What a Boy Wants (17 page)

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Authors: Nyrae Dawn

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General

BOOK: What a Boy Wants
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She slammed her bedroom door when I walked out. Each step I took away from her, made another pain shoot through my body, but I kept going. She didn’t want me anyway, so I’d find a way not to want her either. I was The Hook-up Doctor, so I’d go out there and do what I did best. Hook-up. Jaden had been right all along. Girls were crazy.




“Ma, quit hogging all the Chunky Monkey.” I grabbed the pint of ice cream off Mom’s lap as she sat next to me on the couch. I wasn’t proud of myself. Actually, I was pretty embarrassed that I was practically crying in my ice cream with my
Totally not a very manly thing to do, but I just couldn’t make myself go out tonight. Everything about it felt wrong. Plus, I didn’t want to leave Mom alone tonight. She needed me, so I’d be there. I tried to tell myself that was the real reason I’d turned into a sap, eating ice cream and watching a bad romance movie after a break-up, but even I knew that wasn’t true.


“Hey! This is supposed to be my “poor-me” night. That entitles me to more of the ice cream,” she said. I tossed the pint back at her because it was much easier to hand over the dessert rather than tell her I was in mourning, too. I saved some points on the “losing my masculinity” scale if no one knew what I was doing but me. “Speaking of, you don’t have to stay home with me tonight, kiddo. I’m fine.” She grabbed my hand and I wanted to tell her I wasn’t. I clamped my mouth closed when she continued. “We’re fine.”


“Yeah, we are.” I finished the movie with her before heading up to bed. The next morning I was supposed to go back to work, but I couldn’t do it. What if she’d gone to Matt after I left? I can’t believe the jack-off was the one she’d wanted from the start. They were probably together by now and I couldn’t risk making pizza while they snuck in the back room to make out or something. That’s what I’d planned on doing with her the first time we worked together after hooking up.


So, I faked a killer cough, something I’d done for school a million times, and called in. Irresponsible and lame? Yeah, but I figured I deserved it. I thought about calling Jaden, but I couldn’t do it. He wouldn’t understand and I wasn’t in the mood to hear I told you so, or him to go all Mike Tyson on me because, even though he’s the one who told me girls were crazy, this would still end up my fault. So I got dressed, grabbed my skateboard and went for a ride to clear my head.


Even the jumps at the skate park didn’t help. Sure that little rush of adrenaline, the jump of my heart when I landed felt good, but not good enough to make me forget that when I walked away last night, Aspen had been crying and that I was the one who put those tears on her face. And the guy I hated was probably wiping those tears away for her. Yeah, before I just had a bad feeling about him, but now I hated him. Funny how quickly that could happen.


Slipping my board under my arm I walked away from the skate ramps and over to the grassy area of the park. I wandered down one of the paths that led to the small creek. We had some prime entertainment in this town. I plopped down under a tree.


“Hi. You’re Sebastian, right?”


I looked behind me.


It was Party Girl. Twin party girl without her other half. She had on a sinfully short pair of shorts and a tank top that I’m embarrassed to say, I couldn’t even be happy about. “What’s up? Crystal, right?” She sat down next to me and I fought a groan. Hadn’t I just said I needed to get back to my roots? Right now, I just wasn’t feelin’ it, but I didn’t want to be a jerk, either.


“Yep. I borrowed my cousin’s car while she’s at work, so I was out trying to find something to do.” She pushed her black hair behind her ear and looked at me.


“Good luck with that. We’re pretty scarce on the fun around here.”


“Ya think?” She smiled at me. I couldn’t help, but laugh. “So what are you doing out here by yourself? Where are your friends? Or the girl. How’d things go with her?”


What was it with girls and talking? Even the ones I didn’t know acting like it was share your feelings hour all the time. “Ugh…” I grunted, hoping she’d get a clue. No such luck.


“Uh-oh. What did you do?” She asked.


