Ushijima stored enough water, rations, and essential supplies and munitions to last months. His plan was to let the Americans come ashore and then move inland. As at Iwo Jima, the Japanese would not oppose the American landing at first. But once they were far enough inland, he'd have them boxed in with his triangulated artillery and machine guns. Then Ushijima
planned to hit them with all the strength of the 32nd Imperial Army in an unparalleled trap.
Still, it was easy at firstâthe Americans moved quickly into the hills above the beaches. The landing on Okinawa was so different from Iwo Jima that Admiral Turner actually believed that the Japanese had already given up. The Americans secured the beachhead and two airfields by that first morning with minimal casualties.
The Marines had also feigned a landing on Minatoga, completely hoodwinking General Ushijima, who mistakenly radioed Imperial Headquarters that his troops had successfully repulsed the Americans, who had “suffered numerous casualties.”
But then the U.S. Army's 96th Infantry Division was confronted by soldiers of Ushijima's armyâmost of them hidden in the hills of the south end of the island. It was the first major combat on Okinawa, with the American soldiers attempting to take the high ground one hill at a time, especially up on Kakazu Ridge. In the first four days, American troops suffered 3,000 casualties. But in the coming days, their casualties would top 3,000 each day.
The American armed forces desperately needed reinforcements, and during 1944 young Americans had lined up at the recruiting stations to serve. One of them was seventeen-year-old Dan Barton, who went to boot camp and was sent directly to the Pacific.

Vicinity Higashi, Okinawa
1 April 1945
1135 Hours Local
From my personal experienceâalthough Guam was bad enoughâcompared to Okinawa it was child's play. At the southern end of Okinawa, the Japanese made us pay for every inch of ground we took.
We landed on Okinawa with seven officers and 235 enlisted men. Eighty-one days later, there was one man in that group of 235 that stood muster. All the rest had either been killed or wounded.
Because of the heavy casualties at Peleliu and Iwo, we were expecting heavy casualties in the first waves. But when we walked ashore there was nothing.
Our regimental objective was Yontan Airfield. They gave us three days to take it but by nine-thirty that morning I was standing in the middle of the airfield. Ushijima had decided that instead of trying to meet us at the beach where we had overwhelming firepower, he'd meet us on the southern end of Okinawa, where he had the edge with 110,000 Japanese soldiers dug in. There's an old military axiom: Always take and hold the high ground. Well, Ushijima had done that.
We were under the impression that after we took the northern end we'd be through and could go home. But then when we started south and looked into the eyes of the fellows coming back, we started to understand. They looked like they'd run into a buzz saw.
The Japanese had registered their artillery and machine guns on our positions. So whenever we tried to seal one cave and take another, we usually drew fire from two or three directions. Plus, they had the high ground so we were right out in the open.
We called Okinawa the emperor's doorstep. It was the door to Japan. And they knew that even better than we did. So they were going to make it as difficult as they could.
For us, anything moving at night was enemy. You got into your foxhole; you stayed in it. If you heard something outside of it, you threw a hand grenade. You didn't want to fire a weapon because the muzzle flash gave away your position.
The biggest thing in your mind is, “I cannot let the guy next to me down.” Still, you're scared to death. Somehow you manage to do what you have to do.
I got wounded on Horseshoe Hill. Mortar and artillery started coming in. My squad leader and my assistant gunner were hit and killed almost instantly.
I was down on the ground, and before I passed out, the sergeant put a compress on my hip. About that time a shell hit behind us, killing him and wounding me again. I got two pieces of shrapnel through the chest and abdomen. Well, the worst part of that is that we were pinned down and couldn't move. Anybody who stood up was cut down by machine gun fire. So I had to lie there all day and shoot myself with morphine.
The way I felt is that I wasn't going to die for my country, but I wanted to make the other guy die for his. And I kept that idea before me all the time. I said, “Hey, somehow I'm going to come through this.” And I did.
The thing I remember most were the heavy casualties. You get the feeling that the law of averages is going to catch up. The other thing you never forget is the stench of fighting on Okinawa, because you're fighting over the same piece of turf day in and day out. You can't evacuate and pick up the dead. And there's a smell that you can't describe but you never get it out of your nostrils. For the rest of your life, you remember it.
