Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3) (43 page)

BOOK: Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3)
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Novak grinned
“Yeah, time for
a change
” he explained.

“It looks g
ood, you should keep it that way
” Paul stepped around him to Angel
“What have you done to my son?” he

Angel blushed slightly before replying
“Nothing he didn’t want me to do

Paul laughed
“Now that I can
well believe
” he turned to
Gavin and ha
nded him his wine glass “Fill me up son

Gavin took Angel’s glass with him too, filling both and another for him
with red wine before joining his girlfriend and father on the patio. He found
he was stepping over a variety of children’s toys on the patio
and had just reached the table when a squealing Marissa ran
full pelt into him as she
tried to escape from one of the
causing all three glasses of wine to spill on Gavin’s shirt. Twelve year
old Marissa stopped and regarded her brothers’ shi
before bursting into giggles which promptly stopped as she caught sight of his
furious face.

“Why don’t you look where you

re going?” Gavin
growled, Angel had jumped to her feet and was at his side, taking the empty
glasses from him.

“I didn’t mean to

Marissa folded her arms over her chest, pouting stubbornly
“You shouldn’t be in the way
” she added.

” Paul spoke,
taking his daughters’ hand.

” she pouted.

” Paul warned.

“I’ve said sorry
” she squirmed
out of his grasp and p
oked her tongue out at

“She needs to learn some manners
” Gavin addressed his father
“Her attitude
really pisses me off

“You aren’t allowed to swear in front of me
” Marissa gloated.

“Go and play
” Paul told his
daughter, then stood and addressed
his son

Your attitude
often leaves a lot to be desired too.
Go and get

“What is her problem?” Gavin asked.

“I don’t know but something isn’t right with her, try to have a little
more patience with her

Gavin shrugged and headed into the house
, he
hadn’t gone far when he felt Angel’s hand slide into his.

“It was an accident
” she soothed,
he sighed and turned to face her, taking both of her hands as he backed up the

“I know, she just rubs me up the wrong way, I guess I should try to be
” they had made
it to his room
“Now I have to
find something to wear, most of my stuff is dirty and still in the boot of the

Angel closed his living room door, “
e should get this shirt off you first
” she suggested but she was already
the buttons, the shirt was soon falling from
his shoulders to be replaced with her lips on his chest, her tongue licking at
the wine on his skin
“This brings
back memories
” she smiled
before returning her mouth to his skin.

“Only last time it was Bacard
i Breezer
” he remembered.



She continued to work her way down his chest, her fingers finding the
waist band of his jeans and this time, expertly dealing with the buttons, she
stepped back as he hopped out of his trainers and socks as well as
his jeans before once again placing her lips on his chest,
one hand stroking his nipples, the other occupied below the waist. She dropped
to her knees once she had him fully erect, tugged his boxers down and kissed
her way around his groin, almost, but not
touching the burning flesh protruding from his body.

“You know there’s a house full of people down stairs?” he asked.

“I do,” she answered. “Ssh,” she breathed against his penis, he held his
breath and felt her tongue touch him.

Think of something e
lse, he told himself, very
close to coming already. The effect she had on him was shameful, he let out a
long breath and a silent moan as her mouth enveloped him, her hand on his shaft
where her mouth couldn’t quite reach, working in unison,
her free
his balls and
inner thighs as she worked on him.

She expected him to hold her head or to thrust his hips towards her, to
try and fuck her face as had happened to her before but he seemed frozen to the
spot, she stole a glance upwards and saw
him look
down at her, watching her mouth slid
up and down his length, the taught
flesh glistening when on its outwards journey. Not unversed in the skill of
giving a satisfying blow job, Angel enjoyed the power it gave her but she was
having trouble accom
modating him, once hard, he was
long and broad and her jaw was already beginning to ache, besides, if they were
gone too long, it was highly probable either Paul or Novak would come looking
for them. She tightened her hand around him, increased the pressur
e of her lips and pulled him a little further into her
mouth; she only just heard his whispered.

“Oh shit
” before he
exploded in her mouth.

He dropped back onto the sofa, at last freeing his ankles from his
shorts, she followed him, her hand still wrappe
firmly around him and pressed her body to his, her lips opening his mouth, he
tasted him
, something he had avoided until then. He deepened the kiss, holding her
to him for some time. She pushed herself away when she felt him begin to harden

nd you say your Dad runs on batteries
” she admonished, he laughed
“Get dressed Romeo
” she told him and watched him move
around his room, delving in drawers before he went and washed the remainder of
the wine from him.

Gavin had found an old pair of blac
k camos and
a white t-shirt that would do for the afternoon.

“Nice shirt
” Angel
“I can see your
” she teased one
to make her point.

“Then stop looking
” he pulled her
into his side as they made their way downstairs.

