What Emma Craves (3 page)

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Authors: Amanda Abbott

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

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“What do you mean?” Emma said.

“I mean you don’t strut,” Piper said, her voice firm.


. Like, show off, wiggle your ass, flaunt what you’ve got. You’re always very demure and put together. You’re never cocky. You never put on the ‘I know you want to fuck me’ airs. Why is that? You’re totally beautiful. You could if you wanted to.”

Emma was genuinely puzzled. “Um, I have no idea? I guess it’s just not my personality.” She gave a noncommittal shrug.

“It’s not you, or not
?” Piper cocked her head.

Emma thought about it as the waitress set down her two beers. She picked one up and took a long swallow, going over it in her mind.

Piper scooted her chair closer, the legs scraping the floor, her face animated. “Tell me this. How old were you when you met Pete?”


“Was he your first love?”

“Oh, yes,” Emma answered readily. “I’d had other relationships before him, but when I met Pete it was like worlds collided and I saw stars. It was love at first sight for me. I know how corny that sounds, but that’s how I felt.”

Piper nodded. “That makes so much sense. And you were so young. How old are you now, twenty-six?”

“Just turned twenty-seven.”

“Before Pete, did you ever strut?”

Emma thought back on it. “Yes, I guess I did. I definitely strutted to try to catch Pete’s eye. I totally remember that!” She giggled. “I must’ve walked by him a million times tossing my hair and wiggling my ass. The very first time I saw him was in a bar, and there were girls all over him. I had to work hard to get him to notice me.”

“And how else did you get his attention, besides tossing your hair and wiggling your ass?”

“Honestly, I did everything I could think of,” Emma replied. “I had no shame. I basically clawed my way through the other girls to stand next to him. I bought him drinks. I wore the skimpiest clothes I could find. I wasn’t above trying anything.”

“See?” Piper said excitedly. “Now we’re getting somewhere. Why do you think Pete ultimately chose you over the other girls?”

“Because I was persistent?”

“Bullshit.” Piper chortled. “Excuse my French, but I’d bet my house you were more genuine and sweeter than any of his usual hangers-on. He picked you because you’re you! Beautiful and kind.”

Emma looked skeptical. “Maybe, or maybe because he knew I wouldn’t give up until he asked me out, so he finally gave in?”

“Yeah, right. On a related note, why did you stop being that girl? The one who would stop at nothing to get a man to look at her? Most women keep preening, especially for their girlfriends—which is why most of us still dress up once we’re married.”

Emma glanced around, surveying the other women in the room, then glanced down at her simple outfit of jeans and a white T-shirt. “I guess I hadn’t realized I’d stopped.” She met Piper’s gaze. “Damn, you should charge by the hour. This is intense.” She picked up her beer.

“Well, you’re the one who wanted to get to the bottom of it, and dude, I think we’re almost there. Seriously, why did you stop wanting people to notice you?”

Emma shook her head. “I think I stopped because once we were a pair I didn’t want Pete to get jealous if other men noticed me. I
a pleaser at heart. Pete and our relationship became my top priority very quickly, so even without his asking I must’ve toned it down. But on the flip side, it never bothered me, nor was I really aware I was doing it. I just wanted us both to be blissfully happy together.”

“Pete couldn’t really be the jealous type if you guys ultimately decided to share your bed with others.”

“We did decide to share it,” Emma admitted, “but it’s always been in controlled situations with firm rules in place, so there was no real room for jealousy.”

“Controlled by who? By Pete?”

“In the beginning, I think.” She hesitated, setting her drink down. “It’s hard to remember exactly. But what we do now is completely mutual. I wouldn’t stay with someone who tried to control or manipulate me. He loves me, and we are in this as a team.”

“I’m not saying you would. You have a very strong backbone.” Piper smiled. “Maybe ‘controlled’ is the wrong word. I don’t mean to imply that Pete is abusive in any way. Let’s try this a different way. Whose idea was it to invite another person into your bedroom the first time?”

