War Bride (Battle Born Book 7) (13 page)

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His tongue swept over her clit, launching tingles of heat up through her body. He slid down and circled her opening, then returned to her clit. The pattern accented the emptiness inside her while fueling the flames licking at her abdomen.

She arched, giving him better access to her core. He pushed right into her slick passage, giving her a hint of penetration. “Yes,” she rasped, unable to stop the verbalization.

“You like that.” It wasn’t a question. “How about this?” He slowly pushed two of his fingers even farther into her.

She tightened her inner muscles but knew it would never be enough. He pulled his hand back then drove his fingers deep over and over, giving her a teasing preview of what they both wanted.

“No more. Please, claim me.”

His breath hissed out, but instead of obliging her. He lowered his mouth to her clit again and moved his hand faster, sliding his fingers in and out.

Now raise your arms overhead and accept whatever I give you.
His silken command echoed through her mind as his fingers drove into her core. She squeezed him with her inner muscles and shivered each time his tongue caressed her clit.

Knowing this wouldn’t end until they were well and truly bonded made everything they did even more exciting. She arched her back, feeling her breasts sway with the motion of his hand. His tongue circled and flicked, over and against her sensitive nub until pulses rippled along her inner walls and tension gathered beneath his mouth.

She was close, so very close. All it would take was—his tongue stroked upward, pressing rather than flicking. The unexpected change detonated the sensations and sent fissures of pleasure streaking all through her. She cried out sharply as he jerked his hand out and lunged up along her body. His cock filled her core in one smooth stroke, drawing another cry from her throat.

Her legs ended up hooked over the bend of his elbows and his mouth was suddenly on hers. He soothed her with tender kisses as her body stretched around him, unused to the rock-hard fullness lodged inside.

“Relax,” he whispered the word against her lips then went back to kissing her.

She wasn’t a virgin, but it had been a very long time since her last lover. Even the fleeting thought felt intrusive. Kryton wasn’t her lover. He was her mate, the other half of her soul.

Despite his order, she raised her hands to his face, needing to touch him. They kissed and kissed, their tongues melding while her body adjusted to his. Gradually her muscles relaxed and he was able to move a little. But the fit was still overly tight, so he slipped his hand between their bodies and encouraged her response with gentle circles from his fingertip.

“Come for me, love. I can’t move until you do.”

She felt invaded and surrounded, overwhelmed, yet at peace. Her emotions were so conflicted they made her head swim. This Rodyte warrior, her captor, her “master” would spend the rest of his life at her side. Her long, frustrating search had led her to this man on this planet. She tensed as a lifetime of prejudice and pride melted beneath the heat of their love. She didn’t care if everyone she knew disapproved of their joining. She and Kryton were meant to make each other whole.

One final flick of his fingertip sent her over the edge. She cried out as pleasure erupted inside her. His energy expanded the link yet again and his emotions rushed into her mind, clear and staggering now that their connection was wide open.

He slowly pulled his hips back and his shaft slid easily in her new slickness.

“Yes,” they whispered in unison.

He rocked back onto his knees and pulled her hips up toward him as he drove fast and deep into her depths. “Oh gods yes!” He threw his head back, ecstasy clearly written on his face.

His pleasure rushed into her mind with each stroke of his lean hips. She was filled with his flesh and flooded with his consuming hunger. She offered herself without reserve, surrendered to the intensity of their joining. Each thrust of his hips also drove the bond deeper into her mind. They created a whirlpool of sensations and emotions. His cock drove into her core, forcing the pleasure higher. Her mind accepted the sensations and poured them back across their link to fuel his next thrust.

Soon his hips hammered and their mouths fused as their bodies flowed together. She wrapped her legs around his lean hips and clutched his back with both arms. He braced himself with one hand and stroked her face with the other.

The end came suddenly, detonating like a sensory explosion. He arched violently, driving his entire length deep inside her. They cried out together and she came half a second behind him. Waves of pleasure crashed over their bodies and saturated their minds, making thought impossible. They clung to each other, kissing slowly until reality returned.

