Wanting It All (The Passion Series Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Wanting It All (The Passion Series Book 1)
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Brianna finally opens her eyes to look over to the box to their left, where she can hear – and vaguely see, people having sex. She just makes out the shape of a naked woman bent over the railing in front of the box seats. A large, fully clothed man is pounding an attractive middle-aged blond hard and fast from behind.  The woman has a mixed look of pain and pleasure as her Master grabs her hips, riding her hard.  The women’s eyes meet and they share an unexpected moment of sisterly camaraderie.  Brianna watches almost jealously as her neighbor gets fucked exactly the way she loves the best - hard and fast.

Unable to look away, Brianna continues her role as voyeur until Markus’ tight squeezing of her hip gets her attention. For the first time since their arrival, he loosens his grip on her enough to spin her around to face him.  When she raises her eyes to meet her his gaze, she’s surprised at the mixed look of sadness and anger floating in his deep brown eyes.  They continue to stare into each other’s eyes for several long seconds before Markus asks her an unexpected question. 

“Why didn’t you tell me before that you get turned on by rough sex, Brianna?  I thought after your ex hurt you, you hated the idea of being dominated, of being hurt.”  His tone is accusatory.

She’s flustered.  She didn’t expect these questions.  She fidgets before finally answering truthfully.  “I love you Markus. I love you so very much.  I love how you show me that you love me by making love to me and holding me gently.  It’s just...” She loses her nerve and looks away, glancing back to watch the woman getting plowed.   

Markus reaches up to touch her chin, pulling her to face him again.  His hand stays under her chin, tenderly stroking her cheek as they continue to search each other’s eyes for answers.   They are each trying to make sense of the raging emotions running through them as they evaluate what they’ve learned about each other in the last hour.

Through halting uncertainty, Bri finally gets the courage to stumble through a somewhat disorganized rant.  “Just sometimes… I guess…. well… I really would like it if you would… be more aggressive… at home… in the bedroom… I want you… no… I
you to dominate me…. you know… spank me and stuff… at least sometimes.” 

After her confession, he remains silent.  As his eyes bore into her, she quietly asks her own burning question.  “How did you know that I would even be open to coming to a place like this, Markus?”

His face turns to sheer pain before he replaces it with a hard, determined facade.  When he speaks, his tone is hard, angry.  He ignores her question completely.

“You should have told me Brianna. You should have fucking told me a long time ago.” 

His anger rekindles her fear. He must know about Jake. Why else would he bring her here and ask her these things?  Her mind races to find a way to explain her unforgivable behavior, but before she can reply, the entire room is thrown into pitch darkness.  The techno dance music has stopped.  It’s been replaced with the heavy beating of drums and a lone electric guitar.

Markus has released her chin and they have both turned their attention to the stage where the curtains are pulling open.  Brianna’s stomach drops when she sees that the stage is basically one huge dungeon.   It looks like a scene straight out of medieval times, or a BDSM porno.   The St. Andrews cross along the back wall catches Bri’s attention first, but as she allows her eyes to glance quickly across the stage, she’s shocked to see what appears to be a whipping post in the middle of the stage and an already occupied pillory. 

The naked slave girl whose wrists and head are locked into the wooden pillory structure appears to have been there for some time. The girl is struggling to keep her balance, and each time she begins to collapse, the heavy weights clamped to her nipples and labia sway, causing her face to grimace in pain. Her legs are being forced uncomfortably wide apart by a wooden spreader bar attached to her ankle restraints.  Even with the dim lighting, it’s clear she’s been crying as her face is puffy and red. 

Until Brianna notices this small detail, she’d assumed they were here to watch a pre-planned and rehearsed sexual show, but something in the way the slave girl is behaving sets off more alarm bells with Brianna. She has a sudden fear that what they’re about to witness is less about rehearsed play, and more about real life punishment, and this terrifies her.

