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Authors: Sandra Aamodt,Sam Wang

Tags: #Pediatrics, #Science, #Medical, #General, #Child Development, #Family & Relationships

Welcome to Your Child's Brain: How the Mind Grows From Conception to College (49 page)

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toy preference in three-year-olds: Servin, Bohlin, and Berlin 1999; many others
formation of gender identity: Maccoby 1998
monkey toy preferences: Alexander and Hines 2002 in vervet monkeys; Hassett, Siebert, and Wallen 2008 in rhesus monkeys (showed male preference for trucks; dolls were not tested)
cross-gender play and homosexuality: Bailey and Zucker 1995, meta-analysis
encouraging boyish behavior has no effect: Green 1985
boys are more active than girls: Eaton and Enns 1986, meta-analysis
boys are more physically aggressive: Card et al. 2008, meta-analysis
male monkeys engage in more rough-and-tumble play: Alexander and Hines 2002 in vervet monkeys; Wallen 2005 in rhesus monkeys; many others
CAH girls are more aggressive and more active: Pasterski et al. 2007
mental rotation in infants: Moore and Johnson 2008; Quinn and Liben 2008
mental rotation in children and adults: Voyer, Voyer, and Bryden 1995, meta-analysis
mental rotation predicts math SAT scores: Casey et al. 1995
SES and mental rotation: Levine et al. 2005
video games improve spatial skills: Subrahmanyam and Greenfield 1994,
Marble Madness
in fifth graders; Okagaki and Frensch 1994,
in college students; De Lisi
and Cammarano 1996,
in college students; De Lisi and Wolford 2002,
The Factory
Stellar 7
in third graders; Feng, Spence, and Pratt 2007,
Medal of Honor
in college students, gains lasted five months; Cherney 2008,
in college students
athletes and spatial ability: Ozel, Larue, and Molinaro 2004
gender segregation: Maccoby and Jacklin 1987
girls get better grades: Linn and Kessel 1996
girls’ brain volume peaks earlier: Lenroot et al. 2007
girls are better at inhibitory control: Else-Quest et al. 2006, meta-analysis
girls’ advantage for language: Kovas et al. 2005
boys lag at fine motor control: Kimura 2000
writing disadvantage persists through high school: Hedges and Nowell 1995
middle-class versus poor: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement,
no difference in high school math performance: Hyde et al. 2010 (more boys than girls above the ninety-ninth percentile, but only among whites, not among Asian Americans)
185 women for every 100 men with a college degree: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,
men take more time to graduate: Thomas 1981; Bank 1995
SATs and grades: Kessel and Linn 1996, meta-analysis; Leonard and Jiang 1999
girls more likely to express negative emotions: Maccoby 1998
moral reasoning differences: Jaffee and Hyde 2000, meta-analysis
differences in identifying emotions: McClure 2000, meta-analysis
risk taking: Byrnes, Miller, and Schafer 1999, meta-analysis
masturbation: Petersen and Hyde 2010, meta-analysis
self-esteem: Kling et al. 1999 (peak at fifteen to eighteen years of age), meta-analysis
body image: Feingold and Mazzella 1998, meta-analysis
body image linked to progressively thinner standards: Grabe, Ward, and Hyde 2008, meta-analysis
teasing, obesity, and anorexia: Neumark-Sztainer et al. 2007
dieting increases risk of obesity: Field and Colditz 2001

CHAPTER 9 Adolescence: It’s Not Just About Sex

a time of near limitless possibility: Luciana 2010
adolescent behavior: Smetana, Campione-Barr, and Metzger 2006
brain appears nearly finished in late childhood: Caviness et al. 1996
human synapse development: Huttenlocher 1990; Glantz et al. 2007
monkey synapse development: Rakic, Bourgeois, and Goldman-Rakic 1994
gray matter and white matter development: Gogtay and Thompson 2010
brain growth and intelligence: Shaw et al. 2006a
differences in the balance between impulse and restraint: Casey, Duhoux, and Cohen 2010
Iowa Gambling Task in adolescence: Steinberg 2010
reward and the ventral striatum: Casey, Duhoux, and Cohen 2010
puberty and the adolescent brain: Sisk and Foster 2004
circadian rhythms set time to wake up and sleep: Duffy, Rimmer, and Czeisler 2001
adolescent day-night cycle: Carskadon et al. 1999; Carskadon, Acebo, and Jenni 2004
sleep duration in children and adolescents: Iglowstein et al. 2003
survey of sleep habits in girls: Frey et al. 2009
social jetlag: Wittmann et al. 2006
stress and the adolescent brain: Romeo and McEwen 2006
dopamine and novelty seeking: Spear 2010
oxytocin and parental love: Gordon et al. 2010

CHAPTER 10 Learning to See

motion: Braddick and Atkinson 2009
heritability of myopia: Hornbeak and Young 2009
increasing prevalence of myopia: Rose et al. 2001
myopia in Israel: Dayan et al. 2005
outdoor activity and myopia: Jones et al. 2007; Rose et al. 2008a; Rose et al. 2008b
contrast: Brown and Lindsey 2009
figure (what babies see): data from Salomão and Ventura 1995; Adams and Courage 2002
face processing: de Schonen et al. 2005
sensitive periods: Lewis and Maurer 2009
effects of sensory deficits: Lewis and Maurer 2009
advantage in distinguishing own- versus other-race faces: Kelly et al. 2007
corrective glasses for amblyopia: Moseley, Fielder, and Stewart 2009

