WarriorsWoman (12 page)

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Authors: Evanne Lorraine

BOOK: WarriorsWoman
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Finally, her doubts calmed. She closed her eyes and concentrated on Batzorg. How his lips felt—both soft and hard. How his erection felt invading her and the overwhelming waves of sensual pleasure that stole her breath…

Batzorg’s already familiar deep voice was different, yet recognizable, as he spoke inside her head. A new chill of excitement skittered along her backbone.


Minka leaped into Vilmos’ strong arms. He caught her and took a step away from the counter. She wrapped her long legs around his hips, causing his cock to jerk painfully against his armor. “It worked!”

“The mind link?” he asked.

She bobbed her head, beaming.

Tentatively, he focused on the triad’s mental connection. In a daze of wonder, he joined the joyous stream of communication. Minka’s bright thoughts mingled seamlessly with the triad’s. Other than the excitement factor, the effect was more as if she had been a lost portion of the unit rather than a natural human sharing their special bond for the first time.

You belong with us.
Batzorg’s strength and certainty vibrated through the link.

Lorcan teased,
Maybe you’re part mech, hot stuff

This is amazing. You’re all so wonderful. I feel like I belong here.
Minka’s mental voice caught on tender emotion as she brushed against each of their thoughts in turn, truly accepting and embracing their respect and adoration for the first time.

Vilmos straddled two different realities as he held her slender body tight against his armor and absorbed her thoughts. She seemed to have had no concept of how beautiful and precious she was to them. Better yet, the strength of her feelings for each of them lightened his heart like sunshine brightens a cloudy day.

How did you connect with us, little one?
Batzorg asked what both Lorcan and he were waiting to learn.

I’ve always been able to sense things about my closest friends. I don’t know how that worked, but it was never this clear. I concentrated on your intoxicating kiss…
She hesitated for a second, obviously self-conscious with the transparency of the telepathic dialogue.

Don’t leave us hanging, hot stuff
, Lorcan begged.

Her laughter bubbled inside the connection and her thoughts took on new confidence.
Then I thought about Lorcan’s amazing touch and Vilmos’ exciting mouth and I was here.

Pleasure radiated through Vilmos at her descriptions, especially the surprise in learning that she truly considered any part of him exciting. However he could not doubt the truth of her feelings. Deception was impossible within the total connection of this intimate communication.

After the mental conversation ended, Minka turned toward him with a heavy-lidded look that threatened to melt his entire metal substructure while hardening his shaft to the denseness of titanium. “We need to get you out of that armor, doc.”

His cheekbones heated while he fumbled undoing his shirt. He gave up on his missing patience and ripped it off. Useless buttons pinged off the tile floor. His stretchy pants rolled and thwarted his efforts to skim them off his legs.

“Here, let me.” Minka’s head bent as she gracefully removed the rest of his recalcitrant clothing. Her small fingers worked to unfasten his armor with a deftness that was far beyond him in his current state of trembling excitement.

Each brush of her softness made him shiver as if his sensors had been set to extreme sensitivity. However, a discreet check showed his receptors were calibrated within acceptable tolerances. He also considered that many of the spots she touched were on unenhanced skin.

Minka was the undiluted, arousing magic. Every light contact, her silky skin caressing him, and her acceptance of all parts of him—metal and man—with equal generosity, unraveled him. His powerful mech body shuddered with wild excitement.

Reaching out he traced reverent featherlight circles over her small hand and again on her slender wrist. He watched her pulse flutter on the inside of her forearm. Her life force flowed in the tracery of blue veins, clearly visible through the translucent glow of her delicate skin. No moles or freckles marred her even shade of pale.

While he stared, their breaths evened out and synchronized. Then their heartbeats grew nearer until they shared a single tempo. The steady cadence continued as his chest swelled with a new level of love for Minka.

He pressed her hands in reverence, brushed a kiss against her temple, and tried to find the right words to tell her what she meant to him.

Lost in her magic, he closed his eyes for a second or two. During his brief lapse of concentration, she removed his chest piece and was in the process of carefully tugging off his crotch defender.