Finally dragging her attention away from the suffering slave girl, Brianna takes in the spanking bench made from a sawhorse with the padded top.  Heavy leather straps hanging from the padded arm and leg rests look sturdy enough to immobilize the strongest of spanking victims. Brianna’s pussy almost convulses at the thought of Markus strapping her into the cruel device and lighting up her ass with a heavy paddle or belt.  She’s so turned on at the thought that she stumbles backwards against her husband’s chest. Sweet relief washes over her as he wraps his arms around her protectively, holding her to him closely. 

Bri forces herself to move from the tempting spanking bench to a nearby diabolical-looking gynecological exam table.  The stirrups are high and wide, with heavy locking straps and rings to immobilize recalcitrant patients.  A huge red enema bag hanging from a wheeled stand sits waiting by the bed along with a cabinet filled with probing medical instruments.

Near the medical scene is what looks to be a tall stool with a padded backrest.  The subject sitting in the chair would have their legs pulled wide apart and strapped down at the thighs in a similar fashion to the medical table stirrups.  At first Brianna doesn’t understand this device’s purpose, but then she notices the five-gallon bucket placed directly under the opening of the stool seat, and realizes this chair is meant to restrain anyone unlucky enough to release their enema on stage for all to see.  The mere thought of witnessing - let alone being forced to participate in - such a humiliating punishment causes Brianna’s knees to begin to buckle from underneath her. If not for Markus’ supporting embrace, she would crumple to the floor.

Bri is transfixed as she takes this all in.  Her thoughts are a whirl of fear, doubt and - against her better judgment - excitement.  There is no denying the scene below has unleashed a torrent of submissive feelings in her.  She wants to turn around and beg Markus to take her down to the stage and use every torturous device on her.  After all, she has felt overwhelming guilt all day since her time with Jake.  In her heart, she knows she deserves to be punished by her husband. But even as she considers this, she remembers what he’s told her: he’s not that kind of man.

So why did Markus bring her to this club?  It’s clear he knows the bouncer and it almost seems as if he’s been here before, which means he
this is a BDSM sex club.  She just can’t reconcile the gentle Markus she is married to with the man standing behind her right now.  Regardless, she realizes she’s starting to grind her legs together in an attempt to get friction to her neglected clit. She’s ready to combust from the growing sexual need and Markus, sensing his wife’s state of arousal, runs his hand up her thigh until he grazes her sensitive nub. The second he brushes her clit, she groans with pleasure and in a tone she’s never heard him use, Markus issues a command.

“Take off your panties. Right now.”

Without hesitation, Brianna blurts out, “Yes, sir”.  The submissive response seems so natural to her.  She’s more than happy to comply and hopes he plans on plunging his rock-hard cock into her.

She’d almost forgotten about the couple in the box to their left and as Brianna glances over, she now sees the woman on her knees blowing her Master.  The loud sucking and gagging sounds only excite Brianna more as she quickly pulls her tiny panties down and steps out of them, leaving them on the floor.   She manages to hike her mini-dress up around her waist as her husband begins to tease her clit again. 

Before Brianna can beg Markus to take his cock out of his pants and impale her, her attention is drawn to a bulk of a man entering the stage through a door at the back near the St. Andrew’s cross.  The man is tall, at least 6’2” with dark, thick hair that just hits his shoulders.  He has a five o’clock shadow, tanned skin and carries himself as if he owns the world.   He’s dressed simply in well-worn jeans and a black tee shirt that showcases his broad shoulders, muscular arms and trim waist.  Bri doesn’t miss the riding crop hanging from a hook of his wide leather belt.

When he speaks, it’s clear he has a wireless microphone attached to him because his voice carries throughout the club.  The music is turned down as he begins to talk. Bri wonders if he’s an announcer about to welcome actresses and actors to the stage for a BDSM role-play

His announcement is the last thing she ever expects.

“Members, welcome back to The Punishment Pit!  You picked a great night to be with us because we have some very naughty boys and girls tonight in need of proper punishment.   You’re also all in for a special treat tonight as we welcome an old friend of mine back into the club.  He’s come to me with a problem he needs my help in solving. I think you’re all going to enjoy watching me solve his problem
”  An evil grin lights up his handsome face as he very clearly raises his eyes up to stare directly into their private box.  