“I can’t believe you’re still here,” he whispered against her damp lips.

She chuckled and nipped his lower lip. “Where else would I be?” Then she looked deep into his eyes, determined to wipe away his doubts permanently. “I’m your
. Regardless of the challenges life has instore for us, we will face them together.”

He paused for a deep yet tender kiss. “I don’t deserve you.”

“If we got what we deserved, love, we’d both be in serious trouble.”

Chapter Seven


Visions came gently to contented minds. Skyla snuggled against Kryton’s side, her head pillowed on his shoulder. They’d made love a second time then enjoyed a long, leisurely shower before returning to their bed. This was
bed, their house, their new lives. She wasn’t sure what the future held, but she was ready for the new adventure. She trusted Kryton to protect her from those not worth her tears, and her sisters would just have to come visit her on Rodymia.

Her mind rambled through memories as she surrendered to exhaustion, but her gift wasn’t ready to let her sleep. For the past week an image had reoccurred in her dreams, it was so intimate and so personal that she hadn’t told Tonn what she’d seen. The image was always the same. She saw herself sitting on a richly upholstered sofa facing a massive stone fireplace. On her lap cuddled a rosy-cheeked toddler and an older boy sat at her side. The older boy was turning the pages of a book as she read the story aloud. As she waited for the boy to turn a page, she looked up and smiled at Kryton. He sat in a tall-backed chair facing her, his expression relaxed and content. On his lap sat the oldest of their three sons, his head resting against the middle of his father’s chest. All three boys had curly dark hair and vivid purple rings in night-black eyes. A combination of her red phitons and Kryton’s blue, she supposed. The scene was so idyllic, so perfect that she hadn’t dared hope it was real.

Each time she’d seen this image, it ended after she looked at Kryton. Tonight, however, the scene continued and expanded, drawing her attention to a tall, young man watching from the corridor. He held the door open just far enough so he could see into the library. He had short silver-blond hair and piercing blue eyes. His gaze narrowed as he took in the charming scene, but she felt resentment and loneliness blasting off him. He blinked and his phitons shimmered like polished silver coins. He was a harbinger. No, more specifically, this was Arton.

Excitement surged through her and she tried to sink into Arton’s mind. His head snapped up with the first brush of her energy and he looked around, expression suddenly vicious.
Who are you? What do you want with me?

The response shocked her. Never before had anyone in a prophetic vision attempted to interact with her. But then, she’d never encountered a harbinger before. Their abilities were similar to hers.

It’s Skyla.
If he was free of Harbinger Academy at this point, then they must have succeeded in rescuing him. Time streams could be so confusing.

His gaze shot back to the Skyla on the sofa.
How are you doing this?

I’m reaching out to you from the past. We haven’t rescued you yet. Can you guide me back to the day before it happens, or can you tell me how we accomplish it?

Arton turned and pressed his back against the corridor wall, eyes wide and disbelieving.
I always wondered how you knew when and where to find me. All you’d say was “It’s better if you don’t know.”

I’m not sure how long I can maintain this connection,
she warned him
. Please tell me what I need to know.

What’s the date where you are?
She told him and he laughed.
You better hurry. Three days from when you are, I’ll be moved from the academy to a safe house on Saternite Square. I’ll be escorted by two guards and a skimmer pilot. Set up the ambush on Rinforter Boulevard near the lake.

She could feel the present pulling her back. Her energy was nearly expended.
What time?

Just after noon. Father won’t like it, but you need to be there too.

The vision released in a blur of color and white noise. Skyla sprang up in bed, gasping for breath. “Kryton, wake up.” She reached over and shook his shoulder. “I’ve just had a vision. I need to tell you what he said before I forget the names. I’m terrible with Rodyte names.”

Kryton sat up as well, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “What did you see? Who was in the vision?”

“Arton. I just had a conversation with your son.”

