Web of Desire (27 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

BOOK: Web of Desire
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‘Home,’ Mandy echoed as she climbed out of the car and gazed at the huge house. ‘It seems funny.’

‘What does?’ Jackie asked her.

‘Well, this being my new home.’

‘I hope you’ll be happy here. I mean, I hope we’ll be happy here.’

‘I’m sure we will. Jackie … I have a lot of work to do. I’ve got a web site to design, quotes to do and …’

‘You have your own office, so that shouldn’t be a problem. I won’t disturb you, if that’s what you’re worried about?’

‘No, I mean … I will need to be left alone when I’m working.’

‘You worry too much,’ Jackie said, giggling. ‘Remember that I too have to go to work during the week. Come on, let’s get your stuff into the house.’

After helping Mandy to lug her things into the hall, Jackie closed the front door. Mandy felt like a fish out of water. This wasn’t her home yet. But she was sure that, given time, she’d settle in and feel more at ease. Passing Mandy a key, Jackie suggested that they should have coffee before taking the things upstairs. Mandy smiled, eyeing the girl’s short skirt, her rounded buttocks, as she followed her into the kitchen. There was more to the relationship than sex, wasn’t there?

‘This is a dream come true,’ Jackie said, filling the kettle.

‘Yes – yes, it is,’ Mandy murmured. ‘It’s going to be a whole new life, in more ways than one.’

‘You’re still worried about men, aren’t you?’

‘Well, not exactly. I mean …’

‘Mandy, I do understand. Look, if you want to go out with a man …’

‘No – no, I don’t,’ Mandy cut in.

‘What I mean is, if you
want to see a man … I don’t want to tie you down.’

‘I thought that was exactly what you wanted to do,’ Mandy said, giggling as Jackie poured the coffee.

‘Mandy, I have a confession.’


‘I followed you last night.’

‘What?’ Mandy gasped. ‘You followed me to …’

‘To the pub, and the woods.’

‘Oh, I see.’

‘I went round to your place and I saw you drive off with a man. I wasn’t going to follow you, but … well, I did.’

‘So, you know everything?’

‘I watched from the bushes.’

‘God, Jackie. You must think me a right little slut.’

‘I think that you were enjoying a last fling.’

‘Yes, I was. God, if I’d known that you were watching me …’

‘Come out into the garden – I want to show you something.’

Following Jackie through the back door, Mandy felt swamped with guilt and embarrassment. Her naked body tied with ropes, four cocks shafting her sex holes … What must Jackie have thought? she wondered as she followed the girl across the huge expanse of lawn to a wooded area. Would Jackie trust her now that she’d discovered that she was a complete slut? Was her love strong enough to survive?

‘Take your clothes off,’ Jackie said as she entered the wooded area.

‘What, here?’ Mandy asked her, looking down at the short grass.

‘I have a surprise for you. Take your clothes off and lie face down on the ground.’

Frowning, Mandy slipped out of her clothes and took her position on the ground. This was going to be interesting, she thought as Jackie dragged four lengths of rope from the bushes and secured her wrists and ankles. Although she was face down, this was how Mandy had been tethered in the clearing with the four men, and she reckoned that Jackie was recreating the scene for a session of lesbian sex.

‘There,’ Jackie said, her pretty face beaming as she gazed at Mandy’s naked body spreadeagled on the ground. ‘You have a lovely bottom.’

‘What are you going to do to me?’ Mandy asked her.

‘First of all, I’m going to give you a good spanking because you’ve been a naughty little girl.’

‘I was hoping you’d say that.’

Kneeling down beside Mandy, Jackie raised her hand high above her head and brought it down across the smooth flesh of Mandy’s tensed buttocks with a loud slap. Mandy let out a yelp and pulled against her bonds as the second slap resounded through the trees. Her arms and legs stretched out, her young body tensing with each slap of Jackie’s hand, she buried her face in the soft grass as her clitoris swelled and her juices of lesbian desire oozed from the tight crack of her vulva.

‘You like the rough treatment, don’t you?’ Jackie asked her as she finally halted the spanking.

‘Yes,’ Mandy gasped, her naked buttocks stinging.

‘You like it
rough, don’t you?’

‘Yes, yes.’

Her face pressed against the short grass, her eyes closed, Mandy wondered what her lesbian lover was
as she heard the bushes rustling. Lifting her head as she heard a swishing sound, she cried out as the branch of a bush landed squarely across the glowing flesh of her rounded bottom. Again, the branch swished through the air and lashed her tensed buttocks. Jackie had gone crazy, Mandy thought fearfully as the rough leaves on the branch caught the backs of her slender thighs.

