Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3) (7 page)

BOOK: Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3)
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“Turn it down
” Kiera shouted
but reached for the remote at the same time.

“Get off, I’m watching that, give it to me
” Devon leapt off th
e sofa and lunged at Kiera, he stopped dead when he saw
“Who are you?”

“Don’t be rude
” Kiera sn
“This is my
friend Gavin.
We’re going to my room; we have some
homework to do

“That’s a new name for it
” Devon smirked.

Kiera grabbed the front
of Devon’s top
“Say a word to Mum and Dad and I will
go from being your big sister to your bitch sister, got it?”

“Yeah, chill Kiera.”

She grabbed Gavin’s hand and pulled him up the stairs and into the small
sitting room in front of her bedroom.

He took
a moment to marvel that he wasn’t the
only one with a veritable suite. How the other half lived. He could get used to
“Don’t you think you were a little hard
on him?” Gavin asked.

“No, he’s a brat who thinks throwing a strop will get him everything h
e wants, no, wait, it does get him everything he wants
uh, maybe I should try it.”

“You talk too much
” he told her.

“Oh, really

he asked, hands on hips.

“Yes, kiss me
” he wrapped his
arms around her feeling her relax against him.

“You are very good
at that
” she sighed as the kiss broke.

“Talking again
” he teased
“Oh look
” he peered around her “A bed, how

“Not so good at subtle
” she laughed.

“Come on Kiera, we both know the real reason why I’m here, I don’t know
about you but for me
it’s been a hell of a long time
since I got
with anyone.”

“Oh God, it’s been forever
” she agreed,
she put on an overly fake French accent and finished with
“Come into my boudoir Monsieur

he held out her hand and led him, un-protesting into her b
edroom. “Lock the door
” she told him then pushed him back
against it as he turned to her, her lips pressing against his, his tongue
searching for hers. She felt his hands begin to explore her body, her own hands
under his t-shirt, she grasped the bottom o
f it, he
raised his arms allowing her to remove it, dropping the shirt on the floor she
pressed her lips to his chest, stroking the firm muscles and surprisingly soft

” she sighed
“you’re pretty

” he kissed her,
harder this time, pushing
her backwards until they
reached the bed, all the while he had been removing her top and bra. Stopping
at the foot of the bed, he gently pushed her until she sat on the bottom of the
hen knelt in front of her, he bent his
head to her breast, she lace
d her fingers into his
wavy brown hair and gave herself over to his expert hands and mouth.

“Christ Kiera, I’m surprised you don’t overbalance
” he cupped her breasts.

“Hideous aren’t they?”

y are amazing
” he disagreed
ar more than a
handful and I
have big hands
” he grinned then returned his attention
to her breasts
he reached for his belt, unbuttoned his
jeans and reached inside his boxers, not surprised to find that, like the rest
of him, his
was long, broad and ready to go. His mouth found hers as she began to
stroke him, his hands undoing her jeans, withdrawing from the kiss, he
encouraged her to raise her hips so that he could remove her lower garments. As
their mouths met again, Kiera felt
Gavin’s long
fingers caressing and opening her, she let her legs fall open further and felt
a flush spread over her body as he began to probe deeper.

“What would you like me to do?”
e whispered against her lips.

“I’d like you to kiss and touch me all ove
r but
right now I just want you to fuck me like you are going to split me in two

he pulled him closer, he chuckled and stood up, removed a condom from his
jeans then let them fall to the floor, before he had time to draw a breath he
felt her soft lips s
lide over the head of his
, her right hand stroking the shaft, her
left tracing gentle circles on his inner thigh.

” he said softly
while extracting himself from her mouth, “
You keep doing
that and this’ll be over in a flash. I want to be insi
you and
I need to put on my raincoat
” he told her. Kiera took the condom
packet out of his hand, rolled the smooth latex onto him then she looked up at
him and beckoned.

