What Daddy Did

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Authors: Donna Ford

BOOK: What Daddy Did
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Table of Contents

What Daddy Did
, Donna Ford – author of the bestselling book,
The Step Child
– tells the rest of her story. While it is a tale of the appalling physical, mental and emotional inheritance left to Donna, it is also a tale of how exhilaration, tenderness and self-development can flourish despite childhood horrors.
What Daddy Did
will speak to readers of how we all can find hope from the darkest of histories.



The shocking true story of a little girl betrayed



Donna Ford



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ISBN 9781407023205


Version 1.0




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Published in 2008 by Vermilion, an imprint of Ebury Publishing


Ebury Publishing is a Random House Group company


Copyright © Donna Ford 2008


Donna Ford has asserted her right to be identified as the author of this Work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.


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ISBN: 9781407023205


Version 1.0


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I'd like to dedicate this book to the memory of Auntie Nellie, Bob, Flora and Dan the man – gone but never ever forgotten.


With love, Donna xx



To Linda Watson-Brown, an extremely talented writer who has worked with me on both of my books, gently prodding me and pushing me to clarify my thoughts while supporting me as only a true friend can do. Linda, I thank you for your love and skill, for holding me when I was breaking my heart, for making me feel so safe by cuddling me up in furry blankets and letting me weep while our children all slept safely upstairs.


To Jenny Brown, my agent – your friendship I value, your talent and professionalism I am in awe of. Thank you, Jenny – I love both you and Linda so much because you are also wonderful mothers.


To Clare Hulton at Random House – thank you for believing in me, for listening to my story and for the respect you show me. To Julia Kellaway, who came in to the story halfway, but has contributed so much in the way of making this project as smooth-running as possible, and to Roger Field, who has dealt with the legal readings both sensitively and professionally. Thank you all so much – these books wouldn't have been possible without you all.


Thank you to Paul, Claire, Saoirse, Hannah, Katy, Andrea, Tony, Fiona, Derek and Matthew for being the best family EVER! I love you all.


And thank you to Christine and Stuart – your unconditional love has been at times overwhelming, your friendship astounding. You are the most wonderful people I have ever had the pleasure to meet.


To Saritha, Tim and Shalini – it will never matter which continent divides us; friendship has no boundaries. I love you all.


To Elaine – well, they did call it puppy love!


And last, but by no means least, to my little sister Karen. Thank you for showing me, when no-one else could, that it was possible to give and receive love. I love you and a special kiss and hug for Claire and Hannah, love Auntie Donna xxx



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