Wed to a SEAL (Hot SEALs) (Volume 8) (17 page)

BOOK: Wed to a SEAL (Hot SEALs) (Volume 8)
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If he could magically make their underwear disappear his happiness would be complete. He’d be plunging inside this woman in seconds.

As it was, his hips seemed to have a mind of their own as he ground against her beneath him.

The reality was he didn’t have the superpower to make panties disappear. And he needed to get to the condoms on the nightstand.

Letting out a breath to restore some small amount of control, he rolled off her. He walked around the bed and took care of the protection issue.

When he turned back to face her, he saw she’d taken off the final barrier and was stretched out completely naked and waiting for him. He wouldn’t make her wait long.

Rocky was across the mattress and on top of her quicker than he’d cleared the razor wire during his last timed run on the obstacle course.

This feat of speed and dexterity was far better than that team training would ever be because it led him to what he wanted so badly it hurt. Izzy.

He was all for foreplay, but he’d waited long enough already to get here and he wasn’t about to postpone the main event any longer. He nudged between her legs and watched her eyes drift shut as she pressed her head back into the pillow.

Her open-mouthed intake of breath as he pushed farther into her wet heat cut straight through any control he’d managed to hold on to. He could be gone in the morning, sent he didn’t know where or for how long. He gave them both what they needed. Hot. Hard. Sex.

Rocky didn’t let himself think about the many questions that hung over them. There’d be plenty of time when he couldn’t be with her to obsess over their future, her past, the present danger.

He’d have hours on the transport and during down time on the mission he was likely going on. But now, they were here together and his brain was having trouble thinking about anything other than how incredible it felt to finally be inside the woman he’d wanted since the first time he’d touched her. Back when they’d been not much more than strangers.

Eyes closed, he absorbed every sensation, committing it to memory for when they were apart.

With the bulk of his weight braced on his arms, he took what he needed with back-bowing thrusts that rocked them both and the bed until the headboard slammed against the wall.

He bit back a curse and held still, glancing toward the crib to see if the noise had woken the baby.

“She’s okay.” Isabel reached down and pulled him closer. Deeper.

Sliding his hands beneath her, he lifted her hips off the bed and plunged in again and again and she met him stroke for stroke.

His wife was proving to be an equal match for him in the bedroom. He could definitely handle that.

The realization that this was a marriage of convenience and wouldn’t last forever niggled uncomfortably at the back of his brain. But as an orgasm rocked him with the intensity of a fireworks factory exploding he couldn’t think of a single reason to ever end this marriage.


“Shit.” The moment Rocky opened his eyes and saw the sunlight coming through the blinds he knew he was late.

“What’s wrong?” Sleepy and warm and too soft and comfortable to sleep next to—which is why he was going to be late for the meeting—Isabel rolled toward his side of the bed.

Rocky paused only long enough to press a hard kiss to her mouth before he hopped up. “I slept late.”

On his way to the bathroom, he frowned at the crib. “How come she didn’t wake up? I thought she ate like every three hours or something, so I didn’t set an alarm.”

He was multitasking—peeing in the toilet while running the hot water in the shower—when he heard Isabel laugh through the partially open door.

“You never count on a baby to stick to a schedule.”

Lesson learned. He only hoped he’d be back here to sleep tonight so he could put his new knowledge to good use. Though he was having trouble feeling too bad about having slept late since it happened because of some kick ass sex. Twice, because once hadn’t been enough.

Hell, last night he’d been like a teenager again, sporting a perpetual erection. Even now, rushing and running late he had a semi-hard-on.

No time for that. He wished he did but as it was, he was already going to slide into the meeting with not a minute to spare
he was lucky.

If there was something up and a mission was in the works, he didn’t think Grant was going to give him a pass for being late, wedding night or not.

He showered and brushed his teeth as fast as he could get the job done and was just toweling off when he caught sight of his wife. Naked. Bending over to open her suitcase.

And there was that erection again.

Shaking his head, he drew in a breath and chomped down on his desire.

God help Grant if he’d called this early meeting for no good reason because Rocky wanted nothing more than to sink into this woman one more time and then follow that up with a nice big breakfast.

Izzy pulled out a T-shirt and had just slipped it over her head, covering a few of his favorite parts, when Rocky made a decision.

How mad would Grant be if he were ten minutes late? At least he could take care of one of his needs. He strode to her and slipped his hands around her waist from behind.

“I didn’t give you a proper good morning.”

She laughed, most likely because his erection was poking her in the back. “Good morning to you too. I thought you were late.”

“Eh, just a little.” Nuzzling her neck he glanced past her at the clock. He was just trying to judge how fast he could be when Lola made her presence known. He drew in a breath and released his hold on Izzy.