‘No,’ she cried as the branch lashed her tensed buttocks again. ‘Please, no more.’

‘What’s the matter?’ Jackie asked her. ‘I thought you liked …’

‘God, Jackie. That hurt like hell.’

‘That was your punishment for being a naughty little girl last night. If I catch you with a cock in your mouth or your pussy again, I’ll have to thrash you.’

‘But you said … I thought you said that you wouldn’t mind if I …’

‘You can have cocks, Mandy. But you’ll be thrashed after each time you go with a man. Now, it’s time for your nappy.’

‘Nappy?’ Mandy echoed, lifting her head and watching as Jackie released the ropes.

‘Come back into the house and I’ll show you.’

Clambering to her feet, Mandy wondered whether she’d made the right decision as she followed the girl across the lawn. She was discovering a darker side to Jackie, she reflected, clutching her burning buttocks as she entered the kitchen. Perhaps Jackie wasn’t the sweet little teenager she’d thought her to be. Following her into a small room off the hall, she looked around and frowned. The room was a nursery, she observed, eyeing a pile of nappies and pots of cream.

‘Get onto the changing table and I’ll do your nappy,’ Jackie said.

‘Is this …’ Mandy began hesitantly, lying on her
on the table. ‘Is this some sort of fetish that you want me to get into?’

‘You’re my baby girl,’ Jackie said, giggling and lifting Mandy’s feet high into the air. She massaged cooling cream into her stinging buttocks. ‘If you’re a bad girl, I’ll thrash you. If you’re a good girl, I’ll love you.’

‘I don’t know whether I like this,’ Mandy breathed.

‘Of course you do. Now, I’ll put your nappy on and then your rubber pants.’

‘Jackie, I …’

‘Oh, your poor little bottom is very sore. There, the cream will make it better.’

Mandy frowned again as Jackie secured the nappy and slipped the rubber pants on. Leaving the table as Jackie passed her a short pink nightdress, she realised that she hardly knew the teenage girl. Perhaps this hadn’t been such a good idea after all, she thought, donning the nightdress and following Jackie to the kitchen. She’d wanted to get her office sorted out and start work on the web sites, not play adult-baby games.

‘Tell me when you’ve wet yourself and I’ll change your nappy,’ Jackie said, making two cups of coffee.

‘Jackie, I’m not a baby,’ Mandy protested.

‘You’re my baby.’

‘But I have work to do. I can’t …’

‘You can work in your nappy, can’t you?’

‘Well, yes, but …’

‘There you are, then. The material isn’t bulky so you can wear it under a skirt or whatever.’

‘You want me to wear it all the time?’

‘Of course. I have to take the car in to be serviced and then I’m going to see my dad, so I’ll leave you to unpack your things and get on with some work.’

‘All right,’ Mandy sighed, watching the other girl sip her coffee. ‘Thrashing me with that branch was …’

‘That was your punishment, Mandy. As I said, if I catch you with a cock in your mouth or your pussy, I’ll have to punish you. The little spot in the trees at the end of the garden is the punishment area. I just hope I won’t have to take you there again.’

Finishing her coffee, Jackie kissed Mandy’s full lips before leaving the house. The punishment area? This was bizarre, Mandy thought, rubbing her stinging buttocks through the nappy. There again, it was only a game, she thought. She walked into the hall and lugged her cases up to the bedroom. After hanging her clothes in an empty wardrobe, she knew that the important thing was to get down to some work. In the office, she moved the new computer to one side and set up her old machine. Finally settling down, she began work on the web site for the large company.

After three hours, Mandy had done well on the web-site design. The office was heaven compared with her old dining room, she reflected happily. Switching the hi-fi on she listened to some classical music. She knew that she’d be able to get a lot of work done – if Jackie left her in peace, that was. An email arrived – she couldn’t believe that yet another company wanted a quote for a web site. Where had Jackie got to? she wondered, as she worked out the price and replied to the email.

Leaving her desk, she was about to go to the bathroom when she realised that she was wearing a nappy. Might as well play along with the girl, she thought, squeezing her muscles and releasing a stream of hot liquid. Her clitoris swelling, her vagina tightening, she realised that her arousal was soaring as the nappy soaked up the golden liquid. Perhaps Jackie’s baby fetish would be fun after all, she thought as the doorbell rang.

