Warriors in Bronze

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Authors: George Shipway

Tags: #Historical Novel

BOOK: Warriors in Bronze
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George Shipway was educated at Clifton and the Royal Military
College, Sandhurst. From 1928 to 1947 he served in the Indian
Cavalry, and from 1949 to 1968 taught at a boys' school in
Hampshire. In 1968 his first novel,
Imperial Governor,
was pub­lished and brought him immediate recognition as an author of
historical fiction of the highest order. Since then he has pub­lished six other novels, including the brilliantly prophetic
Chilian Club, The Paladin
The  Wolf Time.


London Toronto Sydney New York
Published by Granada Publishing Limited
in Mayflower Books 1979

ISBN o 583 1290
s 6

First published by Peter Davies Ltd 1977
Copyright © George Shipway 1977

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Chronological Note

still dispute the chronology of the Greek Heroic
Age; hence it would be a rash scribbler who ventured on
definite dates. However, a distinguished archaeologist who
recently excavated Troy estimated the city's destruction by the
Achaeans at c. 1270
by which time their leader Agamemnon
may have been in his early forties. I have therefore placed his
lifetime in the years
The Greek legends from
Homer onwards, on which my tale is based, and in particular
the detailed genealogies they contain, do not in general con­tradict this time-scale

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