Way to Her Heart

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Authors: Melanie Schuster

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Way to Her Heart
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If you can’t stand the heat…

Sherry Stratton has kept her heart on ice for years. Between her pediatric practice and her seven-year-old daughter, the accomplished physician believes she has no time for romance. But every time she’s around Lucas Van Buren, her temperature starts rising. So why does she keep resisting the sexy chef?

stay out of the bedroom!

From the moment they meet at his brother’s wedding, Lucas has eyes only for Sherry. The polished restaurateur has tried everything he can think of to become more than a friend. Now, after months of effort, Lucas and Sherry are finally heating up between the sheets, and the lovemaking is oh-so-sweet. Lucas thinks they’re solid, but when someone from Sherry’s past suddenly resurfaces, their delicious relationship is put to the test.…

Lucas had been wanting to kiss Sherri for months.

Tonight, he finally gave in to his natural desire. He leaned his head close to hers. He took his time, savoring the first touch of her soft, inviting mouth. The light pressure was followed by his tongue tenderly outlining the curve of her lips, teasing them open to receive him. She responded by parting her lips, opening wide enough to take his tongue against her own, permitting him to give her the pleasure she’d previously denied herself. Their mouths mated like lovers who’d been away from each other for too long.

His hands cupped her face. She stroked his shoulders, sliding up to his neck. Holding him gently but firmly, she allowed the kiss to deepen while their tongues did an extended, sensual dance, stroking and tasting until it seemed as though they had done this many, many times. It could have gone on for minutes or hours—Lucas didn’t know and he didn’t care. All he knew at that moment was that he didn’t want this kiss to end.

Books by Melanie Schuster

Harlequin Kimani Romance

Working Man
Model Perfect Passion
Trust in Me
A Case for Romance
Picture Perfect Christmas
Chemistry of Desire
Poetry Man
Way to Her Heart


started reading when she was four. Currently, it is still a passion, and whenever she has a spare moment she is reading. Fascinated with books and the art of story-telling, she wanted to be a writer from the time she was very young. She fell in love with romances when she began reading the books her mother brought home. As she grew older, she would go to any store that sold paperbacks and load up on her own.

Melanie loves romances because they are always hopeful. Despite the harsh realities of life, romance always brings to mind the wonderful, exciting adventure of falling in love with a soul mate. She believes in love and romance with all her heart, and she finds fulfillment in writing stories about compelling couples who find true, lasting love in the face of obstacles. She hopes all her readers find their true love. If they’ve already been lucky enough to find love, she hopes that they never forget what it felt like to fall in love.


Dear Reader,

Thanks for coming on another trip to Columbia, South Carolina, for more love and excitement. This time it was Dr. Sherri Stratton’s turn to find her love, with Lucas VanBuren, thanks to her very sweet and precocious daughter Sydney.

Those of you who live in the south know all about the Spoleto Festival that Lucas and Sherri visit. If you’ve never been, you should go—it’s amazing!

The farmer’s market in the Honey Horn area of Hilton Head is also a real place. I do love a farmer’s market. Or any upscale market where you can buy exotic goods as well as local produce. I do love to cook, so writing about the VanBuren chefs is a lot of fun for me, and I hope all my foodie readers are enjoying it, too.

Until next time, keep reading and stay blessed!


I Chronicles 4:10

[email protected]

To Virgie Tiyen Wilson,
for all the things she does. You’re my calm in the storm, my idea person, my reader and my friend.

To my dear aunts, Pauline Ragland,
an exceptional example of what a real woman is
all about, and Theresa Cole, who taught me many things by example, especially how to be a wonderful aunt!
Thanks for all the special memories.

Thanks to all my readers who have also become
my friends. I couldn’t do this without your
enthusiastic support and encouragement.



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19


It was the best wedding she’d ever been to in her entire life. Since Sydney Stratton was just six going on seven years old, she hadn’t been to very many, but this one was absolutely wonderful. Her mommy’s best friend, Auntie Alexis, had married Jared VanBuren and Sydney was a flower girl, a responsibility she took seriously. She and Courtney, the other flower girl, got to wear beautiful dresses and carry pretty baskets full of rose petals that they sprinkled on the white runner. They had their hair done in Alexis’s spa, and they even got to wear nail polish to match the red lace appliqués on their dresses and the red wreaths of rosebuds in their hair. After the wedding they had the honor of walking Alexis’s little dogs at the reception, and it was a lot of fun.

