess.  To the amazement of Alex, the Wanderer had managed to rebuild his ankles and feet.  He was still walking tentatively on them, training the muscles, but was clearly determined to grab the chance he'd been given with both hands.  He admitted that he'd expected to live the rest of his life in a wheelchair.  Jess was glad to have helped.  Despite his first impressions he now had great respect for Alex.  The man had risked his life and lost his feet, even if only temporarily, to save a child – someone else's child at that.

When the time came to leave it was a wrench for Jess.  He could tell Sal and Elizabeth felt the same, and Teeko had, in its strangely fractured words, mentioned the same feelings.  Jess couldn't imagine how tough it was for Ali, but despite the tears she had a big smile on her face.  She had no second thoughts, this was where she wanted to be.


So, where do we go now?” asked Sal.

They were all sat in the lounge, having just finished a meal.  Jess had simply set the Wanderer flying away from Kershel, making several turns in jump space to prevent them being followed.  Some habits were becoming ingrained.

“I can answer that,” Jess said, bringing up a star map.  “We need to go here.”

The star he had indicated, a red dwarf, was thousands of light years distant
– a long journey.  It was in a large cluster of stars with no indications of human settlements or presence.

Why there?” asked Sal.  “Did you just pick a star as far away as possible?”

No.”  Jess smiled, knowing they were about to be as shocked as he had been earlier, when the suggestion was made.  “That's where the Wanderer wants to go.  Its mind has been much more... well... focused since we accessed the new areas of it and linked you two in.  Its personality is stronger.  I'm still in control, but it was able to tell me that it wants to go there.  We don't have anywhere else to go, so why not?”

Their faces were a picture, Jess had to fight not to laugh.  And they hadn't heard the best bit yet.

“But why there?” asked Elizabeth.  “Why the hell does the ship want to go there?”

Because it wants to go home.”



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