Read What She Needs: Cape May, Book 3 Online

Authors: Anne Rainey

Tags: #Red Hots!, #Contemporary Romance

What She Needs: Cape May, Book 3 (6 page)

BOOK: What She Needs: Cape May, Book 3
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Devon grumbled low in his throat. “We have all the time in the world to talk. Right now, right this instant, I need to touch you, sugar. It’s all I’ve thought about since leaving you last night.”

Tory wanted to protest further, but his mouth moved to her neck and he began to nibble and lick. “Oh, God, that feels so good.”

The tip of his tongue touched the shell of her ear as he whispered, “I’ve only just begun.” In a flash, Devon yanked her off her feet and plopped her on top of his thighs. “There, that’s where you belong.”

His talented mouth pressed against hers and Tory forgot about everything else. There was only Devon and Tory. All the worries and fears vanished in a flash of heat and desire. She opened her mouth and danced her tongue over his lips. At his rumbling of approval, Devon gave her entrance. Their tongues mated and Tory clutched Devon’s biceps, excited and a little afraid. She wanted the moment to last a lifetime. To know what they had couldn’t be broken. Her body was on fire. She wanted him. Inside of her.

Around her. Drinking her in, filling her up. She hadn’t stopped craving Devon and Con since Christmas Eve, when the two of them had taken her to heaven.

Tory trailed her fingers over Devon’s muscular arms. She drew in a breath when she felt them close around her waist, pulling her in tight. A moan escaped her. He was so strong, so virile. She was safe and secure with Devon. She knew it, sensed it. He would always take care of her. Just as Con would. Her body was theirs to command, her soul tethered to them.

She wanted to say something, to share her feelings with him, but his words had her body rocketing out of control, and once again her thoughts scattered.

“Give me this pussy,” he demanded. “Say you want me, Tory. Deep. Here and now.”

“Yes,” she breathed.



What She Needs

He grinned and slipped his hands beneath the elastic waistband of her pants and cupped her sex through her panties. “The clothes, sugar.”

She pushed out of his arms and stood before him. His eyes, so dark and full of passion, watched her as she stripped. “Now you, Devon.” He got to his feet and undressed so fast she thought maybe he was going for some sort of world record. Her desire increased tenfold when she saw him rolling a condom over the evidence of his arousal. So thick and hard and pulsing with life. Tory licked her lips and very slowly reached out and touched the glistening tip through the rubber.

Devon stroked her hair and murmured, “Later for that. Right now I need to feel your tight little cunt.”

And because she desperately needed him filling her, to rebuild the connection between them somehow, she readily agreed. “Yes.”

Then, once more, Devon’s big, capable hands gripped her around the waist and lifted her off the floor.

“Wrap your legs around me and guide me in,” he instructed. “Show me how much you want my dick. Take us both there, sugar.”

She did his bidding. His erotic words had her heart pounding harder and her body quaking with need.

“I’m so wet for you,” she whispered as she took his heavy cock in her hand and slid him inside a bare inch.

She wiggled and her body closed around him as he sank deep, tight and hot. She shuddered.

“Ride me, sweetness,” Devon gently urged.

Tory flung her head back and began a gentle motion, then faster, until she was fucking him hard the way the both needed it.

“That’s my girl. Fuck it good, Tory.” Devon clutched her hair in an unyielding fist and tugged her backward, before feasting on her breasts.

The heat of his mouth seemed to suck the air out of her lungs. She was utterly surrounded by him. He drove her into another world. When his fingers found their way over her nub, expertly flicking it in just the way she liked, Tory’s body seized. Her muscles clenched as she slammed down, fucking, their bodies slapping together, melding until there was no separating them.

Soon Tory was there, spiraling out of control. Her hot pussy bathed him in wetness as he sank his mouth over hers and captured her shouts. As her desire began to ebb, Devon clutched her hips and pushed into her once, twice, then he arched his neck and moaned her name as he emptied himself into the condom.

Tory’s breath came in short pants, her body sweaty, lungs starved for oxygen. Her legs shook from exertion as she collapsed against Devon’s heaving chest. No way could she ever move again. Devon’s arms came around her shoulders in an unyielding hold. She wiggled, gaining his attention. As their gazes met, Tory saw raw hunger. If he hadn’t just spent himself inside her, she would have thought he was ready to go again.