As his words start to sink in, Bri reluctantly turns around to look at Markus.  His eyes are dark and hard, with a just a hint of pain. He seems about to say something but stops and looks at the stage before turning back to his wife. Brianna is beginning to feel sick to her stomach by the time he finally addresses her.

“You’ve been a very naughty girl, Brianna.” 

Her heart drops.  He knows.


Chapter Four


Brianna’s mind is racing.  How could Markus have possibly found out about Jake?  Her first instinct is to try to declare her innocence and deny any wrongdoing, but it only takes a few torturously long seconds to know that route would only make things worse.  She can see the pain and hurt in her husband’s eyes, and she knows it’s too late to feign innocence.  Still, maybe he doesn’t know everything.  Maybe he just knows that she wasn’t where she said she’d be this afternoon. Even if he somehow found out that Jake had come to the salon looking for her and even if he knows she had left with him, how could he possibly know where they’d gone or what they’d done together? 

The rest of the club has melted away for Brianna.  She’s turned her focus on Markus, and now searches his eyes for any hint of softness or love, any hint of what he might know. What she sees is a stranger staring back at her.  Markus’ face is mask of anger.  With each passing second she can see his resolve strengthening and she watches with growing terror as the last remnants of pain and hurt are replaced by a steely hardness.

By the end of the longest minute of her life, Bri is physically ready to collapse under the weight of her fear and guilt.  She has to dig deep to find her shaky voice. 

“Markus… honey… please talk to me. What’s happening?”

“Oh, I think you know exactly what’s happening, Brianna. You did, after all, put this entire night into motion with your traitorous actions, didn’t you, my dear?”  Markus waits several long seconds before confirming her worst fear.   “I sure hope he was a great fuck since he’s going to cost you everything.”  His voice is dripping with venom. 

Until now, Brianna had been in shock - too afraid to internalize what’s happening to her.  Now her body begins to quake with fear as hot tears flood her eyes, spilling down her cheeks.  A rush of overwhelming guilt and self-loathing rocks her to her core.

She doesn’t remember making a conscience decision to throw herself at his mercy.  In fact, she doesn’t remember much about those first fateful minutes of her doom.  All she knows is when she emerges the trance from her trance is that she’s at her husband’s feet with her arms wrapped around his legs, holding on for dear life.

“Markus, I’m so sorry!  I swear to you! I love you so very much! You have to believe me!  I’m so very sorry!  It will never happen again!  Please believe me honey… I am so sor…”

“Enough!  It’s too fucking late.  Let go of me.” 

He easily tears her away from him and roughly pushes her backwards. She falls backwards on the floor behind the balcony seats, her short dress riding up enough to give Markus a glimpse of her bare pussy.

He quickly squats down in front of her, reaching out to roughly grab her cunt. He squeezes her sex with all of his strength.   “Did you like having someone else’s cock in here today, Brianna?  Is he bigger than me? Harder? What the hell does he have that I don’t?”  The pain in his voice breaks her heart into a million pieces.

She’s begs through her sobs.  “Markus… truly… I’m so very sorry.  Please believe me… you’re the only man I love.  Please, can’t we go home and talk about this there?  I swear to you, I’ll tell you everything.  I’ll spend the rest of my life making this up to you.  I need you.  I lo…”

“Shut the fuck up, Brianna!  I don’t believe one single word coming out of your whoring mouth.  The second you let another man shoot his cum into your body is the second you lost the right to tell me you love me.” He shakes his head, as if he can’t believe he ever trusted her. “I have to hand it to you, Bri.  I really did think you were different, but you’re just another gold-digging bitch.  Well, bad news for you.  You’re about to lose your free ride, baby.” 

His voice and words may be vicious, but the tears streaming unchecked down his face show how devastated Markus is by his wife’s unexpected betrayal.

Through her sobs, Brianna continues begging.  “I truly don’t care about your money.  You can take back the salon, the car, the jewelry, the clothes…take it all.  I just want you Markus… please.”  

“You have a pretty sick way of showing it,” Markus scoffs. His grip on her pussy is like a vice.

