Warrior's Deception (30 page)

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Authors: Diana Hall

BOOK: Warrior's Deception
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Through eyes drugged with desire, she saw her husband shed his clothes. The length of his naked body covered her. The crisp curls of his chest tickled the aroused peaks of her breasts.

“Nora,” he whispered over and over again, his mouth suckling one breast, then the other.

“We should go inside.” She made a halfhearted protest.

His tongue danced across the stiffened nipples. She gasped with pleasure and relished the tremors of ecstasy that streamed through her body. An ache for fulfillment pulsated and grew.

“Someone might see…” The feel of his fingers at the opening of her womanhood consumed her thoughts. Flames of passion burned within her like a bonfire. Each touch, every caress fed that fire, a fire she wanted to burn forever yet craved to have reach its climax.

“What were you saying?” Roen’s low chuckle made her smile.

“I was saying, I don’t think making love on the balcony is at all proper.” She ran her fingers along his side like a sprite in flight. Her action caused his body to arc.

“Then, wife, you will surely enjoy it.” His voice sounded deep and husky with desire.

And she knew he was right. She would. This time and the next and the next. Her warrior deceived her no longer. Love with its infinite magic had wiped away the years of neglect and torment. For love was the ultimate deceiver, making a man believe he did not seek it, when all along it was the only thing he ever really wanted.

“Love me, Roen,” she commanded.

“I already do.” Then he proceeded to show her.

eISBN 978-14592-7521-8


Copyright © 1996 by Diane H. Holloway.

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