“There’s something you need to know,” Devon said in a low, haunted voice.


Anne Rainey

Fear skated up her spine. In all the time she’d known Devon, she couldn’t remember him once sounding so defeated. “What is it, Devon?”

“Con isn’t the only one battling the ugly green monster here.”

Tory blinked, trying to figure out if he was playing her. Of all the things he could’ve said, she hadn’t expected that. Not Devon. He was simply too easygoing. “You’ve been feeling jealous too?”

He buried his face into her neck. For several seconds he merely sat there, holding her as if she were a lifeline. Finally, he lifted his head and muttered, “Last night, when I left you two alone, it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”

Guilt washed over her. The two men she loved beyond anything else were hurting and it was because of her. “I’m sorry,” she said, though it seemed so damn lame.

“Damn. I’m screwing this all up. No, don’t be sorry. You did nothing wrong. It’s just…we both love you and that makes this relationship tricky.”

It infuriated her that she couldn’t ease their pain. “I’m not giving up on us. We can work out a solution. You two need to stop being so damn stubborn, that’s all.”

“Stubborn, huh?”

Devon’s head snapped up and, because she was still sitting on his lap, she could feel his entire body go bowstring-tight. Tory turned and saw Con standing in the doorway, his hands shoved into the front pockets of his jeans. The smile he sent Devon was teasing and full of mischief.

“You had time with Tory and I didn’t interrupt,” Devon said, obviously not amused by Con’s sudden appearance. “Maybe you can pay me the same courtesy?”

Con held up his hands as if in surrender. “I know. I have a few things to say and then I’m gone, I swear.”

Tory got to her feet, then bent to retrieve her shirt. She heard Devon curse when she slid her pants back on. “We’re listening, right, Devon?”

“Fine,” Devon muttered as went to the bathroom. When he came back out, he reached down to the floor and grabbed his boxer-briefs. “But this better be good.”

Tory couldn’t pull her gaze away from the sight of Devon gloriously naked except for the small amount of black cotton. It didn’t have a prayer in the world of concealing his semi-erect cock. She had to forcibly turn her head back to Con, who was grinning at her as if to say
I know what you’re thinking.

“Con,” Devon growled, his voice full of menace.

“Uh, yeah. I’ll get right to it. Look, I know that my jealous streak rearing its ugly head has recently thrown a big fucking wrench into our happily-ever-after. I’m sorry for that. I wish I could tell you it’s gone now that I’ve had Tory to myself, but it’s not. It may never go away.”

Devon quirked a brow. “That’s what you came to tell us? That nothing has changed?”

Con shook his head, all signs of teasing gone. “No. Shit, I suck at this.”



What She Needs

God, the man was like a fish out of water when it came to sharing his feelings. She couldn’t stand to see him struggling so hard to find the right words. Closing the distance between them, Tory placed her hand on his forearm. “It’s okay.”

He stared at where they were connected, as if searching for inspiration. Finally he said, “Last night, when you and I made love, it was so damn good. Hell, it was amazing.”

“For me too, Con.”

“But I realized something.” His gaze went to Devon when he admitted, “I love both of you. I don’t want one without the other. I thought I did. I was prepared for war, Dev. But I don’t want you gone. I don’t think I ever did.”

“Then what’s with the jealousy?”

“I’m not going to lie. I may never get over it. But I can manage it. I’m a big boy, not a damn teenager.

I can deal with the little green monster.”

Devon took a few steps toward Con, then stopped and asked, “Was it the evening alone with Tory? Is that what made you realize all this?”

He pushed a hand through his thick dark hair. “That was part of it. The truth hit me when I walked in here a few minutes ago and watched you two making love.”

Tory’s face heated. “Wait. You were here long enough to see—?”

Con chuckled and took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze. “You’re embarrassed? Baby, I’ve seen every inch of you, made love to every inch too. Although, I admit, I never quite understood why Devon liked to watch us. Until now. And I’ll be damned if I’m going let something as stupid as jealousy fuck that up.”

Devon let out a huge breath. “You can’t know how good it is to hear you say that.”

Tory’s heart melted when she watched the two men exchange looks. “So, um, we’re good?” she asked, practically holding her breath.

“Yeah, we’re good.” He winked and dropped her hand, then backed up a few steps. “I’ll leave you two alone now.”

“Wait,” Devon called out. Con turned, a question in his eyes. “I have a confession too.”

