Wanted: Wild Thing (Midnight Liaisons) (21 page)

BOOK: Wanted: Wild Thing (Midnight Liaisons)
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Salty. It had a bite that wasn’t altogether pleasant, but not bad, either. Hugh’s reaction was even better. He gave a groan, as if in pain, his head tilting back.

Oooh. I licked my fingers again, the taste growing on me, especially since it got that type of response. Hugh’s panting became rapid, and he gave another low groan when I reached for him again. He looked for all the world as if he wanted to hiss at me.

“Do you mind if I put my hands on you here?” I asked permission even as I curved all of my fingers around his thick length.

Hugh was big. Thick. Girthy. I’d expected this, since he was a large man, but staring at it and feeling it between my fingers were two different things. This hot, long rod of flesh was going to go inside my body.

I was pretty sure that was going to be an awkwardly tight fit.

And for the first time since we’d come to the cave, I pulled back a little. I released Hugh.

“Is something wrong?”

There was concern in his voice, along with disappointment. His green eyes shone at me, pupils dilated, and I felt like a jerk. He was worried that his body was displeasing or that I’d drawn away because he’d done something wrong.

And that was selfish of me. Of course he was just as nervous as I was. Maybe more so.

So I put my hands back on his cock and stroked the fine, velvety skin. “Nothing’s wrong. You’re just bigger than I thought.”

“Is . . . that is bad, is it not? You are small, Ryder.”

“You’re fine,” I told him, keeping the sultry purr in my voice. When he tried to pull backward, I tightened my fingers around his length. “I’m still exploring, Hugh. Don’t go anywhere.”

His choked gasp and wide eyes told me that he liked my hands squeezing around him. Encouraged, I did it again, one hand atop the other, like holding a baseball bat. The analogy was an apt one, I thought wryly.

Hugh’s big hand suddenly covered mine. “Not too tight, Ryder.”

“Oh. Oops, I’m sorry.” I released him again, chagrined.

“No, it’s all right. I liked it. I just . . .” He let his words trail off.

Hugh was . . . shy about discussing sex? That was charmingly endearing and made me love him all the more. Maybe we were going about this all wrong. I moved my hands to a safer place—his broad, taut thighs—and rested them there, then looked up at him. “Hugh, baby, can I ask you a question?”

“You may ask me anything, of course.” He gazed down at me, his hand brushing my bony, scaled cheek in affection. “I am yours to command.”

“Do you ever touch yourself? Like when you get . . . too lonely?” My claws idly scratched at his thighs in what was hopefully a soothing, yet enticing, motion. “Or when you watched the movies I gave you?”

He was silent for so long that I wondered if he didn’t understand the question. Then he gave a ragged sigh. “It is . . . not something discussed.”

“Not even with me?”

He held his breath for a long moment, as if debating, then quietly admitted, “Yes, I have touched myself before.”

Now we were getting somewhere. I dug my claws in, loving the way his muscles clenched in reaction. “Ever thought about me while doing it?”

His ragged groan was the only answer I needed.

“What did you imagine me doing?”

Hugh’s breath was coming in swift, ragged pants, his eyes squeezed shut with concentration. I felt him shudder a little under my hands. Just seeing his reactions to my touch was driving me wild. I felt slick between my thighs, and my own pulse was pounding like I’d just had a hard workout.

And yet Hugh still wasn’t telling me about his fantasies. I needed to prod him a little. My hands slid to the interior of his thighs and I leaned in, gazing into his face. “Was I holding you in my hands?” I scratched his skin lightly. “Or were you thinking about my mouth on you?”

He growled, then bit out, “Mouth. I saw it in one of the moving stories.”

“That sounds like fun,” I told him, my voice sultry. “Do you mind if I practice and put my mouth on you, then?”

He gave me a grunt of approval, not opening an eye.

I shivered a little in anticipation. Part of me was excited to be doing this to Hugh, and part of me was wildly nervous. My teeth were long and fanged in my changeling form. What if I did something wrong? I knelt forward, then paused. “Um, Hugh? Did you dream about my human mouth or my changeling one?”

“Changeling,” he rasped.

I never got enough of hearing that. “Because I’m fiercer that way?”

His eyes opened and he reached out and brushed the back of one clawed finger down my cheek. “Because I know that when you are changeling, it’s because you want to be touched. It is . . . exciting to me.”

