What Love Tastes Like (2 page)

BOOK: What Love Tastes Like
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Tiffany took a deep breath and tried not to panic. Her purse had been here just a minute ago, in the basket of her luggage cart, right next to her laptop. She mentally retraced her footsteps in her mind, remembering specific moments when she knew she'd had the Coach bag her mother had given her for Christmas. She'd definitely had it as she exited the plane, had fiddled with the strap as she and the handsome stranger shared casual pleasantries when finding themselves separated only by a rope as they snaked through the customs line. She'd looked in her purse, prepared to boldly give the man her phone number, but his turn had come up before she could find paper and pen. She remembered carefully putting her passport back in her purse after they'd stamped it, her mother's words echoing in her head:
Treat that passport as if it's the key out of that country, because it is.

“Yes, I had it then,” she said to herself as she remembered her purse being the last thing she placed on the luggage cart, after loading on two heavy suitcases, a carry-on, her laptop, and Tuffy. Then she'd rolled out of the baggage claim area in search of ground transportation. That's when a young woman who looked American but spoke with an accent had approached her and asked for the best way to get to the tourist sites in the city center. When Tiffany said she didn't know, the woman had excitedly gone on about it being her first time in Rome and admitting how nervous she was to be there by herself. Tiffany could relate. She was nervous as well. She'd felt a kinship with the foreigner, and at the time had thought the woman's shifting eyes were due to nervousness. Now she knew it was due to something else.
That bitch was watching out for an accomplice.

“She took my purse!” Tiffany yelled, before even realizing she was speaking out loud. Several pairs of eyes turned to stare at her, but she was too panicked to feel embarrassment. “Help, those people stole my purse!”

Belatedly, Tiffany decided to give chase, her heavily laden luggage cart careening wildly through Rome's Fiumicino Airport. She steered the clumsy vehicle as if she were back on the streets of LA, doing a drive-by.

“Excuse me,” she said to a woman whom she accidentally bumped in the butt, almost knocking her over. “Coming through!” she yelled as an older gentleman decided to stop and tie his shoe. She managed to bring the cart to a halt just before she broadsided him, stopping so quickly that her carry-on toppled off the cart and Tuffy flew forward and hit the man in the head. “My bad,” she said to the bewildered man, who began berating her in rapid-fire Italian. “No-a speakie, no-a speakie,” she replied as she gathered up her bag and her bear and began again in the direction she thought the woman had gone.

Five minutes later, she gave up the chase. The woman was nowhere in sight and now Tiffany doubted she could even recognize her in a line-up. Was her hair dark blond or brown? Was she wearing a blue top…or was it purple? The woman was Tiffany's height, five foot three, but Tiffany didn't remember whether she wore jeans or slacks, or a skirt, for that matter. She'd had colosseums, not criminals, on her mind as they'd talked.

“Damn.” Tiffany plopped down on her luggage and put her head in her hands. She could feel the beginnings of an anxiety attack coming on and tried to focus on breathing deeply. But the gravity of the situation began to grow in her mind. She was in a foreign country, alone, with no passport, no money, and no idea how she'd gone from triumph to tragedy so quickly. She'd been so proud of herself as she'd stepped off the plane, having made it through her first trans-Atlantic flight without throwing up or peeing on herself—both unfortunate events that had accompanied past panic attacks. Now she was precariously close to achieving a trifecta, because in addition to these two scene-stealers, she felt ready to throw a two-year-old tantrum and assure herself a place in one of Rome's asylums for the insane. Tiffany began to shake with the effort it took to hold herself together. Trying not to hyperventilate—on top of not vomiting, peeing, or sobbing like a fool—was taking its toll.

“Are you all right?”

Tiffany froze at the sound of the voice flowing down to her ears, smooth and sweet…like maple syrup. Without opening her eyes or raising her head, she knew who it was.
Just great. I probably look like a blubbering idiot, and here comes Mr. First Class to see me in all my crazed glory.
Tiffany hadn't imagined the handsome stranger as her knight in shining armor, but she had imagined doing things to him at night—before she'd forced herself to stop fantasizing and fallen asleep.

He placed a firm hand on Tiffany's shoulder. “What is the problem here? Can I help?”

Tiffany wiped her eyes, prayed there was no snot coming out of her nose, and stood. She took another deep breath and forced herself to look into the eyes that had melted her meow-meow on the plane. “My purse was stolen.” Her voice was soft, barely a whisper. But it was all she could do. The energy that fueled her initial outburst was spent; now if she opened her mouth much wider she'd break out into an ugly cry.

He angrily clenched and unclenched his jaw. “Come with me.” His tone was decisive, as were his movements. He placed his single carry-on bag on top of her luggage, took Tiffany's much smaller hand into his large one, and began navigating them through the terminal. Tiffany walked beside him silently, feeling as if the events taking place were surreal. She'd been in Rome less than an hour and already her life was upside down. When they reached the elevator, he quietly reached for the teddy bear in the luggage cart basket and handed it to Tiffany.