Bounding down the stairs in her pink nightdress and wet nappy, she reckoned that Jackie must have forgotten her key. Hoping that it wasn’t the postman or someone else, she lifted the flap of the letterbox and smiled as she saw Jackie standing on the step. She had made the right decision, she thought, eyeing the girl’s miniskirt, her naked thighs. Her stomach somersaulting as she opened the door, she held her hand to her mouth as she noticed Jackie’s father heading her way.

‘Jackie,’ she breathed. ‘I can’t let your dad see me like this.’

‘Why ever not?’ the girl asked, giggling as she walked into the hall.

‘Hello, Mandy,’ Nick said, closing the front door and looking her up and down. ‘You do look sweet.’

‘Er … thanks,’ Mandy said, flashing a frown at Jackie.

‘Have you wet yourself?’ Jackie asked her unashamedly.

‘Jackie, please …’

‘Go into the nursery and we’ll sort your nappy out. Dad, you change her nappy and I’ll make some coffee.’

‘Right you are,’ Nick said, taking Mandy’s hand and leading her into the small room.

Mandy couldn’t believe this was happening as Nick closed the door and told her to lie on the padded table. Taking her position, she thought that she’d better play along with the game. After all, to have a man rub cooling cream into her sore bottom would be rather exciting. Lifting her buttocks clear of the table as Nick tugged her rubber pants off, she rested her feet on the end of the table and opened her legs wide as he removed her wet nappy.

Cleaning the hairless lips of her pussy with a baby-wipe, Nick said nothing as Mandy began to
heavily. Parting her fleshy outer lips and wiping inside her crack, he massaged her erect clitoris as she opened her legs further and trembled on the table. This was Jackie’s dad, Mandy thought anxiously. Did the girl know what her father was doing? she wondered as he slipped a finger deep into the wet sheath of her vagina. Was this part of the arrangement?

Slipping his finger out of her contracting sex sheath and placing her feet either side of the table, Nick pulled her towards him until her rounded buttocks were over the edge of the table. Mandy reckoned that Jackie had no idea what he was doing as he once more massaged the swollen nub of her sensitive clitoris. She heard the sound of his zip moving down and closed her eyes as he pulled out his solid penis and pressed his bulbous knob between the dripping inner lips of her vulva. Saying nothing as his huge knob slipped into her sex opening, she imagined Jackie walking in and catching her father in the illicit act. She’d go mad, she thought as the man’s rock-hard cock drove deep into the tight duct of her vagina.

Mandy knew that she should have stopped Nick as he rocked his hips and began his fucking motions. But she couldn’t deny herself the pleasure of a beautiful cock. If Jackie’s dad called round now and then to fuck her, she’d have the best of both worlds. The arrangement was perfect, she thought as her orgasm stirred deep within her contracting womb. An illicit affair with the teenage girl’s father? She couldn’t have planned this better herself.

Her orgasm erupting within the pulsating bulb of her solid clitoris, she stifled her gasps of pleasure as Nick pumped his creamy spunk deep into her young vagina. His cock was huge, she thought dreamily as
clung to the sides of the table. His swinging balls battering the inflamed cheeks of her firm bottom, his sperm flooding her contracting vagina, he finally stilled his cock deep within her convulsing sex duct and allowed his knob to absorb the inner heat of her trembling body.

It was over all too quickly, Mandy thought as her orgasm faded and Nick slipped his deflating penis out of her pussy. Sure that Jackie knew nothing of her father’s debauchery, she lay trembling on the table as he zipped his trousers and cleaned her sperm-dripping vulva with a baby-wipe. He said nothing as he lifted her buttocks and slipped a nappy beneath her. Securing the nappy and tugging her rubber pants up her long legs, he told her to get off the table. It was as if nothing had happened, she thought as she followed him out of the room with sperm draining into her nappy. Did Jackie know what he’d planned to do?

‘All done,’ he said as they joined Jackie in the kitchen.

‘Thanks, Dad,’ Jackie said. ‘Was she a good little girl?’

‘No trouble at all.’

‘Would you mind babysitting now and then? Just on the odd evening if I have to go out, I mean.’

‘I don’t mind at all,’ Nick replied, smiling at Mandy.

‘You have a key to the house so, if you’re passing during the day while I’m at work, you might look in on her. Just check her nappy and make sure she’s OK.’

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