His blood-shot gaze locked with hers and hope rushed across their mental link. She had his attention now. He scrubbed one of his hands over his face and shook away the last of his sleepiness. “What did he say? Was he all right?”

“He was fine and he was here, so the rescue will likely succeed.”

The assurance calmed Kryton, helped him focus. “Computer, record conversation.” He smiled at her, then explained. “Just to make sure I don’t scramble the information. I haven’t slept well in weeks.”

She grinned. “Can’t imagine why.”

“What did he tell you?”

Not ready to share her secret peek into their future, she dove right to the pertinent information. “Three days from now Arton will be transferred to a safe house on Saturnine Square.”

“It’s probably Saternite Square. I don’t know of a Saturnine Square anywhere near the academy.”

She blew out an anxious breath. “See why I woke you up. By morning I’d have twisted everything beyond comprehension.”

“I doubt that, but please continue. What else did he tell you?”

“He said to set up an ambush on Rainfordor Boulevard near a lake.”

He smiled at her. “Rainforter Boulevard runs past a lake. It also passes near the academy. I’m sure that’s what he meant. Did he suggest a time or tell you what we can expect in the way of armed reinforcements?”

“He’s clearly his father’s son. The strike should happen just after noon and you’ll be facing two guards and a skimmer pilot.”

Wonder filled his eyes as he looked at her. “And just like that you’ve accomplished what I’ve been unable to do for the past twelve years. I don’t know how to thank you.”

“Thank Arton. It’s his plan. I’m just the messenger.”

He pulled her into his arms, a smile lingering on his lips. “A messenger who contacted Arton during a vision. Don’t downplay how amazing you are.”

She kissed him, thrilled to finally do something important with her abilities. “Kryton, I could sense his emotions for just a moment. He’s a very volatile young man. You need to be prepared for the changes the harbingers have wrought in him.” The scene in her vision took place six or seven years after his rescue and still Arton was resentful and discontent. Yet he’d seemed to calm down and was willing to help once he realized who she was. Then she remembered Arton’s last stipulation. “He also said I need to be there.”

Kryton’s eyes narrowed and his lips pressed into a disapproving line. “And if I refuse, you’ll tell me I’m endangering the mission.”

“He wouldn’t have told me if that’s not the way it happened.”

Now she’d confused him. He glanced into the distance then shook his head. “How did Arton know the details of his rescue? Were you sharing some sort of future dream?”

“I was seeing a scene from the future and Arton’s harbinger abilities allowed him to communicate with me.”

He shook his head again. “And I thought dream walking was surreal.”

They’d returned to their earlier position with her snuggled against his side. She absently stroked his chest, remembering the picture-perfect scene at the beginning of the vision. Kryton was clearly focused on the coming rescue, so she tucked the treasure away, intending to share it once Arton was safely free from Harbinger Guild.

“You will stay in the ship until the fighting is over.” His arm squeezed her shoulders, emphasizing the directive.

“Yes, sir.” Knowing he couldn’t see her expression, she smiled.

* * * * *

The next three days flew by as Kryton planned the ambush. He summoned his two best officers, Rondar and Jafftin, not trusting the mission to lesser men. He and Tonn would attack from one side of the road, Rondar and Jafftin from the other. It was likely he and Tonn could handle the mission alone, but Kryton wasn’t taking any chances. This rescue had been twelve years in the making. He intended to analyze every possibility and plan for as many twists as possible.

With that goal in mind, Kryton flew his smallest shuttle to the area Arton had mentioned and assessed the advantages and weaknesses of several specific positions. Mature trees surrounded the lake and Rainforter Boulevard wasn’t heavily traveled. Leisure access was on the far side of the lake. Even if the ambush was observed, no one would be close enough to interfere.

He shot a visual record of three possible approaches and presented them to his men the following day. He was trying hard not to let emotion warp his perspective, but he asked for input from his trusted friends just in case he failed.

