Read Wellington’s Engineers: Military Engineering on the Peninsular War 1808-1814 Online

Authors: Mark S. Thomson

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #History, #Military, #Napoleonic Wars, #Spain, #Portugal, #Engineering

Wellington’s Engineers: Military Engineering on the Peninsular War 1808-1814 (14 page)

BOOK: Wellington’s Engineers: Military Engineering on the Peninsular War 1808-1814
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Drawing of a Portuguese single-arm telegraph, reproduced with the permission of the Municipality of Torres Vedras.

Reconstruction of a Portuguese single-arm telegraph.

Reconstruction of a British balloon telegraph based on naval signalling techniques.

Captain Charles Boothby RE, who lost a leg at Talavera.

Badajoz Castle from Fort San Christobal.

The Tagus from the fort at Jerumenha.

The castle at Campo Mayor.

Defences at Almeida, Portugal.

Site of the main Allied breach in the wall at Ciudad Rodrigo.

Curtain wall of castle at Badajoz, Spain.

Major William Nicholas RE. Killed at the siege of Badajoz in 1812.

Bridge over the Guadiana at Badajoz seen from Fort San Christobal.

Bridge over the Guadiana at Merida.

Bridge over the Tagus at Almaraz.

BOOK: Wellington’s Engineers: Military Engineering on the Peninsular War 1808-1814
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