“You’re hurting me, Markus.  Please. Let’s go home and talk about this.” 

Brianna is trying to push away from him, trying to loosen his grip on her tender parts.

“Oh, you don’t know what hurt is yet Brianna.” His words are ominous and jolt Brianna back to the here and now, suddenly reminding her where they are.  She’s suddenly hears the sounds she’d blocked  - sounds of the punishment club. She’d been so focused on getting through to Markus she’d tuned out everything around her.  Now she’s acutely aware that somewhere below, a woman is screaming.

The relief of Markus finally releasing his grip on her is only short lived when he roughly grabs her by her upper arms and yanks her to her feet.  In one swift move, he swings her around forcibly to face forward towards the stage.  She briefly tries to struggle free, but she feels his arms grip her in a vice lock, effectively trapping her as a witness to the scene playing out below.  In spite of his tight grip, she’s relieved he’s touching her, holding her tightly against his hard body, even if only in anger. 

He leans in close to whisper against her ear. “Are you watching, Brianna?  Do you see what happens to cheating whores?”

Brianna knows she should be horrified with the scene below, but as she watches she’s torn between terror and excitement. It’s like watching a scene from her favorite tattered erotic romance novel – a book that’s fed her masturbatory fantasies since college.

On the stage below, a naked slave girl has been trussed up, her arms attached to rings at the top of a whipping post. Her position facing the stage allows the audience to catch not only glimpses of her pained face, but also the entire back of her body as the hulky bouncer Derek punishes her. 

The slave girl’s legs are splayed wide open by a spreader bar and Brianna watches in horrified fascination as her punisher uses an actual bullwhip to stripe her back, ass and legs.  Even from the relatively long distance, Bri sees the ugly welts blooming across the poor woman’s body.  It’s clear Derek is a master at his craft; he’s causing great pain without actually creating open wounds, which can easily happen with such a deadly implement.

After a final stroke of the whip that wraps around the poor slave’s ass and draws an agonizing scream from his victim, Derek throws the whip down and steps up close to examine his handiwork.  He’s surprisingly tender as he gently caresses the slave girl’s ass, and leans in to place a kiss on her cheek.  The sobs are still racking her small body when the Master on stage speaks again.

“I’m sure slave Cindy is already regretting her continued acts of defiance against her Master, Derek, but as this is her second offense, Master Michael has asked us to make sure her lesson
this time.” 

The gasp from the submissive on stage is audible as he takes a short break before continuing.

“I sentence slave Cindy to another twelve strikes with the wooden paddle and we’ll end with twelve strokes of the cane.  The sentence will be carried out in phases throughout the evening.  Let her think about her sins for awhile on the whipping post before we move her to the spanking bench for the rest of her sentence.”

Only now does Brianna see that the Master in charge is actually seated in what looks exactly like a 1700’s era throne on a raised platform towards the left of the stage, with just enough room for the naked slave girl kneeling at his feet.  Her arms are wrapped tightly behind her back with ropes that run from her wrists to just above her elbows. If the binding is uncomfortable, the girl doesn’t show it as she kneels to face-fuck the Master. His wireless microphone picks up the faint sounds of li
cking and sucking.

“Master Peter, I believe you have a matter you’d like to bring to our attention tonight.  Please join me on the stage.”

There’s a commotion in the pit below.  Brianna can make out a man that must be Master Peter pulling on the leash of a redheaded submissive who’d been sitting quietly at his feet.  Now that they’ve been called to the stage, the submissive has come alive.  Her cursing can be heard throughout the club.  After failing to get the naked submissive to follow him up on stage, Peter proceeds to unbuckle his wide leather belt and apply it to her ass with quick, hard strokes.   The submissive lets out a yelp and finally makes her way to the stage, begging for mercy all the way.

“I’m so sorry Master,” she cries. “I truly am sorry. Please, can’t we go home? I’ll be a good girl.”

By the time they’re in front of the head Master, Brianna can see Master Peter is visibly softened by his slave’s pleas. As he gently reaches down to wipe tears from her cheeks, Brianna wonders if he might relent, but then the head Master reminds everyone why the couple is on stage.

