Weekend with the Tycoon (14 page)

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Authors: Kaira Rouda

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Weekend with the Tycoon
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“You’re so big,” Samantha said and Blake swelled with pride. Nobody had made him feel like this in bed. This was what it was about, he realized, lowering his head and kissing one of her nipples, teasing her again. She writhed and moaned beneath him as he thrust deeper inside.

Blake pulled out halfway, causing Samantha to wrap her legs around him, trying to pull him back in. “Ok, I’ll give you it all,” Blake growled, pushing and thrusting completely inside her, as deep as he could go, rocking his hips, causing his erection to fill her fully, completely.

They climaxed together, with Samantha shouting his name as he exploded inside her, and then collapsed on top of her, drenched in sweat, his muscles beginning to relax as he regained control.

Finally, when his breathing had almost returned to normal, Blake wanted to make sure Samantha was ok. She had a folded rose petal crushed against her stomach. Her long blonde hair was wild, and tangled, and she looked like a dream, a dream he never imagined he’d live.

Blake pulled her close to him, and they spooned, each of them breathing a bit easier as time went by. He couldn’t believe how great it made him feel, to hold her this way. Sure the sex was amazing, but this, this was something more. This was something he’d never felt before. Usually, he’d want to get out as soon as sex was over. He didn’t want to lose control to anyone, he didn’t need complications in his life.

But Samantha was more than a complication. She could become a permanent part of his life, his real life, he realized. He wouldn’t lose his edge if he cared for this woman. No, he could still be a strong man, a successful entrepreneur, and have someone by his side, as long as that someone was Samantha.

But did she feel the same way?


“Hmm,” she said, rolling over to face him, a rose petal stuck to her cheek.

“How was it?” Blake asked, worry, an unfamiliar emotion, flooded his brain.

“That was the best thing that ever happened to me,” Samantha said, staring intently into his eyes. “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me Blake.”

Samantha sat up next to him, pulling a throw around herself, a shy move Blake found adorable after all they’d just done together.

“How about some champagne?” Blake asked, sliding off the bed and returning from the other room with an iced bucket with Veuve Cliquot.

“Sounds great, just let me go freshen up,” Samantha said.

“You’ll find some clothes to put on in the closet,” Blake said as Samantha made her way towards the bathroom and the walk-in closet. “I had them sent over from the house, just in case.”

“Wow, you’re amazing,” Samantha said, turning to give him her signature smile.

Blake felt a lightness, a carefree feeling, he hadn’t felt since he was a child.


fter sharing half
a bottle of champagne on the balcony, enjoying the moonlight, Samantha had suggested they’d need to get some sleep for the wedding the following afternoon. How they’d managed to have sex again, before turning in, she wasn’t sure, because she didn’t think it was possible for her to have that many orgasms in one night. But she did.

Blake was an amazing lover, and he had such a strong, hard body, she loved the feel of all of him. This morning, they’d had breakfast brought to their suite. She’d changed into the jogging clothes he’d brought over from her room and had decided to run back to the plantation, hoping she could have an enjoyable morning run, and that it would give them a chance to each return to the Putnam Plantation alone. Maybe nobody had noticed they’d spent the night out, she hoped. By the time she returned from her jog, nobody was milling around the first floor so she was able to make it up to their room without talking to anyone.

With a couple hours before she needed to get ready for the wedding, she decided to take a shower and a quick nap. She opened the door to the bathroom and walked in on a naked Blake, just out of the shower.

“Oh good, it’s you,” he said, his eyes narrowing as he walked towards her, locking the bathroom door behind her. “I was hoping you’d join me for a shower.”


The weather was
perfect for an early evening wedding. Samantha, dressed in her baby blue Oscar de la Renta and dripping in diamonds, as Shelby noted, sat next to Shelby in the back of the Putnam family section and beamed at Blake, handsome in his tux, standing between his two brothers as the groomsmen. Max had left the island, so only Avery’s brothers stood up for Mark. He seemed fine with it, though. Maybe Max was a jerk to him, too, Samantha realized.

Avery glided down the aisle escorted by both her mom and dad. She looked beautiful in a simple white gown, with a thin diamond studded tiara holding her delicate veil. The string quartet played the wedding march, and Samantha and Shelby stood and held hands as Avery walked by.

“I can’t wait to be a bride,” Shelby said, leaning in close to Samantha.

Samantha, who had dreamed of all the details of becoming a bride in her scrapbooks and on Pintrest, suddenly realized her dreams might come true. She turned to look at Blake. He was smiling at her, his blue eyes communicating the secrets and the passion they shared.

“Me too,” Samantha said to Shelby.

