WarriorsWoman (16 page)

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Authors: Evanne Lorraine

BOOK: WarriorsWoman
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“You have such a beautiful ass, hot stuff.” The rough pad of his damp thumb briefly circled her puckered entrance, spreading the natural lubricant. Then his satin cock head was back coating her tiny opening again and again.

She made an incoherent sound somewhere between moaning and whimpering for mercy.

Vilmos brushed gentle, moist kisses from her temple to her collarbone and back up the other side before his mouth covered hers with ardent desire and an assurance that took her by surprise.

Doc had definitely found his dominate side. She swallowed his dark spice, drugged by the taste of desire—his, hers, theirs. Then he deepened the kiss until she was sucking and making greedy noises around his plundering tongue.

With a gentle hand framing the side of her face, he held her head still for more of his carnal assault. His free hand cupped one her breasts and flicked the tight tip with his thumb. Doc’s casual caress seemed to stir Batzorg into action. He claimed her neglected breast, twirling and pinching her nipple into a needy, aching bud.

“More,” Vilmos demanded, echoing her feelings.

Batzorg lay back, giving Vilmos fuller access to her breasts. Doc didn’t waste time, tugging first one, and then her other turgid nipple into his eager mouth.

Sporadically, Lorcan eased the pressure of his penetration. Each time, when he returned, more of his hot liquid seeped into her tight passage, until her burning anticipation became need.

When he deepened his invasion, she instinctively pushed back then peeked over her shoulder.

Undisturbed by her reaction, he rammed in, past the next ring of clenching muscles and set fire to new, scary sensations of stinging bliss.

Unable to watch, she turned away blindly, moaned and pressed closer to Batzorg and Vilmos, seeking relief from the relentless tension the mechs coiled in her breasts, ass, and cunt.

Doc’s talented lips widened and covered a small breast, sucking it into his hot, wet mouth, driving her wilder with desire.

Not to be outdone, Batzorg rose to capture her other peak and sucked hard.

Fresh cream flooded from her core, soaking his groin.

His growl of erotic male need vibrated around her taut nipple.

Lorcan pulled all the way out. Before her stinging channel completely closed, he plunged through her burning back entrance.

Automatically, her butt muscles again fought his possession. Repelling only eased his passage. His heavy rod sank balls-deep into her greedy ass.

“You are so fucking tight and perfect, hot stuff.” Lorcan groaned behind her.

She didn’t even try to respond, because Vilmos had straightened. His erection bobbed insistently against the side of her mouth. Her tongue darted to clean off the salty-sweet drop of want from the vulnerable slit and his rod bumped eagerly against her lips.

She licked her lips and swirled the flat of her tongue over his rosy mushroom top. “Hold that bad boy steady for me, doc.”

His long fingers wrapped the base, keeping his shaft right where she needed it.

After teasing them both with a lazy licking tour of the tortured vein on the underside of his swollen cock, she used the tip of her tongue to probe beneath the luscious ridge. She drank his sweet, clean musk, and finished her exploration with another lollipop swipe across the tender slit. Then she swallowed as much of his heavy length as she could manage.

At the same time, Lorcan and Batzorg found an erotic rhythm and stroked in and almost out of her. Each thrust from Lorcan burned the nerve-rich portal guarding her rear entrance and tunneled deeper into her dark channel with wet, sexy sounds. When he withdrew Batzorg surged in, stretching her all over again as the two cock heads pushed past each other and her hot spots.

Capturing her attention, Vilmos carefully angled her chin before ramming home until his balls brushed her neck. His voice rasped in desperate need. “Swallow, dear.”

Grateful for something to suckle, she opened wide and Vilmos fucked into her eager mouth. She clamped down on both Batzorg’s and Lorcan’s erections as she fought her gag reflex to accommodate Vilmos’ thick shaft. An adjustment of his angle eased the penetration. Gradually her throat muscles loosened and massaged the wide cock jamming her mouth.

With every entrance filled and stretched beyond capacity by the sweet possession of her heavy metal lovers, she unraveled as they worshiped her body with theirs.

