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Authors: Annie Rains

Welcome to Forever (29 page)

BOOK: Welcome to Forever
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Her chest pinched and her throat tightened. She couldn't turn to face him again. There was too much emotion swirling inside of her to process. Was he just clearing his conscious before leaving?

“I understand that I'll have to clean this mess up,” he said in a low voice as he stood behind her. His hands rested on her shoulders, squeezing softly. “And I'll probably have to serve time after school in the Friendship Club for delinquent behavior.”

She stifled a laugh.

“I may have to serve that time when I get back from deployment, though. Do you think you can wait that long?”

Facing him now, she looked up to meet his eyes through her own tear-filled ones. “I can wait,” she said shakily.

“Yeah?” he asked, using his index finger to wipe away one of her tears.

“Yeah.” She nodded, leaning into his chest. He didn't push her away. This was real. “But I'm the one who needs to be forgiven. I just left…and Ben.”

Micah held a finger to her lips, gently quieting her. “I've learned that Ben and I are two very forgiving guys. So, uh, what do you say to spending more time with us? A whole lot more time. After I get home from deployment, that is.”

It felt so good to be back in his arms. Like a dream she never wanted to wake from. “I will spend every second with you that you'll let me.” She laughed, on the verge of tears.

He smoothed her hair behind her ear. “That's good, because according to Ben we're perfect for each other. And I have to agree. I'd be a fool to let you get away. Ben and I need you, Kat.”

Her body melted into his arms. “I need you, too.” And she loved them. She loved
. He hadn't reciprocated when she'd told him so at his house last night, though. It was written on the wall in front of her now, but no way was she saying those three words a second time. Not until he did. “You have to write me while you're gone. And call and Skype, and whatever else you're able to do while you're in the desert. Do those things with Ben first, of course, but don't leave me wondering if you're okay.”

Micah locked his gaze on hers, tracing a finger down her cheek. “I'm going to be okay, Kat, but yes, I'll write and call as much as I can. And I'll think about you every second that I'm gone.”

She swallowed hard. “I'm going to miss you and Ben. Tell Ben to write and call me, too.”

Micah frowned, looking away briefly. “Ben isn't going anywhere. He's staying in Seaside.”

She drew back and waited for him to look at her again. “I just assumed that Ben would go live with his mother. He told me at school today that Jessica was coming home after Christmas.”

He shook his head. “Just for a visit. My aunt Clara and Uncle Rick don't mind watching him for me. They've done it before.”

“You know I can help, too. I love Ben.” As much as she would her own son.

“And he loves you. So do I, Kat. I love you so much.”

She froze. “You do?” she asked. She shouldn't have been surprised. He'd shown her in a million different ways over the past weeks.

“I love you,” he said again.

She liked the sound of those words on his lips. Wanted to hear them over and over, again and again. “I love you, too, Micah.” She never thought she'd love anyone else, but here she was head over heels for another man in uniform. She wasn't scared about the future anymore, though. Love was always a risk, and she was willing to take it if it meant being with this man who'd brought her heart back to life.

“I know that you'll come home to me and then we'll have our happy ending,” she said, smiling up at him.

“Nuh-uh. Not an ending. We are just getting started, Principal Chandler. This is our happy beginning.”

She liked the sound of that, too. And the feel of his mouth on hers as he kissed her, long and deep. Then he swept her off her feet, into his arms, and carried her home to relish every second they had together until it was time for him to leave. He wouldn't be gone forever. She believed that with all her heart. One day he'd come home to her and they'd continue what they'd started. Their happy beginning was just that, a beginning to a relationship that she hoped would be long and wonderful.


Ben rolled into the living room for what seemed to be the hundredth time that day and stared at the clock once again.

“Almost time.” Kat offered a smile, feeling just as nervous, and excited, about Micah's return as he was.

“Do you think he'll recognize me?” Ben asked, swiping at the lock of hair that usually fell between his eyes.

She wanted to laugh, but held a serious face. “Well, you've definitely gotten taller. It'll be time for a new chair soon, I suspect. And you look older, too, with that new haircut.”

