Wet For Her Warriors (Book 5 of the WILD -- Warriors Intense in Love & Domination -- Boys of Special Forces) (7 page)

BOOK: Wet For Her Warriors (Book 5 of the WILD -- Warriors Intense in Love & Domination -- Boys of Special Forces)
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Chapter Six


Lani couldn’t
help but laugh as she watched Kellan’s reaction. Though his gaze was heavy from
desire, his mouth quavered like a kid who’d just scored his first Little League
home run and couldn’t believe it. But that was the only “little” thing about
the man. She had trouble holding back an eager lip lick herself, trailing her
stare over his rain-slicked chest, arms, and abdomen. Even his muscles seemed piled
on top of muscles. In comparison, her ample curves felt soft and light.

And free.

Gods, how good
it felt to be free. For this moment, life was joyously far away, tucked below.
Benson and his schemes, Leo and his struggles, and the property with its bills
were cares that belonged to tomorrow, worries for a woman who wasn’t her right
now. In the morning, she could return to responsibility. Kellan would, too. But
in this stolen sliver of the night, they only belonged to the wind, the rain…and
the wild, wonderful force of their passion.

“Fuck.” His
serrated growl added to his illicit allure. Without lowering his head, he
pulled out his wallet. She caught a glance of his military ID, his photo
revealing him with a cute scowl beneath his regulation high-and-tight, before
retrieving the foil packet that gleamed with wicked promise. “Next time, I may
let you win that climb, sweetheart.”

Knowing there would
be no “next time” allowed her to delight in his humor. As she giggled, she started
to wiggle off her bikini bottoms, but Kellan stopped her with another rough sound.

those honors.” He already had his fingers hooked around the sides of the suit.
Lani didn’t argue. His fingers grazed her skin with steady purpose. His touch
was like hot oil slicked over the cool rain as he pulled down the fabric. But
once done, he didn’t let go. His hands traveled back to her hips, hoisting her
sex high, spreading her pussy open so the rain began to seep into sensitive

“Oh!” she cried.
The sky’s tiny kisses tapped on her flesh, coaxing her deeper desires from
their warm folds. The contrast of the cool rain and her hot desire made her
gasp, stunned and captivated. Her legs shook as she went up on tiptoe, needing

“Relax.” Kellan
gave the direction as he hoisted her legs off their moorings, hooking her knees
over his shoulders. “Relax. I’ve got you, my sweet starshine.”


He had her, all
right. But how the hell did he expect her to “relax” when he slid his hot
tongue over the tender tissues at her core? Lani cried out again as he nibbled
his way deeper, seeking the knot of nerves that ached the most for his touch.
When he found that special spot, she screamed and arched back, grabbing for
solid purchase. How had she justified for so long that her vibrator was just as
good as this?

Kellan moaned in
satisfaction as he taunted her clit. When he ceased the torment, it was only to
kiss her mound with slow reverence. “I think I’ve found my island ambrosia…”

With that wicked
intent darkening his tone, he dipped his head to suck at her pussy once more. The
rain fell even harder, a metronome for the thrumming need in her body. He
pulled and licked at her engorged clit, turning her into a writhing ball of
need, the rocks at her back be damned. The pressure swirled higher in her
thighs, her ass, her sex. Deep inside her body, her womb pulsed in readiness.
She whimpered in a mix of agony and ecstasy. He trailed his tongue through her
pussy like he had a damn map to the most illicit parts of it, but every notch
of arousal made her realize how empty her body really was…how she needed a
completing flame inside it.

Finally, through
the haze of her excitement, she heard the zipper slide on his shorts. She pried
her gaze open to witness him tear open the condom with violent speed. Similar
ferocity defined his face as he looked down at her, gritting his teeth as he
palmed his steely erection.

She swallowed hard. And stared harder. “Kellan, you’re…”

Huge. Glorious. Perfectly

“Ready to be
inside you, sweetheart.” He hissed as he rolled the condom over his penis,
which didn’t relent a fraction of its stiffness. “Ready to fuck you deep.”