CHAPTER 11 Connect with Your Baby Through Hearing and Touch

how hearing works: Kandel, Schwartz, and Jessell 2000
development of vestibular system: Nandi and Luxon 2008
prenatal risks to hearing and vestibular system: Eliot 1999
babies can hear before they’re born: Hepper and Shahidullah 1994
newborns prefer mother’s voice: DeCasper and Fifer 1980
newborns prefer mother’s language: Mehler et al. 1988
cochlear implant timing: Harrison, Gordon, and Mount 2005
neural development of hearing and touch: Meisami and Timiras 1988, cited in Eliot 1999
processing speed: Görke 1986; Müller, Ebner, and Hömberg 1994
somatosensory cortex map: Kandel, Schwartz, and Jessell 2000
noise and hearing loss: Daniel 2007;
neural pathway for pleasant touch: Olausson et al. 2002; Löken et al. 2009
for more on touch deprivation experiments in monkeys: Blum 2002

CHAPTER 12 Eat Dessert First: Flavor Preferences

newborns distinguish mother by smell: Winberg and Porter 1998
mothers distinguish newborns by smell: Kaitz et al. 1987
baby’s preferences for amniotic fluid and Mom’s unwashed breast: Sullivan 2000
prenatal development of olfactory brain: Schaal 1988
what toddlers eat: Fox et al. 2004
how to get kids to like broccoli: Capaldi 1996,
chapter 3
organization of taste system: Yarmolinsky, Zuker, and Ryba 2009
development of taste buds: Mistretta and Bradley 1984; Witt and Reutter 1996
nucleus solitarius: Rolls 2006
morphine replacing sweet receptor: Zhao et al. 2003
learning food preferences: Mennella, Jagnow, and Beauchamp 2001
rabbits learn food preferences: Bilkó, Altbäcker, and Hudson 1994
inadequate nutrition in low-fat diets for children: Nicklas et al. 1992; Milner and Allison 1999
prevalence of eating disorders: Hoek 2006
longitudinal predictors of obesity and eating disorders: Neumark-Sztainer et al. 2007
morning sickness and salt preference: Crystal and Bernstein 1998
infant flavor preferences last for years: Mennella and Beauchamp 2002
soy or hydrolysate versus milk formula: Beauchamp and Mennella 2009
cheese versus body odor labeling: de Araujo et al. 2005

CHAPTER 13 The Best Gift You Can Give: Self-control

preschool delay times and later success: Shoda, Mischel, and Peake 1990; Duckworth and Seligman 2005; Blair and Razza 2007
self-control of emotion; development of attention and effortful control: Bell and Deater-Deckard 2007
brain circuits for self-control: Posner and Rothbart 2007
marshmallow task strategy: Peake, Hebl, and Mischel 2002
Tools of the Mind: Diamond et al. 2007; Blair and Diamond 2008
executive function in bilingual children: Bialystok 2009; Kovács and Mehler 2009
theory of mind in bilingual children: Goetz 2003
training willpower in adults: Baumeister et al. 2006
computerized attention training: Tang and Posner 2009

CHAPTER 14 Playing for Keeps

animal play: Fagen 1974; Burghardt and Sutton-Smith 2005
brain size and play: Iwaniuk, Nelson, and Pellis 2001
octopus play: Mather and Anderson 1999
learning and stress: Joëlsa et al. 2006
video games: Gentile and Stone 2005
play in mammals: Vanderschuren, Niesink, and van Ree 1997
culture and play: Tamis-LeMonda et al. 1992

CHAPTER 15 Moving the Body and Brain Along

emotional benefits of exercise in children: Bailey 2006
cognitive benefits of exercise in children: meta-analysis Sibley and Etnier 2003; Hillman, Erickson, and Kramer 2008; Pontifex et al. 2011
cognitive benefits of exercise in adults: Hillman, Erickson, and Kramer 2008
brain changes with exercise in children: Chaddock et al. 2010; Chaddock et al. 2011
chronic traumatic encephalopathy: McKee et al. 2009
football and concussion: Guskiewicz et al. 2005; Guskiewicz et al. 2007
concussions in children: Halstead et al. 2010

CHAPTER 16 Electronic Entertainment and the Multitasking Myth

video games and attention in college students: Green and Bavelier 2003; Dye, Green, and Bavelier 2009b; Li et al. 2009
recent decline in empathy:
video games and attention in children: Dye, Green, and Bavelier 2009a; Dye and Bavelier 2010
infants and TV: Christakis 2009; Bavelier, Green and Dye 2010
costs of switching, role of prefrontal cortex: Marois and Ivanoff 2005
distractibility in multitasking college students: Ophir, Nass, and Wagner 2009
Dora the Explorer
: Linebarger and Walker 2005

CHAPTER 17 Nice to Meet You: Temperament

temperament and personality: Caspi 2000; Rothbart, Ahadi, and Evans 2000
high-reactive babies: Fox et al. 2005
personality traits and stability: McAdams and Olson 2010
your kids have different environments: Plomin et al. 2001
temperament and parenting in development of conscience: Kochanska and Aksan 2006
children with a specific receptor sensitive to parenting style: Sheese et al. 2007
negative feedback on antisocial behavior: Reiss and Leve 2007; Dodge and McCourt 2010
children learn from their peers: Berndt and Murphy 2002
birth order and personality: Harris 1998 (pp. 365–78); Townsend 2000
Chinese versus Canadian mothers and behavioral inhibition: Chen et al. 1998
rat grooming and pup behavior: Zhang and Meaney 2010
high-reactive monkeys are more vulnerable: Suomi 1997

CHAPTER 18 Emotions in the Driver’s Seat

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