At this, Ben smiled proudly.

“But I definitely think he'll recognize you. You are the spitting image of him.”

Ben bounced lightly in his seat. “Can we go early? Just in case he arrives sooner?” he asked.

She'd been thinking the same thing. “Sure. I'll just go tell Aunt Clara and Uncle Rick that we'll meet them back here for a family celebration afterward.”

Fifteen minutes later—Kat had gotten quite efficient at loading a wheelchair in a vehicle over the last few months—she and Ben were heading through the gates of Camp Leon. They parked and Kat helped Ben back into his wheelchair. “Here, let me.” She reached out for his tightly coiled left arm and gave it a slow, gentle stretch. “Don't be nervous. It's going to be wonderful,” she told him, catching the uncertainty in his eyes.

“I know. It's going to be the best,” Ben said.

“That's right.” She started to push his chair ahead of her, but he laid a hand on his wheel, stopping her.

“I want to show Dad just how much I've grown. I can do this all by myself.”

“Of course.” She followed a short distance, and then they stopped outside of a gate that sectioned off a large field.

“Your father told me he has a special surprise for you,” Kat said.

“He always brings me home something when he's away. I wonder if he brought you something, too.”

“Oh, honey. Your dad being home is all the present I need.” Although Micah had hinted in his last letter to her that he was coming home with a question. He said he needed to ask her something that would change their lives forever.

Excitement swelled in her chest. He was probably going to ask her to move in with them, which would be pretty life-changing.

She sucked in a breath, continuing to watch the field beyond the gate. The minutes were long as she held on to the fact that the man she loved would step off that bus that was scheduled to show up in the next few minutes. She wouldn't be left waiting this time. No one had come to her door, although she'd had several nightmares about that happening. There'd been no news reports of accidents involving his squadron. And she'd spoken to Micah just last night. Everything was fine and he was coming home to her and Ben. Then they could begin the life they'd dreamt up during their many phone calls and letters to each other since his deployment.

A bus came into sight in the distance, accompanied by the cheers of the crowd gathered outside. What seemed like an eternity later, the bus stopped and its door opened. She watched each man in uniform step off. Each one that wasn't Micah felt like a pinprick to her heart.

Where is he? Where is he?

She tried not to let her fear settle in on this glorious day. Closing her eyes just for a moment, she sucked in a long breath, releasing it slowly along with a prayer that Micah would return to her, just as he'd promised. Then she opened her eyes again and relief hit her with such an overwhelming magnitude that it was all she could do not to dissolve into a puddle of tears. That, or run as fast as her feet would allow, past the gate and into his arms. She couldn't leave Ben, though.

Micah stood tall as his eyes traveled across the crowd, no doubt asking himself the same question she just had.
Where are they?

“Dad! Over here!” Ben yelled, waving his right arm. “Dad!”

Micah's gaze connected with Ben's, and then lifted to meet hers.

No way am I ever letting this man go again.

He walked briskly toward them, his stride eating up the pavement. Then he bent low and hugged Ben first. “Ah, buddy. I missed you so much. You're bigger. It's only been six months. What's Aunt Clara been feeding you?”

Ben grinned widely. “And I got a haircut, too.”

Kat laughed, working hard to resist her tears.

A minute later, Micah straightened and leveled his gaze with hers. And if she wasn't mistaken, his eyes were glassy, too. “I've missed you so much,” he said, lowering his voice.

She couldn't help it. One tear slipped down her cheek, and then another. Then she melted as Micah drew her into his arms, lifting her off her feet just slightly. “I love you,” he whispered in her ear. “I love you so much, Kat.”

After a long moment, he released her, glancing between her and Ben. He reached into his duffel bag and pulled out a large brown rock, handing it to Ben. “Being the scientist you are, I thought you'd like this. It's straight from the desert, buddy. I crossed the world to bring it home to you. We can put it in our garden.”

Ben's face lit up. “I love it!” he cheered, hugging it to his body with his right arm.