9 APRIL 1945
On the first day of the landing, the USS
was hit by a kamikaze but was saved from serious damage by its armored flight deck. The Japanese launched the first of ten hordes of kamikaze attacks that continued until June. U.S. losses in both men and ships were severe. Between 1,500 and 2,000 kamikaze flights were flown from Kyushu to attack the American ships.
On the sixth day after the landing, the British aircraft carrier HMS
was hit by another kamikaze attack but did not sink. General Ushijima's fleet of kamikaze pilots and planes scored only a few crucial hits, including the U.S. aircraft carriers
. When the
was hit, the resulting explosions and fires killed more than a hundred sailors and wounded 269. Nevertheless, within fifteen minutes, the fires aboard the
were extinguished and her remaining crew began bringing back their aircraft.
The carrier
was hit hard, but the cruiser
Santa Fe
heroically stayed alongside her throughout the afternoon, despite explosions and flames, to rescue those who jumped off the deck to escape from the fiery heat. Damage to the
's flight deck was extensive, but the ship got under way within hours and was able to return home under her own power. Casualties included 724 killed or missing and 265 wounded. Lieutenant (jg) Donald Gary was awarded the Medal of Honor for leading two sailors below the blazing decks in order to wet down a five-inch gun about to explode. He later found 300 men trapped below decks and led them to safety.
On 6 April, the “super battleship”
, along with the Japanese cruiser
and eight destroyers, set sail for Okinawa. The
, the largest warship ever built, was sent to Okinawa with no protective air cover and only enough fuel for a one-way trip. Their orders were to locate American and Allied ships and destroy them before they were destroyed.
From the very beginning of hostilities around Okinawa, the Japanese were intent on making life miserable for the Allies. In addition to at least 2,000 kamikaze aircraft, the Japanese had also created a fleet of kamikaze ships that included the
, the
, and the eight destroyers. But these kamikaze ships were met and overwhelmed by aircraft from the 5th Fleet.
The American submarine USS
tracked the
and her escorts and then alerted carrier-based bombers. Vice Admiral Marc Mitscher launched air strikes on the
. Aircraft from the USS
San Jacinto
sunk the Japanese destroyer
, while the light cruiser
was hit and went dead in the water. The small Japanese naval force was under incessant attack. The
was sunk after American carrier-based Hellcats and Avengers made a final attack.
also finally succumbed to American air power. It took twelve bombs and seven torpedo hits to finally kill her, but she sank in the East China Sea. Three of the Japanese destroyers were also hit and were so badly damaged that they had to be scuttled. Even the four remaining destroyers could not make the return trip to Japan.
Of the
's crew of 2,747, all but 269 men were lost. The
lost about 450;
lost 330; and the seven destroyers suffered casualties
of 391. There were few Japanese survivors. Losses to the Americans were ten planes and a dozen men.
This was the last Japanese naval action of World War II.
Giving support to the Okinawa landing was the most costly naval engagement in U.S. history. Thirty-four American ships and landing craft were sunk and almost 400 others were seriously damaged, many beyond salvaging. Worse, nearly 5,000 sailors were killed in action and an equal number were woundedâmost of them burned by flaming gasoline that incinerated the skin of their faces, bodies, and limbs.
By 8 April, the American forces on Okinawa were stopped in their tracks by the line of Japanese defenses in concrete reinforced pillboxes with steel doors unaffected by flame-throwers. Casualties on both sides were growing along with civilian deaths. Additional reinforcements were landed on 9 April, and American troops on the island now numbered 160,000.
Attention now focused on taking Shuri Castle, the key Japanese defensive position of resistance. The “castle” was another reinforced concrete fortification located in the southern part of Okinawa on high land between the eastern and western coasts. As usual, General Ushijima had prepared defensive positions with interlocking fields of fire and could direct his men across the island underground without having to encounter American troops.
The interconnected tunnels were almost impossible to get into. However, against these fortifications was the combined firepower of six U.S. Navy battleships, six cruisers, nine destroyers, and some 650 American aircraftâin addition to the 160,000 Marines and soldiers on the ground.