Watching Her

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Authors: Scarlett Metal

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Watching Her

By Scarlett Metal




By Scarlett Metal


Copyright © 2013 by Scarlett Metal


All Rights
This book may not be
reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without
permission from the author.
do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation
of the author’s rights.
characters and storylines are the property of the author and your support and
respect is appreciated.
characters and events in this book are fictitious.
Any similarity to real persons, living
or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.


The following
story contains mature themes, strong language, and sexual situations.
It is intended for adult readers.


Cover design by Gilded
Heart Design (




This book is dedicated to all the
wonderful indie authors out there that have giving amazing support and
inspiration these past few months.
Without your word sprints and
pushes, I wouldn’t have done this.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11




I seriously can’t believe he did this
to me again.
I settled into
my booth at Starbucks with mocha, my laptop, and my bag from work. Once again,
my boss Dave had given me some reports to do at the last minute. And he needed
them by tomorrow - at like 8:00 a.m. At least I could get out of the office and
do the work here.


I was shuffling through my papers, I noticed
walk in. He was probably close to a foot
taller than me with broad shoulders, wearing a black leather jacket and snug


glanced over at me and smiled. My stomach did a flip-flop. He had gorgeous
brown hair, cut short, but long enough to run my fingers through.
am I thinking that?
chocolate brown eyes sparkled when he smiled. I gave him a nervous smile in
return, turning my attention back to my work.


stole glances at him as he stood in line for his drink. My gaze traveled down
his back, and I couldn’t help but notice the way his jeans fit his body. He
turned around, finding me watching him. My cheeks were warm, filled with
embarrassment as he walked over to me.
Shit! He was going to sit next to me!


there.” His voice was a deep baritone, sending shivers down my spine.
I was suddenly sorry that I wasn’t
wearing something sexier than my jeans and sweatshirt.




He nodded to the papers and laptop in front of me.


rolled my eyes. “Yes, unfortunately.”


do you do?” He took off his jacket, and I was almost breathless at the sight of
his arms in his short-sleeved t-shirt. Not only was he ripped, he was covered
in sexy tattoos that disappeared under his shirt sleeves. I was guessing they
were some sort of tribal symbols, but I knew nothing about tattoos.
I had a serious phobia of needles.


a corporate accountant.” Man, did that sound boring when I actually said it out


he said, “Sounds exciting.”


smirked. “It’s so not. My boss is sort of a jerk too. He’s the CFO and he dumps
a lot of work on me, hence why I’m working here late at night.”


that’s a bummer. You shouldn’t let him take advantage of you,” he murmured,
leaning forward towards me.


heart started pounding, and my mouth went dry. He smelled amazing - clean with
just a hint of soap and that woodsy, masculine smell. “I know....I just...” I


Why did I let him take advantage of me?


say no?” he finished for me with a slight smile on his lips. Oh those sexy
lips. Suddenly all I could think about was kissing them.


let out my breath, trying to shake the cobwebs from my brain. This was not like
me. Guys never had this effect on me. “I guess not. It’s not as if I had
anything else exciting planned anyway.”


A pretty girl like you doesn’t have a boyfriend to keep her busy?”


Oh my god, he called me pretty!
I shook my head. “Nope. Work keeps me
busy. I don’t have much time for anything else. I haven’t really had much luck
in the men department lately either.” Did I just say that? Why was I being so
open with him?


bet. Hmmm
.Sounds like maybe you’re going out with
the wrong kind of guys. Maybe you need to change that.”


But work keeps me so busy and I wouldn’t even know where to start to meet men,
and -” Nerves had me babbling now.


held up a hand, chuckling. “Whoa, slow down. What about me? If you aren’t busy
tomorrow night, I would love to take you out to dinner.”


jaw dropped slightly. Seriously? This hot, tattooed man was asking out boring
ole plain me? “But I don’t even know your name.”


laughed again, holding out a hand. “Hi, my name is Brett.”


took his hand, glad that I was sitting down as my knees weakened at his tight
grip. My hand seemed so tiny in his. “Hi, I’m Elizabeth. My friends call me
Lizzie though.”


shook my hand gently. “Nice to meet you, Lizzie.” I almost let out a whimper of
disappointment when he released my hand. “There, now you know my name. So how
about dinner tomorrow? You can even meet me someplace.”