I’d never thought of it that way. Just hearing him say it made me ache between my legs, and I pressed my thighs together, hard. “Oh. But what if I scrape you with my teeth?”

“Then you do. It will not lessen my excitement. I do not think anything could at this point,” he said, and there was a bemused, wry note in his voice that made me want to smile and kiss him all at once.

“All right, then.” I smiled at him, so happy. My fingertips fluttered back to his cock, and I traced the outline of it with them, establishing his size and shape. Then I leaned in, preparing to put my mouth on him. This close to his skin, I could smell his musky scent and feel the warm heat radiating from him. It made the ache between my legs intensify, and I wrapped one hand around his length and leaned in, giving him a tentative lick with my tongue.

His entire body jerked in response.

I flinched backward, releasing him. “I’m sorry!”

“No,” he said quickly. “No, it’s okay, Ryder. I was just . . . surprised. It felt good.”

Oh. Duh. Of course it did. I was being way too skittish about this. Where was flirty, devil-may-care Ryder when I needed her? I needed to be more confident. My shyness was freaking Hugh out, too. “Just making sure,” I told him and slid back down until my face was between his thighs once more. “I’m going to put my mouth on you again.”

“Do it.”

His commanding tone made me grin, mostly because I knew he’d probably flinch again as soon as I came close. I put my hand on him once more, gave him a little squeeze to prepare him, and leaned in. I heard his sucked-in breath, but this time I didn’t pull back. The heat coming off his body and the scent of him were making me crazy with lust. I put my lips on the head of his cock, closed my mouth, and felt the slickness of his pre-cum wet my mouth. I licked my lips in response, my tongue flicking against his cock as I did so.

Hugh groaned. His hand covered the one I had resting on his thigh. He clenched against my hand, and I hesitated for a moment, then realized that he just wanted to touch me. He didn’t want to interrupt me, though. Pleased, I opened my mouth and tongued the head of his cock. His gasp was encouraging, so I continued, licking off the pre-cum and sliding my tongue against the divot at the center of his cock head. I wanted to take all of him into my mouth, so I opened wide and slid him along the length of my tongue.

He was bigger than I’d pictured, and the head of his cock rubbed along the top of my tongue, tickling my mouth. I made a small noise of frustration and ended up sucking him deeper. His groan of response was encouraging, and I closed my lips around him and sucked harder, mindful of my fangs.

Hugh groaned again, the sound so deep and delicious that I felt it vibrate in my mouth as I pulled on his cock. His hand clenched over mine rhythmically, and I wondered if he wanted me to follow that motion. My other hand was still wrapped around the girth of his cock, so I tugged at the shaft as I sucked him deeper, experimenting.

The breath hissed out of him, and I felt Hugh’s hand go to my shoulder, dragging me away. “No, Ryder.”

I pulled back, releasing his cock from my mouth, and sat back on my haunches, searching his face for emotion. “What did I do wrong?”

“Nothing. Mercy upon me, nothing at all.” His fangs bared again, and instead of scaring me, they turned me on. He reached forward and dragged me against him, pulling me into his lap. His hands slid underneath my crumpled wings, and he held me tight. “I just . . . you cannot continue to do that and expect me to have control.”

My body was pressed against his now, and I felt the heat of his cock against my lower hips. I gave a pleased little wiggle, wrapping my arms around his neck and leaning in toward him, studying his face. “So what I was doing felt good?”

“Incredible,” he assured me. His eyes were glowing like beacons. “But now I wish to kiss you for a time.”

“I can handle that,” I said and leaned forward. His hand knotted in my hair, and Hugh dragged my mouth to his. His teeth clashed with mine for a moment, then we adjusted. His lips nibbled at my own, and I decided to let him take the lead for a bit. My hands went to his neck and I played with the back of his hair, even as his mouth devoured mine. I loved kissing Hugh. It didn’t matter that they weren’t soft, gentle kisses. He kissed me like he wanted to consume me, like the world would end if he didn’t kiss me hard enough. And his kisses drugged my senses and made my knees weak. I could kiss him for hours and it wouldn’t be enough.

As we kissed, I rubbed my body against him. The tickle of his chest hair felt good against my nipples.

His mouth pulled away from mine and I mewed a protest, opening my eyes.