She was connected to her warriors in ways she had never imagined. The relentless tension inside her core wound impossibly tighter then quivered and simply snapped. Wave after wave of rapture shuddered through her and her heart stuttered from the sheer erotic pleasure while hot cum spurted in long, hot blasts down her throat, up her ass, and deep in her cunt.

Batzorg’s roar of satisfaction pulled another wave of bliss from her core. A groan of sheer ecstasy rolled from Vilmos as he eased from her mouth. Still stretching her rear passage, Lorcan placed damp kisses on her back. “Fucking fantastic, hot stuff.”

Vilmos pressed a tender smooch on her lips before pulling away and disappearing into the adjoining bathroom.

She nuzzled Batzorg and murmured, “You are my champ.”

“I am yours, little one.” He kissed her hair and cuddled her against his chest.

“Feeling left out back here.” Lorcan eased out of her butt.

She canted her head to meet his dark eyes and gave him a teasing smile. “You picked your favorite end.”

“Funny, hot stuff.” Nibbling kisses seared the side of her neck before Lorcan stepped away. “Don’t move. I’m going to clean you up until you shine.”

The two mechs returned carrying a basin of soapy water, fresh linens, and wearing satisfied male grins. She climbed off Batzorg while they worked in tandem to carefully clean every sticky opening. By the time they finished, every inch of her felt decadently pampered. “You two are spoiling me.”

“They hope you will let them make love to you again.” Batzorg chuckled.

Vilmos shrugged. “He is correct.”

“I’m treating you right, no matter what you say about next time.” Lorcan patted her bottom dry with a fluffy hand towel.

“We’ll definitely do this again.” Sudden tears threatened to overflow her eyes. She blinked hard and sniffled. “You’re turning me into such a girly girl.”

“This might be a good time to share her new training program,” Vilmos suggested.

Batzorg nodded.

“’Cause it’s too heavy for you to wield, we rigged up a mobile stand for the Annihilator 2300. You’re our choice for the new weapon specialist.” Lorcan’s grin widened.

“Me?” She locked anxious eyes on Batzorg. “I don’t know anything about your weapon.”

Is he really all right with this plan?

“I know everything there is to know about the annihilator. I will instruct you.”

Weapon training shouldn’t be turning me on, but when Batzorg looks at me like that, it definitely does.

Still she had to ask,
“Wouldn’t Vilmos or Lorcan be a better choice?”

Batzorg shook his head. “They have greater strength, but you are a better shot. The cyborg’s disassembly damaged the guidance and activation systems. We have no way to restore those functions. You do not need them.”

The last of Minka’s doubts vanished and her heart did another one of those funny flips and her acceptance of this new reality strengthened.

I am quad.


Chapter Nine


The days passed too fast and the nights went even quicker during the trek to California. Batzorg wanted the journey to last forever, because he knew what the future held—Minka’s destiny. She became one of the original founders. She fell in love and married another founder. Batzorg knew her history well, although the name of her husband continued to elude him.

The mechs’ mission had been to ensure she reached the complex safely. Once this objective was achieved, would they be recalled to their own time or would they remain with her, continuing to serve and protect? Both alternatives held equal portions of misery.

“Why the long face, champ?” Minka tilted her neck from side to side, shrugged her shoulders then adjusted Nigel’s traveling pouch and the straps of her pack.

“Give me that,” he demanded gruffly.

She shook her head, as stubborn as the rest of the quad. “You’re already carrying twice as much as me.”

“I am mech. I can carry Nigel, your pack, and you without strain.”

“Quit trying to distract me and tell me why you’re looking so grim.”

“Just thinking about the security measures in the founders’ complex.” He lied without the least hesitation or regret.

“You’ve seen it?”

He shook his head. “I have images and schematics for the compound in memory.”

“What’s it look like?”

Of course she was curious about her future home. Still he did not want to spend his precious hours with Minka discussing anything to do with the founders. “The main building was a mission built in 1823. The structure has been maintained in good repair. The site offers many advantages, rich ground, clean water, and a mild climate.”

“Is it stucco, wood or stone?”

“Wood and brick.”

“One story or two?” she asked.

“Three, including the basement.”

“What are we talking about?” Vilmos slowed his pace to join the conversation.

Minka smiled at Vilmos. “Batzorg is telling me about our new home.”