The guests were
assembling around a large round
table that Paul had hired for the occasion when they reached the garden. Paul
was on the phone, one arm wrapped around Suzanne as he spoke and slowly edged
towards the table. Gavin, Angel and Novak wound up sitting to Suzann
e’s right with Monica and Paul’s grandparents sitting to
Paul’s left, the remaining guests scattered, mainly in family groups around the
table. Leaning forward, Paul addressed Angel.

“Your parents are on their way here
” he told her.

“Oh, how come?” she as

“Well, since buying my car and all the business with Quinn, your Dad and
I have become friends, it seemed only polite to ask them to join us
” he smiled, then glanced at Gavin
“Best behaviour from you son

Gavin rolled his eyes
“Yes Dad
” he replie
glaring at Novak who was laughing at him on Angel’s other side.

Julian and Linda were seated almost opposite their daughter within ten
minutes of Paul’s phone call, neither of them missed the closeness of their
only child with Gavin, they seemed to move
as one and
their eyes never left the others’ face when they conversed.

As the meal was served Paula struck up a conversation with Paul that had
Gavin grinning broadly;

“What is it?” Angel asked.

“My Great Grandma is telling Dad that both his children are w
ay too scrawny
” he laughed as he translated, the older Paula got, the more she liked to
speak in Spanish and Gavin had picked it up on his many happy holidays to the
family villa
“Oh, and now,
apparently at age eighteen, I should be married and knocking
children out regularly

Angel grinned
“Well, we have
been getting a lot of practice. Sounds like your Dad is getting annoyed

“He is, she’s telling him that I should eat more and that I only picked
at my food, oh God, she’s been watching me
” he groaned
“He’s trying to
explain that I’m trying to keep my weight down, he’s not doing a very good job
” he reached for his wine glass, taking
a large gulp
“Now I drink
too much
” he finished as
Paula threw her arms in the air in exasperation.

“I didn’t know yo
u spoke Spanish
” Angel snuggled into his side, it was
beginning to get dark and despite the patio heaters, she was feeling chilly,
she slipped her hand under his t-shirt, laying it on the warm skin of his

“It’s my heritage
” he replied, a
hand co
ming to rest on hers over his shirt, the other
stroking her shoulder
grandparents love it when I speak to them in their own language and when we go
to the villa they have in Spain, we rarely speak English, I’ll take you there
one day, it’s pretty neat

Paul had left his seat, stopping by his son
“There are quite a few people staying
tonight, I’m going to need Novak’s room

“No problem Mr.
J, I’ll crash in
the pool house
” Novak

“That won’t be necessary, the sofa in Gavin’s room folds ou
t into a bed, you can sleep there
” he answered noticing Gavin’s horrified
“Are you staying tonight Angel?” he
asked, suppressing a smile.

“If that’s ok with you
” Angel nodded.

“One night won’t hurt you
” he told his
son as he walked away.

” Novak said
“You two cannot hump like rabid dogs if
I’m camping in the living room

“Put your headphones in
” Gavin

“We could always just get him so drunk that he’ll pass out
” Angel suggested.

“Have you seen the amount of alcohol he ca
consume?” Gavin asked
“Besides, even
if we did get him to pass out, he’d only wake up in the middle of the night for
a pee then knowing him, he’d just climb into the bed with us

Novak was nodding enthusiastically
“We should just dispense with the niceties and let me sleep in the bed
anyway, it’s big enough for the three of us and you might enjoy it
” he addressed Angel, waggling his
eyebrows suggestively.

 “You are so wrong
” she told him,
then looked at Gavin
ell me you aren’t considering the idea

“No. I’ve grown out of that phase
threesomes are definitely a thing of the past for me
” he held Angel closer when she shivered
“Are you cold?” she nodded
“Let’s go inside
” Gavin slowed, allowing Novak and a few
other guests to enter the house before turning to Angel
and moving in to kiss her, her hands creeping under his t-shirt as she held

“I think our daughter has a new boyfriend
” Linda commented to her husband. She
had been on her way to refill her glas
s, stopping at
the kitchen door, regarding the two young people on the patio.

Julian looked up from checking his phone
“Christ, he’s going to swallow her
” he gasped
“She never got that close to Quinn
” he finished, irked that there was not
a fract
ion of space between his daughter and the boy
who was currently wrapped around her
“I thought she had more decorum, and
you’d think Gavin would know better than to maul our daughter when we are here

“She’s in love
” Linda smiled
“And he’s not mauling h
er, take a closer look honey, he’s holding her like a
fragile piece of china

“His tongue is going to come out of her ear any minute now
” Julian grumbled
” he coughed, loud enough for them to

Angel and Gavin separated, winding their arms aro
und each other, Angel’s hip pressed side on to Gavin’s.

” she beamed at
her parents as Gavin dropped his head, his fingers moving to his lips, touching
his bottom lip to check he wasn’t bleeding as Angel had managed to nip it as he
closed in to kiss he
r and again when their mouths
parted, he put his hand in his pocket once he discovered he was ok.

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