Wanna Play (Ghost Unit, Book Three) (28 page)

BOOK: Wanna Play (Ghost Unit, Book Three)
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He could handle her with a simple shake of his body like a bear shrugs off water. She’d thought his physical strength would scare her, inject fear into the moment. She’d been so wrong. The ancient woman within was stronger than any external defensive training. That woman needed his strength. The fact that he could so casually take control, demonstrated in such an overwhelming sexual context drove her to an unknown elemental high. She’d
been with a man who could do that.


It told her how unselfishly he shared the power exchange with her. Giving her the reins when she needed them. Control was not an issue for him simply because he could have it any time. His concern was her comfort. Knowing that made every time he’d relinquished it to her so much more significant.


She could surrender to him and be safe. Oh God! That revelation shot through her and Jas screamed. Her body arched into his mouth and then he was leaning over her. Still holding her legs up and away from her body, his mouth fastened on a breast, sucking harshly as the head of his condom-coated cock dragged down her pussy to lodge at her entrance. Jas’ head arched in straining pleasure.


Lifting his head from her breast, he demanded her attention. “Look at me.”


She willingly looked into his eyes. Glaring at her fiercely, his hips thrust his long, thick shaft into her slick body. Seating himself in one hard lunge. Both of them gasped through the explosion of sensation. Grabbing her wrists, he stretched her arms over her head in a fast move as if he were afraid she’d resist. Securing them in one large hand, his other came to rest around her neck, carefully holding her face turned to him.


“My woman,” he gritted out as they stared at each other.


The total control of his hold should have been frightening. It wasn’t. This was Samuel Callaway. Her man. He was doing his best to lay his soul naked for her. Asking her to accept him, trust him. Doing it as directly as it could be done. He was a shitty actor and sucked at lying to her. So now he waited.


The moment flashed in silent question. He was asking her if she could handle him as he was. Was she strong enough to hand him the power of their relationship when he needed it? Could she meet him on the same ground he met her soul on? Jas blinked back the surge of emotional ecstasy his total honesty wrenched from her deepest fears. He knew what they were, knew he was the embodiment of them and also the eraser of those scars so deeply embedded in her past. With him, long-held fears where nothing but shadows. They had no power over her. If she trusted him, he could destroy them for her.


That’s what he did. What he wanted to do. Fight her battles. Jas smiled as her eyes moved over his harsh features. He couldn’t soften them for her in this moment and that was okay. “Your woman,” she whispered.


His whole body shuddered then burst into action. His hips jerked back and slammed into her. Jas let tears stream down her face as the pleasure of his demanding fuck took her. His hands let her go to tunnel under her shoulders from beneath, grasping her that way to hold her on his cock as he pounded into her cunt. After a few seconds he stopped and stood up, still holding her on him. Very carefully he lowered them both to the bed, never leaving her body as he searched her eyes.


“Tears?” He hovered over her, supporting his weight on bulging arms.


“Love,” she answered softly.


“Damn it!” He squeezed his eyes shut, baring his teeth in a grimace as if she’d stabbed him with a knife. “You’re killing me, woman.”


Jas’ hands framed his face as he opened his eyes. “Say it. I can’t wait for you to get over it,” she demanded. Giving him the harsh push he needed to deal with his own demons.


“More, Jas. So much more.” His lips still pulled back from his teeth in a harsh snarl. “I’ll never get over it, past it. Don’t think it’ll go away.” He panted in warning as he glared into her eyes. “I need you.”


“Good. I need cock—now,” she informed him as her hips pushed up. “Remind me never to tell you I love you while we’re fucking. I can’t deal with the delay.”


Blaster’s body jerked into action, his hips thrusting hard and fast. “Legs around my back,” he directed.


Jas was already shifting to take him deeper.


“Yeah, just like that,” he approved in harsh gasps. “You will tell me you love me when we fuck.”


“Why?” Jas reached under his arms to drag her nails down his back as the hard penetration blasted up her body with each invasion. “It screws with your timing.”


“Because I need it,” he confessed through gritted teeth. Sweat filmed both their bodies.


“Yours. Believe it,” Jas gasped. “Shut up already.”


His mouth snaked down to hers, opening to suck her tongue in forceful pulls as both of them arched into the pounding rhythm. He pulled away as her nails dug into his back. “Come for me.”


Jas let go of reality. He set her free with his command. In his arms she was unleashed from the restrictions of past experiences. He made her the moaning, screaming woman who abandoned herself in passion. In the safety of his control nothing but pleasure existed.


The explosion of her release shattered through her, wiping all other knowledge from its path. Her channel contracted on his cock in sharp, milking demand as Jas let the world spin away. He continued pounding with guttural grunts that drove her even further into oblivion. They were primitive male and female. He was the beast who could cover her and she needed him just that way.