“Sorry.” She glanced over her shoulder at him as she strode toward the crib.

“No. It’s good. Saved by the baby.” He reached into his duffle and grabbed a clean pair of briefs. After pulling them on, he followed her and smiled as Izzy lifted his new stepdaughter out of the crib. “Next time, I need the wake up call closer to zero-six-hundred. Okay, little girl?”

“I’ll add that to her schedule.” Isabel’s lips tipped up and Rocky realized how much more she smiled now.

She could relax knowing she was safe here on base. If nothing else this marriage had removed the worry and stress she’d carried for so long.

The bed was a mess and the room smelled like sex, evidence that this marriage meant more than just making her safe. So much more . . .

And he had to stop fucking around and get going or he’d be in trouble with command. The same logical voice in his head also reminded him that when he left this room, he might not be coming back for quite a while, if at all.

That knowledge added to the turmoil of the growing To Do list in his head. All the things he needed to take care of now they were married to make her official.

If things played out as he’d come to expect from this command, the team could have just hours to get their shit together and onto a transport. And those hours could be filled with running over the mission plan, studying locations, memorizing details, learning things about the target and site to give them the highest likelihood of success.

Then he needed time to get his kit. He always restocked it immediately upon returning from an assignment so he’d be ready to go again. But his basic set-up was usually in need of tweaking, time allowing, to meet any specific needs of the new assignment.

Crap. Too much to do—and so much more he simply wanted to do—with not nearly enough time to do it.

He grabbed Isabel and turned her to face him. Even with the baby in her arms he pressed a kiss to her mouth, and then brushed his lips lightly across the baby soft hair on the top of Lola’s head.

“I really do need to run. If it turns out I’m getting sent right out today I probably won’t have time to come back here first. But I’ll call Jon and he’ll make sure you get set up with anything you need. I’ll make sure he has your cell number so keep it with you so he can call with the details.”

She frowned not looking relieved at what Rocky had hoped would be an encouraging speech.

“Will you be able to call me?” she asked.

He drew in a breath and made a promise he only hoped he’d be able to keep. “Yeah. It might have to be quick, but I will call before I leave.”


Her biting her lower lip with worry had his heart twisting, even as it made him want to suck that pouty lip into his mouth—along with a few other tasty parts of her.

Leaving her was going to be harder than he’d ever imagined.

He had to drive like a bat out of hell once he finally finished getting dressed and said goodbye to Izzy. He risked getting pulled over because of it, but luck was on his side and he made it without getting caught.

Rocky slid into the meeting room almost five minutes late. Lucky for him, Grant was later. Sure the team commander was probably in his office on the phone handling some important details, but the fact remained, Rocky was in his seat before Grant was in the room, and that was good enough for him.

Thom leaned back in his chair and folded his arms, eyeing Rocky. “You’re late.”

“I had to make sure Izzy was settled before I left.”

“Mm, hm. I’m sure that’s exactly what it was that had you running in late.” Brody’s comment came from the other side of Rocky.

The last thing he needed was his two teammates tag teaming him with questions about Isabel. Then again, he was in such a good mood he couldn’t care what they said.

Bring it on. Thom’s girl lived up north and Brody’s girl was in Alabama, so it was safe to say of the three, Rocky had been the only one to get any last night.

That knowledge was enough to allow him to be magnanimous and tolerate the teasing. They were obviously jealous. And so they should be.

Rocky grinned but refused to give them the satisfaction of any further response, even when they both kept peppering him with questions and prods.

As the door opened and Mack slipped inside, silently taking his seat even later than Rocky had, there was finally something else for his two nosy teammates to focus on.

“You’re late too. And where were you all weekend?” Brody asked frowning.

“Family stuff.” Staring straight ahead, it was obvious that was all the response Mack was going to give.

He always had been a man of few words but that answer was short even for him.

Across the table Dawson, the newest guy on the team, watched all the interaction but kept his mouth shut.

Smart man. He’d learned quickly.

The door opened and Grant walked into the meeting room, ending any further conversation.

He tossed the file folders in his hand on the table and glanced at the team members gathered there. “I know we just got back and I expect there’s probably gonna be grumbling on the home front that some of you unlucky bastards will have to deal with . . .”

That prelude to their orders was enough to sink Rocky’s hopes. He loved his job, but he would have loved it more if he’d had at least a few weeks before they shipped out again.

Not because he needed the rest between ops, but because Izzy needed him here. Hell, after one night with her, he was feeling pretty needy when it came to her as well.

“All I can tell you is this. This assignment? It’s a good one.” Grant grinned and Rocky’s mood and his ears perked up.

He could only imagine what it would be and he sure as hell couldn’t wait to hear.

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