Read What Happens After Dark Online

Authors: Jasmine Haynes

Tags: #Erotic Romance

What Happens After Dark (21 page)

BOOK: What Happens After Dark
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When Luke made a move to retreat, Bree remained rooted. Something about the sight attracted her. He found himself wanting to understand what drew her, so he pulled her into an empty space along the wall. Positioning her in front of him with his hands at her hips, he held her close, his cock finding the soft line along the cleft of her ass. She would feel his every reaction. With her high heels, she was slightly taller as he watched over her shoulder, and her aroused scent rose to tantalize his senses.
“Is this what you want?” he whispered, stirring the fine hairs falling across her ear.
She turned her head slightly. “I don’t know. I need to see.”
But she was intrigued. And, watching her, so was Luke. The room itself was stylish, the dom and his submissive more attractive than the majority of couples he’d seen tonight.
“I need volunteers,” the black-haired man said. Hands shot up before he’d even stated his needs, and he smiled at the eagerness. There was something in that smile, a showmanship, the grin and eyes of a man who enjoyed center stage. “Perhaps we’ll have to draw straws.” He laughed, then raised his voice amid the murmurs that had grown in volume. “She refused the man I chose for her. She will therefore be required to take five men between her legs, sight unseen.”
Bree’s shudder shimmied through Luke’s body. Looking over her shoulder, even in the dim light around the outer edges of the room, he saw the burgeoning peaks of her nipples above the line of the bustier. She was beyond intrigued. Excitement coursed through her body, and he could have sworn he detected a fresh wave of heightened arousal.
Was it for the punishment?
Or the ringmaster?
A GAGGLE OF MEN WAVED THEIR ARMS IN THE AIR REGARDLESS OF the women who accompanied them. Luke wasn’t one of them. He was there to watch and learn about Bree, not step into the limelight himself. He was even over the punishment part, the lesson he was supposed to teach her. Now, he wanted to discover what fascinated her about the tableau.
The dom was definitely a showman. He paraded the bed’s perimeter, scrutinizing each and every man who’d raised his hand. “We need fucking punishment, gentlemen, not namby-pamby lovemaking.” He leaned in close as he stalked past the group, lowering his voice for emphasis. “She likes it hard and rough. She loves a big cock. So you’ll have to drop your pants first for inspection.”
No one put his hand down at the threat.
Bree followed the guy’s path, her head moving as if she were watching a match game, her attention rapt. Luke snugged her closer against his cock to remind her he was right there.
Turning, the dom trailed his crop along his submissive’s leg, up her thigh, then suddenly swatted the lips of her sex. She moaned and writhed on the bed.
“You see that,” he exclaimed to his audience. “If I ask, she doesn’t obey. But if I force her, she’s dying for it.” He turned at that exact moment and captured Bree with his gaze. “Is that how you like it, beautiful lady?”
Bree vibrated with tension along Luke’s body. He felt rather than heard her low moan.
“She doesn’t speak unless I give her permission.” Luke paused for emphasis, holding the younger man’s gaze. “And I’m not giving her permission.”
“Thanks for the warning, my friend. Perhaps you and I should talk”—he held Bree with his eyes as he licked his lips—“about permission later.”
Luke merely gave him a hard look until finally the man smiled and moved on. Message received; Luke wasn’t sharing tonight.
“Now who will be first?” the man called out like the ringmaster he was.
A paunchy guy of about fifty shoved through the crowd that was growing with every passing moment. “I’ll do it.” He hefted his hand against his jeans.
The dom eyed his gut. “Be serious, dude.”
The guy puffed up his chest. “Maybe you should check the package first before you make a snap decision.”
With that challenge, the dom suddenly shot out his hand and grabbed the guy’s crotch, holding his gaze as he felt him up. Then finally, he let out a long breath. “Holy hell, ladies and gentleman, we have a winner here.” He backed off and lightly slapped the man’s shoulder with his crop. “Let ’em see.”
Holy hell was right, Luke thought as the man undid his pants and exposed himself. He was hung like a horse. A
Luke nuzzled Bree’s ear. “Do you want that?”
She shook her head, hair brushing the side of his face. “I don’t like him.”
“Size isn’t everything?”