“Here, your friend will make you feel a little better.”

His gesture was almost her undoing, yet Tiffany took Tuffy and clutched him to her chest. “Thank you,” she stuttered. She knew it must seem silly to other people, but once she clasped her dear furry friend, she began to calm down.

The elevator doors opened and the stranger guided the cart and Tiffany inside it. Tiffany snuck a glance at him, and then not being able to resist it, took another, longer look. “Where are we going?”

“To the administrative offices,” he replied. “I know someone there who can get us to a higher-up in airport security. We'll be able to get this straightened out without all the hassle. You'll have to fill out a report with the airport, and another with the police if you want this crime reported, which I suggest that you do. I won't ask you what happened. You'll have to repeat the despicable details at least twice as it is.” He gave Tiffany's hand a reassuring squeeze. “By the way, I'm Nick Rollins.”

His personable manners in the midst of madness brought a smile to Tiffany's heart, if not her face. “Tiffany Matthews.”

“Even though I truly wish the circumstances were different, Tiffany Matthews, it is a pleasure to formally meet you.”

Just over an hour later, Nick was once again leading Tiffany, this time out of the administrative offices and down to ground transportation. As assuring as it was to have this six-foot-tall mass of obvious authority walking beside her, looking nice and smelling good, something about his take-charge manner made her uncomfortable. For the moment, she was too grateful to complain. If Nick hadn't been there, Tiffany felt she'd still be sitting on her luggage, crying and waiting for God knew who to do Lord knew what.

“Thanks for everything you did back there,” Tiffany said as they once again neared the elevator.

“No worries,” Nick said comfortably. “I'm just glad I was here to help you. Trans-Atlantic flying can be exhausting. To have your purse stolen after having just landed is plain bad luck.”

“I knew better than to turn my back on my cart, even for a second. But that woman, excuse me, that
distracted me on purpose, showing me a brochure of some famous fountain…”

“Trevi, it's the Trevi Fountain.”

“It's the
fountain in my book, because that's what finding out about it cost me—nothing but trouble.”

“On the good side, nothing was taken that can't be replaced, and what's more, your trip is bound to get better from here!”

The next thing Tiffany knew she was in Nick's chauffeured town car, getting whisked to the American embassy for an emergency replacement passport. On the way, Nick provided his satellite phone so that she could make calls to replace her traveler's checks, cancel her credit cards, and turn off her cell phone—all the while thanking her mother for bugging her until Tiffany had promised to write all of her credit card, passport, and related telephone numbers on a separate piece of paper and place it in her carry-on luggage. While she placed all of these calls, Nick was a calming presence beside her, handling his own items of business on the car phone. When she ended her call, he was still on his, a business call of some sort, she deduced. She busied herself looking out the window, taking in this place that looked so different from the streets of LA. They passed several stately-looking buildings adorned with statues and accented with fountains.

As she gazed out her window, Tiffany thought back over the past couple hours. How Nick Rollins had swooped in to save a modern-day damsel in distress. She remembered the deference those in the airline office had paid him, how the manager of the airport had referred to him as “Mr. Rollins.” How the police had appeared out of nowhere and taken her report right there in the airline office, precluding her from having to actually travel to the station to fill out the report. Nick was obviously well known in Rome, or at least well connected.

It took just under an hour for Tiffany to fill out the paperwork regarding her stolen passport and the application to have a new one expedited to her. Throughout the process, Nick continued to be a reassuring presence beside her. His chivalry continued once they left the embassy and got back in the car.

“Please accept my gift of a hotel room where I'm staying,” he said.

Tiffany started, so engrossed in present complexities that she hadn't begun to think of future challenges—such as eating, sleeping and navigating a foreign city with no money. “Oh, I couldn't,” she muttered, her mind whirling with plan-B possibilities, of which there were none.

“I insist,” Nick countered easily. “It's in a very nice and convenient location, and has a great restaurant with shops nearby. It will be the perfect backdrop for your introduction to Rome, and will prevent you from having to scramble around for a room on credit.” There was humor in Nick's voice as he spoke this last sentence, but Tiffany failed to find anything funny. She seriously doubted that there was a hotel on the continent that would extend credit to a traveling guest.

“I can't accept that kind of generosity,” Tiffany said again, this time with less conviction. When Nick remained quiet, gently stroking his wisp of a mustache, she continued, “Only if I can pay you back, every cent.”

Nick smiled, and a blessed showing of even, white teeth sent her heart flip-flopping with a different kind of anxiety. She was quickly, quietly, falling in lust.

Who is this man who's rescued me?
Tiffany pondered the question as she and Nick continued casual conversation.
And what is he expecting in exchange for his kindness?