Why not?
Maybe he was right. Maybe I needed to date a different kind
of guy. Shrugging, I replied, “Ok. Sounds good.”


slipped his coat back on. “I have to go, but could I have your number? I’ll
text you and we can figure out where to meet, what time, all that stuff.”


scribbled my number on a scrap of paper from my pile and thrust it towards him.
“Here you go.”
Wow, look eager much?


gave me a crooked smile that I was convinced would one day be my downfall.
“Thanks, Lizzie. Don’t work too hard. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”


Have a good night.”  Watching him walk out of the coffee shop, all I could
think about was how sexy he is.


my head slightly, I came out of my trance.
What’s up with
I never met men like
this and I certainly didn’t hand out my number to someone I just met. There was
something about him though - something about his cool, sexy confidence. It was
as if I couldn’t say no to him.


my attention to the work in front of me, I had no idea how I was ever going to
concentrate now. All I could think about was Brett.


my phone buzzed with a new text message. I didn’t recognize the number but
grinned when I quickly realized it was Brett.


Just checking to make sure you gave me
a good number.


I typed my reply.
Domino’s Pizza, can I take your order


Funny. Looking forward to tomorrow. Don’t
work too hard.


Me too. And I won’t.
I hoped I didn’t sound too eager.


Good night.


Good night.
Sighing, I put my phone back in my
purse. I was never going to get any work done now. I would just head in early
and get the reports done before Dave came in.
I packed up my stuff and headed out to
my car. As I drove back to my apartment, all I could think of was Brett.


never been very adventurous, always taking the safe way in life. I never got in
trouble and always got good grades. Basically, I was a parent’s dream.


continued to play it safe into adulthood. I went to college and got my degree
in accounting and became a CPA. I got a job right out of school in corporate
accounting and had been working there ever since.


the boys I dated were safe. They never got into trouble, were always polite to
my parents, and treated me with respect. I didn’t lose my virginity until right
before I went away to college and that was with my high school sweetheart of
over two years.


broke up shortly after we went away to different schools, but I seemed to
always date the same kind of guys - boring, safe, and predictable.


guys meant boring sex. I had limited experience in pretty much anything sexual.
I had rarely tried any position other than missionary. I bit my lip and
squeezed my thighs together. Something told me that sex with Brett would be
anything but boring.


pulled into the driveway of my apartment building and parked my car. Gathering
my stuff, I headed inside. I looked at my phone. It was already ten o’clock.


I dumped my stuff on the kitchen counter and got ready for bed. I climbed into
bed to read for a bit but my mind kept wandering back to Brett. I finally gave
up on the reading, turning off my Kindle and shutting off the light. The sooner
I went to sleep, the sooner tomorrow would come.


Chapter 2


I could barely concentrate at work the next day. After
tossing and turning most of the night, all I could think about was my upcoming
date with Brett. For a second I considered canceling it because there was no
way a guy like him would ever be interested in a boring girl like me. Why waste
his time?


I managed to get the reports done that my boss
needed, emailing them to him before he got in. I was already on my third cup of
coffee by 9:00 a.m. when my phone buzzed at me. A text from Brett!


too hard, gorgeous? We’re still on for tonight, right?


My face nearly cracked from the huge grin on it.


Sure, unless you’ve changed your mind.
Figured it wouldn’t hurt to
give him an out.


Why would I change my mind? Am looking forward to it.


My heart pounded.
Me too.


Great. I’ll meet you at six. How about Alfredo’s?


Perfect. See you then.


Can’t wait. Have a good day, gorgeous.

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