The soldier kept
his word. He lowered her legs to an angle where they wrapped around his waist
before leaning forward so he could kiss her again. As he plunged his tongue
into her mouth, he worked his shaft into the first inch of her body. When he
shoved in a little deeper, Lani gasped into his mouth.

“Sorry,” she
explained, trying to smile past her pain. “It’s—it’s been a while for me.”

His gaze
darkened. “Yeah. For me, too.”

His confession made
every inch of her vagina cream. She clung to his shoulders, feeling the strain
of his muscles as he tried to slow the pace. “No,” she protested. “God, Kellan.
Deeper. Please!”

He clenched his
jaw. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

you to.” If she was heaving caution aside, then why not have the aching legs
tomorrow as a sweet memory? “I—I need you to. I—I just need you. Filling me.
Fucking me. Hurting me. Please! Oh, pl—”

She cut herself
off with her own scream. As Kellan drove his cock all the way into her, she
didn’t think she’d ever felt so stretched, so raw…so complete. Yes, it hurt.
Yes, it was invasive. Yes, it blocked out everything for a long moment except
for the certainty of his body, massive and rigid, inside hers. But even the
pain was perfect for what she needed from tonight—and what she sensed he
needed, too. His features, now intense and feral, channeled the untamed force
of the downpour itself. As the wind whipped higher, he seized her hips, syncing
their pace with his fevered thrusts. The rain pounded faster as if to drive him
on, ramming into her, emitting loud
as their soaked bodies
collided again and again.

Lani thought she
screamed, but couldn’t be sure. Her blood roared in her ears. Rain ran down her
body. The grass burned her back as Kellan drove harder, faster, deeper—

Until he

Lani dragged her
eyes open to have her gaze filled with the burnished beauty of his face, hovering
inches over her again. As their breaths tangled, he lowered her ass to the
ground. While the grass cooled her thighs, his cock pulsed against her walls. His
gaze never left her face. Lani shivered and battled to break the contact. It was
too much, this stare of his. Giving her too much. Asking too much in return. This
was just supposed to be sex. That was all it ever could be.

But her inner
war surged on, turning into torment as he used his hands to enflame her body
all over again.

With his gaze
still locked in hers, he circled one hand beneath her body. With the other, he
found her clit again.

“Kellan!” She
shuddered as he pressed a finger against that perfect, tiny button.

“No.” His
countermand was quiet but firm. “Not yet.” He circled his hips, creating a new
friction between them. The rain pummeled. The wind pushed. The storm in her sex
was sweet and perfect and unbearable. Dear God, she needed to come.


“Not. Yet.” He
shifted the hand beneath her. Slowly, he probed the edge of her back entrance
with a rain-soaked finger.


He slid in a second

As he
intensified the pressure on her swollen, needy clit.

As he taunted
her with the slow rolls of his hips, and the thudding girth of his cock.

As he took her
to the brink of ecstasy but refused to yank her over.

She was in Hell.

“Now, sweetheart.”
He pushed hard on the center of her pleasure as he plunged deep with the length
of his cock. “

She was in Heaven.

Nirvana crashed
over her with blinding force, searing her senses, scalding her sex, blinding
her mind. Her shriek gained harmony from Kellan’s groan, long and violent
against her neck as she felt his balls harden, blasting cum up his shaft. As he
climaxed, he grinded harder against her, igniting her passion all over again.
The second orgasm shot her out of Nirvana and into another dimension. Her eyes
went wide, staring in awe as the moon gleamed through the storm, turning the
raindrops into stars and the clouds into satyrs.

All except for
the one who continued to rock inside her, nuzzling her shoulder with a dark growl.
Only when he bit a little harder did she turn her head and realize he was
watching her.

