Wet For Her Warriors (Book 5 of the WILD -- Warriors Intense in Love & Domination -- Boys of Special Forces) (28 page)

BOOK: Wet For Her Warriors (Book 5 of the WILD -- Warriors Intense in Love & Domination -- Boys of Special Forces)
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Lani felt a blush heat her face. She might as well be a wanton sex slave positioned
between two lusty gladiators, yet Tait talked like she’d become Aphrodite and
they were
willing servants. She’d never felt more decadent, desired,
or wholly on fire in her life. Her blood zinged with electricity. Her vagina
vibrated with need. But most perfectly, her spirit soared with freedom…and her
heart fell open with gratitude.

Again with
timing that seemed practiced, the guys rolled on their condoms together. Lani
joined her anticipating breath to theirs.

sweetheart.” Kellan’s voice was rough but reassuring. “We’re almost there. What
a sweet rose you’re giving me to fuck…”

“No different
than these wet petals.” Tait worked his penis between her tender tissues,
stimulating all the best parts of her pussy before sliding his cock deep inside
her. Lani cried out in joy and arousal. Gods, he felt good, his hard flesh
cushioned by the wet tissues of her intimate passage, flaring heat through
every inch of her sex. “Damn.” He gave brutal, beautiful voice to their need,
his head aching back from the force of it. “Damn, I had no idea.”

Lani frowned.
“About what?”

“About how sweet
your cunt can grip a man’s cock, baby.”

“Things are
about to get better, brother.” Kellan intensified his assault on her ass. He
prodded at her walls with all three fingers, expanding her wider. “
better.” The wolfish confidence in his tone was a gut-flipper of a turn-on.
Still, Lani tensed when he withdrew his fingers from her entrance. Not more than
a second later, he pressed the well-lubed knob of his erection there, instead.
As her membranes screamed, her mouth whimpered. “
, starshine. The
head’s the hardest part.”

“N-now you tell
me,” she grumbled.

“Concentrate on
me for now.” Tait leveled his face in order to brushed her lips with his. He increased
the pressure as Kellan worked his dick into the first inch of her anus. Lani
screamed into his mouth as Kellan began penetrating her with eye-popping
pressure. “Breathe, baby. Push out then take a little more.
inch at a time. You can do this.”

“No,” she
whispered. “I can’t.”

“You already
are,” Kellan grated. “And fuck, is it good. Lani—goddess—my dick’s never felt
anything like this.”

“Second that
intel.” Tait tunneled one hand into her hair as he slid the other between their
bodies, curling a couple of fingers along her clit. “You’re so hot for us,
dreamgirl. So hot and wet and ready to take both our cocks.”

She let out a
deep sigh, confirming every one of his words as true. Her sensitive nub
responded to his fingers, trembling with the force of her need. Having them
both inside her was a fulfillment beyond imagining, awakening her sex to a call
of erotic fulfillment. Her breath spiraled and grew into a long, primal moan.

“Yessss.” Kellan
grabbed both her ass cheeks, squeezing them to bring back the burn of his
spanking. “Almost there, sweetheart. You’ve got me so deep now. You’re
squeezing me so tight.”

Tait growled as
his dick expanded inside her. “Do you feel me too? Do you feel my dick sliding
on that special spot in your pussy? Open your senses and feel it, Lani.
Beautiful goddess…you deserve it. You deserve all of this, after everything you
gave me today.” He pulled his fingers back a little, which should have been a
torment for her, but wasn’t. Without the stimulation on her clit, Lani focused
on what he’d said.
, there
a different kind of feeling
inside her now. Kellan’s cock throbbed through her membranes, adding to the
fullness of Tait’s, bringing a sexual fire she’d never experienced before.

“Gods,” she
rasped. “What the hell is happening?”

“Clamp down.”
Tait’s instruction was a rod of sensual steel. “Clench it all in, babe. Hold
our cocks as hard as you can. Feel our dicks pulsing for you, every inch of
them hard and thrusting. We both want only one thing: to feel you coming apart
for us.”

Kellan pushed once
more to seat his cock completely in her ass. His long groan erased away her last
bits of pain. He pressed himself over her, suckling her nape as Tait again took
her mouth. “You’re so perfect, starshine. So amazing. So brave.”

