Warrior Beautiful (21 page)

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Authors: Wendy Knight

BOOK: Warrior Beautiful
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s at the gate. He was ambushed. They seemed to anticipate Iros

need to close the gate tonight.

The Ekse turned his small head toward Ashra, beautiful eyes haunted. “
So many have been lost already.

Chapter Fourteen

Lightning exploded from Torz’s horn, opening the doorway. They flew through the torn sky, into Paradesos, but didn’t hesitate. Ashra summoned lightning again and they flew out into the real world before thunder shook the ground and closed the tear in the sky.

“How do you know where you’re going?” Scout leaned low over Ashra’s neck, trying to slow them down as little as possible.

See that constellation in the sky?

Torz pointed with his horn as they galloped through the clouds.


s the unicorn constellation. It

s called Monoceros. Greek for Unicorn.

Ashra tossed her head.

The horn of Monoceros points the way to the wound in the north that the Master of the soul stealers created as a gate between their world and yours.

Scout squinted, just able to make out the form of the unicorn in the bright pattern of the stars. “I thought the gate was the wound in Paradesos?”


Ashra’s voice clearly told Scout that she’d asked a stupid question.


s a wound. Not a gate. You can get to Aptavaras from there, but it isn

t the gate.

“Oh. Well that explains everything.”

Torz and Ashra both raced through the sky, following the direction the horn of the constellation pointed. A deep formation of storm clouds appeared on the horizon, growing bigger and bigger as they came closer. Without hesitation, both unicorns plunged into it, fighting their way through the lightning and pouring rain. Scout pulled her scepter close and ducked her head, trying to keep the rain from blinding her. Just when she was certain they would all drown, they found their way through to the other side.

And into a war zone.

Scout gasped. She’d never seen so many soul stealers. The unicorns were vastly outnumbered, and in the middle of it all, she could just see Iros and Havik’s light. They were being smothered by demons with evil red eyes. “What are those?”

Soul stealers with mended souls.

Torz’s voice was grim as they darted through the sky toward the battle.


s why Iros wanted to close the gate. They

re ready to march on Paradesos,
Scout thought.

Soul stealers don

t have legs. They can

t march,

Ashra sounded distracted as she tilted sideways to avoid a bird. Below them, the world was a frozen sheet of ice. That was why the “disease”, aka soul stealers, had spread from the north down. The gate was at the top of the world.

Unicorns don

t like the cold. We

re kind of hot blooded.

Ashra said, still distracted.

Ready, Princess?

Scout leveled her scepter as the first soul stealer found them, its scream nearly splitting Scout’s skull.

“Scout!” Trey yelled, trying to be heard over the cries of the dying unicorns and the shrieks of the demons. Scout jerked toward him. “I love you. I always have. I always will.” Before she could respond, Torz shot forward, meeting the demon head on — literally, his bright horn impaling it. Scout flinched away from the blood.

“Ashra? I’m scared,” Scout whispered.

Me too, Princess.

They flew above the thick cloud of demons.
Trying to get to Havik.
Light exploded from their mighty leader and several soul stealers fell from the sky, lost in the darkness, but not enough. Scout gripped her scepter tight in her steady hands as she felt Ashra gather her strength in her front legs, like she was about to leap. Instead she dove, straight into the middle of the battle. Across the sky, Torz followed as they both fought to free Havik from the clutches of the enemy.

Scout closed her eyes, searching for Lil Bit in her heart. Searching for her strength. Without thinking, her scepter lit up, shooting fire through the skies. She and Ashra had been powerful before, but the wall of flames that twisted together now was an inferno. The many soul stealers caught in the attack shrieked in agony, their cries filling the skies with horror. And then they were gone and Scout was searching for more strength as they fought their way toward Havik. But more red eyes surrounded them, closing in on them from behind. Unicorns fought from the other side, but without riders their power was too weak. Sparks from a hundred horns were a backlight in the pitch darkness, but it wasn’t enough. Scout couldn’t even see Iros through the cloud of evil, only his bright magic as he tried to fight his way to the gate. It was a mission he must have known he wouldn’t return from, not after he was ambushed, but he kept trying. Because it was the only way to save the world, and he would die trying to protect those who didn’t even realize he existed.

But if he closed it, Lil Bit would be lost forever.

Scout pushed the thought away. Right now, she had to focus on killing the demons in front of her and freeing Havik from their talons. She’d find a way to save Lil Bit later. She twisted on Ashra’s back, swinging her scepter like a bat at the head of a sneaky demon trying to get its claws into Scout’s soul. It screamed, blood spurting from its jaws as it fell from the sky. Scout glanced at it and then away, the next demon already falling on them. The fiery rope leaped from her scepter. Flames from Ashra’s horn twisted around it, tightening and strengthening as it wrapped around several soul stealers at once. Scout yanked hard and they ripped in half. Black blood spattered her armor as she swung on the next group. They were almost close enough to see Havik through the demons, but his light was fading. “We’ve got to do something more drastic, Ashra!” Scout screamed. Across the sky, Torz raised his head.

Okay. Hold on tight, Princess!

Ashra tucked her wings and dove deep into the cloud of evil, galloping through the frozen air as her horn impaled anything in her way and her sharp hooves attacked whatever she could reach. Scout lunged and jabbed with the sharp edges of her scepter, taking out as many as she could, even when her arms started shaking from exertion. Unicorns fell into formation behind them, spreading out like birds in flight. Ashra’s horn lit up but Scout didn’t have to be able to read her mind to know what her plan was. The concealing attack exploded from her scepter, surrounding the hundred or so soul stealers near them. The unicorns behind Ashra plunged in, their attacks lighting Ashra and Scout’s cloud like gunfire. Across from them, Torz and Trey did the same thing, throwing a concealing cloud over as many soul stealers as possible.