“That smile
looks damn gorgeous on you, starshine.” He rose over her again, fingering wet
strands from her face. “I hope this means you won’t toss me out of bed right

Though they
laughed together, solemnity lingered in his gaze, bringing the feeling that the
question wasn’t entirely a jibe. It was a little unnerving. A touch confusing.
But brought a few tingly butterflies, too.

And…she was being
a ridiculous female, making more out of all this than she should.

He was a
soldier—a well-hung, gasp-worthy one, at that—and no doubt had a woman for every
forward base he frequented. Well, she had no problem being his “Kauaˋi
cutie.” The fringe benefits were nice. Really nice. If she had nothing but a
body full of interesting aches and a head full of hot memories when he left for
duty again, that would be just fine.

“Tell you what,”
she murmured, trailing a fingertip over the alluring hills of his top lip, “why
don’t we consider getting into a bed first?”

He rumbled
through a chuckle. “It’s a novelty, but I might be persuaded to try it.”

Once more, his
sarcasm was laced with a strange erudition, like the words were humorous versions
of the truth.

And again, she mentally
slapped herself for caring. Like she could afford to “care” for anyone right
now—not while being both parents to Leo and battling Benson at every step he
made to claim Hale Anelas. But more profoundly, not in the way she’d always
dreamed of caring for someone. Not with the devotion she’d witnessed every day
growing up, the
mau loa
love that bound Mother and Father every day they
were alive, and surely united them even tonight.

Mau Loa.
Forever love. She
would settle for nothing less.

But there was
more to that truth. She simply wanted too much. She was the first to admit it.
Love like that didn’t just “happen by chance,” despite what the movies propagated.
And it certainly didn’t tumble onto a woman’s beach one night, dressed in
nothing but khakis, a wrinkled shirt and a shit-eating grin.

Even if that
grin turned into kisses she’d never forget and two mind-gouging orgasms.

They made their
way back to the house dressed in nothing but their laughter, clutching their
drenched, muddy clothes. Lani stopped Kellan on the back lanai, listening for a
long moment in case Leo had skipped the fencing team’s typical post-practice
trip to Puka Dog. If that was the case, her brother would still be in the
kitchen, having come in the back in his haste for food. All was silent. Seemed
the lure of a lava sausage with papaya relish had snared her brother again, so
they were in the clear.

Once they were
upstairs, she headed straight for her bathroom and turned the shower to a
pleasant temperature. Kellan watched her, wrapped in strange silence, as she
grabbed two towels from the linen closet. “I give up,” she finally admitted.
“What’s going on in that head of yours, Sergeant?”

He stood in the
middle of her vanity area, all her things looking tiny and fragile compared to
his imposing nudity, especially as he rammed hands to the ridges of his
obliques. “A moment ago, the answer was I’d control myself from getting inside
you again, considering we’ve expended my sole condom on hand. But looking at
you like this may force me to get creative.”

Thank heavens
she’d moved to stand at the counter. Though the towels fell out of her grip, it
appeared like she’d purposely plopped them there. “Cr-creative? Why?”

He pivoted
toward her, pulling the bathroom door back open as he did. With another step,
he was braced totally behind her, twining her gaze with his in the mirror.
Those dark gray depths were right at home against the steely set of his features,
which tightened further as he leaned forward. With a low, feral growl, he slid
his jaw against hers.

“Spread your
legs,” he ordered in a whisper. Like she had a choice. He used his feet to
nudge hers apart, instantly filling the crevice between her thighs with an
erection that had gone from half-mast to full-sail in three seconds. Lani gasped
as his cock pushed through the V at the bottom of her ass cheeks and past her
intimate entrance, letting his broad tip part her pussy from behind. She
watched him do all of it in their reflection, making everything feel more
surreal…and sinful.

“Oh, my God,”
she rasped.

He wrapped an
arm around her waist. “You’re wet, sweetheart. But so am I.” With his other
hand, he snared hers and pushed it down. “Feel me. Squeeze my cock. Wipe off my
juice with your finger then suck it off.”

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