Abruptly he pulled out of her and lifted her in the same move, flipping her facedown and jerking her hips up. Jas was aware of what he needed from her. Her knees spread in invitation as her hands reached up to brace herself on the headboard. There was no question, no resistance. Arching her back, she presented and demanded.


He was there. Grasping her hips in primordial control, he slammed into her without hesitation, penetrating the gushing cunt before him so deeply Jas screamed.


“Yes!” he bellowed. “Mine!” Harsh and deep he thrust into her, jerking her up off her knees with each intrusion. Spreading her open around a cock that stretched her in ruthless dictate as it swelled with each violent penetration. His release took them both over the edge.


Jas rocketed into another orgasm as if it were the bullet train thundering through her. Her wail of pleasure and surrender was lost in the harsh roar of his completion. Driving his seed into her with uncontrollable thrusts, he let her take him in every way.


Eventually Blaster opened his eyes. He was draped over Jas’ back as they lay on the bed. His cock was still lodged in her cunt. Reality was a sweet thing as he let it filter into his brain. He lay still a moment to listen to her breathe. She didn’t seem to mind the weight of him and abruptly he realized she didn’t mind because she was already sleeping.


He nearly chuckled as he peeled himself off her. Jas grunted in protest. “Shhh, I’m right here,” he soothed, and she sank into deep sleep.


Picking up the intercom phone beside the bed, he contacted Brian, the pilot. “Put us down in an hour.”


After washing up in the bathroom, Blaster dressed slowly. His body ached in ways that made him smile. Moving to one of the captain’s chairs where he could watch her sleep, he pulled out his cell phone.


The call went through immediately. “Jackson?”


“Everyone checks in fine,” Jackson informed him.


“I need a favor.”


“Sure, but I’m a little tied up doin’ the last favor you asked for.”


“After you’re done I need you to get me a ring.”


“Damn. You have got to be…”


“Shut up and listen. Get one you’d find offensively large. In fact, it should be something you’d feel makes up for the fact that I’m going to put you in a lavender tux and frilly yellow shirt for the wedding. Not exactly obscene but close.”


“You fucking bastard. If I didn’t know Jas, I’d be pissed. She’ll never let you do lavender. Frilly shirts died a decade ago. Why the hell am I picking your engagement ring? Shouldn’t the two of you do that together?”


“It’s not an engagement ring. It’s a statement.” Blaster glanced at the woman sleeping soundly across the cabin. “I’m getting her a doubled-edged, serrated Silver Trident as an engagement gift. That’ll come later when she’s accepted there’s no getting rid of me.”


Jackson laughed. “You’re still a bastard but she’ll love the knife.”


“Yeah, she will. Have the ring at the motel tonight.”


“I’m not coming down there.”


“I don’t care how you do it.”


“You’ll owe me.”


“I’m good for the damn ring. You know that.”


“Not about the money. It’s the pain of forcing me to pay copious sums of money for offensive shit. You’ll owe me.”


Blaster grinned. “That’s an added bonus.”


“Get off my phone. Do not call me again,” Jackson snapped. “Next thing I know you’ll need someone to do Lamaze class for you. I refuse in advance.”


“She’s not pregnant. I figure she wants to wear something nice for the Oscars next year. We’ll work on babies after that.”


“She knows you have this planned out?”


“She will.”


“Good luck, buddy,” Jackson signed off sincerely.


“Thanks. For everything.” Blaster hung up. A slow smile tugged as his soul.


He had time. He didn’t know how long it would take for his warrior woman to realize she was home. He was her home. It didn’t matter. Working through the time by making love to her at every opportunity to help her understand was a mission. One he might never be done with.




About the Author




Hello everyone. If you’re reading this, I hope it means you’ve enjoyed reading one of my books. If you have some other opinion of them, feel free to lie to me anyway. I hereby absolve you from all possible guilt and consequences for flagrant, adjective, saturated lying to the author.


I’m a chronic fantasizer. Every good romance novel ended too soon. After a while, I started making up stories when I had a few minutes to while away. So now, instead of sitting around with a blank look on my face, I’ve taken to writing them down.


Because of my father’s job, we moved every three years in my early life. My first memories are of Bermuda, and then we were in several African countries. It was a wonderful childhood. I gained a rich cultural background in the world community, but never learned to spell. As an adult, I avoided writing at all costs, embarrassed over my limitations.


But the writer will not stay silent forever. She broke out, and insisted on learning the mystical world of grammar and spelling. Haven’t mastered all of it yet, but they let me write for you anyway. Bless every editor on the planet. They give dreamers a place to send fantasies and save us the embarrassment of owning our shortcomings.




Gail welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.









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Also by Gail Faulkner






Full Ride


Into His Keeping


Jamie’s Cherub




Slip Knot




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