What Happens Tomorrow (37 page)

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Authors: Elle Michaels

BOOK: What Happens Tomorrow
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“I’m sorry, doctor, but I’m waiting for my husband,” I play along with a little wink.

“Okay, Brooke, the baby should be out in just a few short minutes,” Doctor Renner says as I look at Tyler confused.

“What does he mean the baby will be here in a few minutes? I thought it took twenty minutes from the time they started and—”

“Brooke, they had started before they brought me in,” he says with wide eyes, grasping hold of my outstretched hand. I now see the concerned look in his furrowed brows.

“It’s all right. I’m all right. I can’t feel anything. That’s why I didn’t know they’d started.” I try to set his mind at ease. Slowly, he nods just as my body starts rocking.

“Brooke, we’re pulling the baby out right now, you might feel a little pressure but don’t worry, it’s all normal. We’re in the homestretch now.” I feel a strange pressure in my chest as my body sways with the doctor tugging our baby from my body.

“Are they hurting you?” Tyler asks protectively just as the rocking stops. Then I hear it.


Beautiful newborn crying.

A sound I never thought I would ever hear again.

“Congratulations…it’s a girl,” he says as he happily hoists our perfect crying angel into the air.


Tyler leans over to kiss my lips through his paper mask, his tears spilling all over my face.

“I love you so much, Brooke,” he excitedly cries. “She’s beautiful. Just like her mother.”

I sob, unable to contain the pent-up emotions felt in my heart. I never thought this day would come and yet here I am, married to the most wonderful, loving man who has given me the most precious gift… our daughter.


“I love you, Tyler. We did it. She’s really here. We have a daughter.”

Once the doctors have cut her umbilical cord, then weighed and measured her, our six pound, thirteen ounce, twenty-one inches long angel is placed on my chest, her proud Daddy holding her tight.

“Look at her, Tyler. She’s so beautiful,” I tenderly sob.


“Does this little princess have a name yet?” Doctor Renner enquires. We’ve been arguing about names for the last few months and have narrowed girl names down to Jordyn and Abigail.

“Well, Mrs. Reynolds? Have we decided on a name yet?” Tyler teases. He told me the final decision was up to me. Gazing into the perfect face before me, I am in awe of how beautiful our little girl is. Her bottom lip is sucked in leaving only a tiny heartshaped top lip visible. She has the most beautiful tiny button nose and I can’t resist leaning in and kissing the tip of it.

“Abigail. Abigail Katelin Reynolds.”

“You’re sure?” he questions.

“Yes. Abigail means the Father’s joy and that is exactly who this little princess is.” I lean in to kiss her head just as my angel opens her eyes. “I love you my beautiful girl. My cup runneth over.”




NEVER, IN A million years, did I ever envision writing a book. If it weren’t for the love and support of some important people in my life, What Happens Tomorrow would never have been written.

To the love of my life, my incredible husband. Thank you for always loving me and believing in me and, for picking up the slack around the house while I was writing.

To my beautiful daughters, I thank you for so being understanding for all the times I said Mom needed quiet time.

To my Mom, thank you for always loving me and always pushing me to succeed in life. And for introducing me to romance novels.

Amy, if it wasn’t for your encouraging words, I might never have had to courage to move forward with the idea for this book.

Janelle, I don’t know what I would do without your friendship or your fabulous mind to bounce ideas off and, I hope I never find out.

Christine, everyone needs a supportive, honest friend to help point them in the right direction, and I’m lucky I have that in you.

Brandee, I truly believe it was fate that brought you into my life. You gone above and beyond to help me spread the word about What Happens Tomorrow and I don’t know how to ever thank you enough.

Melissa and my Sprinting Sisters for motivating me to get off my butt and get writing.

Virginia, Hillary, Jennifer, Caryn and Davetta, I have nothing but big love for you ladies.

To LP Hidalgo, at Bookfabulous Designs, thank you for helping to design exactly what I envisioned for this cover.

To my formatter, Julie, thanks for being so amazing!!!

Finally, to my wonderful friend and editor, Jennifer, I am so honored and thankful to have you in my life.

Special thanks to Brandee’s Book Endings, Holly’s Hot Reads, Love N Books, Little Black Book Blog, Flirty and Dirty Book Blog, Swoon Worthy Books, Becca the Bibliophile, Three Chicks and Their Books, Wolfel's World of Books, Up All Night Book Blog, Naughty and Nice Book Blog, Shh Moms Reading.




ELLE MICHAELS IS a professional in the tech sector, residing with her family in the Pacific Northwest. Having spent years acting in and directing stage productions, she dreamed of writing a screenplay, but at the suggestion of a friend, she decided to write a novel instead. She has always had a passion for reading and romance. There is nothing she loves more than to get lost in a sexy romance story. When not working or writing, she can be found spending time with the love of her life, her two young children and Yorkshire Terrier.


For more information about Elle and her upcoming titles,

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