Tait pulled back
enough for her to see the golden iridescence in his gaze, focused solely on
her. “You’ve given us so much today, baby. Let us give you this.”

Kellan added to
the wonderful burn in her ass by rolling his hips. “Come for us, beautiful
girl,” Kellan commanded. “We need to feel your orgasm around our cocks.”

Denying them
would have been telling her heart not to beat anymore. It halted anyway, succumbing
to the burst of fire that started deep inside her sex then exploded through her
clit and pussy. She was a ball of silver-white flames, a sun captured, a comet
turned into the willing plaything of these two demigods. She screamed, throwing
her head back into Kellan’s brutal kiss, her mouth consumed by his bellow as he
rammed her even deep and heated her back passage with his climax. A moment
later, Tait groaned as he emptied his cock, too.

In the immediate
aftermath, she began to shake. Her muscles turned to rubber. Her mind suddenly
felt like a schizophrenic pinball machine. Tait and Kellan, still both inside
her, felt the strange change and hung on tighter—but their murmured
reassurances only made the ordeal worse. Her soul needed to find the exit door
again. She couldn’t remain out in the emotional open like this. It was nice to
take a little visit to vulnerability, but now it was time to make a dive for
the bunker of reality again, and—

Too late.

A significant
wind blew past the car.

And with it, a
whisper of sound…in her mind.

Tears spilled.
She shook her head.

It’s okay,
girlfriend. Please don’t fight me. I’m only here to help. I just wanted to know
if you’d convey a little message for me…

“Lani? Lani!”

“You think we
should take her to a hospital, T?”

She peered up at
the two of them from where she lay in the jeep’s bed, flat on her back. She had
no idea how much time had passed, though a guess said not much. She was still
naked. Hell, the guys hadn’t even zipped up, though their used condoms had been
stowed—well, somewhere.

A strange giggle
left her.

When the guys
peered down in confusion, she laughed even harder.

What a
difference eight days could make. Now,
was the one in the prone
position, feeling like she’d been sucking down half a bottle of vodka. Her
mirth clearly didn’t help their befuddlement.

Tait leaned forward. “You okay? You phased out on us.”

Kellan snorted.
“What he means to say is, you scared the living shit out of us.”

“Yeah. That,

“Can you sit

They coordinated
efforts to pull her upright. Once done, they both pulled off their shirts. Kell
pushed the neck hole of his over her head. Tait tucked his into her lap. She took
in both their rippled torsos and bit her lower lip. “Maybe I should phase out a
lot more.”

They both rolled
their eyes. “Drink this.” Kellan pushed a bottle of electrolyte drink into her
grip. The boy scout struck again. She wanted to giggle again, but they kept staring
like she’d turn into a ghost any second—which wasn’t such a farfetched notion,
considering what she was about to say.

“I’m fine,
okay?” She set down the drink and brushed her knuckles across the stubbled
edges of both their jaws. “I’m better than fine, actually.”

Their eyebrows
jumped in tandem. Tait found his voice again first. “Okaaay. Care to expound on
that any further?”

She pushed her
arms through the arm holes of Kellan’s shirt, carefully folded her hands in her
lap and leaned against the jeep’s back door, hoping it lent a little stability.
Though she was grinning like an idiot again, filled with joy about getting to
play messenger girl this time, the circumstances were still a little

a lot

“I need to relay
some information,” she finally stated.

Their mutual
scowls didn’t surprise her.

“What…kind of
information?” Kellan queried. When she took a second to close her eyes, he
lurched forward to grab her. “Sweetheart! Stay with us!”

“I’m right here,
you big dodo.” She chuckled. “It’s your own damn fault. Concentrating is a
little hard, given the scenery.” While reopening her eyes, she murmured, “I
think she agrees with me.”

Tait cocked his
head. “She who?”

A grin spread
across her lips. “The one who says that you need to move on, Weasley. If not,
she’ll find some cosmically terrible way to kick your ass.”

The man
straightened his head. And his shoulders. And took in the scope of her words
with a heavy nod—until the weight of their meaning crushed him, dragging down
his head, and hunching his shoulders.

Kellan was the
first to grab one of those shoulders, as Tait succumbed to the force of a
release six months in the making. There was an unmistakable sheen in Kellan’s
deep gray eyes, so easy for Lani to recognize because the tears in her eyes
matched. The three of them held each other, rocking a little, swallowing a lot,
washing away pain in tears that were unfettered, unapologetic, unashamed.

