War of Wings (21 page)

BOOK: War of Wings
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abriel lay on the ground, struggling. The angels pinning him were about to slice off his wings, but then the powers arrived, their battle cry deafening, and most of the angels holding him charged toward the new threat. Gabriel seized the opportunity and kicked as hard as he could at one of the last two, connecting with his chin and knocking him back. The second dark angel tried to pin Gabriel again, but he used his wings to push himself up and then landed the most vicious right hook to the angel’s jaw that he could remember. It reminded him of the only time he ever knocked out Michael.

He realized he was free and no angels were around him. Looking up, he said, “If that is You bringing the powers, Father, thank You. I’m rather fond of my wings. Perfect timing.” He took to the sky to rejoin the fight.


On the field close by, he could see Michael held by four angels while another prepared to sever his wings. There wasn’t enough time to get there. Gabriel pulled his sword from its harness and threw it as hard as he could at the angel behind Michael. The sword rotated end over end and sank heavily into the right wing of his target. The angel dropped his sword and Gabriel immediately heard a cry, but it wasn’t coming from the angel he hit. It was coming from the air above him.

A dark cloud was getting larger and larger in the dim sky. It began to separate like it was being pulled apart. The cry became louder and louder, and then the cloud dissolved into another army of angels. The rest of the powers who had not led the charge down the field were flanking the large numbers of Lucifer’s army from high in the dark sky. They blew past Michael, buffeting all of them with a gust of wind and knocking the four angels down with strikes of their weapons. Sparks flew as their black armor was mashed in.

This new wave came on fierce and undeniable, and it took down many of Lucifer’s angels from the side. The powers made a noticeable dent in the opposing army from both sides and gave God’s exhausted followers time to energize again. Angels healed quickly, and this was a significant opportunity for Michael and Gabriel to regroup and coordinate the troops for their next attack.

Michael ran over to Gabriel.

“Are you all right, brother?”

“Are you?” replied Gabriel.

“Yes. Thank you for saving me.”

“I just got lucky. Not even sure who I was aiming at.”

“Yeah, right.”

Gabriel was relieved Michael was fine, but he knew this war was far from over. How could this conflict even end without the slaughter of the rest of their angels?

“What can we do, Michael?”

“We will not take the lives of angels. We have to believe there is another way.”

“Look around you! The lifeless bodies of our friends are everywhere!”

Michael said nothing.

Gabriel knew he didn’t have an answer. “I will not stand back and let them destroy us all.”

Ahead of them, Rametheus waded through rows of Lucifer’s forces. He swiftly destroyed their armor with the heavy pierces of his axe. He led the powers yard after yard into the crowd of the enemy, but he didn’t know the secret Lucifer was wielding. His forces didn’t know to guard their wings.

As Gabriel watched, he realized that Rametheus, as strong as he was, was still probably the weakest of the powers. The powers were ripping through the enemy and gathering beaten angels into their ranks as they progressed. How long had the powers been in the sky waiting Gabriel wondered. It didn’t really matter. It was an intelligent tactic.

Rametheus’s angels cut a wedge through Lucifer’s army, pummeling every angel in their way. They then broke formation and spread out, their weapons swung with destructive finesse. Rametheus flew through the air, crushing dark angels and sending them spinning to the ground. The powers performed somersaults and other maneuvers that confused their opponents. Gabriel watched in awe.

All of a sudden, he saw Arrayah. She was fighting, but it seemed more like pure defense. Gabriel tore off in her direction.

Her attacker landed a violent blow against her blade, which shook in her hands. “I saw you throw Jasifer that sword to escape Lucifer!” he screamed. Gabriel recognized the screech of Saraquel.

The anger Gabriel had held inside for too long felt like it was boiling over the top of his skull. He rushed at Saraquel. All of the pain from Arrayah, Michael, Raphael, and every other shred he could muster seemed to flow through his body as he wrapped his arms around Saraquel’s body and drove him into the soft dirt. Gabriel pinned him and began raining down blows on Saraquel’s face. For a moment, he saw Lucifer instead, and he lost control. He must have struck him a hundred times before his vision cleared and he realized Michael was pulling him off his fellow archangel.

Gabriel jerked himself free of Michael’s grasp and grabbed Saraquel to flip him over. He wanted to take his wings. If the dark angels could do it, why couldn’t he? He gripped the thick marginal coverts of the dazed and beaten Saraquel and prepared to rip them.

“You want me to be like Lucifer, Arrayah? Do you?” He saw the look of shame on her face—for herself, for him—but he could not stop. “I can be just as powerful! Is that what you are looking for?”

Arrayah said nothing, but Gabriel could see it all over her face. She was lost. She still would not turn from Lucifer’s side. How could she still care for him after all of this? He wanted to rip off Saraquel’s wings from frustration, but he wouldn’t. He couldn’t.

“Well, I’m not like him! I will never be like him!”

Gabriel released Saraquel’s wings and let him fall to the ground. Arrayah was watching him, and although she still seemed lost, he saw now that she looked at him with the same admiration as when she looked at Lucifer. Gabriel finally understood. She loved both of them.

He turned to see how the powers were faring. Lucifer’s angels had recovered from the initial onslaught and were now viciously carving the wings from as many of the shocked powers as they could. Rametheus nearly had his own severed, and he flew into the air, shaking off three angels who clung to his wings.

“Powers, guard your wings!” he shouted.

It forced them to fight defensively, to huddle back to back instead of pressing forward. The dark angels pressed their advantage, and the combat reached a new level of frantic violence. The chaos of battle soon became so vicious that some angels struck those on their own side. Lucifer was right in the thick of it, cutting a wide swath through the powers, ripping wings from downed enemies and throwing them aside with fury. His army followed his lead, tearing loose the wings of exposed powers or slicing them away.