Above them, Scout saw another concealing cloud descend on the soul stealers trying to attack. “What the—?” Scout jerked her head back, searching the sky. Another giant black unicorn swung sideways, holding his cloud while more unicorns darted in.

And on his back, Kylin swung her scepter, bloody, bruised, and screaming like a banshee… and glowing slightly They had bonded already? “I thought Iros said bonding was hard.” Scout mumbled.


s help her out, should we?

Ashra seemed to notice them at the same time Scout had. The demons in their cloud were dead, and Scout let it drop as Ashra’s wings snapped and she climbed through the sky, darting into Kylin’s cloud. Scout couldn’t see a thing. She had to rely on Ashra, hoping her flames would follow Ashra’s attack. Judging from the shrieks of agony, Scout was pretty sure her big unicorn had a handle on things, and she focused on finding the strength inside her to keep up.

The cloud dissipated, and Scout found herself blinking at the stars in the night sky, surrounded by unicorns and nothing more. The soul stealers were dead.

Except for the ones below them, the ones still attacking Havik. Their mighty leader was falling lower and lower in the sky, but he hadn’t given up. He wouldn’t give up, not if he still had a heart beating in his chest. Scout knew that and knew that his rider was the same way.

“Come on! They need our help!” Kylin shrieked at them as her unicorn plummeted after Havik. Ashra’s wings tucked close and they followed, Torz at her side. Scout leaned low against Ashra’s neck, looking sideways to meet Trey’s eyes. He smiled weakly, as bloody and beaten as she was. But refusing to quit.

They were a small army, but the strength between them was stronger than any evil. Scout didn’t realize she was yelling her own crazy version of a battle cry until she saw Iros’ head snap up below them, saw the relief on his face, and the hope.

Ashra, never one to work her way in from the outside, plunged into the midst of the soul stealers, fighting her way to Havik’s side with her horn and sharp hooves. Scout followed her lead, swinging her scepter and attacking anything within reach. She barely felt the claws anymore, whether because her body was numb from pain or numb from the rush of adrenaline.

Through it all, she heard Lil Bit urging her on.
You can do this, Scout. You

re stronger than their evil. Save my friends. Save yourself.

She sank her scepter into another bloody chest, ripping it out and watching with a wicked grin as the creature howled and fell from the sky.

Swinging around and screaming, always screaming, she leveled her scepter at the nearest soul stealers. Fire exploded, shooting through at least six of them, spearing through their rib cages. Kylin fought next to her, so close that Ashra’s wings kept clashing with Kylin’s unicorn’s. Scout glanced at her briefly while looking for her next victim. Kylin studied Scout’s scepter before swinging her own, trying to replicate Scout and Ashra’s attack, taking out three more demons. Scout grinned triumphantly as they fell from the sky.

Her smile died abruptly as claws swiped at her face. She ducked low over Ashra’s neck, and Ashra shoved her horn deep into the skull of their next threat. Torz lit one on fire with his powerful wings. It burned from the inside out, squealing like the most horrible dying animal.

“He’s almost free. Just a few more!” Scout yelled and Ashra dove at the closest soul stealers. They had their claws deep in Havik’s neck. Torz attacked from the opposite side, and Kylin’s unicorn fought from above to prevent more from latching on. Scout jabbed with her scepter, nearly impaling Iros as she did so. He dodged sideways and Scout caught the demon. With a jerk, she ripped him away from Havik. Ashra flew backward, dragging the screaming creature with them as her wings took out two more. And then her flames enveloped the rest and they fell through the darkness, nothing but blood and ash.

Havik exploded free, shooting into the sky like his own bolt of lightning. Iros held his scepter above his head, fire flaming from both ends, searing the soul stealers still clinging to them. Ashra galloped after them, a torch of flames attacking whatever else tried to follow, and Scout swung her scepter like a baton, letting the magic sweep the sky.

“We’ve got them!” Iros shouted, his words shattering the frozen air.

The remaining army of soul stealers turned as one, fleeing toward a dark opening in the sky to the north. Ashra didn’t chase them, breathing hard as she fought to stay in the sky.

Scout? He

s going to close the gate as soon as they get inside.

Scout’s stomach dropped. She couldn’t ask Iros not to — not now that she realized the stakes. Torz and Trey appeared next to them, both watching Scout intently. Kylin and her unicorn followed the others, creating a strong formation behind Iros.

Ashra’s voice was barely a whisper in her mind.

I want revenge.

Trey’s eyebrows shot up, somehow also hearing Ashra’s growl. Torz swung his graceful head toward them, but didn’t say a word.

“I don’t understand,” Scout said. “What are you saying? Wasn’t this revenge?” She swung her arms around at the quickly emptying sky, still raining the blood of the soul stealers.

No. This was justice. I want to watch Ariston die with my horn through his chest.

“Who—?” Scout started.

Torz, not taking his large brown eyes from Ashra’s, answered her.


brother. Their Master.

He tipped his horn just a bit, pointing at the fleeing soul stealers.

Scout, if you want to go in, I

m with you.

Ashra said abruptly.

But we don

t have much time. Make your decision, Princess. You say you want to save your sister, and I

ll get us inside before the gate closes.

Scout’s heart pounded painfully in her chest.
No, Scout! Please, no! Be safe, big sister.
Lil Bit’s voice pleaded in her head, and in those few seconds she saw a lifetime of Lil Bit — as a baby, chubby little face creased in her first smile; as a toddler trying to copy Scout’s dance moves; as a little girl hurting because everyone told her she was crazy. As Scout’s only visitor day in and day out at the hospital, holding Scout’s hand, begging her to keep fighting. As Scout’s hero, so scared of the demons but sneaking out of the house to lead them away from her family.

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