How was she
going to say good-bye to them?

It suddenly
became the hardest
the easiest question in the world.

she’d never opened herself up to any man, let alone two at the same time, as
she had with them. Nor was she likely to ever again. But in the gift of this
moment, she also saw fate’s sublime hand in bringing them to her life, here and
now. They’d taught her how to feel again. To trust again. To once more believe
that the impossible could be very real.

When Tait lifted
his tear-salted lips and kissed her, she felt a thousand feet tall. When Kellan
leaned over and added his passionate embrace, that figure was doubled. Though
things were still a mess back at Hale Anelas, she was bolstered now about her
ability to handle it. She’d take on a hundred Gunter Bensons if she had to—and win.

The resolve
filled her with a burst of brilliant joy, matched only by the two walls of
hard, heated soldier flesh pressing around her once more. As Kellan and Tait cajoled
her into just a few more minutes of enjoying their jungle lust cocoon, she
didn’t forget to close her eyes and reach inward, tiptoeing into that special
place in her soul once more, to let her heart whisper two words to the presence
who waited for her there, somehow filling her mind with an image of high-heeled
boots, lavender fingernails, and a divine Catwoman smile.

Thank you




Chapter Eighteen


Kellan trailed a
couple of fingers down the side of his water bottle, watching as the last rays
of the sunset filtered through Hale Anelas’s orchard and rose garden, turning the
condensation into liquid gold. His motions were as relaxed and lazy as the
breeze sifting through the hibiscus blooms along the rails of the back lanai.

They were also a

What a
difference twenty-four hours could make.

When he and Tait
returned from the monastery with Lani yesterday, he’d changed into a T-shirt
he’d never worn before: a gag gift T had given him during the team’s vacation
to Los Angeles, before the trip wasn’t a vacation anymore. There was a stick
figure on the front of the thing, wearing a dork-ass smile and accompanied by
the line
Life is good
. He’d thrown a shit-ton of sarcasm at the guy,
telling him the shirt would be worn when the saying really held true. With that
in mind, he’d expected to be using the thing as a car rag in a few years. Yet last
night, he’d ripped off the tags and proudly pulled the fucker on.

The lip he’d
expected from Tait about it? Nonexistent. The guy, clearly flying on their
mutual high of camaraderie and connection, actually grinned and gave him a fist
bump. They usually saved shit like that for special occasions like the opening
night of a Vin Diesel film, or drilling a kill shot through a terrorist’s

They’d made up
an excuse about running to grab some dinner so they could sneak in their update
call to Franzen. Trouble was, their CO had no news, except that Colton had
passed their information to the proper CIA division, and careful follow-up on
their intel was in play.

The news had
been a weird relief. In many ways, Kell desperately wanted his revelation to
hit a dead-end, so they could continue dealing with Benson as nothing more than
the pretty boy lowlife developer they’d originally assumed. Buy-offs to the
local permits officials were toddler games compared to what shit Benson could
be in with heavy hitters from Pyongyang and Tehran.

Their good
fortune continued when they returned to the house with their Chinese takeout feast,
though it hadn’t seemed that way at first. Lani was waiting for them in the
living room, trays set up for the food, and last night’s episode of
on the DVR. She made the torture worse by having changed clothes herself,
flopping on the couch between them in a cute little tank top over shorts that hugged
her ass and not much else. Great. It had been an hour of lukewarm chow mein,
Olivia Pope melodrama, and a hard-on of unrelenting fury—a torment that he at
least didn’t have to endure alone, if he read Tait’s pained glances correctly.

the guy stood up as the show ended to make the noble though half-assed move to
leave for Franz’s place again. The moment had
spray-painted all
over it, especially in light of everything that had happened during the
afternoon. But before Kell could give him a proper what-the-fuck smack, Lani
stood as well, converting to full minx mode. With a kitten’s grin over her
shoulder, the woman told T he could do what he wanted, but
taking advantage of Leo’s late practice to take a long shower—and damn, it
would be nice to have some help washing her back.

A half hour
later, balls deep in the woman’s pussy while she “soaped” his buddy’s cock with
a hand job from Heaven, Kell knew it’d be a shower he’d never forget.