His balls tightened and his cock jerked and threatened to explode with every wriggle of her smooth fingers… To his horror, his heart accelerated like a transporter breaking the time barrier and his breaths came faster and rasping in an effort to fuel his frantic pulse rate. He captured her small hands and fought for calm.

“Did I hurt you?” She searched his face, her beautiful eyes bright with anxiety.

Fatally. His heart would never be the same. He had believed he loved her before. He had been ready to sacrifice his life for hers. He had ached to serve her. However, none of those feelings came close to this new ferociously tender understanding that he belonged to her even more than he did to the triad. Her concern for him, a mech, threatened to unman him, making him fight to keep from coming on her perfect breasts.

“Not at all, dear.” He placed gentle, moist kisses across the backs of her hands before removing the last of his armor.

Her quick intake of breath preceded a flash flood of her sweet-scented arousal. Her gratifying reaction pumped his swollen shaft impossibly longer and harder. He palmed his erection.

Minka pried his disobedient fingers away from his still burgeoning cock. “Mine.”

“Oh yes, please, dear.”

“I do very much please.” She crouched and grazed his cock head with her turgid nipples.

She was so beautiful, so sexy, and so perfect that he fisted his hands to keep from cupping her breasts together and thrusting between the small, taut mounds.

As if she’d read his thoughts without need of the neural net, she used those delicate hands to tug his shaft nearer and rubbed the pre-cum seeping from the tender slit in his helmet along her sternum. Then she pressed her creamy breasts together, trapping him precisely where he longed to be.

His hiss of inhalation earned him a heavy-lidded carnal look that stole the rest of his breath. Helpless to resist her, his hips bucked and he stroked between her perfect mounds. After a few exquisite thrusts, he shivered and stopped. The tingling that started whenever he even thought of Minka raced from the base of his spine, making his sac tighten. A powerful release threatened to erase the last of his frayed discipline. “If you do not release me, I am going to climax.”

“I want you to let go, doc,” she whispered.

Her slick pink tongue swirled over his sensitive crown and his orgasm raced up his erection. Incoherent animal sounds roared out of his throat as his release continued to shoot in long ropy spurts. “Minka,” he moaned her name and clutched her closer.

Seconds later, he was as hard and heavy as he had ever been. He burned for her as if it had been weeks instead of seconds since the last shattering release. “I need to be inside you.”

Her eyes lowered to where pearly splashes of semen clung to her pretty breasts.

Following her gaze, he added, “As soon as I clean you.”

He lowered his head. Minka arched upward to meet him as he tasted his semen from her pale breasts, loving the combination of his salty cum and her wonderful sweetness. As he savored his primal marking, her swollen pink nipples puckered and pouted for attention. He nipped, licked and sucked the pretty pink beaded peaks. While he caressed every centimeter of her perfect breasts, she made needy whimpers that ratcheted up his excitement level until he was desperate for release.

The bedroom was too far away, the log walls too rough, and the floor too cold. The back door was reasonably smooth and close.

He swung around and snagged his snow pants to use as a cushion for her slender back. After carefully arranging the material between the wooden door and Minka’s flawless spine, he pinned her in place with his hip. She aided him by wrapping her slender legs around him. Awkwardly, he shifted to hold her in place with one arm and levered himself far enough away to position his cock at the entrance to her channel. She was hot and slick and still so tight that he edged into her satin core in torturous, careful increments, terrified of hurting her.

“I need more of you.” Minka’s seductive voice acted similar to an injection of undiluted adrenaline, kicking him into time warp speed.

Her permission ripped away the last of his restraint. With one powerful thrust he plunged into the perfection of her delicate sex until his entire erection was buried in her tight, wet heat. They both sighed at the blissful sensation of total connection.

For long seconds they clung together breathing, living and loving.

Then she wriggled against his pubic bone and he groaned at the erotic thrill of her clasp around his shaft. “Tell me how to make you fly.”