She turned to rub her cheek against his like a cat. “You’re as big as I want.”
He was above average, but he certainly didn’t have the monster cock the old dude did. “Such a diplomat,” he murmured.
The dom climbed onto the bed as if it were his stage and leaned over his slave. His lips next to her ear, he whispered loud enough to fill the room. “He’s so big, my sweet, that I’m not sure this will be punishment.”
She wriggled on the bed. He traced her body from nipple to nipple with the tip of the riding crop, then headed down to her mound. And finally, dramatically, he murmured, “Fuck her now.”
The pot-bellied chosen one didn’t hesitate a moment. Crawling onto the bed, he removed neither his shoes nor his jeans, merely shoving them down over his hips. He rolled on the condom the woman’s dom threw at him, then, in the next beat, he impaled her.
It was an impressive sight, all that engorged flesh filling her to capacity in one swift thrust. She didn’t scream. She was already wet and ready.
He fucked her hard, just as instructed, grunting with exertion. The woman’s breasts bobbed and jiggled. Wrapping her hands around the small chain of the cuffs securing her to the bed, she held on, braced herself to take more. Then slowly, she dragged her heels up his calves, spreading herself wide to give him everything. She panted, moaned, sobbed, shouted, and it was all with pure pleasure.
Reaching between the pounding bodies, her dom pinched her nipple. She screamed then as he held on, his knuckles turning white with the pressure, and her body bucked. She was coming, hard, endlessly, taking her punishment, loving it.
Against him, Bree writhed in empathy. He wanted to touch her, test her. Insinuating a knee between her thighs, he pushed her to a wider stance, then slipped his hand beneath the front hem of her pleated skirt. Her skin was slick with desire, her pussy wet and hot.
As he rubbed her clit, making her body shake, the showman on the bed looked up in that precise moment. Watching Luke’s hand work magic beneath the skirt, the subtlety of his action making it even hotter, the man licked his lips as he stared Luke down.
Neither of them paid attention to the grunting orgasm of the man between the submissive’s legs until finally the guy heaved himself off her, breathing hard, his dick still semi-erect in the aftermath.
“How about you, sir?” The dom pointed at Luke. “Would you like to give my lady a try?”
Before him, Bree stiffened. Maybe he wasn’t the only one who didn’t want to share.
He withdrew his hand from her deliciously wet pussy, raised his fingers to his mouth and licked them. Then he smiled. “I’m doing fine right where I am.”
“I’m enjoying the view, too.” The man grinned with white teeth that seemed to glow in the spotlight. Then he leaned once more over his woman. “Was that enough, my sweet? Or do you need more punishment?”
“I haven’t learned my lesson yet, Master. I need more.”
He ran a hand down her flank. “I thought you would.” Then he rose from the bed, examined the sea of waving hands.
“You,” he said, pointing.
A skinny young guy was already unzipping his pants as he stepped from between a couple of much beefier men. His cock sprang free.
“My, my,” the ringmaster enthused. “Now that is a sight.” He raised his gaze to the kid’s eyes. “What’s a young whippersnapper doing with a cock like that?”
“I can squirt three feet,” the kid said proudly.
“Well, isn’t that marvelous. Perhaps we need to have you fuck her, then pull out at the last moment so we can bear witness to that testimony.”
The kid nodded eagerly. He took the condom and his position on the bed. Holding out a hell of a lot longer than the older guy, he went at the prone woman for ten minutes with fast steady pumps. Going back on his haunches, he dragged her legs over his thighs and fucked her upright as she writhed, panted, moaned, and tossed her head on the pillow. Tears of pleasure sparkled at her temples. She shuddered twice in what Luke figured were two separate orgasms.
“He made her come like that, without even touching her,” Bree whispered, an awed hush in her voice.
She’d never come from fucking alone. She needed the spanking, the filthy words, and his fingers on her. The times he thought she had were more of her fakes. But she was captivated by this, the way the woman moved her body, angling her hips so the kid was riding her G-spot. It was the slow, steady thrust, too, that worked her, and served to hold off the kid’s climax at the same time.
Then their ringmaster snapped his fingers. “Come on, boy, we have others waiting here.”