The hotel was quaint, and plush at the same time—about ten minutes away from what Tiffany would later learn was the hub of Rome's city center. Tiffany's second thought, after the first one of how beautiful the building was, was the fact that it would probably take a third of this trip's budget to pay for one night's stay. She'd reserved a room in a modest bed-and-breakfast, but an inquiring phone call to the establishment had confirmed her fears and Nick's assumption that she couldn't check in without a major credit card. The thought to throw herself on the mercy of the restaurant where she'd be interning was quickly extinguished. She knew those people even less than she knew Nick, which was hardly at all. Except for one phone call, the communication regarding the internship had been by e-mail. Not only that, but Chef Riatoli was her mentor, at the top of his game. She wanted to impress him. Begging him for money before she'd even entered his kitchen was not the type of impression she had in mind.
Just one night. Then my traveler's checks will be here and I can be on my way.

A doorman in top hat and tails stepped up to the town car and made an exaggerated sweep of his hands as he opened the door. “Welcome back, Mr. Rollins, sir.” His accent was lyrical and his eyes twinkled. “Always a pleasure to have you.”

Alberto,” Nick replied. He continued chatting but Tiffany couldn't understand a word he said. What was perfectly clear, however, was how sexy Nick sounded speaking Italian. She tried not to be impressed, and failed, especially once they stepped inside the extravagantly appointed hotel lobby.

Okay, maybe half my budget,
Tiffany thought as they entered. The deep mahogany wood along the walls and the front desk gleamed under the sparkling light from pure gold chandeliers. Tiffany's feet sank into plush, dark carpeting before the pile gave way to a bronzed, polished marble. All words escaped her as she tried to appear casual and nonchalant in what was rapidly becoming a fairy tale. But reality came crashing down around her when she heard the manager's response to Nick's request for a second room.

“I'm sorry, sir, but there are no other rooms available.”

“Excuse me?” Nick responded in English, obviously not used to being told no, no matter what the question.

“All of the rooms are taken, sir. We are sold out,” the manager said, a look pleading for understanding in his eyes. “I can recommend another fine hotel that's just down the way—”

“Never mind that,” Nick interrupted, silencing the man with a wave of his authoritative hand. And then, seeing the fear in the eyes of an employee not wanting to piss off one of his richest customers, Nick softened. “It's okay,” he continued in Italian. “I will work it out.” And then he turned to Tiffany. “You'll stay in my suite.”

“No,” Tiffany said, without hesitation. And once again, the vague feeling of discomfort that had plagued her at various times since their meeting surfaced. “I couldn't do that,” she slowly continued. Not that bedding down with this fine specimen of human flesh wasn't tempting—it was. It just wasn't prudent. Tiffany was here to launch her career into the culinary world, a competitive, all-consuming endeavor. She needed to be ready to meet Chef on Monday morning, and didn't need to be distracted by fleeting fancies of delusional love.

Nick nodded curtly to the manager before grasping Tiffany's arm and directing them both away from the desk. “This suite,” he began by way of explanation, “has two bedrooms, two baths, a nice-sized living/dining area, and fully furnished kitchen. You'll be safe and secure in your own room, which is on the other side of the living room…if that's what you want.”

“I need my own room, not one in your suite.” Tiffany knew she was hardly in a position to make demands, but the feeling of losing control was increasing, along with her anxiety. She glanced over at Tuffy peeking out of her oversized travel bag, but squelched the urge to reach for teddy bear backup.

Nick followed Tiffany's gaze and released a long breath. He eyed her critically before walking back over to the desk and speaking to the manager. “He's checking on the other hotel,” he announced when he rejoined her in the lobby's sitting area.

They didn't have long to wait. The hotel manager came over to where they sat, and Tiffany didn't have to speak Italian to know his search had not been successful.

“There's a cardiologist conference going on in the area,” Nick translated after he and the manager had spoken. “All of the five-star hotels are booked solid.”

“I don't have to stay in a five-star hotel,” Tiffany said to the manager. “I'll take anything.”

Instead of talking to Tiffany, the manager looked at Nick.

Why are you looking at him? Didn't you just hear me say I'd take anything?
Tiffany thought this but did not voice it. No money, no ID, and no place to go were standing in between her and her much-loved independence.

Nick checked his watch. “That's fine, but we don't have time for that tonight. You're welcome to stay in my suite, and if you still want to move to another hotel tomorrow, I'll be more than happy to help you get settled in one that is more to your liking.”

Tiffany hid a frown, stifled a sigh, and silently followed Nick as he walked over to the front desk to pick up the room keys.
What choice do I have?
She didn't like the feeling of helplessness that had accompanied her unspoken decision to share Nick's suite. This feeling warred with the thought that said she should be grateful that Nick was here to offer her a room.
I can't deny that,
she thoughtfully concluded, trying to shake off the angst she felt and replace it with gratitude.
After all, it's just one night.
Even so, she lifted Tuffy from the cart just as the bellhop pushed the container bearing their luggage toward the elevator, and snuck another look at the handsome man who'd become her savior. A squiggly feeling slid from her navel to her nana as she eyed the strong, capable hands, one clutching a briefcase, the other, an iPhone. Tiffany clutched the bear, hoping that more than protecting her from Nick, her furry friend could protect her from herself.

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