I whipped my head around, more than a little annoyed. “What the hell? Why does it automatically have to be
who did something wrong?”


She shrugged. “Because you’re the guy.”


Okay, so Jaden was scoring even more points to prove his whole girls are crazy theory. “What kind of wacko knowledge is that? I swear, no wonder girls need my help. They’re all freakin’ mental.” I was done with girls. Aspen, Pris, Crystal, I didn’t want anything to do with any of them. How did I ever think I knew what they wanted? They were even more messed up than guys were! Well, except for my mom. She just had radar for assholes, but all the rest of the girls I knew, they needed way more than a little bit of help from The Hook-up Doctor.


I pushed to my feet, but Crystal grabbed my hand to stop me. I jerked it away because it felt weird, some other girl holding onto me like that.


“I’m kidding. You know, angry ex-girlfriend here, remember? I have girl-power music playing in the car if you need more proof.”


I sat back down. It wasn’t like I had anywhere else to go. I was avoiding all my friends. I scratched my head, hoping my arms would block her view of me. “Come to find out, she really liked someone else.” I couldn’t believe I told her that.


She pulled her knees to her chest the way Aspen sat sometimes. “Yeah, Will, too. I guess that was the real reason he broke up with me. It’s always someone else.”


Of course, I’d neglected to tell her I’d dumped Aspen and that’s how I found out about the other guy, but what did that matter if I hadn’t been the one she wanted anyway? “This is kind of a first for me,” I admitted. “I’m not trying to sound cocky, but I mean, I’ve never really gave it a chance for there to be someone else, ya know? I knew how things always play out though. I don’t know why I even went there.”


“Because you loved her. That’s why I gave Will a chance even though everyone told me he was a player.”


“Arrgh.” I rubbed a hand over my face. “I really don’t want to talk about this. It’s a guy thing. We can do serious for maybe ninety seconds before we shut down.” She laughed like I hoped she would. “I mean, I’m sorry about your ex, but I’m sure you don’t want to talk about him anymore than I want to talk about Aspen.” And Matt… Who was probably kissing her right now… I needed to distract myself.


“I was thinking about going to the mall. Want to come?”


“Sure.” I stood and helped her up, too. It felt kind of good to hang out with someone who knew what I was going through. Plus, even though I knew what I really needed was to get back on the saddle so to speak, I totally didn’t feel like it. At least with her, I knew she still had feelings for her ex. Made things easier when I didn’t have to worry about her getting the wrong idea.


A couple of hours later we were sitting at a table in the food court, eating food worse than what we served at DJ’s, when my blood went cold.

She was here.
With him.
Son of a—
“Sebastian? What’s wrong?”

“Shh.” I shushed Crystal like her words blocked my vision or something. They were quite a ways down the walkway, looking over the edge toward the bottom floor, but I could recognize her body anywhere. I knew it now. Every curve, how her hair fell, and what it felt like when the hand she had wrapped around Mattie’s had held mine.


My insides were frozen. Like one little flick from her finger and they would break apart like an icicle hitting the ground. I’d never felt something like it, and honestly, I never wanted to again. How could my mom have thought love was worth it if it had the power to make you feel like this?


“Is that her? With him?” Crystal must have turned around to see what I was looking at, but I couldn’t pull my eyes off Aspen long enough to see. I couldn’t believe it! Last night she was crying over me and now here she was holding some other guy’s hand at the mall? I squinted so I could see better. Had she dropped his hand? Yep, she did. She pulled free and now she was walking away. Oh, and the jerk was following her.


“Come on,” I told Crystal as I started walking away, fully aware that I was teetering on stalker territory as I followed her.


I heard her scramble behind me. “What are we doing?” she asked. Hell if I knew, but I kept walking anyway. And that’s when it happened. She stopped, and turned around. Our eyes locked, her green gaze grabbing me. I had the urge to punch Mattie and kiss her at the same time. I didn’t know which was stronger. They weren’t holding hands still, but that didn’t matter. I knew what he was thinking. I’d
him for so long that I knew he wasn’t serious about her.