Then Micah turned to Kat. Her breath stopped. So did her heart. “Remember my last letter?” His voice dropped and his lips curled as he looked up at her.

She swallowed, suddenly terrified in the best way. “Yes. I believe you said you had a question you needed to ask me.”

He nodded. “I do. And I'm really hoping your answer is yes, Kat.”

“Yes,” she said, laughing. She was willing to say yes to anything he asked her right about now.

His brow pinched softly. “I haven't asked you anything yet.”

“Doesn't matter. I will always say yes to you, Sergeant Peterson.”

He grinned. “Oh, it matters. I want to do this right. But first I need to check in with my little man here. This affects him, too.”

Ben looked at Micah as he crouched down and pretended to whisper. Kat could hear his every word, though. “What do you think about me asking Principal Chandler to be part of our family?”

Her breath hitched.

Ben's eyes widened. “That's even better than a rock from the desert. Will she live with us?” he asked.

“Only if she says yes.” His gaze slid toward Kat's.

Her eyes were burning with a million tears, but she resisted saying anything. He'd told her to wait.

“And I really hope she says yes to me,” Micah continued, talking to Ben, but his every word was meant for her. He was giving her time to gather her thoughts, which she appreciated. She didn't need time to think, though. She'd had enough time away from him to last a lifetime.

“You should ask her,” Ben said.

Micah nodded. “I had a feeling you'd agree.” Then he shifted from his crouched position in front of Ben to one knee in front of her. Even though she knew this was coming, her hands flew to her mouth. “Now don't say anything until I've had a chance to ask you properly,” he teased.

She nodded.

Growing serious again, he held her gaze. “Kat, you have changed my life, just by being in it. You make each day brighter, easier. I used to wake up and just plow through the day. I grew flowers, but I never stopped to smell them, to really look at them. Now I do. I see and do everything differently because of you. The last six months away from you made me realize that I never want to be away from you again. Not for a minute. I love you too much.” He arched a brow. “I have a rock for you, too, Kat.”

This made her laugh even as tears were streaming down her cheeks. “Oh, yeah?” She sniffed.

“Not as big as Ben's, but I don't think you'll mind.” He stared up at her. “All you have to do is agree to be my wife.”

“Oh, is that all?” she asked as her entire body shook uncontrollably.

“That and promise to love me and my son for the rest of our lives.”

She dropped to her knees in front of him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I think I can handle that.”

“Yeah?” Micah's eyes were flooded with tears now, too. Who said a big alpha male couldn't cry? Then he glanced over his shoulder. “Hear that, son? Sounds like a yes to me.”

“Yes!” Ben cheered. “Yes, yes, yes!”

The crowd that had gathered around to watch the building scene cheered also. Kat held on to Micah tighter, unwilling to ever let go again. “Yes,” she whispered in his ear. “My answer is yes.”

He reached into his front pocket and pulled out a box. Where he'd gotten it while on deployment, she didn't know. It didn't matter. Lifting the lid, he revealed a simple solitaire—the most beautiful rock she'd ever seen. She held out a shaky hand, allowing him to slip the ring on her finger, sealing the promise between them. A promise that wouldn't be broken.

After a long embrace, they stood.

“Shall we?” Micah started to push Ben's chair through the crowd.

“I got this, Dad,” Ben said, controlling his own chair.

Micah laughed, lagging behind and holding on to Kat's hand as they followed.

Despite her tears, she couldn't help but smile, knowing that if John could see her now, he'd be glad to know she'd found love again. That she was loved. And that she was happy—truly happy.

“Everything okay?” Micah asked, concern growing in his eyes as he studied her and the tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Yes. Everything's fine,” she said, leaning in to him as they walked. “Perfect, actually.”

He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed it softly. The diamond he'd placed there reflected brilliantly in the sun. “It'll be perfect when you become my wife.”

A warmness spread through her just thinking about it. She wanted nothing more than to become Mrs. Micah Peterson. “I can't wait,” she said, keeping her gaze forward on the clear blue sky, and on the bright future in front of them.

BOOK: Welcome to Forever
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