Soon angels could scarcely fight without stumbling over the lifeless forms of fallen warriors. In desperation, the powers and the other remaining faithful beat the dark angels into unconsciousness or broke their limbs until they could no longer fight. Angels and wings dropped out of the sky in a steady rain, plummeting all around Gabriel, striking the ground in an endless rhythm. It was horrific. He looked around at the desolation that had once been a place of innocence. Even if they won, what kind of Heaven would be left? Arrayah was weeping. He felt his hope nearly gone.

At that moment, the dark skies were split open by the brightest light that Heaven had ever seen. It blinded Gabriel, and time seemed to stand still. He could barely make out Arrayah in front of him, and she covered her head with her face down on her knees. He fell to his knees and closed his eyes, tilting his face up toward the light.

“He’s back,” Gabriel whispered.

A smile spread across his face. The battle was over. Angels could hardly see the ground next to them. Heaven shook from a powerful vibration, and a warm wind swept through the grassland. The entire sky was lit with fire, and the cold turned to heat in an instant.

God’s unmistakable voice began to speak, filling Heaven with its reverberations. His voice was the deepest thunder and consumed Gabriel’s whole being. “You have fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! You were the anointed cherub upon the holy mountain. You walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. You were perfect from the day you were created until iniquity and pride were found in you. You have filled Heaven with violence, and you have sinned greatly. Therefore, I cast you from the mountain of God, and I destroy you, O great cherub from the stones of fire. Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty, and you corrupted wisdom by reason of your intelligence. I will cast you and all your dark angels to the ground, for you have said in your heart that you will exalt your throne above the stars of God.”

God’s voice was so overpowering that when it finally stopped, Gabriel felt the energy from his body finally coming back in the silence. He had been frozen in place. Swords, shields, axes, and scythes dropped to the grass. Every angel was letting God’s words sink in. Many were starting to cry. Some cries were of joy while others were of sorrow and guilt. Gabriel realized that it was almost too late for certain angels, including Arrayah.

Without thinking, he prayed to God, “Merciful Father, I know now what I am supposed to be. Allow me to speak with these angels as one of them and convince them to fall on their knees and beg for Your forgiveness before they face their consequences. My heart is with one of these angels. I cannot bear to see her fall without a chance at redemption because of this great deceiver! Many others deserve this same chance. Many of their hearts are actually still with You, O Lord! Some did not know what they were doing.”

God answered Gabriel aloud for all of Heaven to hear. “Gabriel, I will grant your request to give these dark angels one chance at redemption. Those who ask My forgiveness will be saved, but those who do not will be cast out with their leader.”

God’s blinding light faded. The dark Heaven was again restored to its former splendor with God’s light once more shining from His throne on the Great Mountain’s summit. The angels slowly rose up, rubbing their eyes and re-establishing their equilibrium. As they stood, Gabriel flew up over them. Speaking as loudly as he could, he addressed the crowd, and he knew somehow that all were able to hear his words, even those who would have been out of earshot. They would all receive this chance. Gabriel decided to hold nothing back. His emotions poured out like a waterfall.

“Our God has returned to us, just as I and many of you knew He would. Many of you have been deceived by Lucifer and his leaders. I tell you now that it is not too late! I know how God is feeling. He loves you so much it is painful.” He looked down over the crowd at Arrayah. “His heart is truly broken at the thought of losing those of you who have left Him. He hurts from your deceitfulness.”

His eyes welled up with tears. Arrayah’s gaze met his, and he wanted to go directly down to her. “He still loves you. He always has and always will. I say to you now, get on one knee and ask Him for forgiveness so that He may grant you mercy. He wants nothing more. There are angels here who love you too and want nothing more. Do it before it is too late. Do it now!”

Gabriel knew the way God felt about losing the angels because it was the way he felt about losing Arrayah. Gabriel could see from the sky that tears were sliding down her face again. Gabriel saw so much potential in her, but she desired Lucifer. Why else would she not ask for forgiveness? Why did she still resist?

All over the Provender, angels began to drop to their knees. Hundreds of thousands of angels started asking God for forgiveness. As they did, Lucifer flew up toward Gabriel. Gabriel noticed Arrayah’s knees that had almost buckled now straightened at the sight of him.

“Bow to your true god!” Lucifer shouted. “Those who follow me, know this—we shall reign in the cosmos until our return, which is much better than serving Him here as slaves. Do you not want to be the masters of your own existence? I certainly do! His power is based on tricks and lies! This is not over! We will reign!” Some angels in the crowd still cheered for him.

Gabriel began his descent toward Arrayah, and she gazed directly back at him with weary eyes. After a moment, she stretched open arms toward him. She seemed to want him to forgive her for her deceit, but she would not fall to her knees and ask God for forgiveness.

As he approached her, he said, “Did you throw the sword to Jasifer?”

“I did.” Tears dripped from her chin.

“Why help us if you are still on his side? Why don’t you ask for forgiveness now?”

“I don’t deserve to be forgiven!”

As he reached her and took her into his arms, all of the angels that followed Lucifer and had not asked for forgiveness were banished from Heaven. Gabriel felt Arrayah being pulled from him and clung to her. Her mouth pressed to his ear, her breath was soft and quick. “I’m sorry.” Her body contorted and he tried to hold onto her, but it was useless. The force of her departure was unstoppable. He could only watch as her weary, tear-filled eyes turned to shock and fear.

Screams and shouts filled the air. The banished angels’ bodies twisted as they tried to withstand the awesome power of the pull, but it could not be resisted. It was impossible to fight. Arrayah’s face went white with terror as she was ripped from his arms. Gabriel watched as her body spun, and he could see her reaching for him and hear her screaming his name. He heard her bones breaking.

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