After they’d all
toweled off, he’d let Tait collapse into bed with Lani, sensing they needed the
extra time with each other. He supposed the decision should have been weird, but
it wasn’t. It had simply felt right.

Perhaps the
knowledge that this “arrangement” was temporary, along with the healing she’d
brought to T with the afternoon’s revelations, had lent him the bold
thought—but his gut started nagging at him with a different impression of
things. A number of them, actually. He’d stuffed the thoughts right back down
into their origin point, the valley in a soldier’s soul that wasn’t meant for
the light of scrutiny. The place called vulnerability.

He’d kept his
mind well out of the valley for the rest of the night, even saving Lani from
Leo’s scrutiny by falling asleep in front of the TV, before Tait shook him
awake just before dawn so they could call Franzen again. Once again, their CO
relayed that there was no news from the spooks. Kell’s solace had gotten
another hall pass.

Three hours ago,
fate called in that chip.

They’d known it
as soon as Franz came on the line, during the call that took place during their
“afternoon jog” on the beach. The man’s voice was tight, without a single line
worthy of a movie marketing slogan. Instead, he went straight to confirming the
two of them were alone and could speak freely.
a good sign.

Kellan had unearthed
a bigger information landmine than anyone had dreamed. Intelligence agents in
Iran and North Korea had confirmed mysterious “travel plans” for high-ranking
generals in their countries, cross-referenced with flight plans from private
jets that had landed at Lihue three days ago, having somehow skirted the
customs process in Honolulu.

While the FBI
had been tasked with discovering who had been paid off and where, the task for
the CIA—and now, their two-man Spec Ops team—was far more immediate. After a
day and a half of hard searching, the spooks had found their two needles in the
five hundred and fifty-two square mile haystack of the island. Surprise,
surprise; both generals were shacking up at the same off-the-map luxury
retreat, making cell phone calls to the exact same number. There was no
information available for the burner phone, which had been purchased with cash
by a local kid who’d been paid off for the transaction, but they’d at least
secured a GPS lock on the device.

Whoever the
generals were talking to was sitting on the beach, a quarter mile south of Hale

Franzen had
stirred the shit pot even thicker by informing them about the conversations
overheard by the spooks. Both agents confirmed that a meeting was happening
tonight in something called “the cave.” All he and Tait had to do now was find
that bad guy, approach him undetected then learn where this “cave” was located.
And by the way, they didn’t know what he looked like. And oh yeah, the spooks
needed the information as soon as possible. And another thing: if their cover
was blown, the Army’s official line would be that they were AWOL soldiers,
acting without the government’s knowledge or permission.

“Piece of
fucking cake,” Kell grumbled.

Lani’s laugh,
spilling out of the kitchen door like a string of bells, turned his mental
disconnect into total hell. Tait was still inside with her, issuing
reassurances that he and Kell would be fine while she accompanied Leo to college
recruitment night at school. T always was better than he at feigning charming
and jovial, though the second they hit the path toward the beach, he was back
to being the epitome of don’t-fuck-with-me steel. “You have your knife?” he
queried in a terse mutter.

Kell answered. The feel of the Bowie he’d “borrowed” from Lani, strapped to his
calf, was added security he hoped
to use.

“Let’s do this
shit,” T snarled. “If these assholes are behind
of Benson’s monkey-fuckeries,
I guarantee I’m gonna knock some douchebag heads.”

Kell didn’t know
whether to celebrate or hassle that statement. The good news was? T-Bomb was
back in his full, furious, focused soldier glory. That was also the bad news.

They hit the beach
but kept as close to the trees as they could. Kell rolled a silent prayer
toward the emerging stars that Tait had opted for an easy silence, instead of
attempting one of his mind-whack heart-to-hearts. A little therapy, especially
right after Luna died, had been a good thing for the guy. A lot of therapy had
turned him into a psycho-babble freak show.

“Kell…this is
probably a good time to clear the air.”

He flashed a
glare at the sky.
This is what I get for the shout-out of gratitude

“Slash-tastic? You

“Actually, I’m
trying not to.”

“Fuck.” Tait
halted his pace for a telling moment. “I guess some things don’t change.”

Kellan stopped,
too. “What the hell’s that supposed to mean?”

Tait cocked his
head. “I thought you cared about this woman. A lot.”