Emma bit her lip. “It was Pete.”

“And you were fine with it?”

“I was hesitant at first, but once we did it, I thought it was great. Everyone had such a good time, and the haze of really good sex lasted for days. I know you know what I’m talking about. We were blissed out for days, horny and satisfied all at the same time. We couldn’t get enough of each other.”

“I do know that feeling, and I’m sure everyone had a blast. I’m also sure it was because you helped facilitate it by being your nice, generous self.” Piper chuckled. “I can almost imagine the scene. Two young, nubile twenty-one-year-olds in the quest for extreme pleasure.”

“That might be true. I might’ve kept the balance and made everyone feel good. But that’s also when I realized my sexual trigger was the art of sex. The sex act is so sensual and beautiful. I adore seeing it performed on everyone, and watching everyone enjoy the stark pleasure of it all gives me goose bumps.” She rubbed her arms. “It’s my thing.”

“I know it is, but,” Piper pointed out, “you guys don’t attend orgies. From my now intimate experience”—she cocked an eyebrow and whistled out of the side of her mouth, making Emma giggle—“that’s the height of witnessing the sex act. Everyone is there to seek ultimate pleasure. Why haven’t you guys ever gone to one?”

Emma was at a loss. “I don’t know.” She thought back to discussions she’d had with Pete and came up short. “We’ve always liked being in control, so orgies have never been our thing.”

“Aha!” Piper announced in a mock sardonic tone, holding up her finger. “We’re back to the control issue again. But you’re about to change all that. You realize that, right?”

“How so?”

“This is the comfort-zone thing I was talking about. Your trip to the Bahamas is the perfect place to start. The timing couldn’t be better.”

“I’m not getting it. What do you mean?”

“Emma, you’re going to learn to strut again. You’re going to wiggle that beautiful ass and move those incredible hips until everyone there—including random folks who might stroll by on the beach—want to fuck you three ways from Saturday.”

“Okay.” Emma hesitated, suppressing a giggle that was bubbling up. “And why am I going to do that?”

Piper leaned forward. “Because you’re going to shake Pete up for all he’s worth.”

Emma nodded along. “Okay, I can see where you’re heading. You want me to start making my husband jealous.”

“Yes, exactly. Because a jealous Pete will be a doting Pete. Your man is going to rediscover the amazing prize he has right in front of him—the one he’s inadvertently taken for granted for too long. That’s what you’re missing, Emma.” She set her hands on the table. “You’re missing your self-worth.”




ete arrived home to an empty house. He’d been looking forward to seeing Emma and having a nice dinner together. He was still reeling a little from their sexual encounter last week. He couldn’t stop thinking about it. But Emma had texted him that she was meeting Piper for dinner. So instead he’d worked late and picked up Chinese takeout on the way home.

It was nine forty-five. He set the food on the counter and took a plate out of the cupboard, along with some spoons from the drawer to dish everything out. Before he could dig in, there was a knock on the sliding glass doors.

He glanced up and saw Candace standing on the deck.

She gave him a small wave.

Pete gestured to her. “Come on in,” he called. “It’s open.” Over the years, Candace had stopped by on a few occasions, but usually only when Emma was home.

“Hi there,” she chirped as she came in. “I hope I’m not disturbing you. I just saw you drive up and thought I’d come by and say hi.”

Pete tried to keep his puzzlement to himself. “I’m just about to eat dinner. Chinese takeout. Would you care for any? I have more than enough.”

“No.” She shook her head. “I’m stuffed. I ate a late dinner myself.” She strolled to the island and perched on a stool. For the first time, Pete saw she held a glass of wine in her hand.

She must think Emma was home. “Emma’s not here at the moment. I’m not sure when she’ll be back,” Pete said. “But you’re welcome to wait for her.”

“Oh, that’s okay,” she answered smoothly. “I’m not here for her.” She gave him a saucy smile and took a long swallow of her wine.