“Yes, sir.” The kid began a fast, hard pump that made the woman’s breasts damn near bob to her chin. “Jesus, I’m gonna come,” he shouted.
“Don’t hide the come shot, boy,” the dom warned.
The kid pulled out, tore off the condom, tossed it into the crowd who hooted and hollered as he stroked his cock three times and exploded in a massive come that splattered the headboard before he directed it down over the woman’s face, neck, and breasts. It was a veritable shower.
Her dom crawled close once more, scooped some of the white come from her throat onto his fingers and fed it to her. She licked him clean, greedy for more.
Bree rubbed her ass against Luke, stroking his cock between her cheeks.
“Do you want some of that come?” he murmured, nuzzling her ear, burying his face against her hair. He loved being the voyeur with her, feeling her skin heat, her scent rise, her pulse race, her breathy moans. However the evening had started, it had turned into a sexy little fantasy they were sharing.
The tableau on the bed ended and another began. The ringmaster searched for his next victim.
“I want to do it,” a woman’s voice called out, and a hush fell over the room. In the relative darkness along the wall beyond the reach of the spotlight, Luke couldn’t make out the owner of the seductive voice.
The dom laughed. “Did you bring a strap-on?”
“I don’t need one. She’ll love what I do to her.”
He turned to his lady on the bed. “That’s an idea I hadn’t thought of,” he murmured, interest animating his features. “What do you think, my sweet? Shall I let her have you?”
“Oh, Master, no.”
He guffawed. “She has a safe word, and she didn’t say it. That means you’re in.”
The woman who stepped to the center of the room wasn’t gorgeous. She was, in fact, rather matronly, at least fifty, with neat auburn hair dyed to cover her roots, and full breasts. She could have been someone’s mother. She wore a tailored suit of pale blue that she began unbuttoning as the audience waited with its collective breath held. Though not slender, her muscles were toned. Nude, she climbed gracefully on the bed, then tentatively ran her fingers along the woman’s body.
“Her skin feels delicious.”
Even the ringmaster seemed overcome, mesmerized by the soft touches accompanied by the gentle moans of his submissive.
“The others didn’t kiss you, did they,” the matron murmured just before she spread her legs to straddle the other woman’s hips. First she licked the kid’s come from the slave’s cheeks and throat, lapping up every drop. Then she opened her mouth and took her willing victim with a deep tongue kiss that could be heard in the near silence of the room as they shared the taste of come between them.
He’d seen two women play at clubs before. But this was something more. The sheer eroticism of that kiss was hypnotic. Their bodies moved together in a sweet rhythm, breasts touching, mating.
“It’s beautiful,” Bree said on a breath.
He wrapped an arm tight around her waist and leaned fully against the wall, pulling her with him. “Yes,” he agreed.
She put an arm back, wound it around his neck to hold him to her, tipped her head to put her lips to his ear. “They’re so gentle with each other.”
Men weren’t always gentle. And she didn’t usually want gentle. Fucking was good when it was hard, but this was different, almost magical.
Even as they seemed lost in their kiss, the older woman reached down between their legs and stroked the other’s glistening pussy lips. She was slow, tender, caressing, until finally her fingers dipped inside. A long, deep moan electrified the air. Beneath her, the slave took her punishment with delight, her hips lifting, pressing, begging for more.
Bree’s breath quickened, and she moved sinuously against him.
“Do you like this? Do you want a woman?”
On the bed, the two ladies ground their pussies together in imitation fucking, the silence in the room broken only by their mingled breaths and moans.
And Bree’s answer. “No. I want you, Master.”
He wondered if he could handle watching her with a woman, if it would be different than giving her to a man.
Woman-On-Top broke the delicious kiss and began crawling down her lover’s body. She tweaked the pert nipples, eliciting a gasp, licked the kid’s come away, then trailed kisses down her abdomen until she lay between the submissive’s spread thighs, her breath puffing on the open pussy swollen with need. Then she bent to lick the turgid button of the woman’s clitoris.
“Touch me,” Bree whispered, her voice low, harsh, needy.
He had a better idea. “Touch yourself. Reach under your skirt and stroke your clit for me.” It was halfway to the fantasy he’d conjured for her on the phone, masturbating with an audience, even if they weren’t the center of attention.
BOOK: What Happens After Dark
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