Con cleared his throat and looked away. “It’s cool. I overheard.”

“No, it’s not cool. Look, last night sucked,” Devon stated, not one to mince words. “I’m not sure how the three of us should proceed, but being separate, not sleeping with you two, yeah, that sucked. So, are we still doing the alone-time-with-Tory thing or what?”

Con glanced at her, then shoved a hand through his hair and replied, “Christ, I vote no.”

In two strides Devon was in front of her. He cupped her chin and asked, “What do you say, sugar?”

“All I want, all I’ve ever wanted, was to be with the two of you. I want you guys happy and I want this to work. I can’t imagine my life without you. So, I vote no as well.”


Anne Rainey

“You both enjoyed the evening, though,” Devon said, his voice gentle and full of concern. “And I enjoyed my time with you just now. The truth is, I think we’re going to need these moments.”

“You mean, so I don’t threaten to kidnap Tory, take her to some unnamed island where no one can find her and she’s forced to live out the rest of her days pleasing me and only me?”

Devon snorted. “Yeah, that.”

“We’re thinking it to death.” Both men’s gazes zeroed in on her. Hot damn, they were handsome. Best of all, they belonged to her. “I say we play it by ear. If the need arises, we talk and make a plan. It only became a problem this time because genius here chose to keep his feelings to himself.”

He tapped her nose. “I’m an idiot,” Con conceded, “duly noted.”

Tory beamed up at him. “Glad to see we’re on the same page.”

“This has been a great talk,” Devon said, “but there’s still some unfinished business to attend to.” He started to remove his boxer-briefs and Tory noticed that Con looked to Devon for his queue. Devon smiled, and Con started stripping out of his gray T-shirt. “Damn, I do love it when we have unfinished business.”

Tory watched the two men, her heart filled to bursting when they both stood nude in the bright light of day staring at her as if she hung the moon. No, they weren’t perfect and this definitely wouldn’t be their last hurdle to leap, but they were hers and she would fight tooth and nail to keep them.


Chapter Eight

Tory stood at the railing, staring out at the ocean. Cancun was every bit as beautiful and romantic as she’d hoped. The warm weather was perfect for snorkeling and lazing in the sun. The cool night breeze off the water sent a chill down her body as she watched the dark waves slowly rolling in, then back out again.

It was their first night there. She wondered if Con and Devon would even let her out of bed to enjoy the sights, much less go snorkeling. Or if she’d let them out! She grinned at the thought, then heard a shuffling from behind. Turning her head, Tory watched Devon and Con striding toward her. They were dark, strong and mostly naked. Her body stirred to life.

“Why are you out here when we’re in there?” Con asked.

Tory barely suppressed the need to moan. Con’s deep voice always had the power to turn her on. Of course, his bare chest and sexy red boxers didn’t hurt, either. Boxers she’d bought him for their first V-Day together. “I’m enjoying the night. It’s so lovely here, Con.” She pointedly looked at his boxers and wanted to curse. “I can’t believe I couldn’t think of a better gift for you and Devon.”

Con took her in his arms and held her tight. “We told you before, baby,
are the best gift any man could wish for.”

“Thank you, for everything. Including this wonderful trip.”

“Thank Devon too. Without him, we wouldn't be here.”

Tory pushed backward and peered to the left of Con to see Devon in his brand-new electric blue knit pajama pants, a warm smile on his face. “Thank you, Devon.”

He leaned close and pressed his lips to her temple. “Come on, you can thank me properly inside.”

She stepped out of Con’s arms and followed Devon into their suite. The hotel was beautiful, the room ridiculously expensive, and yet it could be a hole-in-the-wall for all she cared. Her sole concentration was on Devon in that moment as he tossed his pjs on a chair and headed toward her, a gleam of wicked intent lighting his eyes.

As if the three of them had choreographed each move, Tory walked to the right until her knees hit the end of the bed, then she turned. Devon reached out and pushed at the center of her chest, knocking her to the plush, cream-colored comforter. She shimmied up the mattress so that she lay in the center. Con, in all his bronzed and dark-haired glory, stripped out of his clothes and spread out on the bed next to her, while Devon lowered himself on top of her. Their well-muscled bodies and the intensity in their sexy eyes were Anne Rainey

BOOK: What She Needs: Cape May, Book 3
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