But I didn’t do either. No kissing, no punching. I don’t know what made me do it. Maybe I wanted her to hurt like I was. Maybe I’d gone as mental as the female population seemed to be, but even as I did it, I knew it was a mistake. My hand jerked over and I grabbed Crystal’s, linking our fingers together in a clear message: Aspen had moved on and so had I.


Even though I hadn’t, but that was beside the point. Right now, I just needed something to do and this was the only thing I could think of. I had to give Crystal props, because she didn’t pull away. Her hand was tense and I heard her breath hitch, but she didn’t drop my hand.


“What’s up?” I asked, hoping my voice came out steadier than I felt.


Aspen didn’t reply. Her mouth was opened in a small “O”, her eyes matching it. I wanted to walk over to her, brush my hand across her face like I’d done this weekend, until she smiled instead of looking…hurt? Yes, that’s what she looked like and I realized that wasn’t what I wanted. Even though I was hurting, I didn’t want her to feel the same.


“You don’t look sick to me,” Mattie said.


I wondered if he would rat me out to the boss. “No one asked you.”


My words seemed to snap Aspen out of her shock. “Who’s your date?” Her words were clipped.


“Who’s yours?” I asked, immediately wanting the words back.
Who’s yours?
Like I didn’t know who this guy was. This whole situation was really messing with my skills. “This is Crystal.” I tried to cover up my idiotic screw up by tossing Crystal’s name at them.


“I know you,” Matt started. “I saw you guys talking at the party.”


It was official. Before all this was over, I’d definitely be punching Mattie in the nose. His smirk told me he knew exactly what he’d just done. I groaned.


“Oh, I see how it is. So, I was the backup girl this weekend? Crystal at the party, me at the beach house and now you’re back to her? God, I hate you, Sebastian!” Aspen’s arms were crossed over her chest, something dark twisting the green of her eyes. Yeah, she was pissed, but so was I.

“What about you? You’re the one kissing me when you wanted this punk.” I pointed to Mattie.
“Dude, watch what you call me,” Mattie replied and I stepped toward him.
“Or what? What are you going to do about it, Mattie?” Yeah, I used the name he hated. So sue me.
“Sebastian, maybe we should go.” Crystal grabbed my arm, which made Aspen react.

“Maybe you should go. No one wants
here, anyway.” Aspen told her.


Crystal snapped back. “Listen, I’m not taking sides here. I’m just trying to defuse the situation.”


“Oh, aren’t you just the sweet, little girlfriend. Watch your back. He never sticks around for long.”


“Hey!” I replied to Aspen. “No one said she’s my girlfriend and why do you care if I stick around? You had this loser in the wings the whole time!”


“Dude, I said to watch what you say to me.” The idiot said.


Aspen started in on Crystal again, while I told Mattie where he could stick it. It was stupid, and loud, but I didn’t care. I had enough with this guy and I wanted to make sure he knew it. But, at the same time, I didn’t really want Crystal and Aspen to get into it either. People were circling around us, enjoying the show and all I wanted was this jerk away from Aspen.


“You better not be playing games with her,” I told him, but it was Aspen who answered me.


? You’re the one who plays games.” Her hands were balled into fists, but her eyes, the white was tinted red, like she was crying.


“I don’t trust him, Woodstock.” He’d hurt her. I mean, I know I had hurt her, but I actually loved her too. That put me a little lower on the asshole scale than he was.


“You don’t have to.” She turned to Mattie. “Come on, Matt. Let’s go.” She grabbed his hand as they walked away and it took everything in me not to tackle the guy from behind, but instead I pulled my bonehead number whatever move.


“Aspen! He doesn’t deserve you! I know what I’m talking about! You came to me for help, remember? I know this shit!” I was yelling. Through the mall. See what love does to you?


A hand clamped on my shoulder. “Sir, we’re going to have to ask you to come with us.”

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