She moaned and undulated against him, making his erection jerk against her satin walls. “Harder and faster.”

Her words puffed against his ear, then she nipped his lobe and he powered into her.

Focused completely on her, he felt the first tightening of her satin vagina around his shaft. He pushed himself to tunnel into her harder, faster, and she gifted him with a flood of hot cream and stronger spasms around his impossibly hard penis. Then her body bowed in his arms. He lowered his head and gently nibbled on her swollen nipples.

Minka screamed his name as her pussy convulsed in an orgasm that milked his erection.

His own release rolled up his shaft and exploded in a rush of erotic release.

Once he’d caught his breath, he petted her tenderly and pressed soft kisses everywhere he could reach as he slowly brought them both back from paradise.

Footfalls on the back steps jerked him to full alert.

A second later, Lorcan slipped inside, carrying Nigel and scanning the backyard. Without changing his focus he said, “Armor up, we’ve got company and Batzorg isn’t responding.”

Vilmos’ muscles tightened.

Not good, not good at all. Batzorg always responded. He was the leader and he carried the unit’s heavy weaponry.


Chapter Seven


Minka tugged her sweater over her head. “Batzorg always opens the link, right?”

“Correct.” Vilmos snapped his crotch piece into place and yanked on his pants.

She helped fasten the chest section of his armor and felt him press another kiss to the top of her head. “Maybe he’s just busy.”

“He’s never too busy to notice cyborgs, hot stuff. Better get your own pants and boots on, we might need to leave in a hurry.” Lorcan spoke with gentle gruffness, but his laser-sharp gaze never wavered from the backyard.

Vilmos finished dressing and used metallic tape to close the front of his ruined shirt, while she was still pulling on her pants.

Lorcan strode out of the kitchen. Seconds later he returned, carrying three large backpacks. The bulging bags looked identical to her, but Vilmos reached for one with unerring accuracy and began unloading strange weapons.

“Socks, boots, and get your gear together,” Lorcan growled at her.

Startled into action, she raced for the bedroom. Nigel scampered behind her then prowled a wide oval in the front of the dying embers in the fireplace as she stuffed her few belongings into the backpack and finished dressing.

By the time she tied the last boot lace, the guys had gone. Restless and worried, she stirred the coals and added wood to the fire. Nigel parked himself in front of the grate, tucked his legs under him, and fluffed his coat. She shook off her gloomy thoughts and dug through her pack, organizing food and filling water bottles.

She’d kept going for months on her own, now she couldn’t imagine being by herself. How quickly the mechs had changed from being psychotic strangers to beloved team members.

Except she wasn’t really part of their team, was she?

All three of them were stronger, faster and better equipped to deal with any challenge. They were a triad, a mobile military unit. She kept forgetting she was their mission.

Apparently she needed more rescuing. Someday she might earn a promotion to pet. She sniffed. Nigel left the comfort of the fire and butted against her leg. Not that pet was a bad thing.


“Right, pal, I get the message. I better check the pantry for cat food.”

She dug out her HG, reloaded, and tucked the gun in the back of her pants before heading back to the kitchen.

There had to be something she could do, besides being their cherished sex slave. The mechs did a super job of making her feel like a princess, but she wasn’t the pampered type. Useless just didn’t fit her well. She contributed.

She rinsed out a lightweight bowl with a lid and scooped some of the sausage casserole into it for Nigel.

What could she do to help defeat cyborgs? She was an excellent shot, but unless an attacking cyborg obligingly lifted his face shield, they were hard targets to take down. Teaching had given her some terrific skills, but none of them seemed applicable at the moment. Painting was about looking beyond the surface. She was intuitive…

That was it!

She’d opened the mind link to Batzorg before. Maybe she could do it again.

Scooping up Nigel, she scurried back to the bedroom where it was much warmer and much less exposed. After settling him in front of the toasty fire, she sank to her knees, closed her eyes, and pictured Batzorg, concentrating on his strength and her link to him. Long moments passed without a flicker of response.

Then he was in her mind.
Little one.

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