Marriage was a pretty awesome thing from what Sydney could see. Her mommy’s other best friend, Auntie Emily, was the first of them to get married. She had married a really nice man named Todd. He was a doctor and he was tall and handsome and Auntie Emily smiled all the time now. She and Todd had two babies, twin boys, which Sydney thought was just wonderful. Auntie Alexis’s new husband was handsome, too, and he was a chef, an important chef who’d been on TV. He gave Alexis the nicest things, especially Sookie and Honeybee, two cute little Welsh Corgi puppies.

He also had a lot of family, including twin brothers named Lucas and Damon. They were both very nice, but Lucas was especially nice because he knew how much Sydney liked to try different foods. He always had something special for her to taste at the new restaurant he and Jared owned. He liked to laugh and he could do magic tricks. He could dance really well, too. He had danced with her mother all night at the reception. He always made pretty eyes at her mother, Sherri. He looked at her a lot and he was always smiling when he did. He also made her laugh a lot, which was very good. Sydney’s mother was a busy doctor and she needed someone around to help her relax and have fun, even though Sydney did those things pretty well, too.

Sydney was having a good time at the reception, playing with Courtney and making sure that Sookie and Honeybee behaved themselves. Lucas came over to their table with his twin brother, Damon, and he did another trick for them before he asked Damon to watch the little dogs while he danced with Sydney. He took her out on the dance floor and they danced with great gusto until the music changed. When it slowed down, he had her stand on his feet while they danced to the slow music. It was so much fun that she couldn’t stop smiling. This was definitely the most fun she’d ever had and she didn’t want it to end. After the music stopped, Lucas picked her up and swung her around in his strong arms before giving her a big kiss on the cheek.

“Let’s see what your mom is up to, shall we?”

As they walked through the crowd to the table where her mommy was laughing and talking with the other bridesmaids, Sydney got a brilliant idea. She was a smart little girl and she was always thinking, but she’d never had an idea that was this wonderful. She decided that her mommy was going to get married next—to Lucas. Then they could have a wonderful time forever. All she had to do was make a really good plan and everything would work out perfectly.

Chapter 1

Sherri Stratton yawned as she stretched lazily on the comfortable chaise lounge. “This is the best Mother’s Day I’ve had since the day Sydney was born,” she said with a happy little sigh.

She was relaxing on the deck of the new home of the VanBurens, the in-laws of her BFF, Alexis Sharp VanBuren. Alexis was next to her on another chaise and she agreed wholeheartedly. “I’m not a mom yet, but it’s not for lacking of trying. I still can’t believe that the VanBuren men thought up this weekend of pampering all by themselves, but if this is the treatment I can look forward to as a mommy, I can’t wait to have a baby of my own.”

“There’s no rush, is there? You and Jared have only been married since February and you’re already trying for a little one?” Sherri adjusted the sunny yellow tank top that matched the bright floral shorts and reached for the iced tea that was on a small table between the two chaises.

Alexis took a sip of tea before answering. “I’m not racing to the maternity ward or anything, but we both want children. And, honey, the process of baby making is so much fun that it’s a win-win situation for me,” she said with a sexy laugh.

Sherri almost choked on her sweet tea as she sat up and lifted her oversize sunglasses to stare at her friend. “Alexis! You act like we’re alone out here. Too much information, girl.”

Her new mother-in-law, Vanessa Lomax VanBuren, was also on the deck with Vanessa’s mother, Delilah Peters, and Alexis’s mother, Aretha Sharp. All the women laughed at Sherri’s embarrassment.

“Remember, I’m married to Jared’s father so I know what she’s talking about. How do you think I ended up with all those children?” Vanessa’s smile was identical to the one on Alexis’s face. Vanessa’s mother, Delilah, chimed in.

“There’s nothing wrong with appreciating the romantic aspects of marriage. It’s been a long time since Vanessa’s father passed away, but I have a lifetime of wonderful memories to recall,” she said.

Sherri’s face was still pink when Aretha had her say. “Sherri, darlin’, you’re a doctor. A pediatrician, at that. You know how babies get here, and you’re blushing like a schoolgirl. You know what I think?”

Alexis rolled her eyes as she took another sip of tea. “I’m sure you’re going to tell us, Mama. It’s not like you can keep anything to yourself.”

Aretha ignored her daughter’s little barb and kept on rolling. “I think that it’s way past time for you to get married. Or at least take a lover. You haven’t dated anyone since Sydney was born, and she’s about to turn seven. You’re beautiful, smart, accomplished and it’s a crying shame that you’re keeping all that wonderfulness to yourself. What in the world are you waiting for?”

A healthy spray of tea from her mouth was Sherri’s reaction to Aretha’s remark. She was closer to Aretha than to her own mother and she was used to the older woman speaking her mind on any and every topic, but she was surprised by her frankness in front of the other ladies. They didn’t seem to think anything was amiss. Delilah was more than happy to join in the conversation.

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