Dropping once more to his knees, he pulled her hips towards him and
allowed her to
guide him into her, she wrapped her
arms around his neck, buried her face in his chest and pulled him in closer
to her.

” she breathed
nt, matching his rhythm. Gavin
manoeuvred her closer still as he continued his deep grinding s
o that
she was on his lap.

ean back
” he told her, when she complied, he
firmly held her hips, leant back against her grasp and began to move her along
his length, guiding her movements. She caught on quickly and began to move with
him, feeling him sink deeper
into her with each
movement. She was wet now, her body tingling, tension beginning to build in her

Gavin smiled as she began to moan, she was dictating the pace now,
pushing down onto him harder, her hands now holding his muscled biceps so that
could lean back further allowing him deeper and
deeper into her, hitting that oh so sensitive spot hidden inside.

Kiera shuddered and pulled herself into his chest, her erect nipples
grazing his skin, she moaned and gasped as her orgasm shook her. As her t
rembling subsided she found she wanted more, she leaned
back once more and began to grind against him, her second orgasm coming quicker
and more violently than the first.

As soon as she had stopped trembling, Gavin wrapped her legs around his
hips and with
his hands supporting her weight under
her bottom and still deep inside her, he raised himself up and laid her back on
the bed, he took her left leg and raised it up onto his right bicep before
lowering his weight onto her, he began to fuck her in earnest,
encouraged further buy her gasps of “Harder
” every few moments.

Kiera met his every movement, looking into his eyes as he pounded into
her, his breathing was coming in short bursts now, his pupils wide, he bit down
on his bottom lip only moments before h
e held his
breath as his orgasm swept over him. As his breathing began to slow, he wrapped
her in a hug, his lips softly touching hers, she returned the hug, feeling him
slowly subside inside her, he moved to kiss her neck.

“Damn girl, you’re good at that
” he murmured.

“You weren’t too shabby yourself.” she responded.

“I promise next time I’ll be gentle and kiss you all over before I try to
pile drive you into the mattress.”

“I’ll look forward to round two
” she pushed against his shoulders
“We’d better g
et dressed, the rents will be
home soon and daddy darling would freak if he came up here and found my door

Gavin raised himself up and looked at her, her sweet pixie face flushed,
her hair messed up.

“I think it’s highly likely he may just guess
we’ve been up to.”

“Oh, he’ll know all right but as he’s only my step Dad there’s not a damn
thing he can do about it and Mum’s not bothered by it as long as I don’t get
knocked up. He’s going to hate you on sight though, you don’t fit into his
table little category of what he classes as
suitable young men for me
” she wriggled
against him
Gavin, you need to get off me.”

“Ok, ok
” he sighed as
he slipped out of her and off the bed, she handed him a tissue.

“Take the raincoat with you
” she told him,
“It is after all, all you in there.”

Once dressed, they headed for the kitchen where Kiera offered him a
drink. As the kettle boiled, the back door opened and Kiera’s mother stepped
into the kitchen, she greeted her daughter and after givin
g Gavin a quick and approving glance up and down, grinned
and winked at her daughter
“Dad and I are
eating out tonight, are you able to make sure Nanny see’s to Devon?” she asked.

“Yes Mum, I’m staying in tonight anyway

“You are such a good daughter,” T
onya said
before leaving to change.

“Your Mum’s cool,” Gavin commented,

Kiera only managed to respond with
“she is,” before her step dad came into the kitchen.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me Kiera?” He asked eyeing Gavin with

“Dad, this is G
avin, remember I told you about
the new boy at college?”

“I remember
” he touched
Kiera’s cheek
“Why are you so

“That may be my fault Mr Abrahams, I kissed her, I think I have
embarrassed her
” Gavin stepped

“I supposed that is your
monstrosity parked
outside my house?”

Gavin bristled
“If you are
referring to the Supra then yes, it’s mine,” he turned to Kiera
“I’d better go, Dad is expecting me

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