The wedding reception took place on the lawn of the Melrose Inn, and Samantha and Blake were inseparable. At one point, Blake suggested they make a break for the suite, visible from where they were standing, but Samantha knew that would be wrong.

“I just want to rip that gown off of your body,” Blake whispered, sending shivers down her spine.

“Behave, Mr. Putnam. Do you know how much you spent on this little gown?” Samantha teased. “Besides, your family needs you here today. We have plenty of time for that once we get back to Charlotte. Don’t we?” Samantha asked. Worry had crept into her voice, she knew, as she thought about how everything could change once they were away from this island.

“We do. You’ll help me close the Daycon deal next week, we’ll pitch them on the direct to consumer DNA testing which will of course close the deal. We’ll celebrate by taking a trip somewhere fabulous, getting to know each other even better,” Blake answered, pulling her into an embrace. “And I can’t wait for that.”

“Hello you two,” Richard Putnam said walking up to them.

Samantha gave him a kiss on the cheek as his son clapped him on the back. “How’s it going Dad?” Blake asked.

“It’s great Son. Beautiful wedding. Life is as it should be but I still wish you were down here, with us, in the business. I miss you, that’s all,” Richard said.

“That’s the best thing I’ve ever heard a dad say to his son,” Samantha said, while Blake smiled.

“He’s just sentimental. Besides, you’ve got James, Dad. And Denton soon enough. I’d just be in the way,” Blake said.

“Son, there will always be room for you. We could make you and James co-presidents eventually,” Richard said.

Samantha realized there might be a stronger sibling rivalry between Blake and James than she’d thought. She knew Blake would never be number two to anyone. Maybe that was the real reason he’d started his own company, Samantha thought.

“Dad, I love you, but I’m happy making my own way,” Blake said, and Samantha’s heart warmed as he expressed love to his dad.

“I know Son. And I know I’m loyal. Loyal to a fault, as your mom would say. But there isn’t anything weak about that. It’s a character trait that’s served me well. Blake thinks I’m soft, Samantha. You see, I was raised by an egotistical, distant, control freak who for some reason, Blake decided to emulate.”

“Dad, Grandfather was amazing, look what he built,” Blake said, crossing his arms. Samantha saw him as a boy, stubborn, confident.

“Yes, he did create Putnam Industries and grew it through his cold, ruthless management style. That worked for him, but not for me. I’ve quadrupled the size of the business, and continue to do so with heart, Blake, and hard work, and loyalty to family. They can go together quite well,” Richard said, taking a big sip of his martini. “There are many different ways to operate in life, and in business. Some ways enhance your life and the people you care about, some make you seem cold and detached. Life’s too short, Son. Excuse me.”

Samantha was puzzled by Blake’s seeming resistance to his dad’s way of living, of being. When in fact, Samantha knew if Blake allowed himself, he could be just like his father. She’d begun to see glimpses of that kindness, that loyalty already.

“Conversations with him always end that way,” Blake said, taking a sip of his drink. “I just don’t agree with my family’s business, about what they’re doing to the environment. And I don’t agree about the nepotism, that will continue now again with Avery’s husband. It’s not merit based, it’s embarrassing.” Blake didn’t mention it, but now she knew he never would be comfortable reporting to James.

“Well, it’s good you are out of that business then. You shouldn’t be there if you don’t believe in it. But they do. Maybe they’ll change, but maybe they won’t. All you can do is live your truth. Your dad is right, you have all of those wonderful traits inside you. You are a warm, caring man. Just like your dad. Let everybody at Blake Genetics see that side of you. You’ll be even more successful, you’ll help even more people and maybe you’ll be able to change the family business someday.”

Blake stared out at the sound. Samantha was afraid she’d upset him, but she knew his true nature was in there. He was funny, and warm, he could connect emotionally with people. She’d help him, if he’d let her.

“Well, alright then, I guess I need your help,” he said, and turned and pulled her close to him, breathing in her sweet lavender scent. Blake leaned forward, pressing his lips against hers, a brief tender kiss with a promise of much more to come.

“Glad to be of service, boss,” Samantha said with a smile.

The End

About the Author

Kaira Rouda
is an award-winning and bestselling author of both fiction and nonfiction. Her books include:
Real You Incorporated: 8 Essentials for Women Entrepreneurs
Here, Home, Hope
All the Difference
In the Mirror
; and the short story,
A Mother’s Day
. She lives in Southern California with her husband and four children and is at work on her next novel. Connect with her on Twitter,
, and on Facebook at
Kaira Rouda Books
. And of course, on
! For more about Kaira and her books, please visit her website

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If you enjoyed
Weekend with the Tycoon
, keep an eye out for …
Lines in the Sand
by Kaira Rouda.

Coming August 2014

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