“We’ll see it in an hour,” Lorcan said with annoying cheer.

Batzorg lapsed into silence while Minka chattered with Vilmos and Lorcan about the complex and the beauty of the country. After a few minutes, Vilmos resumed his point position and Lorcan dropped back to cover their rear. Minka stayed quiet, but Batzorg did not detect any strain in the silence.

Half an hour later, aside from occasional bird or animal noise as they passed, Batzorg heard nothing. In the quiet post-pandemic world, he expected to hear machinery or equipment, maybe even vehicles this close to the survivors’ compound. Uneasy with the lack of human sounds, he increased their pace.

The mission matched the images in his memory, but it was deserted. A careful exploration of the property revealed no sign of human habitation.

Mina touched his arm. “Are you sure this is the right place, champ?”

“Yes. But I do not know exactly when the founders arrived.”

“So we’re the first?”

He nodded cautiously, still not trusting his own feeling of relief then allowed his grin to break free. “Your assessment appears accurate.”

“That’s a surprise I like,” she murmured and leaned in for a kiss.

* * * * *

Summer days grew shorter. A feeling of autumn crisped the morning air and they moved inside earlier in the evenings. The quad continued to work together, fortifying the mission and strengthening the bond between them.

Batzorg treasured each minute he spent with Minka, but every time he thought about stepping aside for a natural human to claim her, his gut knotted with dread.

When he completed the security circuit he’d been working on, he straightened and rolled his shoulders to loosen the tense muscles.

Minka waved to catch his attention. “Can we practice on the annihilator?”

“Of course.” He opened the neural net to alert Vilmos and Lorcan to the change in plans.

Her sweet arousal called to Batzorg, distracting him from the task at hand. Ruthlessly he ignored the familiar discomfort inside his crotch defender to concentrate.

Transferring Minka’s natural gift to the annihilator was only a matter of time and patience. He had lots of patience. Time worried him. The quad needed a fully functional weapons specialist. His inability to wield the 2300 didn’t eliminate danger or change his responsibility.

Minka had trained hard, but the weapon remained too heavy for her to wield. Even with the mounting platform Vilmos had engineered and Lorcan had constructed, she could not maneuver the annihilator alone, nor could she recharge the weapon. In order to fight effectively the entire quad had to work with tight precision. This would put them at a serious disadvantage in future conflict situations.

Vilmos hung a hand-drawn target on a tree trunk sixty meters from the house. A simple thought command from Batzorg brought him back to the mission railing at a trot. The three of them watched Lorcan roll the annihilator onto the walkway.

“It is vital the quad respond as a single unit,” Batzorg explained.

A faint blush of excitement tinted her cheekbones. “Sure, champ.”

Tender pride in her willingness to continue the grueling training schedule swelled his chest at her soft words. He cut his attention to Lorcan. “The weapon is charged and ready?”

Lorcan grinned. “Yeah, she’s ready to rock and roll.”

Batzorg assumed that was an affirmative. He folded his arm over his chest and leaned against the brick wall because the railing supports didn’t look sturdy enough. Then he remembered he’d lost thirty kilos of weaponry. This did not make him a lightweight. He did not change his location. The wall was safer.

Nigel hopped onto the railing, sat, and licked a paw in preparation for whisker grooming.

“Where’ve you been, pal?” Minka asked.

The cat paused his face wash to blink affectionately at her. Then he shimmered.

Minka reached for him.

With a burst of mech speed, Vilmos blocked her way. “Stay back, dear. Nigel seems to be caught in a time shift.”

The cat shimmered for another few seconds before vanishing.

A tall, lean man with a glossy black mane appeared where Nigel had been. The stranger wore an immaculate navy jumpsuit with features that reminded Batzorg of a mech’s dress uniform.

After flicking at an ear, he smoothed his shoulder-length hair straight back and spoke, “More a matter shift than a time shift although there’s a slight difference… Sorry, never mind.” He studied them with an open, curious expression. “You all look quite different in this form. By the way, I’m Nigel.”

“I knew there was something strange about that cat.” Vilmos sounded almost pleased.

Nigel blinked and asked, “Which one of you is Batzorg?”

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