“Master Peter, please share with everyone why you’ve asked that slave Kristen be punished tonight.”

Peter turned to face the crowd. “As you know, I collared her over three months ago in a ceremony on this very stage.  At the time we entered into a total power exchange 24/7 relationship.  Since then, it’s become clear that Kristen doesn’t have a truly submissive bone in her body. I’m beginning to fear she’s interested in just tone thing - my money.  It just came to my attention that in the space of three months, she’s spent over thirty-thousand dollars on clothes, jewelry and who knows what else. I’m here to ask you to punish her severely in the hopes that she can be reformed.”

The Master’s
tone is sympathetic.  “Master Peter, she certainly deserves to be punished, but seriously – if she’s broken so many rules in your Master/slave contract why not just cut your losses and release her?”

Master Peter glances down at the crying slave at his feet and then back at the Master on his throne. “God help me, but I love her. I’d like to at least try to train her properly. I know she needs a stronger hand to get her on track and that’s why I’m bringing her to you and Master Derek. I’ll defer to any training you suggest.”

Kristen is holding onto her Dom’s leg as if to throw herself at his mercy, much like Brianna had done with Markus just minutes before. “No Peter, please! I love you so much! Please don’t…”

The Master on stage silences her with a loud, “Enough!” The warning stops her pleas, but not the tears.

“Slave Kristen, I want to remind you that you do have an option here.  As your Dominant, Peter has brought you here to punish you and get your training back on track. I’m sure you remember the details of the contract you signed when you agreed to be Master Peter’s submissive and a member of our club.  You chose a safe word that can be invoked to stop your punishment immediately. However, failing to submit to your Master publicly will not only negate your contract but lead to banishment from the club.

He smiles at Kriste
n’s distressed look. It’s easy to see that she hates both her options.

The dominant men on stage give the crying submissive an agonizingly long minute to contemplate her fate.  When she finally raises her eyes from the floor with her, she looks at Peter. “I love you, Sir.  Please forgive me.  I promise to do better.” 

Brianna can see the pain crossing the Dom’s face as his sub begs for his forgiveness, but the Master of Ceremonies doesn’t allow Peter to relent. 

“No more whining. Master Derek, gag her and let’s get her settled onto the bench for starters.” 

Master Derek is already in motion and effortlessly picks up the petite redheaded girl and throws her over his shoulder, giving her bare ass several open-handed swats as he marches over to the spanking bench. He makes quick work of pushing her body down over the padded top and tightly securing first her arms and then her legs to the heavy piece of furniture.  A final leather strap is brought across her body at her waist to immobilize her further.  

n continues to cry out for Peter to rescue her, but Master Derek stops her begging by inserting an oversized ring gag into her mouth, forcing her to open wide.  Drool runs down her chin as Derek affixes a wide collar that forces her head to stay upright, giving the entire audience a clear view of her face throughout the punishment.

Brianna’s heart is racing as she takes in the scene below.  Markus has continued to hold her tightly against him, forcing her to face the unfolding drama below.  Little does he know how grateful she is for his touch.  Her legs feel like they could crumble beneath her any minute.  She takes time to close her eyes and try to calm herself.  She needs to think of how she can possibly fix things with Markus.  She’s finding it hard to think of a way out because she knows how very hurt she would be if he’d done the same thing to her.   

How could I have been so stupid?  I hurt the person who loves me most in this world, and for what?  Impersonal, hot sex with an abusive ex-boyfriend.  My God, I don’t deserve Markus’ forgiveness.’

Her attention is brought back to the scene on the stage below by the agonized screams coming from the wayward submissive who’s in the process of getting a butt-blistering paddling, administered by Master Derek.   He’s using what appears to be a wooden fraternity paddle with multiple round holes drilled through it.  Brianna is absolutely ashamed that the sound of the wood meeting flesh is causing her pussy to throb.  The slave girl’s gag-mumbled screams combine with her groans of pain to send an electric jolt straight to Brianna’s core.  

BOOK: Wanting It All (The Passion Series Book 1)
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