“This is not an official mission,” he stressed, “so participation is strictly voluntary.”

Jafftin waved away his concern. “I’m pretty sure I speak for everyone. Official or not, this mission is long overdue.”

Relieved by his vehemence, Kryton allowed himself to relax. “We’ll use my family’s private shuttles. They’re fast and agile, perfect for our needs.”

“I like position B,” Rondar said after each man had seen all three possibilities.

They’d gathered around the small table in the kitchen. Late-afternoon sun streamed in through multiple windows, making the stone countertops gleam.

“B is my preference as well.” Kryton looked at Jafftin, then Tonn. “Do either of you have a favorite?”

“The rock formations in position A will provide more cover, but B will allow for a faster departure.” Tonn wrinkled his nose. “C is a distant third.”

Jafftin shrugged. “I can make any of them work. This is all pretty cut and dry.”

Kryton nodded. “But it has to be fast and clean. I can’t help feeling this is my last chance. Arton is seventeen. He’s been with those bastards twice as long as he was with me.”

Jafftin waved away the concern. “You’re his father. There is no substitute for the bond between father and son.”

Kryton wasn’t convinced, but he didn’t argue. Giving in to his pessimism would trigger a downward spiral and he needed to remain strong, focused and hopeful.

He ended the informal meeting so his men could enjoy the estate’s amenities for a few hours before they turned in for the night. They needed to arrive at the ambush site before Arton, but not so early that they looked suspicious.

His houseguests joined him and Skyla for dinner and he was pleasantly surprised with how quickly they took to her. Learning that her vision had provided them with the information they needed to plan the mission had turned their mistrust to admiration. Rondar was especially interested in her gifts. She answered each of his numerous questions with a patient smile.

“How long have you known Jafftin and Rondar,” Skyla asked a few hours later. She’d washed her face and changed into a nightgown that skimmed over her curves. She stood near the balcony door brushing out her hair.

Kryton was already in bed. He’d propped himself up with a couple of pillows so he could enjoy watching her. “I went through training with Rondar and met Jafftin a few years later.”

“They were much friendlier than I’d feared. Dare I hope others will react the same way?”

“Anyone who snubs you because of your planet of origin isn’t worth our time. I won’t waste energy thinking about them.”

She set the hairbrush down on the dresser and joined him on the bed. “I’ve been waiting for the right time to tell you something.”

His eyes widened and his heart flipped over in his chest. “Already?”

She laughed and lightly punched his arm. “You egotist. Even if we are that lucky, it’s even too soon for me to sense a pregnancy.”

It was ridiculous how disappointed he was, so he minimized his reaction. “Then what have you been meaning to tell me?”

“Arton wasn’t the only one I saw in the vision.”

A hopeful smile slowly bowed his lips. “What did you see, or should I say
did you see?”

“You, me, and our three little boys.” She watched him carefully, waiting for his reaction.

“I knew it.” He beamed, joy nearly bursting his heart. “Even though you denied it the other day, you’d seen them. Hadn’t you?”

She nodded, returning his smile. “I wasn’t quite ready to tell you then.”

“Three children.” He took a moment to absorb the concept, to think of all the things he’d be able to teach his sons, all the experiences they’d share. “All of them boys?”

She sighed, some of her buoyancy evaporating. “Are you disappointed?”

“No,” he said without hesitation. “I’ll be thrilled with any child I share with you.”

“But what about magic? You said your life was incomplete without it.”

“I have magic in my life. My mate can manipulate magic. Her gifts are extraordinary.” Her only response was a pleased smile, so he leaned down and kissed her. But then a thought occurred to him. “Was Arton interacting with our children? What exactly did you see?”

She hesitated and he felt the sudden tension in her body. “I was reading to the boys in front of a fire in the library. Arton was standing in the hallway watching us. I didn’t sense danger coming from him, just resentment and restlessness.”

Even after they rescued him, Arton was going to resent them? The possibility broke Kryton’s heart. “How old were our sons?”

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