He chuckled. “If you’re going to move on top of me, Ryder, I want you to feel it as I do.” His hands on my waist settled me against him, and then I was sitting atop the long length of his cock, straddling him.

I gasped at the sensation of his thick, hot length between my legs. He wasn’t pressing into me—I was simply hovering over his length. And when I moved against Hugh again, it rubbed against my sex, an ever-present reminder. I moaned in response and rocked my hips against the length of him, loving the feeling. “More.”

The look on his face was intense as he watched me, like a predator, and it made me shiver even as it made my nipples hard. There was something so erotic about knowing Hugh was so dangerous and yet . . . he couldn’t hurt me. As a changeling, I was stronger, tougher. His claws couldn’t hurt my skin, nor could his fangs.

For the first time in my life, I was wildly, absurdly glad that I was a changeling and not just a human. I rolled my hips wickedly against him, rubbing up and down his length like the naughty tease I was.

Hugh groaned and shifted his hips. This time, it was him rubbing against me and not the opposite. “Do you like the feel of my body against yours, Ryder?”

I whimpered and nodded, moving my mouth toward his blindly. I wanted more kisses. More deep, tongue-stroking kisses to go with the constant rubbing of his cock against the slick heat of my sex.

I licked and lightly bit at the lines of Hugh’s jaw, even as I rolled my hips against his length. It was driving me crazy, that feel of him brushing between my legs. I wanted so much more; I wanted to keep going like this forever.

“Ryder,” he chanted, his voice a breathless singsong. “Ryder. My Ryder.” With each uttering of my name, his hands moved on me. They slid along my back, smoothed the place where my wings joined my shoulder blades. Slid further down and danced along the small of my back, where my tail met my behind. Slid to my ass and cupped it, hard.

Mmm. And that felt incredibly good. I rocked against his hands and bit at his earlobe, my movements becoming frantic. I needed him and I needed all of this. “Yes, Hugh. Oh, yes.”

He growled low in his throat again, the feral sound driving me wild. It was the sound of a man who was having trouble holding on to his control, and I loved that. He leaned in, lips brushing against my ear. “You’re so wet, Ryder. I can feel how wet you are along my cock. Are you excited?”

I moaned at his words. Had I thought Hugh’s growls were sexy? They were nothing compared to a little bit of dirty talk. “Do you like how wet I am?”

“I do,” he said thickly. I felt his claws dig into my buttocks, brushing my tail, and I was suddenly grateful again for my scales. “It reminds me that I haven’t had my turn to explore you yet.”

“Oh,” I breathed. “I want my turn.” Now that he’d mentioned it, I practically quivered with excitement at the thought.

“Then I want you to lie back so I can get my fill of your body.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” I gave one last rock of my hips against his cock, then squirmed off his lap. Sliding backward onto the furs, I twisted my legs under me and waited. “How do you want me?”

To my surprise, Hugh grabbed my ankle and jerked me forward.

I yelped, flopping onto my back, my fall cushioned by furs and my wings. My tail was trapped under my hips, which was good, because it was thrashing with surprise. I hadn’t expected to be dumped unceremoniously backward.

All irritation disappeared when I realized Hugh’s plan. He’d dragged me forward until my spread thighs were wide open on his lap and I was flat on my back, my breasts pointing into the air. And he was grinning down at me wickedly.

“This is a beautiful sight,” Hugh said.

I sighed with pleasure at his words, closing my eyes and stretching languidly. The action pushed my breasts high, and in that moment, I felt as beautiful as any woman, despite my changeling form.

“I’m going to touch you now.” Hugh’s hand brushed over my waist.

“Only on my stomach?” That was disappointing.

He chuckled. “Impatient one. I am just getting started.” But his caresses remained where they were, and he had a look of intense concentration on his face.

I squirmed, wanting him to touch me in all the places where I ached. This was so unfair. “Didn’t you like it when I had my hands on your cock, Hugh?”

He growled in response, his hand stroking my side just a little bit more forcefully.

“How about when I put my mouth on you?” I cajoled. “Didn’t you like that? Or when I sucked you into my throat—”

One big hand pressed over my mound. “Is this what you want?”

I moaned, lifting my hips. “Oh, yes.”

The heel of his palm rested just above the lips of my sex. “Here?”

I nodded, biting my lip.

“But what about your breasts? What if I wanted to tease your nipples and watch them stand up?”

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