A flare of ire
hit his chest. “You usually come up with better bait than that.”

“And you’re
usually better at avoiding the hook.” He straightened his head. “Which means
I’m right.”

Just like that,
the anger vanished. In its place, a strange curiosity spread. He took a turn at
the Dr. Freud head tilt. “Nail on the head, buddy. You absolutely are right. Is
that what you’re after? Can we move on now?”

The answer to
both questions was no and he knew it. There was a good chance Tait did, too. Kell
just hoped his switch-up to honesty would satisfy the guy for a while.

Yeah. And a
rainbow would burst out of the night sky and onto the beach, bringing jolly
leprechauns that would form a magical ring of protection around Hale Anelas.

“So you’d really
be happy with that?” Tait charged. “Just ‘moving on’ from here, like any other
recon gig we’ve been on, like any other day we’ve been through?”

Kellan exhaled
with deliberate slowness. Then counted to ten for patience. Then sucked the
breath back in, again with steady purpose. “And how would
have us
proceed, oh head shrinker on high?”

His dig didn’t
faze Tait. “We should start at the obvious.”

“Such as?”

“Such as how
you’re feeling about the direction of things with Lani.”

And there it
was. The only
word he always wished they’d drop from existence—at
least before today. Right now, it only made him lift a grin at his friend. He’d
always scoffed at Tait for putting things so balls-out in the emotional
communication department, though it made perfect psychological sense when
realizing the guy never received a sentence of meaningful communication from
the bastard who’d sired him. But today, Kell was damn glad for the candidness.
Let the scrotum revelations commence. “Maybe the better question here is how
feeling, dude.”

T’s brow
furrowed. “What the hell are you talking about?”

He pivoted to
square his stance at the guy. “You want feelings, T? You want clarity?” Odd
satisfaction came at watching his partner’s gaze narrow with more astonishment
before he continued. “Here’s what I’m ‘clear’ about, man. I’m clear that the
guy standing in front of me isn’t the same shell of humanity who got off the
plane with me nine days ago, making me wonder if I’d ever see my best friend
again. I’m clear about the fact that my buddy is back, full of the blaze and
balls that’ve made him one of my biggest heroes, growling about turning bad
guys into fertilizer again. And I’m
clear that Hokulani Kail was a
big part of the force that made it happen. So what am I ‘feeling’ about all
this?” He rocked back on his heels. “
want to take a stab at doing
the math on that answer?”

They played
visual chicken for a long second. “You’re talking like all she’s done is made
me some cake and let me kick back in front of the TV with you two.”

He was tempted
to flip the cake comment into another snarkism, but this was too important for
humor. After abandoning his cavalier pose, he stepped over and stabbed a finger
into the middle of his buddy’s chest. “I’m only going to say this once, so listen
up, asswipe. The birth certificates may say I only have one sibling, and you
know better than anyone how much I love Kadie, but God chose to give me one
hell of an awesome bonus bucket. Bommer, you are my brother in every sense of
the word, including the blood we’ve mixed in some of the world’s craziest shit
holes. So don’t you dare insinuate that I don’t know what I’m talking about
here. Don’t you
tell me that I’m just discussing cake and TV night
when you know that’s not how I roll.”

Tait let out a
ragged exhalation. “I’m not trying to second guess you, Kell. And I certainly
haven’t forgotten every wild ride we’ve ever had together. But let’s face it,
we’ve redefined the term ‘wild ride’ this week.”

“And you think I
haven’t thought about that? That I didn’t consider it with a shitload of care the
other night? That I just told her to kiss you another time because it turned my
rocks hard, and that it ‘happened’ as some brilliant accident?”

“I don’t know
to think, dude. It’s why I’m asking.”

He lifted his
jaw and set it. “I told her to do that because I knew she wanted it—because I
knew she wanted
—and because, God help me, I want to give that woman
she wants. But it goes beyond that, too.” He lifted his head higher. “She also
needs Sir Tait. Don’t get me wrong; it’s been fucking awesome as it’s been to
let Sir Kellan out of his stuffy nut sack. But the way you control her…it’s
pretty damn amazing.” He relaxed his stance, breaking into a smile. “Let’s face
it. She’s an extraordinary woman, T. Her heart is as big as that ocean, and her
soul is just as deep. To be honest, I’m not sure one man will ever be enough
for her.”

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