This time it was surprise Pete tried to keep off his face.

This was so out of the blue.

Candace was a good-looking fortysomething, but no one he’d ever consider inviting into his and Emma’s bedroom. Pete knew Emma felt the same way. He was positive Emma had never shared their lifestyle choice with Candace either, so it would be almost impossible for her to have figured out what they did behind closed doors.

Pete decided not to touch the insinuation. Instead, he asked, “How are Kyle and the kids? I haven’t seen them around in a while.”

Candace took another long drink of her wine. “Kyle’s been gone for almost three weeks.” She set the glass down slowly. “He’s supposed to be coming home Thursday, in time for the block party, but we’ll see if he shows. The kids have been spending most of the time at their mother’s. She just moved back into the neighborhood, after winning another lawsuit for more spousal support.” She mumbled the next bit under her breath. “Because now the bitch can afford it.” She glanced up at Pete and plastered a smile back on her face. “She says it’s so the kids can easily get to our house and school from her house, but I know her, she relishes the fact she took Kyle for more money and won. She celebrates with a big party every time she wins.”

Pete cleared his throat and tried to look busy scooping food onto his plate and putting the food containers in the fridge, wishing that Candace was anywhere but in his kitchen. He couldn’t care less about any of them—not Kyle, nor his first wife, or their legal struggles.

How had this woman gotten into his house again?

When Pete turned back after shutting the fridge, Candace was grinning at him seductively, pressing her now empty wine glass into her bottom lip. Before he could think of anything to say, she said, “I know your wife watches us have sex.”

Without hesitation, Pete replied, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, I think you do,” she suggested coyly, setting her glass on the island and tracing the bottom with a single finger. “I know you guys experiment, so don’t play me for a fool. I had a hunch she was watching, but after Justin finished fucking me last week, I found him hanging around my garage like a lost puppy. Since no one is home at my house except me, I went outside to ask him what the hell he was doing, and he told me he was hoping
wife would come back out.” She cocked her head toward Pete, and a cascade of chemically treated hair fell over her shoulder. “I think you deserve to know that your wife might be heading into an affair. Justin is certainly ready and willing to oblige. He even told me he’s asked her to join us.” Candace slowly got off the stool and eased around the island. “It’s a little perverted that she likes to watch, wouldn’t you agree?”

Pete wanted to back up as she moved toward him, but he held his ground. He couldn’t show fear in a situation like this or The Cougar would strike. “Candace, I can assure you no one is cheating or thinking about cheating. And, yes, Emma has watched you a few times for fun, but she found out about your little trysts very innocently. You were moaning loudly, and we both heard you from our deck. Emma went to investigate to make sure you were okay.”

Candace set an open palm, her fingernails painted bright red, on his chest. “How very noble of her.” She leaned in to openly scent him, her nostrils flaring. “I bet she enjoyed the show, or she certainly wouldn’t keep coming back for more. Justin fucks very well. But I’m thinking”—she slid her hand up to his neck—“you would do the job
much better.”

Pete slowly removed her hand, picking it off his chest like a hot coal. He didn’t really want to offend her, because she was obviously very lonely, but this was getting out of hand. “I’m sorry, Candace. You’re very attractive, but I’m not interested. I love my wife. I would never cheat on her.”

Candace tsked. “You don’t have to lie to me.” She leaned in close to him and whispered, “I’ve seen in your windows. Your wife is not the only one who gets nosy when they hear people making loud noises. Noises that sound like delicious groans of pleasure.”

“Really, Candace, I’m sure what you think you saw wasn’t—”

All of a sudden she was kissing him, her hands grasping either side of his face, her red nails digging in.

He sputtered, but before he could break away, he heard a door opening, followed by, “I’m sorry, am I interrupting something?”

* * *

The utter surprise, coupled with disgust, in Pete’s expression as Emma caught him and Candace in a clench was almost comical. But Emma kept a stern look on her face, crossing her arms and jutting her hip out to make it look convincing.

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